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<br /> _�J_ ..4 �_ i -•. __'-_ _. .... . " . . __`-�..�..�T_ � . . •4: _ _�_ .
<br /> . _ _ .-. ___ .. .
<br /> Z ., i.:� . _, ' ' " ' __ .. , - _ --. ,
<br /> �.t._ CS' . � _ __ ,t{(S�. .�K. �� _� '...� l_
<br /> �-�a�.wijd� � .. � • . � . . . �' . . �e. �P /�. S.. �V�' .
<br /> - _ . � ,.� . . . '���� `���•` •• . .
<br /> . . � �. ti.:�6/aiASSai�e►�iiR`��1i����{Nfl!�'iTeiFilCi�eaF�l.�iwc�A7��tl�i� ���?�.i:
<br /> - • ; �tlsduea;aoRr or ���`�art o8 the Dr�enY. Aq re�laocn�ests�.�and;a�it�+t�s a�ald ai�ba c�Yaed �r•tdil.i�atri�, `
<br /> . �iit�ear,All�f�o foregat�g�S nfernnad�in�hts Securtty tnawr�ea�sa tt�°�beny�b t ... .: ^. , '4 ,
<br /> - �' , ` � �Q�R+n�Ntffi�C '.�`.'`_._..--_ ___ i=1`rd�ti0 hu tl�$gbt t#x��- ,` . - _
<br /> - •°ooavcSr�@c�apErcy..R�that ti�d Prop�ty is upcncvim�ered.ex�fo�r et�t�b3aa�oes oY�+eooid. 8or�wcr w�rrn�ts�d.���� .
<br /> � � �faad gtr�eeraily�e Hda.�.t�e Pinp+�sy agata�t Ql!cl�imsESnd de�.si��ca a�cbcumb�aacesbf�aor�. � -`. `
<br /> � ` � 'stIIS SSCtTRTPY 1NS'�UMBI�oom0ines unif�mi aava�asnFS�faa n��s,t use�hd aon�uNfonm oov�ts s�tth�mftad .
<br /> tirati�nsDy,jvrisd�in�tocansdtwbannifos�aca�rityEast�uu�tmav�a+�atpropeny . ' - . � , . .
<br /> -- — • 3JNIEQRb+i�V�IAI�YF��ower an�3 Letrder aor�enant a�d ag;sne as�'s��
<br /> �,�o!��4pa1 and Inta'ati R�t aa��C�. �oirower shalt pmmpttY�ay wEen c�e the , .
<br /> — � ��isd�al of�d�t�iat an tQe ddat ev3damed�y tha Note and uc!Y P�����'8�d�s un�ier Ilie Kotc. �.:,.� .
<br /> _�___- ---
<br /> -- ° - �--- ----�:-tRi��f��s�-aa���b,}e�te ep�4€ca�ie tac�c�-ta-�;twsi��ai��y-t�.-�o�=s�!l-�-i�- . '
<br /> _`� _�ndetah tT�daY'��Y�Y�ate QuQ undsr the Nute.utull ttt¢Noie is:�sfd tn Pol1.a siu'n(°Fi�ds,')for.(a2 Y�tl�r� - - _ _
<br /> end�w�ic8 amy eua3n prtolit�+aver tII�s Se�uIty Inshu�nt as a,l�en o�tae Pto�erty;(�}Y�siY t�st�ald payments .
<br /> , . �r�rent�on tbe Piogeity.if auy:(c?Ye;uly 8amid or piupercy�iasu�pr�aiums:(fi!�Y�iasv�ace piemivms. ;
<br /> :if mi►;(e)i�earty►mortgage insnn�noe premiums;If any:aad f�eqrisum.z.p�a�2e by Boaower ca i�eud�r.in aoco:da�ce wi$� .
<br /> � : 'tI�a pmvisions of�a�gra�.t 8►in tieu OF thie paymae�nt of mortgage ia�sunvsce�r�eminms.lYt�ee items are c�lted°Esctu�Items.°�.
<br /> Isader may►;ast any time:aollect and hotd�unds in aa auaaur�t aa�to e�ca'id tae mialmum amouat a tender fnr a fadeaally ,
<br /> . �_ retaud mottgega�oan may reqaiie for B�au�cowes's esaow acoouBt umdsr t�,;tade�al R�t Bsmt�Seal�eni pcooedu�s Act of ' _
<br /> 1974-as aniet�ded 8om t€me to,tims;�12 U.S.C.Sc�ctiaa ZfSqt et ae,q.(°RHSSfA°).unless anotber t�ar tbat a�piies w the Fuads
<br /> . ,, seis a tes�r amo�at.If so.�eader may,at ac�t�uae.ooltecx and hold�uads in an ammtat aot to exoeed the lesser am4unt.
<br /> __ Lwder way�stimare tIIe�amnwu of Fauds d�e on the basis of nnmr�t dat�m�d�easonabte e�timaus o�ex�enditua+es af titture
<br /> — � Fsctow Items or othenvise in acoaidaaoe arfW applicable taw. , � ' .
<br /> - — -- :T�e�uads sball be hetd In an utstitution whosc depasiu are imsur�!�y a faderJ! a�ccy, iasuumenteltty, oa eatity
<br /> -_--- C�cludfn��,if tead�is sach�instituteoa�ar in a�r�ra!Homa.l.aaa 8ank.Leader sdall appty the Faads to Fay the ,
<br /> Escrow It�s.tender may aot c�arge Bormwer for 6oWing atid applyinS�te:±Fmds,ennualIy aaalyzing the escmw a000unt.or .
<br /> - verifying the Fsc�nw Items,unless L�ctder pays Burrnwer interest oa the Fuw�ts and appUc�bie!aw pe�mits L�der w ma�Oe such _
<br /> ----� a cbarg�.�Noweve�.�ffiY�4�Bmrowe+r m pay a oa�-time ch�for an iadepeadent real esmte tax reportirtg senrioe
<br /> ---; ased.�Laidcr'FiT°c�eiction with this toan. nnless applicabfe taw Qsav�ides athenvise. Un2ess aa agceeme�nt is made or
<br /> _--__- - . �ppi{q�fe��re�iate�est tn he paid,Lender shall aot be r�equired m�y Bomnwer any interest or earaings on the Fuuds.
<br />� � ' Borc+c�t�a�d=i�r t�Y ag�ee in writin8,Qowever.tLai iAterest sGall 6�.paid on the Foads.Le�er strdl!give to Bosower.
<br />� � � :��d�e,an ua�mai-rasrounting of the Fuad3.shou+ia$credits aad d�bits w tIte FtuWs and ths putpose for wticL eacb
<br /> i'" = d�iit�:�e�uads w�G�te:'I9ie Fands ere pledged as additinna!se�uriry,fitt ali sums se�ured by this Security Iastrum�ent.
<br /> . _ .''•I€t#re�TCmds held i>y Leader excoac!We amounts pennittod w b�heId bY SPP�eable Is►w.Leader chall a000vnt to�wer
<br /> . , far i8�:e�Fuads In acoordaaae cvtW the requirements of appiicubfe tavr•::If the amouat nf t�Funds held by Lead�at ct�ty
<br /> -.;� � . �:. �dme is;iai suffcccent to pay the Fsao�Ite�when due,Lender may.sa notify Horrower in wRitiag,aoA,in s�tch case�wer
<br />-- � � � :'.`s'yall pay m Lender tRe amouni ne�essary m make v,Q the defcciency. Bosmwer shall maFae ap�the defccieaey in no more thea ----
<br /> •�_ "�
<br /> ry :��, ;..t�,veive monthly payments,at Yxnder's sale discreticra � � , .
<br /> �,..�>- . .. � iJp3tm�aymeat in full of all sums secuced by tlUS Security I�t. Leacter shalt pramptly refiutd to Bom�arec any � �= -
<br /> • � ;.� ;�,• �-,----- _
<br /> Faaifs i�by I.ender.lf.under patag�aph 21.Leader shalf acquire or se11�he Pr�ape�ty.i.eader,prior to the acquisidoa ar sale
<br /> - �`,:,:..._,,,:._. .,�F,. : i�f_ - _
<br /> ,-�, ..-.� � y of th�Fm�y.shall apply a�ry Funds held by Lender at the time of arquisition or sale as a cnadit against the swns seciued.by� ?;r.:_}-*���-
<br /> `�c-°':_. �, � this Secwcity Insuum�t. `�r^r-,'.-
<br /> ,;,�;:r=��-:� r:: ,: 3.A satto�of i� = —
<br /> �..�..r �. . . ., , OP� Y�enta.Unless applicabte[aw provides othecwisa.ali payments neceived by Lender under paragraphs � : .;�,,.
<br /> ' '•• � 1 and 2 shall be applied:fiist,to any prepayment d�a�es due under tAe Nbte:second.to amounu payable under paragraph 2; ; `:.} -
<br /> ::,�"�� ' �a.,��..�,.
<br /> . tbird.to interest due:founh.ca prinsip�t due:and last.to any late chargea ciue under the Note. . ,-, .�$.a,o_.
<br />- 4.C es;Lteas.Barrutver sbz�l a all taxes.assessments.char�s.fines and im snions amibutable to the Pno�ty . ;r°`- _ `_
<br /> � � � P Y P� � . ;..,I��a,:
<br /> • - ` � = which ma attain riori ove:this 5eruri Instrament.aad leasehold ments or und reats.if an . Borrower shall a �-��"�^
<br /> Y P �Y tY P3Y B� Y P Y �_��-=-_��—--
<br /> �#'._,:',,' : .: ,..�.�'� .. ,_---
<br /> ` tbese obligationg in the manner provlded In paragra{�b 2.or if not paid in that manner. Borrower shall pay them on time di�ectty : :�,�,a:�
<br /> �z�s,_>:;;•�: .':_ : to the person owed payment.Borrower shall promgdy furnish to l.ende�a1i norices of amounts to be paid andec this parag�aph. ' "ti. `���-
<br /> . If Bomoa�makes these payments directly.Burrower ehalt prom�tly furnigh to I.ender receipts evidencing the paymenu. �`:n��;,:.
<br /> •� r-•{°''' ;�•" � Boirower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priarin over this Sccurity Instrument unless Bomnwer.(a)agre�s in � °��
<br /> y``°'�4° ` '�" �' � wrltia to the a menc of the obli auoa serured b the lien itt a manncr a�ce tabte to Lender:(b)rnntests in ood faitb the lien � + '"'
<br /> • 8 P Y 8 Y P 8 ;' ,,�` , . ,��.:•�;.�
<br /> �h � � � >>'� b , or defends against enfomement of the lien in. legal proceedings whlch in the Lender's opinion op�r3te to preveat the • ;•.;.,,�:7
<br /> n y ,�
<br /> •' :.r . ...�°' enforeement of the lien:or(c)secures from the hotder oF the lien an agreement satisfactory to[.ender suba�r�ting the lir�to � � •. ��'���•
<br /> , `� *,��.:�+.•� this Security Instrument.If Lender detemnnes that uny par�of thc Propesry is sub}ect to a lien which rt�zy�rai�c�riarity over � � .
<br /> r- . .�,-;�;•..•. ,� .
<br /> �..ai�4't, � � ' .�`'r:'�"- .
<br /> .,�,,�,.: „: ' this Secutity instntment.Lender may give Burrower a notire identiijin�the lien.Borrowe� h�l satisfy cFre tier ac take one or . .
<br /> � �`� � . more of the actions set forth above within 10 days�f the giving of not�cc. '. , :
<br /> - .,.� �•�.
<br /> . ';,' .
<br /> ,,..
<br /> ' ' , Form 3028 9/90 .
<br /> '�`� � ;:��3'�, v�ys s ot 6 � • . •
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<br /> -,�- �'�h�:i,�:.• . =n .
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