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<br /> -- - .,` � �. . , < , AC�Iit�iN'LE�t�EMEt�T OF 0�e�TRl�B'� , ,. , � . - . � ` ..
<br /> - � ' TRtJ�ElRR�E1YH1�3B�.F�it�,�tt3�1WtC , ' ,. � , • I�3" '����-'• �
<br /> . . �. :.� . . - .
<br /> - --� .-.�.._ . .. . , � � _. . .. _ <_ .
<br /> — ` :'Ru�etin6���i�i�acitrtt�ttthalYneftor(seliotdiceincutebv-�d .� . �d�P4wa�---- .
<br /> �� ateatipro+rt�iortnQ��tl�datftunprQVidss�canttttlydtxarent�Attat�a�lt�tton��'�htsio►CwnanMO�[nddt�tr�t `
<br /> - � oHd�i►uttorbriaahotobli�eonun6wlMQRedolfin4lnctudtng,butaattimltedi�.tlisL�nd�r'aetSAttohsw��a0�t� � , �
<br /> py!M.`IPUf�Wfth6ut�any lnQtela!Droel�dlnp,fi+u�r re�enh en@ warian �a �Cs Rckreowte�en�ant was!xN(�l�d Q�t
<br /> fitamr b�to�e Ms ex�cutton o►tt�O�d�ot��at � . �, _ .'
<br />-- . . r � . .� , - � ' .
<br /> - _ . U al �re �� • - ' .
<br />- _- � � - , . . A PAA'�NE�iiIE',� � tn�ator � -
<br />" � . � D�OF Ti�!!S'P WITH FUTURE AtLVA1�Q� - -
<br /> na�s o�o oF�ss.�s�ae as or u►e��aay o� � , � .�s.�.�y ana�amo�.
<br /> — -�� _° ene Th�r, � ` „ � _ . .
<br /> -- -- wftase ma3ltng addr��Is c�a c c.,.,�* �ve Giand Islnt�erein'Tnist�'���l�r more}.
<br /> —____ — tAe 7tus[eet . � . _ .. _
<br /> —_�� a-�=� � whoae maA[ng addre�s[s.�.�—Beo�-i507`isa.��QlAna, N - 68&Q��'`�� _ (Aerefn"Ttustee"j,aiM
<br /> -=_��:_-" � . .... ...... . .
<br /> --- ___,_�.�a.-� theBoiteflClary. • � ---
<br /> �� s, whase mailing eddress ia � � �-^vs��3e�B�Af—�i&. 488:::=�507 ' (herein"Lender"� _
<br /> �'�Y�= u�tv real Bui.ldess =--
<br /> <�_:;�� T.�':-Y:. FOR VAWASLE CONSIDEAATION.inciudtng�.r�r►dera e�nsion ot credit fdentitied herefn to - . •
<br /> 7 �'j
<br /> a
<br /> —;��"�`'��; merein°BoROwer".whethor oaee or moie)and tt�a t�S heretn created. _
<br /> i� .,.'�� ~„`.��.'*' Me. t reby selmowtedged.Trustor t�ereDy irrevocabty grants.traa3ters,con+r�Ys artsY�%'9ns to 7rustee.IN
<br /> .n. �c'..:::r:-�
<br />�'•:��,��,��`__:��;,__ TRUBT.WRHPQWEROFSALE.brthebenefttend8ecurilyofLender,underandsubjecttotheterrnsariQ�iStionaheretn2f�rsel
<br />�C��=`+}Tr . �. °-; PoM.tl1��331 DroAeK!►.d�dbed es foltOw� `. . � ; - ----.__�__
<br /> �,fi� � I.CT L�N$ �S} QC6ET Z�E W�STFd�LY.�W&N�'Y-'iW0 AND �C T�33S FE� (22.�}� �ID . �
<br /> Yt� , �.•. .
<br /> - '��ks��.�'-'�:-�•� LOT SDI (61 EF�PTTHB BP�STERLY FIFTY-FaDR FBET (54��� $�-CIV� (�����'E�LSAI�
<br /> ��. �A
<br />_ ��"�7�;;.;. :,,•t.�;�' � YIP�i+t S�V��'3DMSION� Il�i 7�8 CITY OF t�tAI1D IS�B1�� � i��Yi : .:
<br /> <�f r � —
<br /> �t�ta�{'�t+ ����ii�,W}�._• � . .• . ., -.. ,. ' .. �lZ�ew�nuiv;,m.vr�o�=
<br /> �,��;_� ;t��i � Tagather wiM ell buililtngg,improvements.ftxtures.str'e�.a�Pe�s,pa�ageways,e�sem�a�,rtights.priW�egea and eppurte- - _
<br /> �:�-t '� � ,;�� __ nances focated thereon or in anywise pertaining thereto,and the rente,tasues and profit�,reversians and remainders thereof;and '°��-��
<br /> ����� , #�,�
<br /> sucn rsonai prope�ty tAat Ie attached ta the im rovements ao as to conBUtute aft�drt�i�cludtng,but not BmRed to.hea8ng artd t 6-��
<br /> ;,� � P ' :��`•'''�-;�
<br /> , ; , � '`�' caolin g equipmer�end toget�er witA the homestesd or maritol interests,tf any.whfch tnterests Sre hereby reteased and watve�ail .;�:,��;�����-
<br /> - � '������� o!which,inc►uding reptacemenffi and addWons thereto,ia hereby deciared to t�e e paA ot the real estete secured by the lien of ihie ��-;'. '�r..;..,���
<br /> :'�" , '�'`��;:<•.:: Oeed of Trust 8nd 811 of the bregoing being reterred to t�rein as the"Properry". . �r;�•.
<br /> . : � ^x `��.�.
<br /> ,..�.�'�.E»l:.::.� � :- - t:•
<br /> "� .`�'+� -"��'�"�� Thie Oeed o!Trust ahall secure(a)the payment o!the prtncipal sum and inter6�t evidenced by e promissory note or Credit �, ''�`��
<br /> 0 :,,�� :i
<br /> aS• . .. . ,�•?• ,4,
<br /> ig� . �� 1. agreement dated c o er .having e ma:urity date ot� ��}}��Lg9� � _
<br /> :: . . r � ,';.
<br /> F ..,. ....:.�:. ... . '' . .:;�.' '�,•�-
<br /> �,i�:t`.� ,`, ; ?::
<br />_- i•� :.:.:':',:�:2�+��s�;:, .. . in tlte odginal princtpal amount oi$ .and ar,yend ali modtg�Uona extenstona 8nd renewata ,,•�;`,.- ,k�",*..:=i.::
<br /> "�I`- ., `
<br /> i :. `:, ��;;,lv:s�v�, _ ° thereot or tAereto and any and a11 i�uture a vabces an readvances to Borrow�r(or�any o��sam if more than one)hereunder ;'., ,. ����;�,f,�x,,...,.,
<br /> �� � � ���s � pursuart�one or more promissory�ot�a or credit agreements(here«calted"i�c[e�;tb)d:e�ayment of other suma advanced by �,� 5't�a'�d� f:4 .:
<br /> � `r Lendei to protectthe sa�rity of the Note;(o)tha per�ormance of alt Covenants ar.d E3rosmenta of Trustor set toM herein;and(d)at! �, `•'��`�i� '
<br /> : �'���'�` .� ' present 8nd tuture In�215tedness and obligatlons of BoROwer(or any o!them i�mcr�EF;an one)to Lender wt�e5�er dtrect indlrecL ` � r
<br /> 'y� ., - , ;. : ,,' �d :;`Y':_
<br /> .; -�. , ; � absoiute or cont[ngent and whether adsing by note.guaranry,overdraft or other�;se.The Note,this Oeed og Trtist and any and all � ��
<br /> ` ` '' ' ' otherdocuentsthatsecuretheNoteorotherwlseexecutedinconnecUontherewi4h,irtcludingwtthou111mitaUong�caranteestsscurity � '� • �
<br /> " � I . : •
<br /> f)� �• �;�':,',����' �� � 8green:�is end aesignmente oi leases and rents,shatl be referred to herein es the"Loan Instruments". . .. �,
<br /> ;� � """ '� � � Trusi�r covenants and agrees wltA Lendar as followa . ��
<br /> �,� . ' � � S
<br /> ��z��,t?' � 1. Payment of t�.All tndebtedrtess seaured hereby shatl be�+a:d whee due. y
<br /> ; ; . : ,_.:
<br /> '��. . ' " � `� 2.TNh.Truator is L�cg owrter ot the Property.has the right and authorir.y tm convey the Property,and wanants that the Iten . � i
<br /> �,s���'•'•��` " � ���: ��' created hereby is e Tirst 2�nd pflor Oen on the Property,except tor Nens arsd cRCUmbrances set forth by Tcustor in wriHrtg ertd . ,
<br /> - ,tti,:S;, .. . .'`.-
<br /> ` :�• �.� �. .•���•• �`� Qetivered to Lender before exeCU�esn of Mis Oeed of TrusL and the execution and dett�ery of thia Oeed of Trust does not vto�8ny -
<br /> , 4:,�,'!g, • .
<br /> ; �' '•.�;:'.:,�;�a�;;.:�! •, ; wntract or offier obligatton to which�rvstor Ia aubjec� . ,
<br /> a.�'.,.'. '��t,�-�•,�� � 3.4om3s,Asse�sments.To Oay belare delinquency ail taxes,speciai asseasmento and atl other charges again�t fhe Pveperty • .
<br /> :'��', . • now or hereafter Ievf�dL
<br /> ,;��:s�° . 4. Infurence Tok�pthePropeAylnsuredagainstdamagebyflre,hazardairtcludedwfthinUteterm"exter.6edcoverage",and . � � '
<br /> r a,t•.
<br /> ir's _ ,.. ; such other hatards 2�Gertder may require.in amosents and with companies eceepffible to Lender,naming Le�i�sr es an addiUonal •
<br /> named Insured,with tas3 payable to the lender.Irt c�ot loss under sucb poliotes,the Lender Is authorized ra aQjus�coilzct and
<br /> �}•� � •• .; ; Compromise,e�i e181ms thereunder and shail havetfteoptlon o1 apptyirtg all or paAOf the insurance proceed9(i)to any indebb�slnes9 , '
<br /> � � secutedherebyandtn8uchorderasLendermaydetermine,(ii)tcct�eTr�stortobeusedfortherepalrorrestoraBonotttteP��perty ,�_,;•' �
<br /> _ ��•:� ' . I orpiqtoranyothe►purposeorobJectesUsfactorytoLenderwithaut�P.ectingthenenotthlsOeedofTrustfo►thefuttamouniseeured :
<br /> hereby bebre such payment ever took place.Any applicaUOn ot proceeda to irtdebtedness ahall not extend or pastpone the due
<br /> dflte ot eny payments under tAa Note,or cure erry de�ult thereunder or her�under.
<br /> ,,'; � ' ';� ' '1 5. 6erew.Upon wdtten 6emand by Lender.7rustor ahail pey to Lender.in such manaer es Lender may designata,sufNclent
<br /> • `''� � auma to�nabte Lender to payas they become due one or more of the following:(i)all texes,assessment9 and other charges against •
<br /> s. . � • � �•� i the Property.pi)the premtums on the property insurertce required hereunQer,se0 pif)U�e premlums on any moRgage Insuranee •� �
<br /> ' :; requlred by lender. � '
<br /> . • .;, � � 8.ltundn�rte�.R�Aatn end Comptlane�wieh Lawa.Trustor shatl keep the Properiy In good eandttlon and repair.shail
<br /> ' • promptty repair.or replace any Improvemant wh[ch may be damaged or destroyed:ahall not eommit or permit any waste or
<br /> , �. � . �I detertotatlon of th9 Propertyr shatt not remove,demotiah or aubslanUatly atter eny of the Improvemenb on the PropeRy;shatl not .
<br /> ! commit,suNar ar permit any actto de done In or uponthe Property►in vlotation of any taw,ordinanee.or regutaUon;and shall pay and
<br />- ,• ;, � pramptry discharge et Trustor'e cost end expense all llen9.encumbrances and charges tevied,imposed or easessad agalnat the
<br /> � � 1� � PropeRy or any Part tAereof. �
<br /> r. •�. � , • T.EminoM Ocmatn.Lender ta hereby asslgned a11 eompensatton,awards,damagea and other payments or�elief(heretnafter
<br /> . , .. .
<br /> v. • � "Praeeeda'�IneonnecdonwltAeondemnaUonorothertakingoflhePropehyrorpartthereof,ortoreonveyanceintieuofcondemna-
<br /> . .., . .
<br /> i� �' � '`°���"��' " `= ti0n.LgnQer sha116�enUUed flt tts opUon to eommence.eppear In end prosecute In its owo name an acdon o►proceedinga,ertd
<br /> .,_ . ,. .
<br /> � '�''�-_` at�afi efsa�a eMftlsd ta makeanY eonsPeo�sa ar sattt�mcess in�r�i!!�svet:tahtag o:daaieg�tn it�a�t�tan�t Oe�tien Qf
<br /> � .;,;-.. :• �� . .... �eue�o+�s�n�oao.e��..to�es
<br /> • • c• ' OttMH�tlondea�alwom�ro�rnu�meSnun+A�oemm�r�ooti►tf�rub � .
<br /> - � ..c , , . � .
<br />