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<br /> y:.-� - — ` r���iQ���`1d�^1ra1 (?�w aafll���'rili�M��i�A�{�Y�SLY� a� `�_� . ., y. . - ..
<br />� ` ..�� ..�.��� � � "a4...� lRar�(n•�OYY�i'!!. •
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<br /> ,:.;:::�:- : � ,
<br />—_ " • K.`�.Y•..'.N�^w^�:l�. 68�02-2I83 . • . . . , , �
<br />- (}10f�1t1'L�t1dQf'�1. . .
<br /> :. - •
<br /> _ . :AO `, . i�. ���a�an ot tha indsDt�ines�hantn ncited a�9 f!�t�uet Ranin anntrd. ��y�lr�Mr0 Oonw�A!to tN�M�uL .
<br /> • ;:�TN�:���ths toeowtr�Qnarm�d ec��rtf►toasaQtn etr Coacrty oi �ll � ie�t�of f&pr�Fu:
<br /> , ��. _ :.: .. .._y:.:�_..- . , . . . ----
<br /> _ .,.;-.;.< : , •v:`:.'•�:::��:�=:�' . . .
<br /> = 'Fax�::�€�ot P1ve (5), Hlock T�ro (2}. Weaterhoff'e Pirst Subdivleioa ia the Cltq
<br /> - ��� � o£::',�r�iad•Island,.Hal2 Couatq._Nebsaska, Mc�re particuaasly describe� ae �olioaet �_a:=.-�=o___ ____
<br />- . �,�, a�::��i� 'Souti�west coraer of eaid Lot Five tS) suaning 8aeteriy along end ugon tAa� , _
<br /> _ . ,�x•<`�<':`�� a '.� Sontherlg.�:v��line of esid Lot Fivo (5) a distaace of'Bight (8) faet �o the a�tuel �f.� _-_
<br /> � ,�,;�:s��;`:� �;s:°`w ;�.;':�;; • poiat of he�4snniag, thence runn3ng Northerly parallel Lo the Weatesly Douttdery liaa �:.,�� __
<br /> _ }'� of s�fd Lct'Five (S). to a poiat on�the &outherly boundery-line of Wos�afQe Styte�ic. --—
<br /> �.�����`;:- � '4r� ' theace suan�ng Basterly aloag aad upoa ehe Southerly bouadarg line o4 Weetetd� �� �,_
<br /> �� �`�° Street a diatance of 81fty-Senea (57) faet, thence running Bouthetely pase�lol ta ��_�___-
<br /> �` '�,:: V . _'�Y� _
<br /> `��'��;r 4�" .r ��-;` the Weet boundarq ifne of aaid Lot Five (5)�to a poiAe on �he Boutherly bouadetry ;r,�,,;� _
<br />� ;;��;� .�'.. . :�,�. <.: �ine of eaid Lot Pive (5). thence runaing Westerly elong aud upoA the 8outhasly �� ,vu
<br /> N`5�"` ' bouadary line of aaid Lot Five (S3 a dietance of Ff�y-Seven (57) feet to the �oit►t `���4�r� _
<br /> ,._,..,. '
<br /> - , .�,., ��.___---
<br /> ` �` � . of'���ginning, �,'i�r'-
<br /> `�� .r�,. �lt, d,a`�"g�'-
<br /> .�� ``T., ,�'�.;'�•� ,� '{ ' - . ; � }n_r;-��
<br /> ::r.;�` ;-� �� . . . I�'�=
<br />-� �,`�°.�.�'.� : � - -
<br /> _ �-°jEs` �.� .�d`�}��Z'Fi.- , . . . _- -_ -- .
<br /> lj t`Yt��`.`:c ` -}f �%S�k"
<br /> .,r•, :�r'_:1',3,�`.. . - � t—
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<br /> ' - � , � ' '�2..:�.����'.-.
<br /> _ �:'_,� .. . t-� �� f•,_ "
<br /> � ,,•, . .,., �� • TOGETNER witt+aU�ufl4ir+pa.fixturae a�d improvemente now or hereetter eteatad th�reon snd oll riahriwt•way,e���nenta,rentt,ltwu�prottt�, , •. � • �-
<br /> income,tsnamente,hareEitamants,pdvitepea,aypurtenenaes,�oye�Ues.and mins�d,otl,yaa anA water�ipht�tAu�unto O�tonpinp,w�d cr anJoyaQ � .. �' .,..�:� .. �_
<br /> � with eaid land ot any part tAereof,a�d the Aomeatead or madtal intereets,if eny.wAloA intere�te�ro hereby reta��d u�d wrv�d,and rl of wNo2b � - ;•:.�t:�',�
<br /> includtt�p rtyt�eemnnte end edzlitiona theroto ohdl 6e daemed to bs and remein e port of the property oove►ed by tN�Tt�tt Q�rO��n0�1 c1 tM �':�;� -. ,:r;;°,:
<br /> ��?�� � •`��� ° . forepoin�toeetAar with eaid propertyt ero Mroin raferred ta aa tAe`Proporh►.' • . j>�t; `>:;'Y
<br /> : .. ;:.3- . .
<br /> . . .�.' -L::. 'S:�'�.
<br /> , . :., C.:.:C.i�'
<br /> �-`=�--`=`'-:��'�... .- '•�"�'._-�.r"c
<br /> — �;:•�. , TO SECUflE to lander the ropeument of indabtednees eviAenced by Borrowe�'o nots d�ted actober 6. ,18 93 tog�thu .___-_- _:
<br /> ' wlih eny end�1 ronewete.niodsliaationa.ar+d eatonalone theroof end su6stitutione oe exoheape�thoretot, Iheroln nt�rrrd�o ao tho'Note•1 In tM � �u � �`" �'.�•;.5�::
<br /> ���•' ' ,,' ' ' princ(pef sum oi f ��_�OQ.Og, ,tu9ethet witb Intereet et the rate Orovidsd thsraln.with s finaf m�tuNty,it . ` f' • � � '�'
<br /> . � 4.�..�. . .� .
<br /> �`�.'� �� • � � not eooner pald.ot .18_„2S.end as socudtY 1or any tuture advanaeo thet msy be m�Qe by 6�ndlr to Banow�t . . �'. , �
<br /> , �_:,, ,
<br /> �'",�� � �� " '�� � � trom tlme to tlme a ea aecurity tor the peymont oT eny end all other indebtadnos�of the Borrower to tha Le�e►wNch msy crlt�,all ot qid Iums � , . . -
<br /> . i
<br /> _ • �; ..-.:� ' •.:�'�� •' � not to exaeed in the eppregete a aum eQval to throe dmae the od�inel pdneipal amou�t of tha eEove reeited Nots. _
<br /> , , g;,,t. .., ..
<br /> - • �;����:�,..:�:'-�•`;�;;����`.�� BORROWER covenante Mat Borrower ia lawtully aei:ed of the Proporty Aero�y oon�royed end hea the dptit to prent end oonvey lhb PiraD�rlN,tM1 tM }' -
<br /> '� . property is unencumbered bV enY mortaape,trust dead,aontteot to purahese,ar othotwiae.except for e Deed of Truet
<br /> ,i ,- „
<br /> - < . . . ,
<br /> ` in tavor o! •
<br /> '•�� ` � � on whloh the unpeld 6alance on tNa Oate Qoea not axcaed S . . Borrower aovenente to aompty wltA dl lM hrm� ' '
<br /> �'� . � end proNsio:ia of eny pflor mortgago,truet doed or aonbeot to DuroQaso,u0on tho Property en to neake atl paymsnte thereon befon th�y b�aoms
<br /> S.t: ..��; . deUnquent. ft�o neme or amouat ia inaette0 U this paragrepA,thon Borrower oovenanto thot tAora aro no pdor llone of nny kind upon the VropertV. �
<br /> • Bonower further aovenonts to wanam end Qefend t�e tltto to t�o Property agalnst ell ctaimo and domunQs.
<br /> �'_�. „
<br /> '�'•• � ' � Qorcower ond Lsnder Porther covenant end eeree a9 toUowa: �
<br /> '. �x,;
<br /> �; ��'��".: �, ,., ,� t. Horrowm chell prompUY Aay when Quo tAo prlrtcipel and(ntereat on tAo(ndebtodneas evtdenced Dy the Noto. .
<br /> �`.i: .,?:.;,�;.�.., �' . ,
<br /> � �,;• `����,���$:;:`',:. , 2. At toe3t tmn days 6etoro tfioy Oesome datineuen4 Borrowor sAotl pay NI taxeo and opeclaf asseasmonW IoNed a eoeeaeed sadmt tha Prap�Ry. ,
<br /> .. �.:'•rr5�.4:� , a eny paet t�ereof,end af!tenos,tevioo arr�aasosemont9 t�vfad uyon thto Troot Oeed or the debe whlan It aecures.
<br /> �+�. �',i: • (�'
<br /> �. Borrower eheU kaap the improvaments end buildinga,if any,upon the Property Inaurad.with e aompeny or oompaNts�pp�ovsd by tA�l�b�b ta� ,
<br />� r:: .�• � en�wunt not to�s tAen the unpafd 6atenoe on the indabtadneas Qacurcd by thio Truot DaeO with a atendatd mottp�pe ci�we witA tas ptya�t�ta �
<br /> �' ' � ' •'��' th�lendar. 8ortower ehell de0ver edd poUoy or poUclea to the LenQer.
<br /> =.� .,_.�( ,•.,. .
<br /> bNs event of e toae,Bonower ahall pive prempt noUae to the insurence oar�ier end Ne Lende�end fito e ptaof ot to�l.If th�Bonowe�1�irot Oth�iwl�� •
<br /> � � ro i
<br /> ' tn dafault,the 8ortawe�may eioet to appty tAe insuranae proaeede to repair or roplaee the demapad Propeny.lf eoonomioetty t��sSbte.erb tA��aoudry ) •
<br /> � ' :�" ��". ,' of W�Tivat Oaed waufQ rtat 6a impdred. If tAo Borrower le in defautt or etacts noe to repair o►roplaae tM damap�d Piroperry ar repoir or��ptsc�m�nt `
<br /> � � woutd not aoonoMaatty fa�to or Me saoudty ot Uua Truat QeeA woutd be ImpN�ee Men the insuroneo praaaede ehell be applied to th�lail motudnp � �
<br /> � ,�e:;'��• � paymente due on the Nato. It the insuranae prccaeda ero in excese of tAe tota!omouat duo en eaid Note,tho oxooae ah�l be pa10 to tho 6or�ower. i �
<br /> � �w�<. tnaurenae{uactaQe toe reR�r o►reptacbr.��nt ahelt 6o ptaaed in esarow with the I.endor end dlcEursed Ey Londor durin9 or upon eempteUan ef tuah `
<br />_ ' • "'ti��,,�„��, repd�or�ament. ff tho tartder ac�uiroa tltle to tho P�roperty by exerelainp ita power of eaie,tarociosure ot othetwis�,in aUthoUon ol ths �
<br /> ., •. inQebtedn�a sacur�hotsby,In who[e oe in pert,tAen aU ripht.Utte end intereet of the Borrower in ond to ouoh inaurenos poUay ar pollale�dull pu� � -
<br /> : , , to tAs Leader. .
<br /> � � � 4. ForMe ourpoae of providinB a tund tor the peyment o1 texoa.epeetal eoaessmente and inouraneo p�amiuma.Borrower�heU dapoait wlth lenAar. �
<br /> -- J(,! '-- -- - on Ne datee thet peyments nro due on the Note,an amount aquef to tne tozes,esaesamente end tnaurenco ptamiwtf eexl CUe talt e0 e�tRnetaQ by r-"--�—--
<br /> . , � • � tNs Lea�der,teae amounU atreadydepoeited thorefo�l diddea by the aumber ol p�rmeMO on the Note that wlll beaome due pdqr ta the dete w�an�uoA � • �
<br /> , ��� � texy,assaeemeMs end i�urenoe premtuma will beeome dae end pnyabte. 8ffid tunds wlll bo hold by tha Lendar in s aoirintereft Oasdip searow
<br /> � eccaunt tot ths putpo�es set tonh ebove. if the amounte o!these deposito are not sufflolent to pey t�ceo.assaa�ment�end Inaurance pruNumf s�
<br /> � �• •,� � Mey beaoms due,ths Borrower shefl upon roqueat.pey Londer the emount neceatery to make up the deNcianoy. � ,
<br /> j`: ...;
<br />