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<br /> �.,\"'_' - . • . , , l7
<br /> fL _�a ' , _ . ". , - � . � - . • ` - � � � _ •� . .
<br /> _ � .,�' .. . �'` ` �F ; r ' ` - , ' _ .., � `����0��� •�-�'4�•`?�, c
<br /> _ �,c,. . ' . . " •.�.
<br /> - - � . . '. '�taf3S�',�lratt�iTH all d►e improve�meats auw ar��ei�aRcc erocied`on th� . �.nad att•cusemants, . � �',,L
<br /> P�P�Y +�P?����•
<br /> -- __-�b,��c�w n���a�uri.of the pro�rty. All m.gta�ment�;�urt3�tdaos shatl niso Oc cpver�ti 0�t ttus Sec�tity,�_ '
<br /> -- - . . � Insunim�� All of the�fangoing fa�fened ro Is►�is SecwIty lnstniment os ITie"�roperty." -- --
<br /> � B'ORitQY+�OOVBNANT�t&at Bo�ow�Is lawfiilly seIsed'of she esffite henby conveyed und_I�as the�ht tQ.�t�. � _;__
<br /> �audt oetivey ttta Ptop�xty and tbat the Rvpe�tY is w�cactim��d,except�or encumbrartoes of record. Bom�wer waxra�at�a�d� , =--
<br /> �`� `wllt d�fand geaeaally'the dde tQ the Ptageity agatnst all�laims end dema�ds.subject w any ehcumbrancea of record...
<br /> - �. � . <<�S S�CtJKTi'Y�INSTRUNffiNT cam8ine,s nnifotm oovenants for nationW use und noa-uni€orm caveaanss wi;h� _- -
<br /> - � lim�oed varlatloas hy jm�is�saoa ta constitute aimifomi seamtty ittstr�ment coverin$ceal pmpeity. -
<br /> : �� UNIFORM COVBNAN7°S.•Bwroweraud Lende'r covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> ��_ � �_= . - _���--L-_1'�mea��_Prtn�pa!a�laiter�PreFa�tmgnt snd i�ate C�arg�s. 8omower ahall mAUg PaY wimao dRatt� - - - -- _
<br /> �arg_ p�
<br /> — --- � • ptincipa!af and inter�st on the debt evidenced Ay the Noie and ariy piepapmem andlate chaiges due on�ee t�e Not�--- _
<br /> - - - b Ftmds for't�aes aad Imsivanc�Subjert to applicabte taw or to a wrtttea watver by Lender,Bon+ower shall p�aKSn� =-___
<br /> - Leader oa tue c�Y montNY Pa�yarents are due under the Note.untii the Note is pald in fuU►a sum("l�nds")fos:(a1 y�13". . � _"_-
<br /> — . taxes and as�enfs which taay attein priurity aver this Security lnsuument as a liea oa ihe PrapettY:tb}YEarl�lease�t�btl: : �.:-..�:`:_�-_
<br /> PaYmenis ar gr�und raus on the Pmperty,if any; (c)YeariY 6azard or PiapertY utsuzaace piemtums;td)Yeady.Saod• .: ��-:::`�--=-:
<br /> - insiva�toe pnemi�aas.�f any�.(e�Year13►muttga8e iasuiaace preminms.if any;aad(t�anY sums PaYab2e by Bamuw�ta� ' '- -_
<br /> � . l.endet.in sc�s�ance anth ttte provisians of paragaph 8,in lieu af tl�e�raymeni of mortgage insutaace ptemiums. 71�esc�. ; .
<br /> — .` �.� � items�e csited;"�scrow Ioems:' Lender aiay;ataqy tiane.c�oltect and&utd f�mds in en amount aat ta exceed tte�maximtcm� �'° - -
<br /> - emaunt a Iecs�e�'for a fede�aity r��latetl mo�,�e toaa may iequur ti��orraweth escraw acco��under ttte fede�tl R�t� ;:�,�,,__---
<br /> t� � . �.�ate Setd�tieut Pmoedares Act of 1974 as amended fi�c�n�e to ta�ie;��3 U.S.0§26(!2 et seq.("RESPA").unless aaatt�c��. � _
<br /> . Ls�Y�at egp�Ie.9 to the�nds seis a teaser amouat If sr,;�r�r�;at any time,coltect and hold Fl�nds ia an aimrnmt�or,m�:::�..�:,_. �.T,= —
<br /> --- exi��e tesser.amount. Lender may es6nnate the�ni af fl�ai�s due on the basis of ciment data and reasons�6�::;:;�� �:�'�___
<br /> ~ esdmaYes vf ea�atditures of Poture Fsctow Items or otheia�e in�with applicable law. . �. �V _
<br /> --�—=�'� The Fa�nds�shall be held in an i�titution whose deposits are��sed by a federal agency. insh�imentality.or eAtitY•.� �^
<br /> ___�.,.-r.�-� a �
<br /> r.. _
<br /> ---_-_-�-..�g`� _ (mcWding Lender,if Leuder is sach an insdtution)or in any Federal Home I.aan Bank. I.ender shaU app1y the Fuads ta�ay��. :' .,..,�-
<br /> �` -- tts��scrow Items: I.ender may not charge Bormw�-�r�COIding and aPPIyin�the Fiiuds.annusiiy analyzin$�tha e�nvu�.� ;�,-r;�-
<br /> --_-- a�iuib or veiifyIng the Escrow Ioeuis. wdess Lea�i�ys Borrower iaterest an tLe�nds ead applicabla taw:p:rmi� • ,�,s�;_,��
<br /> �rmi
<br /> ,___�i�„��� - ;8;,�er w matce such a c8aarge. However,Lender may i�equi:e Botrower to pay a one-lime charge for an iadepende�t;msl� z �'~-°�_
<br /> rg ,.
<br /> _ ��^� -esfate tax regortiag service used by Lender in connecaoa witd this Ioaa,untess applicab2e taw pravides otherwise. Unless sii,; - � k� ��.,
<br /> � � �agreement is made or appllcable law�quices uiterest to be paid,I.ender shaU not be requind w pay Borrower auy.int�re�st ar- �. __�
<br /> ��� � .���: r�miags on the Puads. Bomower aad L en der may agree in wn6ng.haR-ever.t h a t in o e r e s t s h a l i tr e p a i d o n t h e P u n d s. L e u t l t x ���_ = -
<br /> ��� •�:�11 give to Sarrower.wlthout charge,an annual acco�uvng of the Flmds,showing cc�edits and debits to the Fun�s ansl tt�� $���_
<br /> — �`v�,�i� .�ose for whIch each debit to the FLnds was made. '�+e t�ads ere p 2 e dg e d as a d d itio n a l security for all sums sec�uured�l�r� �. �;:��'�,;,�,�,
<br /> � �-�.�.,�„ L�is Secntily Ins�ctlmeIIt ' ' ,.r _,_.� -_
<br />��` � '�-°�,x,� ` If tha Funds held by Lender exo�d the aznouats�d.co,be hetd by applicable law, I.euder shaU ascnuntitp�� -
<br /> _�� , ,���' , -
<br /> �, Borrower far tI�e sxcess F�nds in accordance wIth the�.*uemec�s of applicabte law. If the aamunt of the Fu�ds h:ld;tij/: .,..� ;:<_,�;'�-
<br />-� '�� . . • I,euder at anp t�sae is not sufHcieat to pay the Escrnw I�aas.when due,Lender may so notify Bosrower in writiag,am�.:i[r. ' �'"��.; :•�'�: `�,
<br /> i t:�'•:; such case Bouower shall pay to Lender the amount aeoessazY to matce up the defccieacy. B�a,�wer shall'ma9ca u�•ttl� `s•F�.°.'�.�. - r^,�-",.
<br /> � � ,_�. .
<br /> �•,�,:•
<br /> �••. deflclency in no more than twelve monthly payments.ac�.eader�s sote discretion. ��x:.;. , :��. �a
<br /> � � �` Qpoa payment in full of all sams secared by this Sarairity Instrument,l.eader staaid prom�y ie�nd w Bezmo�ti�atny� �� � � -
<br /> ;:;a.`�. �aads held by Lender. If,uader paragcaph 21.Leader'sha9t acquire or sell the Pbperty,Lender.�az to the+aoy�isttidn�o� ._.. �.,-r.':,.
<br /> ..e'_% ~:C ��4- •
<br /> �-x�t_�k� saTe of the Property.shall apply any Funds 3�et d by L e a d er at t he time of acquisition or sale as a credit•a g a i Y►s t;ttFb sc�ws _ • >Y�
<br /> -Y���•:�`. sacured by this Security Instrument .-
<br /> tit:'. %
<br /> :�;��;•.�:'' � 3. Applicat[oa ot Peyments. Unless applicxbie�aw provides othetwise,aU payments received try�L�3ts'under � '�i"s
<br /> z.::.,.�,;,:: � � � paragiaphs 1 and 2 shaU be applied:fust,to any prepa;rc�eesit charges due under!ha Note;second.to amouats p3y�1�under ;�":`i'� i`�:
<br />_ patagzaph 2;thizd,to inte�est due:founh,to principal duE;znd last,to any late charges due under the Note. i �: _.
<br /> � � . 4. Ctturges; Ltens. Bomower shall pay all taxes, assessmeuts.charges,fines and imposidor�s attribsts4�Ie to t he fEy���
<br /> . • �_ Property whicii may attain priority over this Security Instiument,ar,d Eeasekold payments or ground ret�u.iL a�y. Borrower ' .� . • •��{';r:;�(�::
<br /> � � - � shall pay these obl�gations in the manner provided in para�aph 2.or if not paid in tttat manner,Borrowrers1sa41 pay them on . �: : � °�;'•`
<br /> , h`^•:W
<br /> - . ;':' S i.,.::� "..,:i+,F.C�:C'•-
<br /> � time di�ectly to the person owed paymea� Boirower sf�l��eromptly fumish to Lender all norices of amouaas�to#»paid under �•,E,,: . ,:��,: .
<br /> �i�:;_`:�_ ".b`a�.
<br /> - � �s P�Ph. If Bomower makes these payments�zecdy,Borrower shall pmu�c�y fv�sh to I.ender roc�ipss e+ndencing ., ,.;�:?;���,:'...���.,`ti:.
<br /> � � the paymeats. ;,.,<,,�.. ... . _;,
<br /> � �ti�.. :�� Borrower shaq promptly discharge�ny lien which has prlority over this Security Instiument�I�s Bom�uer:(a)agnees . ��';'`�'
<br /> .1.�4.i�'� �
<br /> � :`� � in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender,(b)�in 800d faith the . ., '`•'' - •.�>!t`�`'+
<br /> ��� � � � � lien by.or defends against euforcement of the lien in.legal pmceedings which in the Lender�s opinion�pr:rate to prevent the •
<br /> ,.�. ':.
<br /> ;� .� ��' enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the halder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lertder sa!mdinatiag the lien •� . �, ..- �'�..
<br /> �' ��� ''��� to thls Se�wiry Instrument Lf Lender detem�ines that any part of the PmQerty is subject to a liea wQish msy attain prlority � . � •' ' .
<br /> 'i,�f�'• `,,�'��� over this Security insuument,Lender may give Boirower a notice identifying tha lien. Boirower ahall sati�fy the lien or take -
<br /> .. � ..
<br /> �" - � �� . oae or mo�of[he actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. ,• '�`" •
<br /> _ �:.._" .. . .
<br /> H�' . ' S. Hazasd or Property Iasurance Borcower shall keep the icsprovements now eaisting or hereafter erected on the . , . ..
<br /> `_��°`•� ' �� �,�' Ptoperty insured against toss by fire.hazards included wlthln the term"eatended coverage"and anyotl'�erl�zards,including �.
<br /> �.� .• � ftaods or tlaoding,for which Lender requires insurazuee. This insurance shal!be maintained in�tLe �naunu and for the _ �" ` �
<br /> . . F}�rr�30 9l9U t 10 6 esl , � ,
<br /> . ,. :�a ZS (CQR I Pa8 . ��:�'
<br /> ,u: � -- � • '1..` � 5 ��i„
<br /> - �,_' `.,:' ,�r,;f�;F ..: . .
<br /> �,s��� { ±��: . .
<br /> .;,�,��r:��! '����' . . , .
<br /> �;r�,� �� .
<br /> '�`� i�' t -�!j•<� n�.. :i r � ".¢Swc . . - � k `.; �';1���,,�R �t y�t�(�;ii �-. . , . ' ��T�i�.,_ :' ' � . . � , . .
<br /> ;s 3 'r�1� • � . - '`�^�- ' ' • t`• . - �� i' ' • �it�' • - �
<br /> - :.t': , . . R L . _ . - �• . ! . . . ��_i5� ' \' . :j .. ,
<br /> .. ' . . - .� ' � ' � : ' . . . . . ��.`' ' . . ._ ' ' . . •
<br /> � __.. ` . .. ' • . _ ' . _ . . ' ._ ��..�:�.i1���, ' . _ , ' .,�yl • . , . . .
<br /> r` '``� ., - f ' ' . . . . .1'�2 � . . . ' . ��i• . . � . . .
<br /> •�:� ;'- .�t.i:�. . �`j.1. . . . . • ���` . . . ��. .. - . . . ' .
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