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<br /> �, U���e�ctary.named th�ra�it deced�OS�i9,f 89- end recarded.ir� the offlce of tt� Registei�af.�
<br />-- Deede of HALL � -- - - _,,�;�,CauMy.NBHRASRA in Book �87-102892 at;
<br /> _�; pag�. . has been pa��.att€� � � � _ � ,
<br /> ...N01�18ST AANA N�RJ38RA; � � h88�3Sigit@d J`:�_:,�
<br /> THAT..INHEREAS. NATIO * ,,,.A980CI1�1�`IQN - . . .. . _ . . �
<br />_ ail df ita intsr�st as Beneficisry to ..rm�t�cr���rr�c� �� . • ` ----_
<br /> -- !'Sdccessor Bena�ic�ary'!�under the ebova-described Trust Oeed executed by �
<br /> - •-:,,=�� :. , � - ,.: .�.
<br />- - ';::'. ; PALtiYBJ,A S�RBKTBR. A 9INGL8�PBRSON .
<br /> - :4.,�.�::r� � suc:�assig�ma�t-racr.rd�-in-�#s---. -
<br /> _ �'•--a��� - - offc+�af the County of AALL � .NBBRASKA in Book DOC�#88=105�7b� �
<br /> k_..., , .
<br /> . �'Y �: at Page end . -
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<br /> ��a
<br /> ., �.�:.,, :� `'
<br /> �-; �: '.`.��• .:--�•y� TNAT, WHEREAS. Successo�Bene�iciary has requested in writing that thts Qeed of R�conveyance be�
<br />- ���� �'-��"����� executed and delivered as confimrted by ita endarsement befowr '
<br /> ', ' -� NOW,YHE�i�ORE, in consideretion of such payment and in accordance with the request of S�ccsssor --
<br /> ��i�.�; :.° �..;��'' � gsnefig€ary,the urtdersigned as Trustaa daes by these Arese�. 9rant, remis�, r�lease and reconvey�to __---� _
<br /> ' the person or persons entitled thersti�qr:aH the interest and estate derived to said'�'�+ustee by a through
<br />_:a� ,�:. .�� ��,: :. said Trust Oeed in ti�e following de��premises:
<br /> '' � � . .�ti`�, .' �:,�:; � LQT 8 IN BLOCK 3 IlJ OLDB`MII+L SUBDMSION, IN TS8 CITY OF`�RI�ND I$L�IND;
<br /> � ''. . �;���`�r> ' HAI,L �OUN'tY. NBBRASIQ�f.
<br /> .-,: �„�.- :, ---
<br /> -`:s `i:�;:s�<.� ..= OOQb7862 � �- -
<br /> �,�``` TAX ID #4 ' �i� -
<br />— ' . 5..t,;; --
<br /> ' � . . - . .. �--
<br />_;�'',<, Together with&Sl buildings,fixtures, improvements and appurtenances belanging ta such premises. .,` -
<br /> � � � -
<br /> L' � ' ' �k` ', , r,;�
<br /> :. r ,L ,
<br />_:�`� . �ii�''�`:a"''-a�---
<br /> t � f �� . �.tti.ti ��' _
<br /> � �`�- BY: Norwest Bank Ne�raska, N.A. �� . T ,,�--�
<br />- �:� .�.:: , . ... ..t �-' . . �% `� _M
<br /> ; . .., DAl'E0: Au€ust 26, 1983 . �;
<br /> �:,:
<br /> � ;. . . � . ; �' . :�� ..� .;`.
<br />_ . �;k;,� ,r - - , A1TESf• � ....,,-;;. �,.
<br /> "�� ., •Nancy S. Bloo , f►ce Presidept '''�' . �'� �
<br /> �; ' �,,, • , ' ; r-" ' �:.
<br /> ;';, . �: . . .�a c+ �f• �;,.. ��"
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<br />__ �;, . �+ � .
<br /> '} F.; :�: ' Stete•�Pf Nebraska � ._.. • •— . .' , ;:
<br /> � :; }"� ..�, � County of nouglas �SS • '� _ � ,
<br /> ;, i;�� �� beforo me the undersigned, a Notary Pu61ic duty . . .
<br /> � On this ��day of auguse , 1993,
<br /> �� ,',� commissioned and qualified for said County,persona lly came Nanev S. sioam, vice Prestdent,_, of .
<br /> � �!; Norweat Hank Nebraska, N.A. es T�uBtee, to be known to be the ideMical ps�san whose � . �
<br /> ��� � ' �. �etne Is subscri6ed to tita foregoing instrument a acicnawledged � e ecution thereof to ae hedt�ts �. ,
<br /> � ��� � voluntary act and deed es Ch Tnrsteo. ��y ,y��� � , ,
<br /> . ;., - J'I �J
<br /> �� My Commisston expire��� ��G!9� (,� ,
<br /> '�r�� �.�•_ . . , Notary Pub1iC � �,r
<br /> . . �rua�iu
<br />_ ..A;. �. ..:. ,. :, . . o..aan�aN
<br /> : �.�C ��;�.��.�: . � This is to cerafy that the Sbove named Trustee has been eq�ueste n wr oregoing .
<br /> ���. : Deed of Reconveyance an herR�is action m domg so is rati�ie end confumed n al!respects.
<br /> .� .i�;.'.; ..., .. ., NATIONAL CITY MORTGAGB CO.* , � � �
<br /> � .,. ,,°. *u�sscr Benefleia � ON OF AN�RICA •
<br /> '�' .. . . BY:
<br /> . . Pre ared b Suba����e
<br /> , P Ys �_�� r.
<br /> --- ' ---`--- HSIAN S. COTLBR !�"��' ..
<br /> _ ,_��_: . • —� --
<br /> ` jf�'" � ' • � NATIONAL CITY MORTaAGB C0. �I� VIt;�: rR�SID��TT
<br /> � �.} ��. . ���,'�" 3232 NB�i�N1ARRDRIVB. ATTNs PAYOFPS �_;__._...- ,
<br /> � ��� � : • MIAMI3BURG, OH 45342 NE OOR
<br /> , : .
<br /> .. . ..
<br />_ , . .
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