`c''1• 4ij,=�2 'te t."' -�-,�''�`tt�`f'r-T+Y.r ��—., . - '� � ' ' ' �' —
<br />- ' t�� -+ri�-xy: �G.. "�C ' . '�., � t' . _ ' . ' � ; ,�: - __
<br /> �_�-.Vt.! . . ..'.C. :'�, "_ �� � � . .. . , `. i s�1 N ..��, - _-
<br />,`,,�'`` . . . — . '^ .i':�.r. ` �\`- .-e. .�I.- _ — ,f— .-�. ._ - _ _ ' _-- _ _.
<br /> -� • . . ' . . • . .. ��` t .: ` ' • - _ - ' S s _ . -_ _—
<br /> .}�_z-i ..'�1� � • . � • � c - -_
<br /> � � 8crto�ar ma�t,c�:suRls,a:6athtutt raid�sta�as`P.�►��n F�9�!�+h 19�.EY cuuah�MM�a�or procee�g ta�- �'
<br /> -= '� "s.' — .`.cf�snd3aid t�ilh�t�tg,tAst:kt tess�'a Qaad f�'ti�.t[ete�tUart.psac[us�es�af We Ba3�+Dw�f'e 4�es!tn t�to t�aD�ll ot.. "`� t _
<br />--` �. .. ' :, ottier tnate�t t�gsaRmant o1 tAs.�en create�sY Ws S�ttR�r�is'�ument or tander`t!aet�l�aL,Bortowar efirY o�o�s in :�° ';
<br /> -< � ���i• d�di it Ba;rowa,dufi0�u±.totn stRA8�1to�proces��ve�i►t�2 ae or 6�ssa r a t e t rt t o n rt l d tcn or a�t a m b M a to i�idar tar �'
<br /> -� '� ;�'_ ' � - - • ;- �fiAed En ptqvid�.Ll�e�t w�th u►p.mt'te�et lydo_m�lori)�n t�Onnee�tQn w�t►ihe,toan euidanasd�Uib htOts.�te$c�tg�Oui ttoL � � �.Y _.
<br /> _: , _ �- -- -._ -- -
<br /> - ----=
<br />-: ., . . , •Hmfted ta., �r�asa��.ca�c�em6�0-fla�ow�s�oc�t�c!► oi-ths Pcopdi[y u�in8ti�1��-trds-�ewwr�'. ." - .T
<br />" ��': �� inawntent 4s on a.darsel�at��oi�pwar sh�1t�op�aty wtth a9 the provi�torta at•�a tewse, tf�orcaw�aeq��as tae trits to tha
<br /> • ;� ," ?+'ag�rty�+1t►s tersa8otd anQ tAe tee tRte ntiaA nat q�a untess tertder s�eeo�tAe tne�er In wrNBng ' ��
<br /> , � • ,-5��:i`;i-. 7.Proteqtta��l+�ndor'�RisAts le�th�Propiriy.tt BoRaw� t�¢s.to peitonn tne cav�ena aaraeme�e ------
<br /> -•�, r� . � co�ed t�thi#Ses�nll�l fnat�nne�or thcro ta s tegel proceet�9 t�ffi maY N�t�t ettect Lenderb rt8lds in the Fboperty . -° -
<br />- , '_ -:�'.;� • M -_
<br /> ��,:.6. , ; �,�,��
<br /> . .,F,�„�����.;,> � {aud�as a proceedtng tn S�anip�tay.pre�for�txndanx�lion or io�fa�re or to�iorco i�wa cr�ans}.U►an I.�ertder m�► _ ___ _
<br /> - � .= •;__ 'do and pay!or rv8�tmter�ne�aatll�P�tha vaIIiO at the P�aA�I end le�dara dghts tn the Proyorty. I.endefe aattotp � .�
<br /> � � mayt tncFud�R�9 �Y� se�ued bY e L�►,v�toR,Aas Pdatftf►mrer thta fiec�yr inabumsn� eGD�B tn ccurt. pay�9 `�'���.fi'-��•_� -
<br /> -; �.;, �c,; �.
<br /> : `$' =°-� =-'-` - --rea.sona�ta ffiiorteey9'tees-eitd etite�tg ott tlfa�io�.�tSFta as�ko a�aks.�•l�ndar male-Eai��lcn_tmdEC.th[s.peragr�h- ------- � -' '�`�
<br /> "' � - �Lend�d�es rtot fiave to�do sw "''�"'�� -
<br /> ` � My emota�ts�shursed by L�dor�md.er parFSSgreph 7 sAoO beaame add�tartal debt ot Borrowet seeured by thta Seau� ` '��':'} �:� -.
<br /> pa
<br /> . • .. . (ns�ument UNess Bartaw�er�d�let�be�a�ee to oth�te�s M paymetU.t{tcse amc�nts shall boer tr�tere.st fioA�ffie data ai ;,.`i� ;.: �•:'�
<br /> - .�� +i«y.-..�-._ -
<br /> .,�• �hias�ne�ffi the No2e tate end a�'�e RsYaLte.wHA tnt�sf.�san�natbm t�om ten�er to Bareobr�ce�uesBn9 P�� �4.�;�'����-�___
<br /> '� . � � 8. MOtrtga$o ItisltrartCe::�N��i���art�Se insvnaaoa es e.cc;���,c�eg the ta2n•sawred AY Ws � `� � ���.,
<br /> - � " Secur�y tnstrumerrt.Borrovrer sfsa��f tTe�r�c'.up?��s'.,�:r��Ited to maU��the�n.L� ��.e�ae�1L 1or e�ryt teason.ttta ��'���
<br /> maU
<br /> 3�t t i : .f1l�R$3Q9�fl8U18(lC8 �'� ' s�,vy�.�rs�0i C898f8 LO bd' �(l�a Pl�.$GT�07Eiet S���'8$i��Q�� ����,�' _v.�ric
<br /> �{�' `�., ;�f,� l'xC^`
<br /> � S^``F �g=k�'Q . ? � �Q �!l.,6+�1E��8:�'�,.�18101L t0•�t@ �t.�`n�1;����� �
<br /> r � 3b��i8 MO �ItSUiBRC@�OUS�F 'S'�. ;��
<br /> � f l y d . - 4 4> > • Obt$lIt
<br /> - ak��;° a� n"'�" � .. cf L'�s=a�3ga�akt�nce previausy tn eftac�0.vm en a8�a�rna�S��`��Zr'�apptisi�d UY Lenda. H l �� a� .
<br /> ��4. r�q_xi�i �' �,t! � Zr� `����.._�'� : .
<br /> �y' ��E'.As�,r�,;��.� 4,k�'��.',,� . -��; 'su*�atc`�t'�ra.'scf�gs @tsu€atico oov�aga ta not ava�bfe�BonoweY stratl�pay to Lea��e�d�mo�A s sum eqtt2l to - .�, �=- -
<br /> �� ��., •�;�} � ' - ona��i�t the yea�ty►mort�ge 6tsurance prcmtum Eaing patd by Borrower wrt�the tnsuranee caveraga tapsed ar ceased to � s..�.
<br /> a�t
<br /> �< ,l� `' ti' ��.�,�:� , 6 a t n.e ff e d l e n d e r w ID a c ce p t.u s e e n d re t a tr�t A e s e p a y m�ts as a foss reserve tn¢eu of mortgage tr�surance Wsa reserva ; z:.� _
<br /> ,: ,��f;' paym e�i s may n o I o ng e r b e re�hed s t t h e o p 8on ot lender.n ma�a s o msmanea wvere$e pn me amoum ana�o�me�oa ;,�
<br /> '� '` ` that l�der requtres)provided by en.Jnaurer approved by Lender agoh►becomes avadabte and is aDtained. Bortower shaA pay � �
<br /> ' j, . . . , Y" �
<br /> _ � : tRa prem�ums�eqWred to maU�m6►mortgage tnsurance tn eftect.or to provide e loss res�ve�un1D the requ!rem�t t ar mo r t g age ` ;�.t �-=-
<br /> ------°---_ - - �-_- 4�susanea�ssSs(n aoaerdence wNh eny wdCen a�eem6nt betwe�Bartowec end Lend�ar appiicahte�+t. =°----°:"�:``��- _
<br /> 9. (nmpsCllOn.l�der or ite agEmt may metce roseona6la enblea upon end fnapectiona of the P�opaty. Londer eh�ll�+►e . : ..._-��"��
<br /> f` : ` � 8ortower noSce at the�me af ar pdor to en tnspectton apedtytng mnsonable cnuse far tlie(nap4t�Ean. �. �� �•���"
<br /> i `: 10. Cond�mnattoe.7he proeeeda ot any award ar�atm!ar dartugea.dttect or cansequenNat.In connecttoa rv1tA any , . --
<br /> ��;� . ' condemnatton or oth�r fakt�g of any D�of tha Property.or tor conveyanee In Deu of condesnnaBon,are Rere�y eeaigned and � ��
<br /> ? _ sht0 Qe pdd to Lettdet. ` � ��
<br /> E . c�. y
<br /> � . M tAe event of s totel Wdng of tRe Rroperty. tt�e proceeds sheD Ee appUsd to the auma eecured by tAla 6eoucfty ` ; �si�.�.':
<br /> � tnaWment,wheMtr or nM then due.with any e�ccesa pald to Borrower. In the event ot s mMn of ttfe Ro e tn rAttet► � ,`��,`� �"
<br /> P� 9 P K1► ": �' �"�L��,
<br /> - ° the telr market vatu�of the PropeRy Imme4iately 6etare the tatdng ia equal to or greater Nan tha emount a!the eums aaa�red � ` :�;�_
<br /> � f by thts Se�udry hfstrument Immedt�tety 6etore the taf�nB. untesa Bo�rower and Lender otl�enMse e�ee tn wdting.the sums �=
<br /> , 1 �t sAeD be reduced b 1he amount of the proceeds mutdpQed by the tollowing bacUon: (a)the �,' �•�
<br /> ; . seaured by this 3eeurity nshum Y ,. .•`:�';��,��
<br /> � i tote!amount M tha sums secured Utimadiatety betore the tatMg,divlded by(b)the fatr maikat vatuo ot Me FropertY immedfatety -;�'.:�';
<br /> fa
<br /> 4 ` • �• betore tAe mfdng My balance sha0 De paM to Borrower.b ffie event of a Pe1tla1 ffiidng of the PropeBy in whtcA tAe t+alr madcet :;�;:'�
<br /> ' „• f' -
<br /> 5 vatiee of the PropeRy tmmemategr before tAa taWng la teas than the amaunt o!the sums sewred Mmedtatety hetore the teWng. �""� '� �-'°-
<br /> � �4 unteas Bortower and lender othenMse agree tn wdtlng or uNess appqcabte taw othenxtse provldes, the proceeQs she0.De ' �
<br /> � . ; �+d
<br /> c + . aPDQed to tfie sums secured dy thi�SecurNy InstrumeM whether or not the sums are then du� :, , _: _
<br /> i . " H 4t�e Properry 1s abendonad by 8arrower.or H after noUoa by Lender tu 8orrawer that the condemnor oftere to mako en , ,,- :�:�, :j�.
<br /> oUo
<br /> .f.5�'�^�4
<br /> a award er settte a daM tor damages, Borrower tefls to respond to lender within 90 days after tRe dafa tAe no8ce ts �va�. �r � �va..,� "`,
<br /> � . ; _ t t�::, ''s: ''�
<br /> lender is eutrtor�zed co conea and appN p p�y ,'-,
<br /> the roceeds.at fts optton,efther ta restoraUon or cepafr ot the Pro er t�tfsa . �; t' �^
<br /> 2 • ;<.; .�•�;,i:'��
<br />- • = :` sums seau�by ttsis Security Instrument,whether or not then due. :::c ::�,
<br /> • ,• ..-:..:•_ `, �`
<br /> it:�,: � �.. ,.,.
<br /> - UnTeas Lender end Horrower otherwise a�ea in wriYn9. anY ePDUcation ot proceeds to Vrtndyal shalt nat e#e�0 ar i.� :• ., ;':,r��}`=
<br /> win
<br /> � } '. �` . pos�ema the due data of the mortthry payments refsrted to tn paragr+aphs 1 end 2 or change the amaunt of sucfi paymerns. �?:. ' :• �..• :;, : .c'�;i�
<br /> � � �`� :•� ��.8orrower Nat Relea�E�; Farhsaraneo�q�Ar��ler Not a Walver.E�otrssan ot the Ume tar paym�t ar ' '.
<br /> ��::-...:..�,.
<br /> ;.=�.t•;;�„�• :�.::.
<br /> ' ��'' ���'''� ma��satlon ot amortiratlon of the sums searred by this Securin frrstrument granted D Lendc-rrr to successor M fnteresY ot ���°���'������'�'::
<br /> ` } ���}i'�.,.`. 1 Y �Y :.,Y�':;^:r:' � •;�;°
<br /> : � •.`sy,,.c;e� Bomower sha0 not operate to reiease the GabiGiy o!the origbiai Horrower or BoROwers successors in tntereat Lender ehaU not . � ,,.,y�,_�.. ;.•,. -
<br /> � � � ` •°t 6e required to commenee proceedings agalrrst ars� successor in tnterest or reiuse to extend ttme for payment or otherwfse �
<br /> , •��----- ° � �� '� modAy amorUmtton of the sums sea�red by this 8ecurity tnatcument by reason ot eny deamand rtiade Ay the originai 8orrower Or
<br /> } ` :_. .: ._� ,« t�� •`
<br /> Borrobver's successors in tMerest. An forbearance by Lender in exer�dsin d t or re�r shall not be a wahrer ot or . ��'�``�;
<br /> � . ;a•, rr ver Y 9 �!I 9h ,:;i;:::,,;... ..
<br /> ';,, .�t'-.; .•
<br /> �,. PrecCrde th9 exerdse of any dgtrt or remedy. �,,r�:.�,;.�j
<br /> • ` ��'`-'�� � 12. Succassare ar�cl Qsstgna Bound; Jot�t and Sevoral Lta6lli4y; Co-sig�era The covenante and t<��.Y�;�:�;:.� :�
<br /> �>.. ,, � .
<br /> agreeme�rta ot tfiis S�ec�rtty f�lrument sAaU btnd and benefit the successors and essigna of Lendet and Borrower,sub�ect to the �`•S��^':�";��� '
<br /> • • provlsiona of paragra��tT. Bortower's wvenanb and agreements sha(I be joint end severai. My Borrower who co-signs this - ,c`;,;,��'�:':��'
<br /> ` �i� Securiry tnstrument but does not execute the Note: (a)Is co-slgning this Securily fnabument oefy to mortgage,grant and convey � ;;:��,=.;.;. �
<br /> � :, � thet�ortower's lnterest in the Prc�er�l under the tertns of this Securfty InsVumeM; (b) is not petsonatry obligated to pa�tde � . �'?_���-'t ��
<br /> j. � aum9 seuired by this Secu►try ir�3rument; and(o)agrees that Lender end any other Borrowa may agree to extend.mo�ldy. . ���•' '���. �• '
<br /> ', � � forbear or cnake any aaommodaHons with regard to the terms ot this Seeurity tnstrument or tha Note without that Bortower's � �
<br /> ���ti consem. ��
<br /> j ` � ' 13. Laelf Cherg99. B the loan secured by this Security Instrument Is subject to a Iaw wh�cfi � maximum loan
<br /> ` } . charges,end that Iaw ts ftnely Interpreted so that the interest or other toan chargea eoUected or to be collected in connectlon
<br /> � r�" wtth the loan exeeed the permitted IhNts,then: (a)any suaA(aan charge shaU be reduced by the emount necessary to reduce
<br /> i; the charge to the pertnitted 11mit; end (b) any sums aUeady coltected irom Borrower whicb exceeded pemiltted Umfte wtU ba •
<br /> � ` reNnded to Bortower. Lender may choose to make thia reNnd by�educing the pdncipal owed under the Note or by maWng a
<br /> � � mreat payment to Borrower. It e reNnd reduces pdncipal, the reductton wiU be Veated as a parttal prepayment wfthout any
<br /> 7�
<br /> ; • , prepaymeM charge under the Nota.
<br /> - �� � 14. NOtiC88.Any noUca to 8orrower provtded for In this 3ecurity tnaUUment ahaU be gNen by delivering it or by meiling ft
<br /> `���•• ' by ftrst class mail unlese appltra6fe law requUea use of another methad. TAe noUce sheU be dtrected to the PropeAy Ad�ess
<br /> � -','�_ $k� � or any other addresa Borrower deslgnates by notice to Lender. My noUce to Lender shaU be given by flrst class mefl to �
<br /> '�°` Lender's eddcese atated herein or eny other addreas Lender designatos by noUce ta Bortower. My noUce pre�tded for tn th�s
<br /> • � • .
<br /> =_ � 3 e c u t i t y I n a tr u m e n t s h a U b e Q a e m e d t e h a v a b e e n g l v e n t o B o r r o w e r o r l e n d e r w h e n g t v e n a e p ro v l d e d t n t h t s p a r a g re p h.
<br /> ��.` � 15. �OYeflling L�Vr S�vB�Bbility. 7fib 8ecurity Inatrument shaU be govemed by tederal Iaw and the law of the �
<br /> ��, . � judsdlallon tn which the RopeRy la loeatad. In the event that eny provislon or clause of thts Securiry InsWment or the Note ,
<br /> :.::,�':4:`,;:-; , ceniDete wfth appllcebte law,sach confliet shaU not effect othar provislona of thia Security tnstrument or the IVote which can be i
<br /> -�- '�•f.� .:•' �>"�2J;`�'.• given sNect wfthout ihe con9�cting provtslon.To this end tho provfslona ot this Seeurlty tnstn�ment and the Note ere dedared to ,
<br /> :.,;:+.{ [
<br /> . �� "� ,,,.'. ._:�., beseverabte. � •
<br /> �. ' • ,
<br /> ' �.#;, .�,.;� ",:�.,,:_•• 18. BOTf�sag7'9 Cm�yl.Bortower ahaU be glven ane contormed eopy of the Note and ot thi9 Secsuitj Instrument. . --
<br /> '`1�: ;i;i�. ' _ ,. , •
<br /> S � •:'.';i:�.4"'•."•?;rs ; , .
<br /> s+�",i�:t�il�°R�t�r:'�:`.!�� . Fl316.LM6(9/9� P9S.e 3 of S //��-'`p7""'� `� ' 1� . • '
<br /> ,.., .,�; `
<br /> � . ,•.,.
<br /> .
<br /> ,
<br /> -._ . ����iLe.�t:3i}'�i�.:;.�i�_
<br /> ..-__� ___-:_��=.--�r,:(�i�\o\i?�:.� -:......----- ��- ---. .. . `
<br /> �� t �' .'�1��(�.�.;.: f
<br /> ' ' ..��` .<i?: 93129.LM
<br /> Y;;� ' , �
<br /> : .., .. '
<br /> . '
<br /> -�i�i�. � � __ .. ._._ . . . . _.. . . . ..
<br />