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<br /> _ ;, •�.. �•' .�t. -. . ; . . .� '� ._ .. :� •�.• ��i.�,�l+ _•���
<br /> _- - • � �Yr��i�����iiabTifES�IAR�WW QL311��r ����Vd6i{SSif�`�`�1�� . `-�
<br /> _ _ —= F{�pperty i�rccl agatnst tass,by flreo dn�at�da�inctude�•wttht�t�t$temf'axt�d��a�es$ge°o�d anyrt�ther.ivt�c�s'. r `�
<br />-9--=�_-- �' `Q or ` ,.for sa��.ende� ins��is.taqura�casl�Eaa�ns�dln.e&nanooi�ts_snd,far'. �
<br />---..—_ . . .__.9�?._.�t�_---�--—�-- • - - � -. t:1►@ . -- -- -
<br /> _ — -- ----�at Lend�r requi�.7�e i�x ca�riear provt�ing the Iasurerce sball ba�clapsen Dy&trcower subjoct ta.Een�ei's ep��dvt���^ _
<br /> - __ , • whicH sball aoi be var�asonaDSy wtihl�atd.If 8orr+owcr faiYs to mat�tein cavciaga d�sarlbed abuve..Zssi�e�majt.�f:'tri�er'a. ° �
<br /> opdon.oDsain oavasge to pmtect Lendsr's ei�yht�`in dte�rope�ty.in�witb paisg�apb 7'. .. . ,,,_• , • . "�� �
<br /> - All ins�uance palicIes sad ce�w�ts�shall b�ec�oepcaDIa tq t.e�ar aad slmlt.include a standard��te clanse. I�der ` .
<br />- s�all�ave t�s right w hdd tIIb pollctea an8 naawals.t�Lsndcr nqaires,Bo�row�s"halr pras�Wr 81ve co Y,enBe��tI�ceipts af � .
<br /> � p�i4 p�miwns a�rene�ral not�oes.In tIIe event ot toss�Botenwtr shalI give PmmP�aastao to t�-ingutuu�e carda si�id ten�er. _
<br />__ Len�er may make pmQf of Iass i�aat made p�romptty by Bomafi�rrer. : ' ' � � - ,
<br /> - - - -- -- - -- =U�less�r�and$crr�ouer ot�ra►iao�es-i�weittng�-i�Qn��ds�t�ag�od�o-r�t�r r�pais o�t�— .=�: -
<br /> e
<br />_ Frop�aty ctamagad.if the resta�on or�epair�s eoonomEcaljy feas�ble ead Lender's�seairIty is not t�.If tt��sLotation or
<br />_ �epais is aat eoonomfcalty feaa'ble or Leader's secur�ty wauld 6e lesseued,ttte ingur�nc�pm�eeds sBall be agpl�ed oo the sums
<br />= socured Dy t�is 5ecurlty Iristc�m�nt�whether os not then dus,with any eacess paid to Bmtower:if Borrower abaadons the
<br /> ProPertY.or does not answer alt�in 30 days a aoflce tiom i.euder W�tt the ius�uaace canier has o�red to settte a clsim.�en� -
<br /> � Lend�er may aolL�ct tae inswanoe proceeds. Ieader may nse th�Qmoeeds m cepair or restoi+�.the�Propecty or W pay swAs
<br /> -' s�.vt+ed by this Se�ttity �ment,whether or uot theu due.'Ihe 3Q�day peiiad will hegin wLe�tt�a�ttce is give�.
<br />_ .. i Untess Leuder aad Borrower othenvise agnee�a writ�ag, any appf�cation of pruoeads�fo prlacipa! shati not eatend or
<br />�����..-•;°u � Y P�� P� cbaaSe ttte e�unt of the paymen�s..If �
<br /> ��;�•- ; postpone the�e date of dne mons�i :+efe�med to in I aud�or
<br /> �...,�,._�.,.._
<br />- f nnd�er paragrap5 xi tbe Fcope�ty is m�quired by I.e�er,Borrower's right to any insurance ppllcies and pmooeds resniting fmm
<br />-�, s t�%'���`} damsge w the Pmperty p�lor to th�acquisition sbalt pasa to Is,mder ro We extent of the sums secac�ed by thi9 Seaulty Zns�nmeltt �.
<br />�'�;nt�;.�,e.,.��` .. ! im�ediatelY Prior w the soquisitfon.
<br />�� :,,.��.`��.-
<br /> 6.O�cupaney,Pi+eserratfon,Matat�suce and Pmtectton of the Pt+opesty;Bon+uwer's Iaan Agpif�[ac�;Leuseliolds. -
<br /> a
<br /> ;c,;°'� � . ' ' Boitower shap oocupy,establish,and use the Praperty as Bosmwer's principal residense witi�in sixtyr days aftei t�e exeattion of
<br /> __ `�-u-- - this tastmmeat aad s6att oominne�to � - - —
<br /> �;;:.�: ; . ;i,. :',,^:r ��Y �PY the Propeity as Botmwer's piindgal�sidr�e for at teast one year eRer
<br /> , , the date of oaupaacy�uuless Lender othenvise agre�s in wriring, whic6 oonsent shall not 6e udreasonabSy arithhetd,or unle�s
<br /> °`�:.'.'':=::��; . . ° p•••�„s,;ng ciraimstanoes e�dst which are beyond Borrower's oott�rul. Bomuwer shall nai�est�oy, daiaage or impair the�
<br /> ��:.:, .
<br /> `'�'+�' �' " �� �P�Y,allow the Fmperty to deteriorate,or oommit waste on the Property 8oimwer sb.a1!6e ln default if sny forfeitune
<br />_ ��''�r., � . `}'� . _edioA or prnoeediag.wh�r civil or crim[nal.is begun Wat in Lender's gaod fairtb�udgms�oould zesult ia forfeidu�e of the
<br /> ��t; Ju
<br />- `�" '�,,::� ; . Property or othercvise materialiy impair the lien c�eated by this Seauity Insuums�nt or Lender's sai�urity lntere.s[.Bosower mayr �
<br /> :S;_�' ��' _�:'��`' cure such a defanit attd reinstate.as rovided'w h 18 6 the action or �w 6e disrnissod with a
<br /> �:�,��:. P P�S�P • Y�S P�� �
<br /> � ; ��;';,����� that, in Lender's goad faith detenninatiun, prectudes forfelture of t@e Boriower's interat in the Prngerty or othtx ma�eiaf
<br />- = ��r�' � �aizment of the lien created by tLis Seauiry Inslru�s or Leader's security imerest. Borrower shaU also be in defanIt if � ' _-
<br /> - ;;;z. -
<br /> _ ;`:�;.�-�,..'.:'„� - :°• �o:rower.during the loan applirat�on process.P,ave materiafty falss or inacauate infoimat�on or statements W teader(or faiLzd _ -
<br /> �'i co rovide Lender a+ith an material infom�adon)in ea�ion wi t�e loan evideuced b the l�'e� including,but ant liarlt�k'
<br /> �: ;;:;:.; . � ':=: P Y u1. y � ..
<br /> iF r."�'.,.5.;...`� .
<br /> .< ,. • '�..,,�.s�,;c�?;: . � to, rc.Tre�tfons conceming Borrower's occupancy uf the Pmp�ty��principal resldence.[f c�is Security Instrument is mxa"_.`� .,_-
<br /> ? ";:�;:' : ;>';k?� leasehotd. Bomower shall oomply witt►all the pmvisions of the[e�se. If Bornower acquizes �ae title W the Property. tite
<br /> ` , � ';�; ',�?� • teasehold and the fee tide shali aot merge unless Lender agrees to the mecger in wriaq�. `-
<br /> '' � �;��* ` :� i a= ; . 7.Proteetton of I.��'s Rightv ia the Propetity.If Bomnwer fails to perfa�8ie covenants aad agreemeats oontained ia
<br /> �.�� � � ."'4? this Sec�uity Instrument.or Were u a tegal proceeding that may signiftcantly affec¢Le�tder's rights in the Prope�ty(sach as a a�"°'--�`
<br /> • x ,-� ., �,...��:. �.:��
<br /> � - � ,�1i _ procreding in bankruptcy,pmbate.for caudemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or negulauons),then l.eader may do and ��__�_—
<br /> F� �, � pay for whatever is necessary to protect tho valae of the Prope�ty and l.ender's r�ghts in the P,roperty.l.ender's actions may Y-�;
<br /> $' { � . iactude paylag any sums secured by a lien which has priortty over this Secvrity Insvument. appearing in court, paying ��:-`__
<br /> • ' . • ,� n�sonabte attomeys'fces and entering on the Property us maka repairs.Although I.ender may take action undor this para�apb �"=;�:�
<br /> 1 � • ' '• �: 7,l,ender daes rtot have to do so. '' �.�;�`- -
<br /> : ;�..` � . � Any am.ounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 sAall become additional debi of Borrnwer secured by this --�°� �°�
<br /> . ...>
<br /> : �:-_.__
<br /> : 3 ' � �^ Secuairy Irs7aument. Unless Bortower and Lender agree to other terms of payment. these amaacrs shall bear intetest ftom the ,=_
<br /> ; �'�; :' � • dase of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable. with interest, upon natice from 8,.�;,der to Borrower t+equesqng �;��r��`�'���-=�T
<br /> .�l•.1:r4 = ----
<br /> - � =':�i!` � • � payment. �����e::. . �
<br /> �'�'•����°`ii• 8.Mortgage Insuraaa�If Lender required mort a e insutance as a rnnditiort�f makina the loan seLVred b tttls Securi '� ��'
<br /> •. .�5* S 8 b Y ty 4�7,,.._ ,..`�:•-
<br /> �� '-�� •' � � Instrument. Borrower shalt pay the premiums required to maintain the mongage insurance ia effect. If. for any reason, the � `�
<br /> :. •- ;; -�:.:�•-:�.��
<br /> � ;°.-; .. . : � mortgage insarance covera�e required by l.ender lapses or ceases tu be in effect,Borrower shait�ay the pnmiwns required to ` ��"'° � =�����
<br /> -. ! ���•�.� ' obtain coverage substandally equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effeci.at u cost substantialty eqvivalent to the ;�;� �'` � `:'�: ','
<br /> ' ',� ' ' aost to Borrower of the mortgage insurartce previously in effect. from an alternate mortgage insurer appmver�fiy Lender. If }�`�`�, `., �;'
<br /> ' s:i3stantiall uivalent mort ;3� ��" '.
<br /> , �; y eq gage inswance mverage is rsot available.Borrower shall pay to Lender each manrh a sum equal to ;' , `•'' .
<br /> � one-twelfth of'the yearly mortgage insurance premlum being paid by�orrower when the insutance caverage Iapsed or ceased to �=
<br /> ;, � . be in effect.I.ender will accept.use stnd retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve � �
<br /> �. � . ..
<br /> � .`•'' . . Form 3028 9/90 ,, � .
<br /> t.-
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