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<br /> — T - � '�ars�vli's Ind�bUdnr3tl,�sN+��ft��r�tRtrad taa�.tlie"h�a�A';�ta � . .4, BFG�L-81►VI�ANt7�R -� � - - : — - -
<br /> . �RAl�1ti18L�AND,�ninettunfu�tasstRa��tan�eP':al�thasnt�rrt�ein�iii��veNn�iP�lPro�+►ty�dAtarlb�dtnR�te ��rity ` -
<br /> — lnftfutMrtt snd tQeat�ti�L• • .�k � • �^', .L,
<br /> 3�698 8RC711C� ROAD, c�a��r is�.a�p._rw�r��c�;:Q. �`��� .. �_� =: ��. �. :� - '_:�.:_�_
<br /> _ ��,�
<br /> . (ProA6ttf►AdQtt��.q}:: ,�:'(" _'
<br /> - - - Wftt�1�8SETH: . � . ..
<br />� . �.. .
<br /> -'�-� _- � '----{i�it7?'cAB:$6tt6wet8tt�tefl�etfievs-spt9e�tiia$8ity-FBn.'setl�pi�AtttR��#Dut�b38�v�.�:'w'�"r.°�'����•�,"°'��aat�,�,T_`
<br /> � additlOnat sacurity to the tender tor the Aeymoni aZ tho Noto; � � , . �
<br /> - -- NO�Y�!'i�t�REFORE.itisagreedthattiesSecuritytnatturtrontetfqllbtramgrtdedherabya�dQeemeOtotnctadAtl�toftowi�g
<br /> _ proviatoea: _ .i
<br />= 1. Q�alanmQnt of Renta andLen�er ReMaf Cc�ileatlon Rfahta Qortpwa�hQteDY eD801utety end unCa�MittOnatty.6satpr��at�
<br />_ �ento. tssaes and•proffta ot the property.to 6enatfa�aiy. Lensier atfall�t�av8 the �ight� power ertd autkarlty during tAe
<br />� cantinuanaa of the Secv�ity�tnatrument ta aalleot the fents,isauea.and psofit�of the propsRy and of any peraonat.property .
<br /> tacated therean with�cr witfiaut taking•passasston ot�tha praperty.aftaated hereDy.Lender,hovicever,hereby coasents ta -
<br /> Borr4wePs collestton and retenttan ot such ronta,isauea aed proNta as ttiaKaccrue and becoma payaDte.sa tong as Bonower
<br />-��:�c�����: � 1s no�at sucA time;In deiautt with respaci ta paymant o!anp•ladebtqdfiess secured hareby.or tn Me pa►brmance o!any
<br /> -;�;;--: agreeman;Aereund�: '.
<br /> s���,•�.,:�:.:::�;;,,- —
<br /> �g,•'�=� to tha S�curitY instrumant shall i�ave occurre�and be -----
<br /> ��-> >•:�•. ..�.. -���;.:, 2. ����Atment ot�tacetver.!f�nY:event of de�uuit in=roaPeat� �_____----
<br /> fil
<br />��pt n�:'::;, '::.se��.°tif:<c S ".
<br /> �_—__
<br /> iK ��;�. �.:��,�� conttnui�ig,.Lendert as a mattecafirt�ht and�withoutnotice�tq:8unawe►_or anyone claiming under Borcower,ar:��cr.Ctfiaut ��°=
<br />�+�� � ��._ - - -
<br /> ��� - regard tsx f�xatua of t�ie trust ast�c��he ints�t ot the Bo�notiya�thereTn,ahap Aave�i to e,ppty�to any.c¢srsf�lrig
<br />�� .�f � . . . :. :Iu�sdi�t�ag;Pli�t!Pq�t,�±�aceiver of the proper� :. - � :. . , � � ,� ;�� ,. __
<br /> r:
<br /> , . �C`�;_: `� 3. 8lnisi ti��#ar�tun.ln case of Qefaiulk�jr1��i�Ymeqt ot tha eatd pdrtclpal Note or lnierest,�ssr�parE theri�p4�s it =- -
<br /> � m e ae, ���.
<br /> " � ►�� , � , , .• `shatl maturr�,,��ft�tir�4�e of fallura to keep ar�et�?r.Cm aaytOf�tRa covenants or egreerttentscontaTnsd t`rfAp SBCp!I3�isistre�-
<br /> ��;`i .. }E �:._ � �man tti tli� ,t � � —
<br /> � ti;�.:� t� � �i'�ta suecessere or�.a&siges�►``�hait.da and Is hereby�auMorizea art�empvwered�o talc�;trtie�.qltate . __- --
<br /> :��'�,''��,i..`����;�. possess�trr.afi'tqts�lAremisestherel�dascrit{ed�diocoll§cttherentstheretram,artdtoapPryt�a�ro+�a�ds�ftothe -'� _
<br /> ,�,��s j��,P��,� ��t, �, Oayment�c�ifi�t?�at�:. '� :. . :•. ., . ; � _
<br />_ ,.,;�p� �,.'�'�'�`��� , � [poltCatidir�l#�,�sSes and Fruat�G�#i�nfe coiteated by L�ertd��rtAeteceivershatl bcte�t�Fasd flret to paymeM -
<br /> ����-������'��t� � of the eosta af,in8h�gett►�rd pg tRe�yrro���ccJt�tton oi re�ta,inctudirtg,tuct not Itmited t0.receive�s tees,premlucrts on __
<br /> ;�'�afr'R�" F�� �S , e�—_
<br /> �p l} �gc 2 f ;." ���recetr�i�s bart�g aad•r+�asonabt��ttortu�-�r's�i�:a�Men to ttta sumaescured by tAe Ssciuity Inatrument Lender and the °--�- �_
<br />� v�x�� 2ittri F��'. ' —
<br /> �, ;��;��s,�..•," recelY►�rshpil�be Ila01e to accou�t cnijr far tRhs3�i9 actua[tgr raceived. �-°
<br /> �'�`� : 5. �anatn�otian af Rravi�iona.Eaob of the prori�orts contatrted in t�ts Assigrtment of Renta Ridar and the Security lnatni• � ��
<br /> '�' ment ehall;uniesa atllaru+iae epectNaally reQuired, be construet)in acccbance witA Nebraske law,and ln the event any �•_ _'_'�=�_
<br /> "' "� `�' '��'`" provlaton herein ar theratn contatned shall be determined by a couK of compatent jurfsdlotion tohe unentorcea0te�the aame �-
<br /> ��"�`��,.;.;,��,`' sAall be cortatnied as thoagh such unenfo[ceabte provlsion wera nct a part Aereof or thereot. �`'�"""''�;
<br /> `�� . � 8. EHeot o de ExceDt as spectftcalty mcdifted by or inconslatent with tAls Assignment ot Renta Rfder ot by any otP�er • •• : ,": ,
<br /> �=
<br /> �,. . . . . � appticabla rtder,atl of the terma and prcviatona contelneQ In the Seaurity Instrument shali continua In fuil fotce and eitect. ��;��� :".` �:
<br />_ �;: . • . .�', ,,. .,���_
<br /> ; '�� .'�� iN WITNESS WHEREOF.Barrower has executed this Assipnment of Rents Rlder on the date Hrat aoted above. } . � •� `.;�_�
<br /> , f4.. _ ' ,'��. . : t. �� / 17'�S(/��/ ,1.�..;�� , �1�'i��a..
<br /> �� ` /�TO�.�.��' BOROW@f � r dt �} _
<br /> .7 � . _ '.: 1AmES H. SLOGGETT „ , ��' +� '-
<br /> .. �` .r. "`, �r?��`•
<br /> ��.�.� -
<br /> _-=. . • - .. --. Bonower -'�-
<br />