Y�s �_ �'. .y� `�rq � �S •a'� ' . �, v� -�. �l �
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<br /> ;`c_� �,t`�..� �.Y.t�r.'v`�� _ _ ['i.w -- - - - c . a,�a _g- � .xr"�_ _
<br /> 2 � :����y' ..-g ... •� _ ' .
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<br /> -� ---- ' ' . - ' • ,� . . '
<br />_- ------— — y �'f.�fA�.SrCT Ot�FI'O�I}?@�91�TA���}1'AOSP�:�A11 O! �'1t O�th8 PNpCL[3►O=8II3►�IIt�L�A It
<br /> A
<br /> _� ------- �S ebid or tcansfar�(ar if a tat lnter�t in 8omovrer ts sulA ar traasferred ana, rrow�ec is qot a natural petsoa�wIteout � . -
<br /> _�. -_� -���ar-�Situ�x�cs�t,..L�d�r ma�rS at_its.�t�O�.ireclui�emm�diate Pay�t ia full og.all:�s_�6v.�his=-- �—
<br /> _ — _ - - -- S�cauity�fis�u�ent.Kowevep.ttis erpdon shall aat-be eicen�sedby��f ifv��nise st-pmTil6loo�by�ederai law as of tke da�e
<br />_� -- -- oYtbiaSecvriry Iase�unaent� . .
<br /> - If Leade�exercises this opdon;�,eader shall give Bonower nottae of aooete�atian The aotioe shall provQde a peeiod of not
<br /> `- les�than 30 Qays�cnm the date the notice is delivered or'maiied wltWa wluch BQmnwer mvst pay ali s�nas seaired by t6is
<br />`�' SeaQity Iastrument.If Boirower f$its to pay these sumsp�or to the expiration of tLis perIod:Lender may in'voke��oy►r�medies
<br />'` penmitted by this Set�ityr Ins��witaout futther not�ae or demand on Bmmwer.
<br />- 18. Borrotv�'s �ig�t.tu Reinstate. If Borrower meess cerrain couditioas, Borrower shall.Ua�re the right to 6ave
<br />- eafo:vement pf this g�uriry insuument discontinued at any time pdor to the earlier of-(a)3 days(or such other period as
<br /> � . . . applie�bk 1s�c �r s�ifY-fos*p�++� ent?.�efote.sal�.of the "� to any ower of.sale ooutaiued iu t6�s•;�.:,�,� -.----___
<br /> en+ Pt+c=�!Puisuant P
<br />_ � t���n .. Secmit�!L�s��;�(b)eRU]►of a judgment eaforcing this Seauit3E�t_Thase conrlitimss are that Bormwer:(a)Fa�'s ' -- _-
<br /> ;ti�� ,� _ :: I:eader�all�: h thea woWd 6e due�mder ttis Securiry Iasuu��nd the Nate as if au ecoeleratioa had oaurred;t�� _
<br /> =f.- �;_�. ... a��Y�.o�:any other cavenants or agreements;(c1 gays ati expeases iucurred in enforcing ttris Security tnst�um�t; . �� =
<br />�".��, 'n
<br /> ::��'��i�"`��' •�£�fiunited to.ceasonabie attomeys'fees:and(d)fakes sucH acaon as Lendes may reasonably requue w assvre
<br />�r,� `�'•�;�3' �eo,v�i�s:Security Insuvmenc,I.cnder's nghts in tDe Pmperty end 8orrower's obligation to pay the sums secuied by _
<br />-'�=--�i�,.;._�:. this Secarity I�trument a6aU oontimie•uachanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, tIIis Security lnshument and the
<br />:j:: . _ .
<br />-= x:,..�_.���;..,-�A�z;:. • oblig�teens•seaved hereby shall remain fully eflfactive as if no aooeletation had oc�cu�red.However,dtis right to�einstate shall
<br /> _ ., ,{. .- :
<br /> .�_.,.�.:;.:=::. aot apply.�n the case of aoceteiation tutder paragtaph 1�.
<br /> ' " :.:,.F� . _;:.::•�3 19. Sale of Noie; Cbange of Loan�erWoes. The Note or a pa�tial interesc in the Note (tagether �vttA tt�is Sea►dty --
<br /> `=•' Instiument)ma be sold one or mote times without rior notiae co Borrower.A sale may ccsult in a change in the entity(knowa _
<br /> - �__.. ; ,,': Y , P ----
<br /> •°� � , as the'Loan SeYVCcer")that wllects monthly payments dae under the Note and this Securiry insUUment.The�+e a1s9 may he one
<br /> '- �. '. or more changes of the Loan Seivicer unrelated t�a sale of thc Note.if there is a chunge of the Lnan Se�vicer.Borrawer wi!!be =___ __
<br />-�� � given���itten notice of the chsnge in accordance witA par�s�aph ld above and appficable law:The�utice wiq s�nte the nama and _�
<br /> �,R� " ` ' . address of the ncw laau 5ervlcer und thc addrcss to whtcb payments sdould be made.TRe ncaticc will ulsa conialn any other _
<br /> � - infom�tion tequired by upplicablc law.
<br /> � - - - - t0.H�rdous Sabstances.Burrower shall not cause or�ermlt the presence. use.disposal, storngc. or rrtease af any �-;�<<�`-__ —
<br /> s " ' Hozardous.Substances on or in the Propeny. Borrower sha11 not do. nor allow enyone else to du. anything eft'ecting the . ��_
<br /> �, �_ � Property ti�st is in violation of any Envimnmental Lnw. The pm�eding two sentences shall aot apply to the presenoe.��ot =_��x�.
<br /> � ` . storage on�the Pcoperty of emall quundties of Hazar�ious Substances that are generalty recognizcd to be appmpriate to nomaal .�.r�;;;:,'_
<br /> � ��: residential uses and to maintenance of the Propeny. '"•�m-p•:':
<br /> � . Borrower shall mm dy give L.ender written norice of any investigation. claim.demand.tawsuit or other action by any "�"�`�
<br /> �:.-�":`��
<br /> - � govemmen�a!or regulatory agency or private party imotving the Pmperty aad any Ha7ardous Substance or Eavironmental law � . .,':;
<br /> � of which Bomower has actual lcnowtedge. If Borro�ver leams.or is notified by any govemmeatal or�+egulatory authority.that. � • .=,;y;;��-
<br /> f � . any remavaf�or uther remediation of any Hazandous Sabstance affecting the Property is m�cessary.Boaower shaq promptly ta&e ' .°:»�
<br /> ti.:"..�.":
<br />. � ..� . '. '. atl necessfuy remedial actions in acoordance with�nvironmental Iaw. �-i�;t'��_
<br /> �. � As used in this parasraph 20, "Haiardous Substances"are those substances defined as toxic or haTardous substances by ,�"'i�-.:. -
<br /> - Environmeatal taw and tfie following substauces: gasoline. keroserie,uther flammabte or toaic petroleum products, tozic � - _ _
<br /> e .
<br /> �. pesticides and herbicides.volatile solvenu,materials containing asbestos or fom�aldehyde.and radioactive materials.As used ur' ;•`'"='�•
<br /> _ � Uus paragiaph Z0. "Environmental L.aw" rt�eans federal laws and laws of the urisdiction where the Pro �s tocated that � ``''�'��--��
<br /> i ��� - relate ta heaItIr,szfety or environmental pmtectian. J �� • �..�.:: a:- ��.•.
<br /> � ' NON-LR�'fi��(7RM COVENANTS.Bonower and l.ender further co�enant and agree as follows: l�'�����.
<br /> . • �_ .� . . - .� • T'r� ..
<br /> �• �' 2E:Aaoe��atlon;Remedies.l.euder shall give nottce to Borrower prtor to aceeteration fol�owtng Borrower's toreasP� � � •
<br /> �;• .:.:; � s t ,�.. ',, . �,'. �.
<br /> ; ,,�;�: � , of ata�oDS�nt or agreement in this Security Insriarmeat (but not pr�or to soceterafioa under pardpapb 17 aniPSS .
<br /> �r� , � p s�ecity: (a)the defautt;(b)the action
<br /> i.-_.`��,�;: ra�STx Eaw mv�des otheraise).The aottce shali eequired to�vre the d�amP�t; • -
<br />-:;•�; a:;:�t��,� . _ � (c)a dsy�,naY t�ss than 30 days from the date the notice fs grven to Bort+ower.by whicA the default must De cut^ecII;a�o3 : ° , .Y�
<br /> :: (d) ttrat faiaure tv cure the default on oc before the date speci�;:ed la the notIee may resuit in aaeterattoa of the summs �•i �
<br />_��\``' �;'-'•��;'•''� s e c u r�e�by t 9�is S e c u r ity U i s t r ument an d s a le o f t he P r ope�c"�6e ao t ice s h a t l fu N her i n fo r m B o r r o w e r o f t h e r i g�t�c c s � : `.'{�"'
<br /> � �eu>'.: . .
<br /> . _,:,�r�• reinstate aftes arcelerateo� and t8e right to br�ag a court actca�a to assert the non-existeace of a default or any at��r ;�; .
<br /> � � ' '�`� `. deYense of Boarower ta ac�eteration and sale. If the defau[t Ls aot cured�n o��eFore the date speciPed in the notase, .?{�,,. �
<br /> S
<br /> � , Lender,at its option,miag r�qutre tmmedlate pay�meat in full oY all sums sect��ect by tdfs Security lnstrument w-ithflr�t �`;�.� �
<br /> •� a � further demaQSd and may invoke the power of sate aad anv other remedtes pennitted by appllcabie law.Lender s�alt Ibe ^"�• � .'-:"�_
<br /> ' � � en/iQed to colS�ect all expenses incurrcd in pursuing the remedies pro�ided In this paragraph ZD.iacladin�,but not Iimit� ' �������:�:
<br /> ^y: t to,rnasonamie aitorneys'fees and costs of titte evtdence. � °�•��
<br /> � i IP the power of sale is invo[ced, Trustee shall r�ecord a notice of defaul/ in each coun3r ln whicb aay part o!the �. .
<br /> t Pn�a�evty is tocated and shnli maU copies ot such nat�ce in the manner pre.uribed by applica�le taw to Borrower and to •
<br /> • ttae aiher persons presc�i6ed by appllcubte law.ARer tRr�time required by applicable law,Tnistee shall give pu6lic notice
<br /> h t,>°
<br /> � • , of sale to the�sons and in the manner prescribed by applicabte lativ.Trustee,�vtthout demand on Borrower,shal!s�l . ;;`�,.
<br />'� ' � • the Propecty at public auction to the hlg{test bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in tde noti¢e�f ,.
<br /> � : sal�in ome or more parcels and in any order Trunee determines.Tru.titee may pnstpone sale ot all or anypnrcel of 4Cne ' , .
<br /> �} �" '' . Puo,�rt,v by public annourrcement at ihe time und place of any previoucly�scheduled sale. I.ender ar its designee may `:;�� ' �
<br /> . , .� p�md�se Ehe Property ai any sale. , �`
<br /> ::,..
<br /> �`,. , �� � .
<br /> - : : , '
<br /> ' '�;' Form 3028 9190
<br /> � �
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