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<br /> a��• n
<br /> ���� � i � • � — _ --
<br /> L��.-° ���� p�csiticmatti�b�tdtietetbs Qrap�tyt.td�6 ttas�4�cki PoY+n�nt�cr�ra�n0�i.if�y.Qetete th*sc�6eeante deUt�ent.Tntsvor sltofl pra�- �
<br /> -. -� .
<br /> i�"�-��
<br /> __ '°� " �� tiy fiacd�l4��m.'°:�it Nl�sslt.�ot�l��t�it 4A1�g�rQaopA,�d le�wutt Ttustqr il+ai!mdc�payment directty.T�u�r s1�c11 • � — ---
<br /> �.f �` -, - -—pren�ptiV tvrPd�h�to��Y�Pta avidend�sv�DaY�s.T�+3tar sh�l pay ctl tmces an�asssisdwt�ts�cb may�e�evi6d�ci� -- � L�,�,.�----
<br /> _ ..�.;�_a;;��, �f�totY�s t�ter�st PNrein a Warn Mis Dee9 of Trost witl�aut�egad b�►1dw Mat moy bs enact�d E�pssingPay�xnt�of tM�sis ar m►y_ R�µ -�- --
<br /> ^ • ;t
<br /> �` portlMr�otu�ttu$�fi�a�Y� ' � e -
<br /> �� ,�_; , ..
<br /> '�"��`� � � �.��tN��d lt�ett��Ye�'i�h.lhntar sAatl�ait Qaym�nts of intnnst aad p�iniEpat.and pcya�nt�04 a+�► � �__
<br /> - `�i„�`'�'. '�_ ..'' , fws and e x p e n s�s ecntract�d to E�pat�to�yr exiaf'ug Eie�otde�s a prio►5enotieia�t�s under cny►P��af tru�t ar mar• .b =
<br /> ' 0��� ,�-r
<br /> �r���' � � c "' f�Q�bbtOft 1�1e QO�fl�N��f ltll(IIQUQII�����CI�d�5l�ICf��lyf��t 01�lf(tlftl�C�O�l l l i QF C�l(�!S W{1 T C f 11RQ�iQO Q�Z�1�l Q `'• "�c..rz-
<br /> ��.� �yp�y�} *_
<br /> . .b� � _ .�i�i� _• ' s"_-"'r�L P`""��U'..If Truster fafts to ma9ce anY su�PoYmeM ar t`aile to pe�m e�tyt of tM tovenmits 4nd a�reBmeMs tontatned in this � �"'�i������� '.
<br /> ��` t .� � �,<�` -(�d O f T N S t.e r i n a n y p r i o i m d�8 e ar de�eid af hust�OSF If t�1y QC1i6�t�FpTO�eed'Nig�3 tOR�st6a�t 1!�ll�C�S�dG�'s i e• r�_ ° t ;� �__
<br /> d N
<br /> ':. a �. - terest in Me P�e�ty:ro�+ding.Dut aot Gmited%ert�ent damain praeeedirtgs.or proeeedings imreiving o d e c e n de+it.or d f T n n tar f a i ts t o p a y � .� . ,��4= n,_
<br /> � T r u s t c r's d e b t s g sneralt y o�the y become due.then 6eneg'idary.at teneficiary`s oytion artd�+itttout natise to ar dart�aad upoe Tnrstor and y( �.
<br /> t..� ' sc• .
<br /> ��. `��: ,- -. witheut releosingTnistar fram anft aDligati4n hereunder.maY maka sud��pearmeces.disEurso su�sums:m�d taice surt►aeftan as is neeessarl► , -
<br />-�; ��'� �'` ��. ::.-, to pratect Bene�iriecyr's interest inctuding,but not timited to.d'�shursement of raasana�te ottemey's fees..OaYme��,purd�ase•carttest ar com- ,, . : . .. . . -
<br /> fi� , promis4 of amt ertanM�ance, and entry upon tAo Praperty to make repairs.tn the event that Trustar shatl fail b procure irn � . .
<br /> cAorge or fien,
<br /> J; �'s ��'`r ,�,',.n;� suronce or te pay taxes,assassments,or aay oM�er charges or to make mry puymertts to existir�Prior lien hotden ar benei'iiwries.Ben�ciary v ,
<br /> :� n muy procure sucA insuronce and mQica such pnymeM.MY�o�n�uDwsed by Benefiaa4Y Pursu�t tolAis Para�aph 6 shall Decume add'+�iartel , �, : <5
<br /> � ' �x�' i�eptedness oi Trustar seaued by this Oeed of Trust.Sueh arrtounts slmil De pnyabla uAoa notiCe from Beneficiary to Trustor requestin9 DW- i °.'
<br /> ? �Z};•.`- �rtent tRereof.and shcll bear interest from Me date of d'is6a►sement at the rate payaEie from time to time on autstmiding prenripal under Me , � .
<br />-;;_, �_,:,��::`�,:�.:. ,�_ .` Olote unless payment of interest at such rata wee�be cantrery to app ti c a b le taw.in w hi c h ev e�s u c h a m o u n t s s A a l l b e�i r�t e re s t a t t h e h i g h e s t .��`�.'x.�,:.';��T
<br /> 1 � f:� rote permissi'6te under apptitabte taw.Nothing tc�:toined in this Pamgraph 6 s1�a{t reQuiro 6enefitiarY to ineur any expense ar tcke any attion ` f.� ��'
<br /> '� hereunder. �
<br /> ;:; `� z �.
<br /> . ;`��,�2��E T.�!of Reals.Be�fcei�sh�ll Mva the risht.Powe�and auNmrisy during the coMinum�ce of this Qeed of Trust to mflect Me ,���_.. �;�� '-..`-� _-
<br /> �i���y�'. Y rems.iuues and profits of the Pf�eRy ond of eny personat property lacated tAereon wiM ar vrithout tatcing possessian of tt�a propernr affected C��� 's }:,
<br /> �::Y.... ;. �
<br /> _?r . f he�eDy.end Tnrstar hereby absohit�iy and unconditionelly assigns all such rents.iswes and profits to Benefidary.Beneficiery.hawever,h9[8D� � •,:._. ;:; ��.`�'��i:�z_
<br /> �..-';;.'��. `:. ;;-. ...
<br />-.:'•,5 •.;•.. •;�`���`-� consents to t Ae Ta s t or's collectian ond reteMian of wch rents,issues end profits as Mey ataue and 6ecome PaYa6�e so Eang as Trustor is nof, , ���,, �
<br /> ot wch time,in default with respect to payment of any indeDtedness secured hereby,or in the pe�ormmtte of any agreemer�t hereunder.Upan 4 y � �`-,.. j,r ;.
<br /> '' � �
<br /> = � ;� `,.r,:� � � omt�cch defau{t,Beneficiary may at ony time,e'dher in persoR,btt e9�t,or by receiver to be appointed by a court,without rtotice aid witAout _
<br /> - ���'x•t � regcrd tu Me adeQuaty of any setutity for the inde6tedness t�r�l.ry seciaed.(o)enter upon and take possession of the Property ar nny pm� �°
<br /> �``�:'�2�.'` �::,; �its incfudi those ast due and unpai8 and t the same, . � = `f��,
<br /> - � ; ` ;�,,. y � tAereof,and i n its own n a me sue for ar otherwise coStect such reMs,issues crtd�ro . �sg p • aDD Y �� i �
<br /> .�, 3;�1,
<br /> ~'� '' .�a, leu cosn a�d•expenses of operation and coftEStiac�,intluding�ecsortable attcsr�ys fees,upon ony indebtednass seeured Asre6y.and in such �-:,`: ,`�.���a z�=
<br /> :�; : � �?�c.. . .;S: m �
<br /> � ti� e 3'�� '':��''-...•
<br /> °`•,��.._,.�,x..s.: . order os Beaeficiary maY detennine:(bl Perfomt sac6 ucts of repetr ar proteetiaer as rt►a1►be necessmY a�P►�D�to eonserve the velue e�Me :�; 'f.:',' i��;�1��
<br /> � r�,`� � Property;ic)tease the same or msy port thereof far wch rent�l,te,m;er��such ccicd',tEo.'�as its judgmeM mny dictutecs terminata ar ad- ��rt E , Fi�1}} ,�,�
<br /> hs � �ust the terms and conditions of ony existing lease o�leases.Un!sss.Tnastar��eficiaryag�otherwise in writing,aa�t��o��*��s. ��r�? �V�'��� '
<br /> _ i . :�'�:i''�.. .. �
<br /> ' � • issues or pro�its to any inde6tedrtess secured hereby shall not e�Rmna ar post�oc�the due dcte af ths i nst a lt m e r�t puy�ments as provided in said ` ` `��;+�}�Fr.;'
<br /> ' � p romisso ry note or chan ge the acrtount of suth instaltments.Th9 entering�n and talcing pouession of the Property,the ce��ection of sJCh '" �•;� z•�.�. ;-•:
<br /> � • � i f default hereunder.cr in- . _'_:���
<br /> s s < � � � � rents,issues and profits, and the application thereof as afaresaid,shcll not waive or cu�e arry default cr not te o , t
<br /> validate arry eet done pursum►t to such notice.Trustor also assigns to Beneficiary,as further secur�h►Po�th9 Pg�►��°f�e oDligotions . �_
<br /> � .. '. secure d here by,n l l pre p a i d re n t s a n d a l l m o ni e s wfiich ma y have been or ma y hereafter be deposited with said Tn�star by any lessee of the Pro• , _ ,--•��,_''
<br /> •' � . . ��.�l - perty,to secure the payment of any rent or domages,and upon default in the performance of any of the provisions liereof,T►ustor agrees to �.�!�_
<br /> ` � � '��;� deliver such rents a�d deposits to Beneficiary.QeGvery of written notice of Beneficiary's exercise of the ri�►ts granted herein,to any tertant vc- < .. :.:R.
<br />=�",. ;,' .. !.'v`;t eupying said premises sholl he suffitient to require said tenont to pay said rent tc the Beneficiary until further notice. . �• �''
<br /> ,r ' � 8.t�ad�e�nattoe.if titte to any part of the Properry shafl be tcken+n condemnution praeedings,Dy right of�r+inent dumain or similar actian,
<br /> °'';,:'.:s�;�:��`�� :;� .�', or shd!ba sold unde�threet of cor�demnation,all awords,damcges cnd prxeeds are hereby assigned and she116e paid tv Bertefirimy who shetl ��', . • � . -
<br /> _ ' �' � ''s��.::. . . `� op�y such ewards,damages and praceeds to the sum secured by this�eed ot Trust,with the excess,if eny,paid.to Truster.tf Trostor receives ;;'`� , _
<br /> '.;� � .•....:...__.: .. .. _
<br /> :,� •• ' •; . eny notite ar other information regarding such attions or praeedi�gs, Trustor shall give prompt writte�rtotice thereof to bertefcaary.
<br /> ' ': ��� ��` •• � ', Bene�itiury sholt be emitted,at its option,to cammente,appear irt and pros$cute in its own name any suth attiort or proceedings ond shail6e en-
<br /> � • .`:o;., . �� • 4itted to moke any compromise or settlement intonneetion with any such action or proceedings. : :
<br /> - ` . 4. Reme�es b�Ot Gcctu:i�e.Beneficiary stroll he entitted to enforce payment and performunee of ony indebtedrtess ar c'aligetions secured ,
<br /> �� - � � Ae�ebq and ta eueercise all rlghts and Oowers under this Oeed of Trust or under any other agreement exetuted in cennectian herewith or nny laws :�
<br /> : rc
<br /> ' �� ' ' "�;�•`� now or hereafter irefnrce,notwithstunding some cv ell af the such indebtedrtess and obligations setu►ed hereby may naw er t�reofter ee other-
<br />-''� ' `� :��:�',.'�• ='````' wise setured.wL•ether by mortrjage,deed of trust,Pledge,lien,ossignmer�t ar otherwise.Neither the accePtance of this Qeed of TruSt nor its � , }.:..}`
<br /> � i s : ���`'' e�orcement whether by court a�tion or pursuant to the power of sale or other powers herein cor►toined,shull prejudice cr iR u^�y rr�anmu affect
<br /> . � ' � Beneficiary's right to realiie upon a enforce any other security now or hereofter held by Benefitiary,it being agreed thot Beereiiciary s6a11 be 1��: �
<br /> � : . • entitted to er�force this Oeed of Trust ond any other security noev or hereafter hefd by Beneficiary in such order and manrter as it muy in its ab- (;'� .
<br /> � '`� • solute distreticn det�rmine.No remedy herein tanferred upon or�eserved to P.er.ef+eiary is iMended to 6e exdusive of any other remedy herein � �
<br /> � t '� � or by�ew provided Cr permitted,but each shall be cumulative and sholl be in addat�n to every other remedy given hereunder o�naw or hereeFter �
<br />�"�•� � � existing at lara or in equity ar Ey stotuta.Every power or remedy provided herevnder this Oeed of Trust to Bene�eiary or to vA�ich it ma�►Ce .
<br /> ;` otherwise eMitled,may 6e enercised,concurrentty or indepertdeatly,from tirre to time artd as often os may be deemed e�edierrt'Bane�cicry �. ;
<br /> ' � � and it may pursue incansistont remedies.NotAing herein shall tre construed as prohibiting 6erceficiary�rom seeking a defitiency�u�gmam cgainst , , 'L
<br /> �... � .
<br /> �: • theTrustortotAeexteMsuchactionispermitted�ylaw.
<br /> , .. f
<br /> -s . � 10. T�r ot Prapertrt bsu�ption•�f cll ar any part of the property or ony iMerest therein is sald,trcnsfeRed or tonveyed by Tnrstor ,
<br /> • � � without Beneficiary's priar written cansent,exctuding(a)the ereatioo of a lien or encumbrenee subo�dinate to this Deed of Trust,(b)ttre meo- �
<br /> `' ' � tion of a purchase money secmrity interest for household upplianees,�e1 a transfer�y devise,deseent ar by operation oi low upon the death of o
<br /> ` t� `� � joint tenant or(d)the grant of any IeaseAold interest af tAree years or less not eantaining an option to purchase.Bene�ciory moy, at �
<br /> ' �. .� •, .
<br /> -��a ;" �.. . Bene�ieiary's option,deetaro all the sums satured 6y this Oeed Gf Trust to be immediatafy due and payable,or tause the Trustea to fite o notiee �
<br /> . ot defoutt.Bene�iciery sholl�nve woived such option to aceelerate if,prior to the sn1e.transfer ar eanveyance,Benefieiary and the person to (
<br /> �'� .��� � .. . - wAom the property is to 6e sotd or transferred reaed agreement in writing that the aedit of such penon is satisfatary to Beneficiary and tltet
<br /> ,:.
<br /> ,�x � � tAa iMerest payabte on the sums seeured 6y this Deed of Trust shull be at such rete as Bene�dary shaB request. f
<br /> R; • �
<br /> �,� .;�;�• .,� .. . ► '
<br /> �� ,
<br /> �
<br /> . � . , f
<br /> . =--�.---'i.�_-,.,. �. __
<br /> . ,,:, ,,� . � . . „ �
<br /> . ,. .
<br /> '
<br /> �: �'f. • ' :
<br />