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99 110080 <br /> EXIIIBIT "A" <br /> A tract of land comE�risiny a p�r•t� of C,ol- Four (�) , lsl�r�c], erid <br /> part of ttie wesi: t-�alf af tt�e Soutt�ea�;t Quari:er oE the Soutliwest <br /> quarter (W 1/7. SE 1./�l SW 1/�1 ) , �L1. tn 5�cl:ian Twetiky--'1'tiree (2� ) , <br /> Towr�sliip E�.QVQfI ( 11 ) Nor.t:l�, Ct�riy� Nii�e (9) Wesl' o� the fith P.M. , <br /> lii II��1_L Caut�ty, NF�b.t::-islc:a, in�,rr 1►.�r I.:.t r.ti 1..-�r..l.y clrs��r. .I.k�pd �'��>w, : <br /> Beginning at a poinl: or� L-I�e s��.�t:l��e o£ said Sec�ion <br /> 'Twenl:y-ThreP (7.3) , s�ic] E�oli�t la�iiig Seveii t�luridred 5ixty E'outtt� <br /> and 'I'went-y-Ei.Ul�l: Hta�ir�►-edl:t�s (7���1 . 7.C1) feet; e.-�st of �t�e sot�l:l�west <br /> corri�r of Secl-..Lvn '1'wer�l:y-'1't�r. er ( 2.:�) ; l:hence e�sterl.y a.tor�y <br /> the south ].ir�e oE sald S@CL�UfI '1.'we��t:y-'I'IICP_P (�3 ) , a�r�re c�E <br /> One Thous�nd Two Hundred Sever�tee�i and E'our Tentt�s ( 1 , 217 . 4 ) feet <br /> to t.fie sauL-IiPasl- r_or.ner. c�f �nlc1 W .1/7. S[: l./9 SW ]./�1; l-I�ence <br /> nc�rt:l��r.l.y�nq tl�e r..��t I li�� �.,( �r� W 1 /7. Sr: .l./�I SW ]/4, a <br /> calst�ne� of Seven [] 'l'I�.t.t:�l�y Srven ���►icf �'or.�l:y- 1�'cx.u: Ilunclt�c�cll�.t�:: <br /> (737 . 49) feet; �i�enr.e def_lecL- Iny l.e[=1. £�7°Jt3' 37" �nd ruririir�g <br /> �a�ce nf F'c�ur Flt.incired�y 5even and NInP <br /> '1'entiis (�1��7 .9) Ceel:; l.t�enc.:� ����f:l.c�r_I..Lr�q r:tgl�l y�l°j14 ' 24" �r�cl <br /> runnlriy rior.-l:l�er�sl:c�r-.I.Y n d.l,^.,I:r�r�r,er c�C 't'wc� Ilu��r�r_�nd Severily 7'w� nn��l <br /> ThirtePn Nta►idr.ecll:t�s ( 7.72 . l.7 ) f. F��1. ; I:h�.�r�ce c:aef.l.�cl iriy ].eft: <br /> 1G9°39' 25" ar�c3 r.unning sou�hwest:erJ.y a clisl:arice of F'lfty '1't� <br /> �iid E'l.vr Iltn�dtecll,l�s (`i3 .U!i) fe�l.; LI1P.fl(:F' dFC.l.ecl�lnq riylit <br /> 3l °99' 3O" arid r..ur�ri tr�q snut:l�wr�1-r r-I.y n cl L��anc� r�L' Or�e Huriclr.ecJ <br /> G:LevPn �ncl Nlt�e 't'et�l:l�s ( 11..1 .9) 1:h�-�l.; l:het�r� �.��r-:i.��r..�.�,�� :t�r� <br /> 17°11 ' 30" arid rw�miriy southwesl.:erJ..y a�r���e of '1't� El�aruJr�c] <br /> Sixt.y F'our ar�d F'i£t�.een I1��r�car:PClt.i�s (3C��1 . 1.�) feet.; tl�en�e <br /> clefleetiny riyhl: 07.°25' 7.E)" ��ncl r.unt►lrig sc��_ithw�� r� d1Si:a�ice <br /> of '.l'tit�e fit.inclr��ca 'T.'w!�nl-.y f:lUhl; nii�l r' Iluriclrecll-hs ( 32f3 . 511) <br /> fPeL ; tlience deClecl:.i.i�,y, r .l.c�i�l�. O7"t)tl' �(1" .�rul r:�uir�l.riq �;o��t.l�we,l:e�rl.y <br /> a distarice c�f F'otar Ili.�ndrecl '.l'er� �i�cl ::i.t.xl:y._.�;ix ii��nclt:ec]Lh� ( �11U .66) <br /> feet , to tt�e p].�ce of b�_y Lnri:lr�q <br />