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<br /> _ -- -- -�:---�-= .- - - � � . . . , _ .
<br /> _ _ _.�.� , �- �
<br /> - .ro�uv�r n�—s�u ��;��tmr��;cov�saMrs�sag�nw� . . _T�---
<br /> t.�PAY11ElOT OP'P�A!AM�UITEREBT.hustot shal)DromOtN p�y�e"dua tAe pHnalpatnf end[ntecesl on iAe IndebteBneS9 ev�deMed bY•
<br /> ytne Ntlta.a�10a11 otAer ch�Bes and(aes as Pr+aulQad in Na HoterGnd the pt[nstFal Of St►d intatest On eny Futute AdvenCes 6e6ut9d bY We Ttust Ctee�--
<br /> — ----- �.WARRJW7Y QF Ml�.Ttustmr is tawlutM 68izsd end p45sessed oi g�ocd and in�Qte3sfbte NUe and estffis ro the Pra��l AeteDy eonveydd e(+e9 ,,
<br /> — -- has tt�e right ta grar►t and oomraY tha ProP�N:tl�9�o�artY ts trea enA ctear of ell Uens end�x►c�brenees eYOept Qens now ot r8cor��aied TrustO�w�: .
<br /> -°� w8ttant 8nd E9tend the titte to tAe Pra�qertl►e9atc�st W atalm9 ent4 demanQs _
<br />—_
<br /> a,.
<br />_"-- - .- -=-- --�iWbiTEttAN�AHA{A�tPL1AAlC�WlttitllYlf9.TrustcrshaUkeepthsProFonyingoodreAa!►sndoon�idonandshaUaotoammtt�vasteorR�t - �_ --
<br /> __--- -
<br /> � imAaUmet►t a d�rterto�atien af tRe ProQsnS►endsfisfl oo�nP�Si w�1!q�e P�����Y tease Ft Wsfiist flaadls a�sa�tC.E+to tmprevemef+taa�-- - - �_.___----—_
<br />= cr hereaftes erected upon tAo Paupe�y sha11 ba eliered.romovedor Qemot�shed witliout ttie pdor�written conseat of Benefldary.Tnistor sAal!campty xitl�
<br />-, sU iaw�atdinances.re9ulations,coveaants.candiitons and restrictlons aNect[rtg tRa P�perry and rtot oommlt.suHer or pertiil any ad to Oe done tn cr
<br />_�' �1�a�A�Y M viotation of arry taw,eMlrtance.������9 do destroyed and pay.�rdue.all etsims torrtabarpe priGtmmed�andd imatadaLS - -
<br /> - ��m�n�LkemBntrereny irt�mvementon the Woperty
<br /> hunlsAad therefor and for enlr atterBtEons Mereot :
<br /> - 4.INS1l�7ANCE Trustor.at its exD�a.wlll mainmin with insuroraeAA�o�by Bsnoflctary►.insurancewith respeCt to the improvemaMS and parsonat
<br /> prapeAy.ccnstitutingth9 Property.agatnst tass Dyflre.ligAfimg.trnrtado.and other pertts end Aazar�covered by standard extanded ccvera8e indo�. � _
<br /> in anarteotmt equal tuat least orto hundred p8roent(100°�6)of Ne full reptacemeM vetue Mereof and insuranCe againSt SuCA ather Aazatds ertd in SuCff _ -
<br /> �o�y����u�m�ity pnied py owners anA operamrs ot�mitar properties or as 8eneftciary may�eQufre tar its pmtecUon.TnisUOrwitl�mp{yt w� = -
<br /> suchothernequtrerr,satsas8enefidarym8yframtimeW�merequesttortAeprateaonDylnsucanceofUteNtere�sottherespectivvepanies.Aliinsuranae —
<br />���;r.;.;�; :;y: Pn�CCies maintainsd R�uant ta thisTrust Oeed sh�i+name TnisWr and Benefiaaryas insured.as thei►respective interesb may aDPear.and proWdetAat _=�`
<br /> - ' tl�e6ann�ormodficatiarwithoutatleast15d3ysPdorwr0tennatifit�tionOOTrusaeaand8erteficiarymayprecuresuchinsuranosinaacrdanoe ��'?�-;r�
<br /> � -�� ` �� �vith trte provisions oi paragraph 6l�ot Trusmr shaD detiver to Banefldary the aiginal potiues of inswane9 and renewats therent ot memo capies of _-- ----
<br /> �_ �f.
<br />� �`�; �•,.:. sucb pu�des end renewals ther�of-�aifare to tumish such insurance by Tnrstor,or renewatS as required hereunder shall,at tAe aptton of Benefiaar�/. °,` . :` __
<br /> --���_��_.�v'+?:=�:;�:x cu[iS�uLeadetaun. ;N.. --_-
<br /> �i�T�F�'�r"}:_� - . .` � - - s- �. .
<br />������." S.TA%ER.A�A�I1'SANDCHARCaE9.Tn�smrsha0payalita�ces.es�smerttsandotAerchargss.inclu�ng.�ltsouttim�tion,Mesendimpositlas �
<br /> `=�,°- ��.,�..� -• aririhutabteLOtlteFrepertyaedteaseAOtdpaymentsorgrourtdrents,ita�ry.CetoreUsesameGecacnedeUnqueM.TnisoershallpromptrytumisAtobenefidary 4�`� ` �"'
<br />�'E�a a :�..•.��s� .' sficmCCeso}amourt5dueundertStisRa(a9raWh.andintheeveMTrustorshailmakepaymentdirectry.TrustorshallpromptiyfumishW8sne8daryteeefpt9 „ : �``_i�
<br /> . 4h?' • .-� �'�'�=.: �_
<br /> �'�`:��. e►3dc�cing such Paymems.TRiS�r�tail pay ail fa�ces end assesnnents vA�ich may be levied upon Benefidary's Interest heretn or upon this Trust Oeed t: :�� �-*M��
<br /> *, "'�'� .: ` �,d regard m any taw Mat rray#a snacted imposin9 PaYment ot the wAOte a any part thereof upon the Beneflciary. f�`'� 2 ;-
<br /> � _.�A r_•: c - � - 4 ._,
<br /> �=' �4-����z,�...:�t�, 6.ADDiTtONAl1t@lSAN06�TECTIOi�i61FE�lEFlCtAFtY'SSEWRITY.TnutashallmakeailpaymentsofinterestandprincipatandpaymerKS �.:�... .�:
<br /> �„ ,.. ;.;�:=... `�:::.
<br /> < < 5 t x . '",ti.�.�t:'.F`_�=
<br /> �'-';..�?�i•���»��+ of any Cthe►charg�,tees end expenses contrecte�to 6a paid to any existing or subsequent IienholQer or Deneficiary,under eny existlng or suEsequent , �.
<br /> 'Ty�� •° 4 1� '"c'r, maft�ge or trust deed Detore the date they are deitnquent or in detault,and promptN paY and discharga eny and e�t ather liens,ctaims or charges which ; ������
<br /> �- � ''��'-,�rf' may]eopardi�e the secutity 9r4ntedherein.if Trustor tafis to make any such paymeM or blls to pertarm any of tha aa-�ants and agreemenLS contained ��• _ _
<br /> ?���';��q��'��j)�' in tAts Trust Deed,Or the Hote ret¢rred to herefn,or in any priot or subsoquent hus!deed,or if any action or procee�:.�rg is commenced vfi(eh mateBafty , � �—
<br /> c,;���;;�tf�h�f�J f�iS+� affects Benefiaary's interest in ttoe RupeAy.induding,but no1 Gmited to,eminent doma�n proceedings,procee�ing$i:�volvi�g a deaeden�noUce of sate .;�, ;., - �
<br /> : 5 � �'. � tis;°'r byTNStee.noUceotdetavitbyYrus7�a.mortgagetaredosureectlon.aitTrustorfailstopayTnusur'sCc-�25generallyssLieybe��re�ce.U�enBenetidary. ,v �p{t�s.
<br /> �� ,.
<br />_ •':: '�..�;r�,,;y;:�, atgenetidar�soptinnase�w�a�a�oetoordemanduponTn�torandwitlioutreleasirrg�n,steriromarryobGgationnece�.�raer,mayrr.�ssuchappe�ces. y`. ,.-�,c .
<br /> . •• , : disDurse such sums�+d tatce sus�e 2c�on as is necessary ro pratect Beneficiary's Interest.i�duding,bN not 6mited to.C�:�rseme�t at reasortabte 2tmerfy's :�•`;Y�;:�: �•;:�
<br /> ..{,;i,;,-;_ � ;;:t _ a. .l
<br /> :';:�>�;�-�:• ,``•. .. fees.Pal►men1.P�rc.hase,co^t�i cr+oompromise of any encumb►ance.cAarge a liea,enuy upon the Property to make repair�,er decfaration et d��ault :;,3;��,, =
<br /> �;' ,� `'� � "•� underthisTNStOeeA•tnt�eeve�+ttt�trusto*6hatlf8iltoprocureinsuranceortopaytaxes.assessments,oranyotherchazgesocYCr�iceanypay:tienie ;�,,,�' '
<br /> ..r�.S.._''.;..•.�., �<,)
<br /> :F,f��+:{_,��_�,.: . y ta�y g����9 a g�equeritf�-rhdsf2rs ot existing or suhsequeM Oeneficiaries,BeneflCiary may proCUte Such insutance anQ ma�such�payment,but � ....�^.�.7;, _ _
<br /> }_9� ; shaUnoTbeohligate6t5doSa.as'.YamauntsdisbursedbyBeneflclarypursuanitolhisPardgraph6shellbecomeadditionalindebtedRC�ssofTtustotsequed �;
<br /> by tAl�Ttust Dee�Si:a�a�rtour�ts shell be payabte upon noUce hom Beneticfary to Trusror requestfng paymem thereot,end shal�6ear interest from the
<br /> `� �°,. �.' � .n' dateof dlsbursert:e�t��:e rate Fayable fram tlma to time on outstanding principal w�der the Note uniess payment ot irrterESi at such rate woutd be cantrary s� , ��li
<br /> ,.._', ,,--. -
<br />�, .'�:;fi;; toapplicablelaw.inaficheventsachamountsehallbearinterestatt�ehighestratepermissibteunderapplicabtelaw.NothingcontainedinthisParagrapA ;`;�,r. ;_
<br /> � ' 8 shatl reqWre Benefici2ry to ir.cur zrry expense or take any actton hereunder. ' •
<br /> ti�?,i . 4 .• . v_
<br /> ��3���,,.. 7.ASSIGNMENTOFREIUTS.B�eficfaryshallhavetherlght,powerandaulhoriryduringtheconGnuanceotthisT�ustOeedmca".�cttherents.iuues �"' +
<br /> � '.�?-,y;�,., �,� and profi2s ot tha Property anA o!arry personal properly located thereon with or without taking possession ot the property aNecie��+ereby.and Trustor ��,;�,y�:.., �;��f.. ,
<br /> ,� , f.;' ' hereby absolutey and unconditionalty assigns a11 such�ents,lssues and protits to BenetiCiary•Beneficiary.however,hereby consents to the Trc:sor-'s r=+t :;, "£ � . Sti
<br /> �� '` eolteetion end retentlon of such rents,issues and protits as they accrue and become payabte so long as Trustor is no�at such time,in de�aul!witR resyect `•,. ..'. �.��;.:.• . �-�•
<br /> � to peymeM ot any indebtedness secured hereby.or in the performance of any agreement hereundec Upon an such de}auit,Beneflci ma at ar+3tti�. ��F; �� '-��;'�?-���,'.� • _
<br /> , Y arY Y •�..:�.,i�`...
<br /> ' „ either in person,by agent,or by a receiver!o beappointed by a coun.without notice flnd without regarC to the adequacy of any seCUriry tor the indebtsdness �ly;.. , `��s:'�
<br /> � hereDy secured,(a)enter upan and take passess�on of the Property or any part thereof,and in its own name sue for or otherwise coitect such rents,issues �����'' � .
<br /> �•��..;: . . .
<br /> � ' -'�� ' �� and profits,includingthose pasl dueand unpaid,and appty the same.lesscosts and expenses of c�eration and collection,including reaSOnabta ettorney'e �,v��� .. ,`�:`-• :
<br /> ��j� t • . tees,upon any Indebtedness secured hereby,and in such order as Beneticiary may determine:(b)perform such acts ot repair or protection as may be ,��`;:. ����. .: ''
<br /> ..t � :<:•��:1�;.:.
<br /> �':;s. , �., necessary a p�oper to conserve tne value of�na PropeAy:(c)lease the eame or any part t�eteot for such rentaL term,and upon such conditiorts as its .:�,�;�,;}�. �
<br /> i � ' judgment may dictate,orterminateor adjust theterms and candaions ot existing Ieases.Untess Trustor and Benef.ciary thereof agrea othenxise in wr.•-�g, `;y��v�s�:-a :-
<br /> • Y,-�•� `� ' � eny epplication ot rents.issues ar profits to any indebtedness secured hereby shall m!extend ar pastpone lhe due date of t�e instatlment payme�'.s as . _.
<br /> ' ;:; . � � provlded in aeid promissory nate er change tha amount ot such instaliments.The entering uporr and Wking possession of the Praperry.the cof:ect:on , .
<br /> pf sueA rents,tssues and profit�ar�d tfie applkatlon thereot ae aforesaid.shall not waive or Cure a•sy defaul!or notice of default hereunder or inva.0ats . � ,.
<br /> ' ` • ' eny act done pursuant to such notice.Trustor etso assigns to BenetiClary.as turther securiry tor the perlormanCe of the obligations seCUred he�e�f.ail . .:
<br /> 'F� � � '� � .�,, prepald rents and all monies which may have been or may hereafter be deposited wilh said Trustor by any lessee o1 the Property.to secure ihe par�^enl �'�
<br /> � ��,,_ ' • . of any rent or damages.or upon default in the pertormance of any of the provlsions hereo},Trustor agreesto deliver such rents and deposits to Bene'c�ary. .
<br /> ` �t•� • ' Oetivery of written notice of Beneficiary's exercise of the nghts granted herem,to any tenant occupymg said prem�ses sha�l be suHiclent to rep�;*esaid .
<br /> �. ��,�����jr: '•::��� tenant to pay rent to the Benefrciary until further notica.
<br />- !:����::''' � " B,CONOEMNATtON.li tiUe to any part of the Prope►ry sha�l 0e taken in condemnatlon proceedings.by right ot eminent 0oma�s o.*sim.iar ac':on.ot
<br /> t{ ` ,,;c�'� 5hal be sdd artder threat of condemnation,au awzrds.damages and proeeeds are hereby assigned and sha11 ba paid to Benef�crary wr,o sh�t appy
<br /> � . �.�:."••'�" �• �"���� sucA awards.damages end proceeds to the sum eecured by this Trust Oeed.+�m me excess,it any.paid to Tru�or.U Trustar receives arty rtcxe or
<br /> - � Other intormafion regarding sueh actions or proceedings,TruStar shall give prompt written nOtiCe lhereot to Beneficiary.Beneticlary shatt be er.t�a1.at
<br /> �; ��'` � `� , i[s optlon.to tommence,eppear in end ptosecule in its own na�ne arry such actian ar praeeedings and shatl ba entitled to make any compromise er seT'aRert •
<br /> � �•;'�: .. •
<br /> _ ���n��� : in conneeUon with eny such action or proceedings.
<br /> . ��41�,, .
<br />- . ;=Y;,<<;.,. ,,:..,. � 9.FllTUAE AOVANCES.Upon�equest ot Trustor.Beneficlary at Beneficiary's option,prlor to reconveyaace of the Properry to Trustar,may maSce
<br /> ����,, � tuture advaneestoTrustor.Such future advances,viith mterest thereon,shatl pesecured by this Trust Ceed when evldenced Cy pramissory notes nating ` ,
<br /> �:.
<br /> � • that sald notes are secured hereby:prov�ded that at no t�me shan tne seeured pnncipal and future advancea not�netuding sums advaneed to protect .
<br /> - � ` � • the security.exceed two hundred pereent(200°10)ot the original puncipal amounts secured hereCy. ' '
<br /> �ti�.. .. . �. • .
<br />- _ :�,• 10.itElAEOIE9 HOT EXCLUStYL.Ttustea end Benetieiary.and eaeh ol them,sha11 be entiUed to enforce paymenl an0 pedortnance ot any indebtedness
<br /> ' ` , or eDfigattais Seeuted hereby and to exercise alt rignts and powers under this Trust Oeed or undet any othe►agreement ezecuted in eonneetion herew�th .
<br /> _ , ar any laws now or hereattee In torce.noNrithsisnding same or aU of the sueh indebtedness and obiigatlons secured hereby may now or hereafter be
<br /> . otherwlss seeured,vfiether Oy rtwrtgage.uustdeed.pledge.lien.aulgnment or othenvise.Neithenhe acceptance of this Trust Oeed nor Its enforcemenl .. •
<br /> ' ! '. • vfielherbyenuAaetlonCtpursuenitothepawerotsaiea►otherpowers�ereincontaineQ,shallpre�ud�eeorinanymanneratteetTtustee'sorBenetiCary's . �
<br /> '� � rigt�t to cealize upan ar enforce any other secmity now or�ereaker hetd by Trustee or Benefictary,it being agreed that Trustee and BeneNNary,and each
<br /> , • . �; .
<br /> `• • ., ' .`� . � .
<br /> ::,.�• .,
<br />_ ,i�f�.7R�..�_ _ •'.5�:�,�,.. __'�"" "_.
<br /> ��_: ; ..
<br /> .. �. , �,
<br /> � v � '
<br /> . . ,
<br /> , .: . .� �
<br /> � ' .
<br />