~�.�` s �t a��t.�._v '�- .:. . ._"`"_ • .. :. -=�`.'- _ � ' ''-. t. . . `}' — - ` .... .
<br /> ._. �cS- �� _ :
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<br /> t'S � y �y 4�r`.: .. __.a fa•'C4�4'�:r �t :.���k�1ttt-` - (� {.c � � � 4,: �et ty� —
<br /> .. ._ .
<br /> _$„ G�i .,.� s.. wc.vi=�'i3 m a` - -=-'?-.�`��� __- ' '� -- � _ - �—��:��`��--xx.+--�- — ... __ f.....�,.�
<br /> �, �� - - - nF'' - - -�___.__-
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<br /> �� .�t. .
<br /> -__��-��.�.' . , � ' ' , • ' . . ,
<br />- - - '• < . - . � , o
<br />-- _ ----- - I�able,t��►�►�for nelnstateti�ent}Defon stilm o!the Ptvpcn�►�utsucmt to e�t��er of�sete���in thia . _-- __
<br /> -_ _ _ _ � .. - - � _
<br /> --- ecur3ty Iasws�en�cr l63 en�rY t�f a jud��fa�r�t�s 3e�Y i�ubrumeat. 't�ose aa�udI�to�s�a t�Bo�w� �ef- - �
<br /> _-- -- ,. .i!�Ys Lcadet aU sums wttich then aroul 6e due nnder chis 5eruiity Iasowoter�E ead the Kote as if no s�catem�snn�ad , ---
<br /> - - - . ; aocua+ed:(b)cnres�►y defaWt of aqy ot�ra ooveaants or�nts:(e)Fays�11 expenses iac�med in enforciag tbi�Seruriry .
<br />� --- �. _ I�tttt�nt,it�sIuding,DuE not IImit�to.teacamabie attumeys'foes;and(c3)mkes sucD acdon as Lenda map�easonably ---
<br /> - --- -- �equicae[a essure that t1�!im of tLi9 3ecurity InsCnmcent,L.eader�e�gLts in�tce Property and 8omawerh obvgatioa w pay the ` _
<br /> --- — a�uus socrn�ed by this Sec�rlty inswm�t �all omndane uIIChaaged. Upoa ce:nstatanem by Boirower,tais Security . _
<br />--v " tnsawnentaad tIIe o9ligattons aeaued here�y sl�aU�emaia flilty effectivo as if na acbeteration had accu�ced. However,ttis -___
<br />_;F i = _ ° tigttt w ceinstata shaU nat apply in the case of�acoele�tiam under pazsgcaph 17. �_
<br /> '� �' .- 19. Sate�t Note..C�aage ot t.oaa Setvtcer. 71t�Nate or a paztial iat�[est ia the Note(together witb dus Sesurity � v- - -
<br /> - � - _ - - -t�}wagbe sa3d aaz vr�+a�aritflout�ao�ta 8o�rosYer.- A sale ma�m�uItin�rh�ngein_th�endty . `�s�
<br /> - �: - —=_
<br />->:� tkaown es tAe"Wan Sesvicer°)that collocts mont�IY FaYments dtre uader the Note and ttis Security�nsputn�n� 'ihere also �.`-�-:�_
<br /> .. � ��.�_�
<br />---� may be oae or more cteanges of tho Loan Se�vtcer un�aLed to a saie o�the Note. If there is a c�an,gs ot the Loan Se�vioer, s_T
<br />=':,� Baaowu w�l be vea writtea uodoe of tt�e e in a�coNance witB h 14 above and applicable taw. The noti�e '"''-=�_�-=�_
<br />_- � �8 O��P ���____ �
<br />-= will stete the nams aad addsessof the new Loaa SeivIcer and the address to wLicL paymeaus ehould be made. The notioe wili �;\_�--_ —
<br />-� .atso oonittin any ottter iafotmation ce4ui�d bg 8PA1ica62e iaw. �'--�-----�--=--
<br /> �;.�: 1,t!► Ha�ardousSn6staaees. Bmmwer slrall not canse or pem�it the p�+esence,ose.dispasal�storage.or release of any = __-
<br /> �. eff the '.;-_-,_— -
<br /> Hazazdous Su�ases un or in t�e Roperty. Horrower shall not do,nor allow anyoae eLse to do.anything ec0intg
<br /> pcaperty t�at is in violatian of aay Bnviros�meatal Law. The pieceding two senm.nces shall not apply to the p�s�use.or �'.'�-:-� �
<br /> ��;:;{ �_'_
<br /> - . starage on dte Ptoperty of small qua�►tittes of Hazazdous Snhstanoes tLat a�e geRerally recognized w ba apgropriata to naimal s.;:'�#�._-�-_-_
<br /> - - residentia!nses aud to mainteaance of We Property. ;`;�
<br /> =: ' Hmmwes shall promPttY give Lender written notioe of any investigation,claim,demand.Iaws�it or other action Dy any ..��t ,-�-
<br /> �; ����` �' . goveimmental ortegWatory agency or private patry involving the P►+operty and any Hazardous Substaace or Fnvironmeatal ..> .�=--
<br /> Law of whic6 Botmwer Qas actual Imowladge. If Boaovrer learns, or is notified by any govemm�tal or regulatory �� ':�:.''
<br /> ����:t:`?'����.,��-" suthority,tQat aay removal or other remediation of any Hazatdous Subs�aace affecting the Ptope�ty is necessary,Bmrnwer ..-°:,;. � '" -
<br /> sLall pmmptiy take all necessar�►remedial actions in acxo �s_,�.—- -
<br /> - - ��..�.,:�..�� :dan4'�with Environmental Law. �•,�.,•� --==
<br /> e�;�`-�FF=' As used in this pazagiapL 20,"Ha7ardous Substances ar�those suDstaaces defuted as touc ar hazardous substaaces by :��_
<br />� • '���.•. Pnviroameatal Law and the following substauces: gasoliae.Faerasene.other flamma6le or toxic petroteum products,toxic ',' ' `��
<br /> �`�+i`�=°�L'�`"�< pestiades and 6e�bicides,�o�aule solvents,materials conraining asbe.stos or foanaldebyde.and radioactive materials. As %,v�.� • '? � _�=
<br /> �� used in this b 20."Environmental Law"means federa!laws and taws of the ju:isdiction whe►e the Ptoperty is located =" �
<br /> _ '�;" - :y..' P�P ..:=--
<br /> %:�: =. '�;;; tAat relaDe to health.safety or envitnumeatal protection �;::�= -
<br /> -i.e,.:.-.�.'..'` ,;' .� �.o-:.-
<br /> _ � ;y• ; �<t NON-UNIFORM GQV�iAN7s. Bomower and l.ender fi�thet covenant and agree as follows: :� , >�,:-..�.
<br /> r� . ,,, : � 2L Acce[eratFon;Reat� Lender shall give aotke.to Borrower prior to acaeterattoa folIowing Eorrower's f.,. 'Z'
<br /> . w ra;`:;•�=- - D r e a c D o f a n y e o v e a a n t o r a g n a e a e�a t ia tbis Secusi t y I�hument(bnt nat p�for to acoeleratton undes p a r a g apb II? _ _. :�_�'��-
<br /> � � ��� u n[�s e A P ll c a�l e l a w g��±o v t d e s o t h e r w t�e). T h e n o t i c e s�a l l s p e c i f y. t a)t 8 e,�a u l t;t A?t h e a c t F o a r e q W r e d t o w r e t h e � ,_.�__
<br /> ,�� '' �:' defaWh(c)a date.mmg 1tr�ss thaa 34 daqs ftom the date the aotice is giveat,al�r,:�u�ver.py w61c6 tde deflauit m�st be � ,: , -�
<br /> = ���";;_-�.�:..:� ::;_ � cnred;and(d)tt�f�►r�to cure t6e defaWt oa or betoce t�s:date sp�6n�e notFce m�p result ia aooeteraflon of ,�_r; =.. ,�
<br /> `•,� �` ` ' _ ttte sams secared b���Securtty Inmument end sape ot the Property. 'ti�e Qotfce shati titrther taform Borrower of � �.'sr, �4 ��"
<br /> • ` _';< b . We rigsg 8a reinsta�,�� 'r aoceterat�on and tlee rtght to Dei�a ooue!actioa to assert the uon�existenoe oT 8 defau[t or : ;�� �-
<br />_ '���T' any othes defense a?'�rrowes to aoceieratloa end sale. If tt�e default is not cured on or Defore t�e date speclRed in �'�
<br /> rM1t� i�, , _ ��.M.` 4��;�'�
<br /> ;`'4tw . ':in.':.'�'.�_�`; . . i��1�'
<br />_ fhe notto�4euder ai 6&soption may require immedlate payc�eat fn fuU of aU sums secueed by thLs Security Iastruiaent ���.;.:..°:•..:.::.�,,:..�r...
<br />� - . -.'-' � without fttrthee d�tamd aad may invoke We poaer oF su[e and aqy oWer�remedtes permttted by appltca6le taw. � �;,:" ��-...-•.-:�,,=���--
<br /> - - `�''� " l.ender sbali De entitled w rnllect atl espenses incurred im�uesuing the remedies provided in b Zl '`�,'., �
<br /> �� thLs,P��P + `���,`'::,,::
<br /> � '�"`' indading,Dut aot Umited to,reasona6le aKoraeys'fees and costs of tltie evidenc� . <'�'� '�
<br /> . .: :t�t,�,•;"i' { `
<br /> - . ` :t':::. , `•.� ��'
<br /> _ . � ��':�;,;, , It We power of sale is iavoked,7tustee shall record a notke of defaWt in eacd county in wAtch any part of ttie ; `�•. � , t 3�,
<br />„'-`° °�•�"��°• :� ���'•';��:� Pmperq+t�Iorate�and s6ali mail rnpies of such aouce in the manner peescrt6ed by appttcable taw to Borrower and to ��� • � ' ���-'-'
<br /> ����` ��L`�� ��� the othec persons p�tbed by appllcable law Aiter the time require�by appltcabte taw,'IYustee sDaU give public '�;;�.'.: �.�:�.'�� =
<br /> , i � �� ��" ' notFce of sate to the ns and tn the manner rescsiDed b a Ucabte taw 7lrustee,without demand on Bon�ower, <��*- •~� . � �';`
<br /> ; r t� �o R Y PP j�:...�.� ..
<br /> ', �_,�, ;,��"�,�;,. , shall se0 We Proper¢�nt public auction to the 6igbest Dtdder at tQe time a�ptace and ander the terms designated in � . . . � . ; .
<br /> �#�`,��':�, the nottcr of sate tn one or more parcels aad in any order ltvstee detera�3c�. 7tustee may postpoae sale of a!1 or a�aa ., :,+;V�;:�:.
<br /> - :�_•�."��;'�'��` parcel of Rde Property by pubUc aAnouncement at We t�e��dace mf a�ti previously sa�eduled sat� I.ender or 3� ���j��;: '�,; �
<br /> . . . ,`��t� . deslgaee atay purc4ase the Property at any sale. � .„ �'�•'��" ' . :
<br /> � �';`. � � lJpon receipt�i g�iyment of the price bi�'II'rcis¢ee sbaIIY d�iu�er t�t�m purc6aser Trustee•s d e e d convey i n g�e �� •
<br /> Propeety. The reciQa6s do the 7lrustee's deed sdalE�e�c�i�a Faae evtdeace�ff the truth ot ttre statements made tttrrein. � , '.:��;, ,
<br /> • • � .. ;� 7�ustee sbaU apply th¢�ruoeeds of the sale in the foRowimg osdRr: (a)to aU costs and expenses of exe�ciciag the powcr , :� .
<br />��`' ��-' ` '�' ' , �15.'�'.•
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