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<br /> ` -�` � V��� i�f!�i1�ltCQ!`�DYb��lj��.l�E!�D�$6Yll�i�l ,�.'d��A�1fl�.�Qit'�Ti S�I��., . °�•`�
<br />� �Ittt�COdee'`rc�i��8ro . Y . . ; .
<br /> ___ `� � �e.�fl.«`iunu��ta4aa sc _���i� �_n .tn�[qyi�d'aiitas`sa rr�ve.up3i1�ftst�6ut��.= �:--
<br />- t�aer.�9l��iaat:e�itha�rw=tt�aa�ee�athe�weea8orrowerar�l�aderor�pQli�aE�iaar: , ..�. . -
<br /> ---- � ' . 9.��t�Q�et or i�ag�t ra�Y maica cieisemDlo entrle�upssu aad i�.�to�ts of t�e�rapett�t.I�adcr�11 g[va, �,, ��
<br />— -- - ._Hoamwu��Ece a�t1�tima af ar p�tqr�Qa ias�tton spe�ring ressanabts ceuse foR ii�inspe�ifla. �' � ` ; � .
<br /> --- �O,�Co�.1tie pm�of.aay�awa:d br clai�a fos Qamages.di�ect or coasaqtie�.W;canaextion ivltb airy. �
<br /> _� - . caade�ntatdaa ar ot�er ta4ing of aay p$re of thes�c+a,�rity.vr for oanveyac[ce in uas.of wnd�maatto�.are�DY s�ig�a�d ` ; -
<br /> — sewe��ato�. �� � �. . . . . � . .
<br /> = - < rx+tIle�v�i ate�ata1 t�ns ott�r�operty►,�t�e pr�nooas snalc ee�opp�ie�co tA�e�s�.,�+ea by d�is ss�uiri►�. : :
<br /> _�
<br />`=. ahe�t�sr Qr.t�ot t�sa due.wItn esosss aid m BonmNet. tu t�e event of Q af tt�e lrupeccy in abicb tb�fair
<br /> - -.,- .
<br />--;� - ma�dCCt vahte oi tI�Pmpe�y.�ely��+e t�e ta4Zug is eq�to-oi grrater��a�au�t af d����1�s �- =—_ - ---
<br />- - Sact�r�4y I��iaret�►6efore t�e m�ing,un2ess Sormwer and ta�dez osLe�uise agcee Ia wesing,the sum�seauaed dy
<br /> --- = tdis�j+tnsavmea�shaft 4e�¢aed by tIte amouct of t�s�pr�ceeds mut�plled�y_the follrnving frearoa: ta) the tatal
<br /> _ - amous�t oi tIIa stm�se�uxed.�.�effa�no tLe mtdag,divided Dy N3 th.fait mar�eE va[ue of the Pcopeaty iauaediately
<br />- 6eforc tt�taYF�.Aap bataace sh�!!De pai�to 8oim�vvar. Ia tQe eveat af a gartial taglrzg uf tha Property ia wLfch tbe fair
<br /><_�� maz�ct valtr�of the 1�PertY imm�dis�t3t before t�taking is Iess thaa the a�etunt of tIl�snt�s�ued�mm�diaodY befa�e the
<br />- mldog,unt�s 8oaower end Leea�dar otiteearise a�ee in wrltiag or ttWess a�pHcab2e taw e�pmvidea,t1u pmceods�shali
<br /> ' be appl€ed ta t�e sums sec�by.thLs Se�vtitY ra�arome�i wheiher or nat tl�e sunos are thm duc. .
<br />= If tt�Pm�ty Ls abaadan�d lry Bormwa,or if,aRsr notIce by I�ender to Bonower that the wndemno:affeas.m maBc su
<br />= awacd or sdde a daim for dam�ages.Bomaaer Laits to�espona to Ic�der withio 30 day�after th�date the notice�s gi��.
<br /> L�nder is eWRorized to Qollea an�appiy dte piaoeeds.at its optian,either w e+esto�aa or t�pair of t6e Froperiy ot to ti�su�s
<br /> - � sacv�ed Dy th#s Se�vtity.Jasi�nnrsnt.wh�Aer or uot then due.
<br /> "' ' ��°'� '=r IIal�ss tender atc�Bormwer othenvise agcee in writln8, anY SPDlicahna of pnoo�otl4 w prIaclpal ahall not extead or - ---
<br /> _ po�tl:e due date of tI�umntDly paymentg nefemed to in pafa�aphs 1 and 2 or diauge t�e amount of sncb paymeats.
<br /> 11.Borrower Not Rdl�se�Forbesranoe By L��er Not a Waives.Bm�r�sIon of ttie tiuee for paymeat or modiffwtian , •
<br /> - ?.:r�;r - of�tion of the sums secared by ttus Se�vrity Instmmeat giantad�y Lender to any suocessor in imerest of Bomnwer sAall �
<br /> �'��'�� noz uperate m nztease th,r liability a�f the origival Bormwer or Borrower's sueo�sois in iaceres�Le�der sLall aot�e nequirad to
<br /> � :t�: ,.
<br /> `{},
<br /> ���D�a&g��l►suooessor in i�teresc os refiue to extend time for payment os otneewIse modify amorti�on
<br /> °�:�.,,:�,c.... of the �securod hy ttds Se�v�iry Ias�umcnt by reasoa of aay demand made by We origiaal Borrower or Bonower's
<br />- �`::�:=�'�>� s�c�essors in inte�st.Arry fo:bearan�e Dy I.eader in exen�Is�a►g anyr a8ht or temedy shaU not Ae a waivec of or p�ciwdo ttte �
<br /> � -� "�`" • ��T
<br /> - . ��.-v�°°` -.< �,: exenisa of any ri�ht or semedY• � ��, The oove�ts arW a$�+eemeuts of t8is �-_-
<br /> _ ��;,:.:�,;,
<br /> ,} =.u.�: °�:';:: ��' 12.Sacoessaes s�s1 A�as Boand;doint and�eveislldaDitity;
<br /> t L •��, .-t. f'i:.< . . 3:1
<br /> � "�,'"'�`''`:;`��'::� � g e c v r i t y I n s�u m e n t straJ!bind and 6ene6t t�e suooessozs and as.si g n s of l.ender and Boaower. suDject m t6e pravisiona of
<br /> ' �;� �"��•'`;:. ,_,.,�:.
<br /> • 5...� ���Y"�.;�,:,::'� Pa�aPD 19: Ba�rmwa's ooveaants asd a�ts shall be joiat and sevezal. A�r Borrower whv co-signs this Securiry
<br /> _:i:, y{ ,r;���� ,,�
<br /> �•. , ,f) . S�S tY Y rtS� � eJ►
<br /> - �� ��;x�;;':'�s.s,�z'�`�� � iastrumeat 6ut does avt ezecate the Nace. a cs c�a-si this Sea►ri Instmment onl w mo , end ooav tbat _
<br />- �"�`�`;,�°`�_.,•: Bonower's interest in t$e Pmpeny m�s�e fz�s of tHis Security Insuumenr(b)is not Qe�oaalIy obligated to pay the sums _
<br /> _ ;:�.,����;,%,r..�
<br /> `� 'F_ � ..'� ��aY����Y�:mati'.�;c)ag�es that Lendcr and any other Bormwer may agree m extend,madify.fofiear or
<br /> t'��' i''�`��* ' make a�comnaod�ons with. to the teims of this Se�vrity In�uument or the Note without tbat 8orrower's conseat.
<br />_ :�' �:��'�f6�,at�:���- �Y � •`7�
<br /> ,`� '�.� °: �� 13.Loan Ctiaa'g�s.tf the loan secured by t�s Sesvrity Insaumeat is subject to a Iaw which sets maximnm Ioaa chatges. �'•� �• :�-
<br /> �?�ut�^;��,.,';k;:=+ �
<br />- +�?.,:. ',.� aud that law is finally interpneted so that the interest or other toan charges wlleeted or to be ooltected in oonaection wisD the ' �=�•��
<br /> .�-, .,,. l„ '=z:::'-:
<br /> ��..� �,., �� Ioan euceed the perantted limits.then: (a)any such loan charge shall be redaced by the amount necessary to reduce the cbarge • '.,��,��°�
<br /> .���.: ,t1.,.� -
<br /> }{1F'a L:::',"'�, '�'r�
<br /> : � tt�t�:�; , � to We Qermltted ilmit:and(b)a�+ sums atready collected fmm Horrower which exceeded germitted limiu will be refanded to . . : ,�,,,_
<br /> ':��-; '`�;,��;�� '� - Borrower. [xnder�nay diaose to make this refund by roducing the principal owed under the Note or b a direct ,
<br /> ak Y �g .�'i..�_
<br /> `y'F��'`�''� 1� .. payatent tu 8ortnw�e. �€a refuad ceduces principal. the reductian wi11 be treated as a partia! pcep�ayment without any �. �'�'�a _
<br /> �,����c'�� preDaymeat charge�die Note. �.„�' � '_ � .:`
<br /> .. ;.i�}��:����• 1�.IO�attoes.Any notice tv Emmaca,er provided for in this Security Instrument shap be given by delivertag it or by axatling �` -�„���.
<br /> s, '
<br /> � a, �;�`?;':;'`4� ��, it by fust ctass mail unless apptira�ste[d--QN req�izes use of another methad.The notIoe shall tre Qirected to the Prapertg�dress ��'� `; -#�*-_=
<br /> - ��\�.;ff,,:.'�, :r , �
<br /> � ' „ ``;�•���:�,-y�'��' . or any o�cer address 8orrowet desig�ates by norice to Lender. Any rtotice to Lender sk�t be given by fi�st class ffiil to < < � � •_
<br /> ._ .� .y�t;,:',. ..� ,;, . :. . :.�,. :� .
<br /> , " ..- �'.{�' Lender's address stare�hercin or aay other address Lender designates by notice to Borrawer. Any notice provided for in this • _ , ;.,;.,=
<br /> '`�"'� '�'�� � ' � Securiry Inswment sisar�tre deeme�to have boen given to Bmmwer or Lender when given as pmvided In t61s paragraph. � ' .'. ";" :
<br /> =,:: ': .�.., ...:..:
<br /> .:' ,�� .,�,�; �. _ ' 15.Governing q.aw; Sev�tS�ity. 'This Securiry Instnunent shall be govemed by federel law and the law of the '. "�.,.�; ;... ..',.
<br /> ��'��;.:'� , ��, ��� jurisdtcaan in which t�Property ss located.In the event that any provisPon or clause of this Security Insuument or tEe Note . , �'-.� � `'
<br />. '. ,.,•,... . .
<br /> = 3='-- � � '. oonflicts with applt�f�Caw,such confliM shaU not affect other pmvisions of this Security Insuument or the Note which can be - :
<br /> � �ir�.�•�- ` �� ��"'�' given effect without�tae conQicting provision. To this end the provlsions of thi�Securi�y Iasnument and the Note are declared � ° .
<br />_ :` ; `, .. -� to 6e seve�ab2e. . �
<br /> :�t�.� . �. . . . �
<br /> �:5�� ' .4.'., .'� .. . . ..
<br /> ,.�-: •,<���;`.:..�, 16.Borrower's Co�.i�arrawer shall 6e given one rnnformed copy of the Note znd of this Security Instrument. : :
<br /> :��. �,.
<br /> �ti;:,..
<br /> t. '.'t,,t`�, Farra 30?8 9l90 ,�;��,,:�,�
<br /> ;.f;: . . ..ip����•�* . . •��,�.�. . .
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