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<br /> --� 18. ����E�f�n 0!!lM.U9f�tor�tm�ntot modlRo�en a1 tmQlBza@Ol�.al�N Wrn� nd�t� : '
<br /> -- - . Q��� ���i�afusa�n»tntn��oL�lrat�alt�a�quli+idmcemmi����fhAtt�bility�
<br />- _ - 0l1MOt101sf��E�atlQB�►ta
<br />- -- � �ahwaca�a�arroAme���ndtlrt�ifa�pay�Marait�enxtrsmadit�+ama�ist�ol�e�me�cui�0 �tiDeedo�t�
<br /> ---==,�_ � by��oi any�nds maQs by M�ar�phtal8otrow�r tnd 6orro�i aucce�t�n�n Utat�t � ,
<br />_ +'� � (b?��lb��..Wttttnut eif�tln0 Me Itahlllry o!eny atlta�Paraan 1(abts iar the payment of say obt�a�on Noriin
<br />--
<br /> -, rteo�lanedu►dwithout�actln�theuenorct�auneofthtaDaedotTtustW�onenYportlanctmeproDerty►nots�aROreiara�oEan
<br /> _��.._._ _ _. _ . �-- reteas�aa�#Yla�tls�f�ltaaiaantoteltunD��DBgatta(��.endecae�y.�omtlinetotlmeandwit�o�no4cem, ameanY
<br /> -
<br /> _ _..
<br /> perevnwttabtapDexrenatltematwtt�+oratmrenyotthetermaofanysuctiobtrpa�orurmq�anto�arUdvtpen�a. -
<br /> - - cr taconvey.cr cawe to be rotaesed or recoeveyed atany Wna et tsndara aptlan any parce4 Ra�a»or att o!tns R�pertY.
<br /> 6��'� (ar}fake or releaae ar►y other or additlanet securriY tar a�ry obttgaUon heraia menttoned or(V!)make composittons or otRer
<br /> etr�anpe�rtenl�witA de�tors tn ratatlan thereta
<br /> (c)�rue�bp i�ndu[�Aot M WaN�r•AnY ta�b�r+aRCe Dy Lender tn exerclaing any dOht ot remedy Reteundu.ar
<br /> offierwtaa afforded by appltcsbla taw.ahatf rtm be a waNar at or preciude the exerc�ea a!er►Y such�isht or oa�l.Tt�e
<br /> rca
<br /> �� taxeaoroUtertIenaarchargesbylendershali notDaawatvesof�.ender'erfgM4o
<br /> procisroment oi Inaurertce cr tha payment ot
<br />���! acceterat�the maturity ot the tndebtedneas sawred by thta Geed of Trust
<br />���,�,,.-- --�"�-' .(d�Sua�ors and Ast�n�Bou.nd:Jo[M and 6tr�N L�r�The cavenants an0 sgreemeets hetein co�
<br /> -=����.� tained st�all binA.and the rigAts hereunder sAell inure fl0.ttie�ecttve suecessoYS sr+d assigns ot lender et�Trus�r.N1
<br /> -�_---� :�_�saz��:.::� hsotthle0eedof _
<br /> �;:� . tip;�qr�and.a�ceernente otTirustor shalt be jolnt and saveral.The t�ptions ejM h�eadings otfh+a pare9reP
<br /> ;a
<br /> '``•'"�`•:� TovSt e�a br conventence onty and are nat to De used to Intarpret or define tAe provlstans ttareot
<br /> :�`�' nattceoldefaulttiswunderandaeoAytctanyaotfce
<br /> � � ��',",,;,.k � _
<br /> _�.Fy�n,k•.;in,.,�:-= fe}ih4ue�14Qrt1o8e��.ThepaAtesherebyrequestthalecopyofe�Y -
<br /> �'�'� �''. ` =� ��ata Q9r�under be meited to eacA party to ffiie Oeed oi Ttust at tha address eSt tortR abov9 Tn the m�anner pr�ed bY .
<br /> fr���� ._Y. p�itiebte law.Except br eny other nottce requir8d undsr eppHC8bl8 tSw LD b0 gtven in ar�oth8r manner.enY eottce Pn�vided � :_^
<br /> :'---°-z,-�.� .- f��1�tt�IS�ef7fuslslssfi@8givenhyrtK�ilingsuch net[csbyceAifledqtaitaddtesss�ftv�.eather�aiass►atths�:�9set ���-� _ ,
<br /> :`��'.,'�;;�c,��' s . _ (�e�sya.My aoUce Provi�Eaflinr.tn tt�is Qeed o!7lrust sAali be effec�ve upon ma�'Grigfirc�ema,�ner d�t�.H -
<br /> �. .._�. ....�°`�--�:, ,�.. . .
<br /> -.,-.�f�,,�.,.�.,.. Tri�s2ar Ia more than ane persar�.r�ntice sent Ruthe addr�s sei foM 8bove shatl be rto6aa'm7i8ti&uc�f p�rsona �
<br /> � � .. .. ��..�: (4 U�ptcBon.�ender may make or caus�t4.be made reasonaDte entries upon and insp8dioas��ta Prope�ilt:.pravtded�. .'.` .
<br /> — .;``;. �," �,.., , : thst Ler+rder sha11 give Tnismr rto�ce pNOr ta anit such inspection sAecitytn9 reas+onaDie cauae tt����ee to Le�1d�r'e ;. . ,
<br /> —;..�__,... ;v°.:,:',,_. . . . .: . .. . .
<br /> — .. �`�•� °=, . intarest tn the Proi�erty►•. .. .
<br /> — � • �<<�` �?:';.�. '� i� (�RkonwYane�Upon RaymeM of atl sam�secured trytMs Oeed of 7r+iaL lenders�aait�equa�?��8 tbr�canusYth9=. '_ _- -- -
<br />=�<;..;� . :_.4.,,.�.:r;:. . -__ -
<br /> �...•�.... iP�aRyaedsnallsurrendertAtsOeedofTrustandallrto�esridencfngtndebtednesasac�edbythlsIIaedof�Tiu��m�c�`
<br />�:':'':::�:°�'� ,. Te�siae ena11 reconvsy the Properq►wiMout waRaMy an��out charge to the pe►s�n or peraons Es�a11y ertti�016i��setA �
<br />=��;'�u;<_:.�_;_,:_�'�.,..�:`'. - •. . . TtuBtor Bhal!pay ail cosb of recardaUon,if any. � . ' ' - ._
<br />-4��:•� .+��,.:... .�:�;�:,:�`
<br /> �r:..i.�`-` .;:�::•, ,, (1�piT�Q11tl1 PlO�S�W' �tY AQ�As additicna!security�tas the payment o!the Note.Tnistor herebY 8�
<br /> c-,:�••;�-v `e�=r;:;,:- .:, ¢,�erundertheNebresteaUnKermCom�rterelalCadeas�urinrinterestirt�Uixtures�equipmen�andotherpersonalpropertyl
<br /> �•:,... .?Z� .
<br /> �: .'�: :fF.°�..�:.���'" uDC�aDtneonnecBonwRhthere�test�eorimprovementaroca�sifthereon.endnototherwlsedectaredordeemedtobeap
<br /> - . _ ti•r .. .
<br /> " " i��;;� ,�.�'� the resl�te eeeured hereby.Thie instrument shall0a construed a8 a 3ecudry Agreement unQer�id Coae.and the Lender
<br /> �;���.p.>.�,-�•3.�. .,.y':.�...+. —
<br /> � ��: �•���• shafi have a0 the righte sr►d remedies ota secured parly unde�said Cade in additlon to the righta end remediee created under
<br /> ;;'_�; �,: endaccordedthel.enderpursusnttothtaDeedotTrusCprovidedthatLender'adghtsandremediesunderthteparagrepheh811 ___--
<br /> be cumutat[ve with.and in no way a limttatlon on,lenQePs dgAta end remedtes under any other seeurity 8greement slnned by �
<br /> � ;._��,.�-' ;�� ;� . 6orrower or Trustor. ---
<br /> m Lbns and EncumOrsne�s.Trustor hereDy wa►raota and representa that there Ia no deTauit under the provisions ot any
<br /> _�` � ' ���(, mortgage,deed ot truati lease or purct�ase contract descrihing att or any paA of the Property.or other contrac�tnstrument or ''��,_�_-
<br /> . .,,.��`.
<br /> rt'. egreemeQ►t consUtuUng a Ilen or encumbrance against atl ar any D�of the Prope�ly(coltectivsry."Uena'?,exlstln8 as oi Me :
<br />= date ot thla Oeed ot Trust and that any and ali exist�ng Llens remalo unmadifted except es disctosed to Lender In Truatore �_
<br /> � . � � " wdtten dlsciosure of tlena and encum6rancea pravided tor hereln.T�ustor shatl ttmely peAorm att of Tivator's oDiigatlona, r_-
<br /> " �•��'• • covenanta represenmtlona and warrantles under any and all extsiUng and tuture Uens,shall prompUy torwara to Lendar coptes • •�°� �.____
<br /> .,...•-.�:_;,•: ;; ;r'�', .' �.s=-
<br /> . � � , �:�•t:�.��� • ot aU noticea of deteult sen!In connecdon with any and all exisUng or tuture Uens,and shall not withou!lender's pNor written .
<br /> - •i.:.:�'�.., '+.
<br /> i�;z' - " � :� ccnsent tn any manner modiry the provistona of o�alfow any tuture advances under eny�xistlng or tuNre Uena ... . ,: ; :<<�-�
<br /> •rs�.
<br /> ; �•?�,�..,,�_;�.: . t Q)ApplleationotPaymentaUnlessotherwlserequlre�bylaw,sum9paidtoLenAerhereunder,includingwtthouttimit8tlon '°;�•. t°,.: ,.:
<br /> a , .. i payments oi pdnoipai and IntereaL insurence proceeda,condemnatlon proceeda and rents and protits.shail be apptied by ,: � ,�.4 '"
<br /> � -� LendertotheamountsdueandowingtromTnistorand6oROwerinsuchorderaeLenderinitssolediscreUondeemadesir8bta � �., •< - �,,;.
<br /> • � • (k)S�v�rebMyh 8 any provision of this 08ed of Truat confliCts with apA���bte taw ar Is declared Invalid or otherwtse �. �� s .��:':'-
<br /> j i:��� , '. �� unenforceabte,s�ucb confliCl or invalid(ty sheil not afteCt the Other provisons of Mis Qeed ot Trust or the Not9 which Cen b9 . • ��•�.
<br /> •.. � { glveneftectwtthouttheconflictingprovision,endtothisenStheprovisionaofthis0eedofTrustBndtheNoteBredeCtBredtoQO ••"�'�'�� `
<br /> Y :f . . ..,,,
<br /> `>, :` :. �` 89v�r8ble. . � ' ':
<br /> ' � • (q Terrt�.The terms'Truetar"aod"BorroweP'ahail Incfude both stngutar and piural,and when the Trustor and BoRCwer ; •��" �� �•-�
<br /> i '- � '. � •��, � , 8re the same person(s},those tertn9 as used in Mla Oeed ot Trust shali be interchangeable. ' .
<br /> :. . ;;,,. (m) Govemtnp tsw.This Deed of Trust shaH be govemed by the taws f the State of Nebras `;,�,� . '.:;'
<br /> _ ��' ��, � :,y,� TruSCSr has executed thla Deed o!Trust as of the dat9 wrttten abo . � . . �::
<br /> `�l;st: -- '' �
<br /> 1' ' • rusto► . . :,;.
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