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�—�+.-•�--�-- - ,��':�,_ . - --- <br /> --�= ` - - - - ---- - °`�." <br /> i.- -- -- - - . _�_ <br /> -- - "`�rt - - ___� <br /> � -;�` - . �_�_ _ <br /> "aY _.5=:� _ ._." <br /> `F,: r,�.. -. � _ _ ._ . . ` -— _-- <br /> _���:�.�.:,� �.- � : _. _ _ ,�` _ _ .. �07:��� <br /> _ _ . g�� _ <br /> ° s.�Lre.F�.oa a.a otier�ard tw�a.oe Bortovua ir�sore atl;mpmvea�ua ori tee Ptopaty.wbaher eow in <br /> e�ustence or subse�ty erecmd.against any tiarrrds.caswities:and cortingencies.including firt.far which lander neqairos <br /> iasur�xae. This insur�nce sMll be m�intaitn�in t6e amoums=and for thc periody thaR Lerder ra�uirss.Bomuwer s�it�tll also <br /> inwrt all impmveii�nts on the Pmp�tty.afiet6er naw in exiurnce or subsequentiy crected.agaii�st toss by Roods w the eatrnt <br /> , m�tired by 1be Sa7et�ry. All insuranoe st�att be prried with mmpanies approved by Gender.'f't�ins�rauce�oliaes nad any <br /> �new�is shalt ya beld hy Lmder aod sl�ll include ta�ss p�yabl�cl�uses in favar nt.and in.�form accept�bte to.�.eadtr. <br /> In the ecent of loss.Borrower sAall give.Lender immediatc mtice by maiE. I.+cndes m�v m�lc�praof of toss i(rwt m�dt <br /> p�P�jY bY Bormwer. Fsch�insur,Woe mmp�ny ooncemed is hcrcAy astthori�tcd aM�di�tcd to make pvyment fat such tass <br /> dittetiy to t�rnder.instad of to Bortow•a and to Lender joit►t{y. All�+t s�ny pan��B thc in,w�ce procoods rtt�y be applied bY <br /> i,eader.�t its opti�ti.either(�)to tht reduction of thc indcbtedne�s undcr�he Natc�nd tbi�Securitj�[asuwncn4 fit!�t.w mry <br /> __. -- - `delinqueiR�e►rw�ks opplinf in the�rdcr;a�-.�l�3.�3 sl�tt tu���;s�xs#.e��tir.�ip2E:e�.4l�?�ti'-���."�t�.!n re�it _ _. _ �--- - <br /> � ut ihe damagad Pmpeny. Any applicatinn of the aroceaie to tf�e pris�ci�ral shfit twN c��etM!�K pnipx�e the due due oC the • <br />--_ -�Y:P�Xments which arc refcr�ed to in Par�Brapt►2.or..hangc t6c sun�wnt�,t,uch��mcnt.r.Any exress�insurance pmcced� <br />