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<br /> _-- - � . � ` 93� 1��� �
<br /> — . S.@a��tl�n�:�op�irq►�Imsar�se. �on�ower stiaU �cep t�e improvements now eidst�g v:�ertaft�r esectM on the
<br /> - - ---- Pr�operiy:insutcsfi:�tit�t Ioss by f�e:haauds�includcd witWa�taa term 'exteuded oaverage°aatl.aay other i�amid.s.iaciu4ing
<br /> ° _ �� . .__ . - -- - . _ _
<br /> — - - tt—iNds�orlra �� or•w�'L�ntier tiecl�i�es insnro�toe.This insuranoe sh�ll be maiatained in tde affiaduts " � - -
<br /> --. -
<br />-- — thut Lend�r mquirt�„T�o Insuraa4e a�ier Fra!vlding the insnranca ehall be c�hosen by 8olrower subjcct t$Lender's approvsl
<br />_ -- �vhicb sasS1 nat ba acue�sonat�ly witWtei�. If Bolrower fai�ls to mainmin coverage.des�tib�d��re. Lender may. at Leuder's�
<br />— option.o�t�in cave�t,,sa to protect Lender's righte ic3 the Froperty in a000sdaaoe wIth parageaph 7:
<br />- � All�ins�mnaa�oliries aad nenewata shaJt he ac�oeptaDte to t+ender a¢d shall iuclnde a smndaN mortgage clause. Lender
<br /> � shall ttave tl�a ri�6t�w.hotd the p�licIas aadrenewals.If,I.ender�quin�s.Bor�ower shaU pra�hptty gtve w Lender all racetpts of
<br /> paid prEmiums�and tene�val aotices.Ia i�e eve�t of tass,Barrowcr s�all�ive pmmpt notice w the Insuranoe carrier and Lender. �
<br />-> � Lendear maKmsfcapmof of Coss if nat made Bot�ower•
<br /> _�, _ ,_k��Y�7t .
<br /> _, - ._: _ Uniess l.e�oder atid Bo�rower ot�eswise agreE in wrIting.insoranoe pnooe�ds sba]T be applied�o restoration or�epau`r af t1�e - - -- _
<br /> ;��. - Peopertp demag,ad.if the restoration or nepair is eoonomically feasible end Lender's security is nut tesseaed.lf tLe t+estoiation or _
<br /> -:�. repair is nnt eavn�cally feasible or Leader's security aould be lesseued.the.insurance pmoeeds shall be applied to the sum4
<br /> � �{�y,�,�n1Y in�tn�ment_ whether or not then due.with atYy excess paid to Bormwer. If Bomnwer abaudons the —
<br /> - - Property,ordoes.nnt aaswer within 30 days a notice fmm Lender tbat the ins�uaace carrier has offened w seute a claim.th�t ----
<br /> '�` °' ���= Ler�e�may.ootIdct the insurduoe proceeds. Lender may use st�e��ts�ads,ta npair or reswre the Yrogeaty or?���ay sums
<br /> uoe
<br /> -�� �;:-.:• , �. ,
<br />_ r---��=��--�- s�t,..-�l by Wis Sneniity Insdvmem,wkether or�not thea d��he 3'(�day��ad c�rill begin when tt��r�ice is�iv�i..•.�:� — -
<br /> ' .�f-;���t :. . �
<br /> , � , €� , :f3nless.Len�e�and Boaawer��as�.��e in wdt�g,�r�I'icauon�€��+ace�ds`iv�s�oii�at s�t�o2-�ar
<br />_� �'` `°`�''�': `�, pw�ZO�:sh�du$tt�e of the�ont'nIy �ayin�ents c�ferred to in gazagapi�s �anc!�or ch�g�c�e ami�nna of��ayme�:��•�. -
<br /> � x�. ��,�. a . _.
<br />�l� ;��s:�,Y f����a} , �de�r�a..►e�c�a���2'►i "�e�Pe�t�r s aaq�ir�€�g Leader,Boma�er's '��. 'to.an���olici�s and g�naaeds c�g�frr•itss ..
<br /> ���x'�^��=���� datr��¢o shePtag�y priar'r to the acquisitian shall pass w Lender to tti�ex2em of the�suins secured.bp this Secnrity Instruma��.�
<br /> t;�.=,�y�, R rr#;)
<br /> �31�;�t".'r`� 'r . . � .
<br />�'�: '4`,;FC*����:�;:;�;�+t IAlIII�18tC1��lIYtC�2i�IC8CQ111S�h011. _
<br />�� . .: . , . `*f � 6.Oacnp�q*,Pteservation,Maintenauee and Peatec�[on o�the�¢+opei4y,Borrower's Loaa Applicatlon;Leasehotdg.
<br />-:�' _�--.---..W-,�;-�-.` BoFSa�aer s6a11 aocnpy.establish.and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days a8er the e�cecuEiau of -
<br /> -�;." � . `.;`�`� ; this Secutity Insqitment and shall continue to occup�f the Prnperty a4 Borrower's principat re§�dence for at least ons year a8er
<br /> - ' '..�°.., the date of oavpancy,untess l.e�sder otherwise agrees in weiting. which consent shall not be unreasonably withM[d,or untesg
<br /> � extenuating ci�+cumstances exist which ar� beyond Borrower's rnntrol. Barrower shall not destroy. damage or impair the
<br />_ Prop�ty.aflaw:the Pcoperty to detertn�ate.or cownit waste on the Property. Barrower shall be in default if eny forfeiture
<br /> � ` actian orprooeoding.whether civil or cdminal.is begun that in Lender's gaod faith jadgment wuld resuit in forfeiture of the _= _
<br /> � �- . . Property or othenvise materially impair the lien creatod by this 5ectulry lnstniment or Lender's security interest.Borrower may -_
<br /> _-. � --.- cure such a deft�utt pnd reinstate.as provided in paragraph 18.by causing the action or praceeding to be dismissed with a ruling __ _ __
<br /> ; � .' that. in Lender'e-gaod•faith determinatton. precludes forfeiturc of the Borrower's interest in tfte Propetty or otlier material =_
<br /> � impairment of the 1[en created by thls Socurity Insuument or Lender's security interest. Borrower shal!also be in defauli if =__
<br /> - _ . Borrower.dwia8 the loan application pmccss.�ave materiaUy false or inaccurate information or statements to Lertder(or failed �
<br />- ;�' , to prm�ida Lender with any material infom�auon)in rnnnection with the loan evidenced by the Note.incIuding.bue aoi limiced —:�.�_
<br /> • . ` to.representatians conceming Borrower's accupancy of the Property es a principal residence.If this Security In4trument is on a :��;_°���
<br /> , Y�-- ----
<br /> _ teaaehold, Bosrawer shaQ comply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acguires fee tide to the Property. the °':.�.�;;-_
<br /> `- "_, � _ leasehotd and tho fee tide shall not mcrge unless Lender ag�+ees to the merger in writing. --;�4;���_ _
<br /> ' � �;`� � 7.Pe+atec�fun oY LeadeT's Rtghts in t�e Properiy.If Borrower fails to pedorm the wvenants and agreements wntaiaed in " V'fi�°'�''�
<br /> ( ,� . ; `�'?�'_
<br /> . this Secvrity Ir�ument,or there is a legal praceeding that may signifcantly affect Lender's rights in the Property(such as a .;,; . �,s�..,_•
<br /> ��' � � ,. proceediag in bankruptcy,probate, for condemnation or forfeiture or to enfarce laws oc regulatians),then l.ender may do attd `.i's'�,` `��A
<br /> . �..�—�-
<br /> F, .. . � pay far what�v�r is necessary to pmtect the value of the Property and Leader's rights i�thc Property. Lender's actions may -
<br /> !.� - �'.'.i���::'_
<br /> - irtclude paying any sums secured by a liea which hac priority over �:is Security Instrument, �,ppearing in court, paying _ �;:,`��,,;;;_._:
<br /> � ' `` reasonable attamzys'fees and entering an the Property to make repairs.A:�t�ough l.ender may rake ac�on under this paragrapS� '."��.�,
<br /> f 7,Lender does not have to do so. '�'i�;� :�.� _
<br /> � ' Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this parapaph 7 shall become addirionaf debt of Borro�ver sexurcd by this - �� � °�{-
<br /> . Security Insuument. Unless Barrower and Lerzder agree to other terms of payment,these amouats s�na31 bear interest fram the . ;�7?Y�:,...,-'��,��.
<br /> ��:,:� ; . date oi disburs�.msnt at the Note ratc and sha:f be payable, with inter��st. upon notice from Lenct.°s to Borro�ver requesting :_�k�a a�?a,�i,.
<br /> payment. �,,;,,,�.�i.
<br /> �1 •�' � 8.Mortgpge Insuranee.If Lender required mortgage insurance t►s a condition of making the loan secured by this Security � E��`ttti;�;� ,
<br /> ' :�° �� Invtrumene. Hnrm�ver shall pay the premiums required to maintain the martgage incurance in effect. If. for any n�son. the ::;.,;�.;•,^'.�?_sy°�+�t�{���`•�� s��:�
<br /> Y�, '.
<br /> , � �:.;�'�,',, ,. . � mongage insunNre coverage required by Len�er lapses ar ceases to be in effect.Borrower shall pay the premiums tequired to �.�*�a;t;�:;;:;;.: .
<br /> < � obtain coveru v substantiall uivalent to che mon a e insurance reviousl m effect.at a cost substantialt e uivalent to the � '•'•i;'lz'�.;`.-.
<br />__ S Y�1 S S P Y � Y 8 ;;�i,Y�.,
<br /> �1,�� ` � cost ta Barrn��ti'r oP the mortgage intiurance previously in eifect. from an altemate mongage insurer appraved by l.ender. If • `�'+'�,��a���
<br /> � .- .,�.�r�f �.
<br /> �� sub3tantially equivalent mongage insurance cover.�ge is not availuble.Borrawer�hall pay to Lcnder each month a sum equal to _
<br /> '� ' or,�-t��elfth of th�yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Bonawer when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> , y��`•.� . .
<br /> � ,, . . b�e in effoct.Lert�er will accept.use and retain these payment+ac a lorti reserve in lieu of mnrtgage insurunce. Loss reserve
<br /> ' ` I form 3028 9/90 �
<br /> ' � I Vago 3 oi 6
<br /> i� � . . ' •
<br /> * . .
<br /> ��� � � ..
<br /> �� �
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