��. �,-�._r ,y�.y�: ">Qj%` ~i-i�'Y•�♦ Z A�.` _ ' _ � T- __ - -..�_...
<br /> �i i_.._� r.� '�R' _ �,�_ '4'• \ �vFt 1.�.� e�
<br />_ ".-<' o'��� -4'-`• ":R , � .'l`
<br /> �^�c.'� �C� � -.F� � . . . - , ! . � , ' • . ,t` Y�� ` .�'J ' .. ' . C��`.
<br /> -,__c.. "L -- -- }� . ' . `_.. z_ ,t.. ` . . :�:���� �` ` � .. . ` , ` � •
<br /> --�� � , ' - �< � �1(ilt�►aotastlQ abgoTtt�f dla�ri'�CI�� �!� `.:
<br /> - - � .�e pto�r ts i�tatros��F t�a����!�@hati hasrb�i��cptUo�., _ . . . . _
<br /> --- - - _ . ._� , - . 'u.i�frr�'se�eifil�l���Y�� _ . . _� .
<br /> � . . . .� . _, . .. _ .� - ` -- �:
<br /> +w+�.–c���=�—s�
<br /> _ 1�an�M�ioA��dsc as l�nQer ma�l�terre+►nei otto aAi�11 edeti�rocea�at�ersu�Fli d�Ctlo�b fl���d:fha N
<br /> - � �,tapardtup4resuc�ico�►di�nntaal.�endermAy.QatenntnqMy ap�pticattonotProt�edstalnd�btedn�ah�not�xtl�s��,
<br /> `� �.dise ddte�of anY Paymt�a undat�te�IOte.or aiita eiN def�uitt t�eceuridbr nriieronndai:Apy�aDpA�d.fi��s�'b4�d�f►- •
<br /> 7tii�9toti�,' . : . , , . . . .. . . . _. : . �� ,
<br /> � �'��i��totmancs6r t�drr:li�ontR�ocos�4ieslte�of'�rrEver�totRetauithere�il6er�otifau►yiao3ts4akl�odt�pi�i�:,
<br /> ° 'e�a�ii+ant�dvuhlchmaTeNaltydife�taLendet'atRt�reaEtntNe�r+Dyerty.t�ndermayt�lisotvte�lser@ttot►.6utWithoutobii�lim�l�Qd�..
<br /> ma e da,siNactwhT�ls•f1f�elo�ft��
<br />� � ep,�withaut�ctic�tQOrQema�tduponTniS�aran¢urUrioutrrs�easingTiustortram�anycOSl�{Htbn�
<br /> -� a�res0 butt3tts to do anQ may N�da mn�other act it desma necessary to protactMe securtry Aeroot Tt�ttor e'hi16 ta►stt�li��,
<br /> _ � - - ��t��oCpyLende��pey�i.e�►derallmataanQexp@e�se�lncunadartdsumsexpsndedby{�enderNrconnecUonw
<br /> _- ._...._.. _
<br /> � tf►aex�scieotsg�l�arotMetoregoing�ights�togettieivilthinteresttl�er�ortaflTie�e�a�ifia��tovid�ltntl�sNat�.-vili ahaEt�e- ---
<br />= . RQded ta.fhe i���ess secured her@by.L�ndet sAalt not lncur erry tleblliiy bcca�tae of anyMtrt�t�niay�!a ar omtt t�do
<br /> �Aereunder:. �,.. .. .,.:;. _..; , .
<br />- g�u�I�B�a::�ust�r BAaU kee6!9�e.Propeft�l tn compflanea with alt apPitcabte lawa orQtnl�nce�aR4�utaUon�'
<br /> teta�ing ta inauo�tal h�siie:t��.e�:j��x!t���ecuon(coitectAreqv e�rei�to neretrt as"e�vlronmenal�sw`s"�.thissRr sl�au'
<br /> k���p���yfr�e�p��, -° �t�s,�ObeK�ar�do�acr�oxi���anc�_ar►yEnviranma�iLsws(coitectivetyFr�tartad�a
<br />- � heraln at''H8=etdoud MstBNSls��r�g�e6Y wartants artd;ep?�;,'�r�:��ss t�arihere ere no H�sairQous Ma�erlt(s on a
<br /> --�� ----- Yndiflha�Peapedy Trostorherebj►egreestoindemnfry8ndha7d�gnntestl��7,�!9trectore.oltt�era,6mp1 yfees�deSM�artQ.;
<br /> �'�':''°� P iossesandfiebilitlesarle InconnecNO�rEridl��
<br />��"�_•_ �flyOUCCeaSOretOlenQeta.intoreslYtKa�mende,$atnat8nyan�a3f�taiiiis:.�' . �
<br /> res
<br /> --�::��', the pro=enca uaa dts�osal or uen50ort oi anft�arainous Mat�rTa�s ar�un3a�trom or ahout the Propetty.TH�FOREGOttst!
<br /> a.�:'a�="
<br /> �,.�:=�:r_ _.•��=, SURVNE AECCMlEY/WCE.O�Ttli3lpE£�OF TRUS? �..
<br /> k,�" . ., .<<-•; -10.AtN�t��M1Dt R�1b:Tril�aK t�eTeby asstgna to Lender the nants;�ies end Drofite ot the Property.Provided Mst Thtator
<br /> ����-=��'�`�":'�' af�atl,unUttheoccuaencearPan�ventotDefautthereunder:havetha�igtit��llscter�dretalnaucArente.tasueaandprofflsafM�y � .
<br /> - - , beCDme due anQ payabte.Uponthaoccurrence M an Everit of FJBfac�4�t�9'+�t1e�may.etther In person or by esen�wltb ar wlthovt
<br /> - ``�.�:: bdnqlnQ any ecUon or proceadfng.o:by a�cetuer epRQlnted by acoa��ami wlthout regaM M tha adequ8cy of ifs security.ent�r -
<br /> }, � � .���. _� upona�dfakePo�tonai#�aProAeAy.o�anypartthereot,[nttao�mns�meflrinth�nameoftheTniatee.anddoanyaatewNicfrR
<br /> �"'�`,.;,:,. �.• � d���ysg�y��esit�tppreserveth9va(ue.marketBbUtryarreMsbtlPlyaaitheProperty.orenypa�lthereofortntero3ttnsrot�, •
<br /> �• ' " inoraits lhe Inaamett�erefaom or protect the security horeo!artd,witR er'ii�'ithout taking passeastort of the PropeRy.eue tor ar
<br /> �� � cU+a�wKe coltect the rents.tssues and profia thereof,inctuding thcse past due and unpaid,and appry t�e same.leas casta nt�d
<br /> � .. : aapsnt��otoper�ttortandco�le�ttot►inctudingattomays'tees,uponanytnd�btedneassecuredhereDy.a111neucbordarasLender `
<br />- '•�•"�� • . �, m�y d�termins.The esMedng�apon and taking possess�on o!the PropeKy.the c�aftecflon of euch rer�,tsauee and Proflb'snd tlte
<br /> � : , �yptlo�tlon thereo!fla aforesaid s4�1t not cure or watve any detautt or no8i�e ot detault hereunder or tnvattdate erry�ct done In
<br /> , r�3ponteta euahdefauhorpurs�r�to such natice ot detauttand.notwithsmndingt�econttnuance tn poasesslonottl►o PropeRya►
<br /> ��:-=-'=��::�:=:;:�V="�i� the colteoUon.tecoipt anQ�eppUcatian of rents.issuas or P��end T�ste�artd terider sAalt be entWed to exercise every riaM
<br /> � prOrlded to►tn any of th8 Loan Instn+menm or by Iew upon occuRence of arty Eventot0etaul�Inctudtng wtthout ftmiffiUon the rt�h!
<br /> �., �: °.`�` . •`.' �,. Y,-. ODaxercllst{ts Dower pf eata FuMer.Lenders�ighte and remediesunderthis peragrapt�ahall hecumufative with.and tn noway A
<br /> • IlmttlUon on.Lender's�ipht9end remedte9 underany assignmeMofteasesand rems r�ecbrded aga�nstthe Property►•Lender,Truaflee
<br /> ' • �` t��. ttnd the reCelvOr et�811 be 1lable to accauM only tor those rents actuatry recetved
<br /> • , , " ,,. ' 11. aWnb ol Othuit.The tqitowing shatl constltute an Ever►t ot Default under this#�ad of Trust
<br /> ;�.� • (a) Fallure to pay any Insta�iment of princtpat or interest ot any oMer sum sacua+acf hereby when due;
<br />_ ; : .i:; °� . (b) A brtaCh ot ot detauit under any provlsion contained i�the Note this 0eedo�TrusR any ot the Lcan�nstrumenia or any
<br /> :�..,.. � ;� othet Ibn ar enaumbrenca uport the Property;
<br /> � (p► Awtltofex�cuUono�attachmentoranysimilarprocessshaltbeenteredagatnstTrustorwhtchsAalibecameeliencn
<br /> ' ' � �. ��+•• the PropeRy o�eny portlon thereof or intereat therein;
<br /> � � � . ' (� ThetA eAell bu 81ed by or against Truator or Bcrrower art action under any present or tuture tederaf,etete or other
<br /> � •��� ' � et�tuta.law or reputaUon releting W bankruptcy,InsoNency or other celiet tar debtors:or tAere shail be appointed any tntatee, �
<br /> ; . • • rBCe{vetortiqu148torotTrustoror6onowerorofalloranypartoftheProperry,ortherenta,lasueao►profltethereot.ar7rustor _
<br /> ` � or Botrawer shall make any ge�erel assignment tor the deneflt of crad(tora - _--_
<br /> � :� ; �• • (e)Th9 eato,trensfe►,lease.asstgnmen�conveyance or turther encumbrance of aD or any paR of or any interest in the '�_
<br /> ; • � � ,. . PtopeAy,elther vutuntadry ar invotuntarily,without the express written consent of Lender,pruvtded thet Trusto�shatl be r�-a_=
<br /> permiKed toexeaute a teasa of the Froperry that daes not conteln an optlon to purchase and the term of which does not excsed :�- _
<br /> ... ,,� one eer: .,";-
<br /> �Q Abandonment ot the ProRerty;or =_,
<br /> ; t � (q� IfTNBbrlanOtenlndividusl,theissuance,sate,tranater,assigrtmen�conveyanceorencumbranceotmorethanetoffiI ''����-_.
<br /> . . �A"rj
<br /> •� ., pf perCent o1 pf a Corporation)its issued and outstanding stock or(if a partnership?a total ot perceM a} �°�• ,
<br /> " � paAnero�lp Intoreste dwing the perlad this Oeed of Tru�t remains a Uen on Me Proverry. � � . ���-
<br /> � t2. R��dN�;AoCN�nUon Upon D�taulL In the event ot any Event ot OetauR Lendor may.without nottce except as requtred by -„ �,;;i-;;_s_.
<br /> law,deotere ell InQebtodneee eecured hereDy to be due artd payabte and the same shatl thereupon become due and payable � .. � . ..: •- ,
<br /> ',j; � ,. .� � • • witl�out eny pree9nUnenb d9mend,protest or rtodce of eny kind.Thereatter Lender mayr. "j�-�' ;-�,,.
<br /> ��� Inter�eut n�he Property to be eold and the proaeeds to be dis buted,allhn the manner prov d d in the N9brdska Trust Oeede . . . ��''' '
<br /> } .• ' ACx , •
<br /> ��;. ' �• ' (0) Ex6rolaA eny And all righte proWded tor In any ot the Loan tnstruments or by taw upon cccunence ot eny Event ot
<br /> , , . ,
<br /> ' t � � Oetnut�nna � . ' .
<br /> �`��� • . .. • (o) COmmenco en octlon to torectpse thfs Oeed of Trustesa martgage,appolnta receiver,or spaciftcaily enforceany of the . ,
<br /> '- Covonanto herool• � �
<br /> s�• No r6meQy heteln COnterrqd upon 0►reserved tc Trustee or Lender is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy herein.In the .
<br /> � , : ;, Loen tnetrument9 0�by 18w provtded or permined.but eact►ahalt be oumufative,shail be in add�tiun to every other remedy given
<br /> ;•�,•� .: � . . , horeund0r.In thg 1.oAn Inotrumenl8 or now ot hereeftet existing at law or in equity or by etatute,8nd may be exercissd CanCUrrenUy,
<br /> : F. , ,.� . � • Inelependenty or eucc�astveiy. .
<br /> ��1"" �� � � 13.TtuftN.Tho Truatoe may roetgn et any Ume without cause,and Lender may at any Ume and without cause appolnt a
<br /> j f � eucCeesor a►6ubstltuta Truetao.Trueteo shall not be tiableto arry party,inctuding without Iimitaticn Lender.8orrower,Truator orany
<br />- �.�` ' pwchaaer of tha Propeny.to►eny loag or damaga unless due to reckless or wllitu!mtsconduct,and shatl not be required to take any •
<br /> I�: ..' eC41an In conneatlan wlth ihe onforcemoM ot this Oeed of Trust unless indemnified,in w�iting,for all coete,compenaeUon or
<br /> expenaea whloh may ba aseaclated therewith.ln addiVon,Trustce may become e purchaser at any sate o1 the Property uudicial or
<br /> � '� under the power ot eeita prontud ho►oln);poatpone the sate ot all or any portion ot the Properiy.as provtded by taw;or aeil the � �
<br /> `` �.�� � � ` ' • Praperry ee o who�o,ot In eBDerete pareele or lots et Truatee's discretton. ••
<br /> �� . • • 14.Pa���nd 6:prntn.tn tho ovant Truatee eelte the ProAeAY by exetcise of power of sale,Trustee s�alt be enUtted to appiy
<br /> �� eny 8910 prace9de litel to Qeymant of uil cast8 Cnd expensss of exer�is�ng power of sate.inctuding alt Trtcstee s fees,and LendePa ,
<br /> `'w „ . . ertd Ttuotee's ettorney'9 fa89,Cctuolty Irtcutred to eYtent permltted by appticable Iaw.In the event Barrowst cr Trustoi exerclses any . , .
<br /> ' 4� ' „ : right ptovided Dy Iaw t0 Curo an Evpnt o100tautf.Lender shail be enUNed tQ recover irom Truator ait costs and expenses actuaty
<br /> . Inautred ee a reeult of'fruetOr'e dotoult Inoiuding without timitaUon ail Tiuscesa ana attorney's tees,to the extent permitted by
<br /> �.` . � epallcabte taw.
<br /> 18.iutua Adyanoe�.UDon raquoet of dar�owa�,Lende►mny.at Its optton,maks addlUonal and tuture advances and�e-
<br /> � �, • ttdvaneestoBorroWOr.BuaAadvancoeandraadvancea,wlthintereatthereon,shal►bes�curedbythls0eedofTrustAtnoUmeahall
<br /> tdv
<br /> '• � '• theprinoipalemountcttholnQObtadneaseacuredbythls0eedoft'rusLnotlncfudingaumsadvancedtoptotectthesecurityofthle
<br /> � =i�1�____����.�..•� Qeed of TruaL eYaeed tRe orlpinel prina1pp1 omaunl ototed herein,or . , whichever ia greater. �
<br /> ;
<br /> � °�- . . � • - --�--_
<br />