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<br /> �'.�..:r.:� `' ��' , . .` ` ` . � . . " :� , . � � � �^. ��-
<br /> —•�' ` 'i'�fdBTHB�t�ViTf�al�thC�i�-���ments n�v a�. ..�'e�Re�'re1�Se3�Qa th4 p�..����► `�` �tu� � _
<br /> — —_ 'c ��v�ar hsre�$er�a pu�o�-t�e��raperSy-..Alt�reFl�fs and a�tdit�aaa�sS�sll �1so 6e aw�ret! [�1�til�'�S�ifi�► - - - -
<br /> - — - - _ -���'3�1l�fthc,fnt�isi�.#q.�fen+edtnM�ttlla_St�li3A►�R _,mimt8y�'�i•`'� . _ '� .- � `'�� . �� -"' . — --.- ._
<br /> . �RFt6�E;OVeN��tt1�a�,�orro�rer�la��91�,r�d af tBs estata eecct�t,caavcyed ansi ti�s�'gTi��-'grx��"_-�.
<br /> aoavaY.tLe:P�aPesty►aad�th�t t�e�penY is u�a�di:va�bsc+�.e�eept�'or enc�mbraaoca oY i��d.: Qorto�vr.r wu[�ats�tad r�� � �: �
<br /> _ ' ds�'e�dgeneieliy tEe Htta to tIta rivpetts►�egainst$11 atala�s a�dem�dn.subje�to atq►en�,vmb�anets�f t±000td. � . -� �• G:�:. Y
<br /> . 't`�IS SEC�JRTi'Y`ti�11S'�'1tU1Vl�I�t'f`cntabine,s unifar,m cisvea&nts for aadamal erso�i aQa�unifot��aveaa�s witI�ti�ntt�d. ;� . .
<br /> -- �vartatiez�s A�t;jw�s�ictlen to consttt�a o�tfonu s�uity iaswmem cav�real pmF��Y. �. . � �
<br /> - - : . UNIP�RM 40VBNANTSr Bonower affi•Lender opvefm�t and egcee as fallows: < ` ._
<br />� i.go�ment ot Pttiad�tl�and�at�;Qh+epqymi�t aad L�tc CD�argrs..8ore�wer`:�aU P���Y 1�4Y wbsa� Qcu tha
<br />�,= psas��f,meal�4cttbs st�6t_��ens�b3t.tlt�Aiote_a�d an�r r�+►Ymeat au8 L�ie_d�es Que unde�t�Nau.
<br /> 3.�
<br /> - �--- � --
<br /> -; - - -- - ----- ,_- - - _ _ . . .
<br /> s 2.�utd�[ar��nd Insuranoe.Sub�t.to apgStcab2e iaw ar to a wriuen araiver by i�ender. Bormwe;shafi pay�a . :� �, -
<br />- i�ender an tLe d`ay moatSly�aYa�ats ac�Aue w�r tttse Note.unW the Mote is paid ia fiill.a snm('Fun�°)fors(a!y�ar[Y�s � _ _
<br /> -- - and as�whidi map att�ptiorlty over t�is Sew¢ity Insaun�eni as a tieA ou tIle Pmpeaty:(b)Y�1Y��P� �
<br /> - - or g�ou��ats oa t9e Pt�opetty.if aay;tc)9eaz3Y�ar property,insw�ttoe premiums;(�Yrar1Y flond ensa:aaoe premiums. ; , -
<br /> ��S+i�@)Y�Y��Se mc�manm►p��if aay:aad t�anY sums Payabie by Bonawer w Lender.in aocanianae wIm;�
<br /> tae previsians of Qarr�taph 8.in ti�of the paymeat of mortgage insnra�e premiums.'1'�ese it�are calt�d'Es�nw Itr�ns.'
<br /> - Lende*may.at eny.time,ooltact auA tiu2d Fuads ia aa amaunc not m caoeEd the ma�amum amount a tender fbr s f�deiaiht . .
<br /> ieiated mattgage toaa amy require for Bomodrer's sscmw acoount undet tbe fedetal-Real Es4ate 5ettlean�Ptooeduces ActoY
<br /> - 1974 as amended frQm time W time, 12 U.S.C.Searon 2�0!et seq.(:RFSPA').t�le�aa,other law that agplies to the Fuffds �`
<br /> s�a lesses'amauai.If sfl. Le�er may.ai aay time.oollect aad hold Futtds ia aa amnuat�t w exceed.t6e les�r�amnunt:
<br /> Leader may esdar�te thc amonnt of Fuads dae on tfte 6asis of cumat dala aud mzsonabie�tes of eaQettdimm.a of futare
<br /> ���:.. . �A; Escmw It�ns or othesa�ise ia a000rdaace arith applicable laar. ' �m�,�� _ .
<br /> '�':' .,`-°�,°� �e Fnnds shall 6e heid ia ae��instiwtion whose d�.are insured by a federat ageucy, ius�_ 1y. or eatity
<br /> w;.._.' .. . . --_-
<br /> C�S��,sf L�der is s�a�a instiwtioa)or in any Fac�i,l Hom�Loan Baak.E�ader sl�ait appl�r ti►e Fnada to p�ay the . —
<br /> m
<br /> Fscrow Ioaas.Latder may aot chatge Borrower for ho2ding and appSying t�e�urds,anm�ally analyaug t�e essmw acoo�i.or
<br /> _ �,;� " ;I•:-XS;';.�. verifyiag the Escrow itcros.unless Lender pays Borcower interest on.the Fimds$nd applicabie!aw peta►f2�Y�ender to make suc6 �
<br /> . �f�r .
<br />- � �,:�::-�-� � .a chmge.However.Lender may�equire Borrower W pay a one-time c8arge for an independent real estafe 1ax m,poitiug servioe _
<br />- i:,��`'��� �sed by I�cadea in oonneaiob aith tbis loar+, anless applirable law pmvides othe�rWrise. Unless an ag�eement is made or =
<br /> -�:;`-�;�'-�-� ,.� � ap�llcabie laac requirzs iaterest w be paid,L�tdrr shnll not be�qait�ed to pay Bamawer any intemst or eamings on tt�Fuads. -- -
<br /> �„�'�,:`.'- . � Bo�rower and l.eader may agree in writing,ho�c�cr,d�t interest s6alt be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give w�arrower. _
<br /> =``�`�'��.`-,`T,'= without d�ge. an aum�al a000u�ing of the Fuads.shoaring credits aad debits to the Fuads and the puapose for vr�ich� ---- ---
<br /> � �� � F'� de6it to tt�e Funds was madc.7Tte Funds ate piedged as addit2o�1 security for all sums secured by ttis Security.Inst�nt. — _
<br /> ::-�t; i;�.���,•,�::,`� _ --=
<br /> < i� �. ,:,. =' If t#e Funds held by I.ender�aeed the amowus permiued to be Getd bY aPPUcabte 1aw,Leader s6a11 acoount w�Idi-rr�wer �
<br /> �, o,.:`;; �;;` � for the exoess F�mds.in s000rd�e arith the requirements of applicable taw.If the amoa�t a�the Fuads hetd by l.cn�r�ei mry �,rr�« �
<br /> ��``�. ;>�±�f��:.�'"�.� t�me is not sufficieat ta the ESCrow Items when dae,Lender ma so aa Bornower ia
<br /> �;;-�`;�;:�==_
<br /> ..; . ..,,:, . �Y Y �Y �S,and.in snc6 case Borrower w w..�..�:
<br />_ shaU pay to Lender sD�amouat neoessary to amke up the deficiency. Barnuvver shall make up the dr�d�cy in ao uoore than ��
<br /> ;° -n.°� • � tarelve morit6ly paym�ts,at Lender's sole discre�ion. :: . �..;, .
<br /> � . . Upon payment in fuU of all sums secuned by this Sec�uity Iasdument. Lender shal! promptty.rPPand to Borrower any `���,�,:,�ti�'-
<br /> 1�` � ` � Funds Detd by lxnder.If.under patag�aph 21,Lender shal}acquii+e or sell the Property.Lender,prior to the acquisidon os sate `'"`� ''='-�
<br /> :', '� � �
<br /> ` ��` 'tfi=��'Fi�"�==;
<br /> - of the Prope�ty.shall apply any Funds held Dy l.ender at the time of acquisiNon or sale as a credit ag��t tne sums secuted by , ��.�
<br /> . , this Serurity Instmatent. "�`''��_
<br /> . . .�;,,�..f _ -
<br /> ' ' ' 3.Apgltcation oY P�yments.Untess applicable taw provides athenvise.all payments received by Lr�ier uader paragrapl�s , __
<br /> ' ,. �,;.'�.,; •`� 1 and 2 shall be applicd:first.to any prepayment chatges due under the Note;second.to a�ounts payable under paragraph 2: ;� . ` •: ; :=:. y
<br /> ' +�tse;;t;; third.to interest d�ce;fouM,to principal due;and last.to any late charges dae under the Note: •'�. ;;�'�• • ,'��`�'°
<br />- ' � �"��"+�-.u��" `" 0. ,l,tens.Borrower shall a al!taues.assessmenu.c h es. f ines an d i �.st�ons a t t c�bu t a b le to t he P ro erty ����
<br /> �. ;.����� C��' P Y �*B �... p .
<br /> � '3� �� wlueh may attain ria�ri over this Securi In�s,.rnnt. and leasehotd ts or round nenu, if� Horrower shall y � '
<br /> : s� .,�,t��' P tY �Y PaY� 8 e �'. Pa . �,.. . . :.
<br /> � �:{���.,� �, � � � Wese obligations in tbe manner provided in para�r�2,or if not paid in tkat m.anner.Borrower sha{g�o6em on time directly ' ,4
<br /> �; � ' ��'f��`'' � " '� to the person owed payment.Borrower shatl promptly furnisl4 co Lxnder alf notices of amounts to be paid under this qaragiaph. � `�"��� - "'
<br /> ��,;,._ .
<br /> + S.tl�t15t�:..� ..�, ' ' .''�`�fV4-±S � � .
<br /> � ; ; ''�r��t5�. If Bomower makes these pa yments directly.Borrower sf�aif�c-�,�rsy fumish to Lender mceipts evidencing the payments. ,� •..•?•� ;:��. '•����.
<br /> • '� ''���' . '•, 8orcower shall pmmpily discharge any lien w�;�ch has priar'sty aver this Security(nstrument untess Bormwer.(a)agrees in � � •
<br /> `i�;` . '' � writing to the payment of the obligation secured by tlhe lien in a manner acceptable to I.ender:(b)contests in good faith 1he lien '' �`�'" '
<br /> ,,� . . ', '
<br /> by.or defends against enforcement of the lien in. tegal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the '
<br /> ' ��:,.•:, �:: , .'5��. � .�.:.
<br /> '- � enforcement of the lien:or tc)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory• to L.ender subordinating the lien to t;:?y�: -
<br /> �� ���'.° ' �� thls 5ecgtrity lnstrument. lf l.ender determines thal any part of the Property is subject to a Iien which may attain priority over � >��``.•�':*;� �
<br /> . :;._;�.at�.., ..: ' ;.
<br /> ;..,+_•:Y� ° this Sea�dty Instmment. Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. BorroRer shall satisfy the lien or takeone or , >;,,�s�,���:�• •..-.;
<br /> -= � ; � rteore of the actions set fortb above within 10 days of the giving of notice. ;'. �� � . . .
<br /> . ' �.�� . .
<br /> ; ;;:� . • • Fartn 30Z8 8t30
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