i . }. {;;.� �. , ti. . . „Aea,,,r, .. . . ._ .�
<br /> ,��': r �> '• L' . � °;�•.�" - . ' � �4-y�3'�" '�� ����' . .. .`.V_ _ _ _ `RX__ _-:
<br /> ;•.� .n._..1 .��. . ` c.. , ,.:r.' . . _ .. c�'[ �'r N�a��.�y� n` ._ ---
<br />' Y. �i .:�_trc�i. '+ _—..�- _ _ •-'i� �q.v��-yt._5L , e .. .._ . _ - -�ut
<br /> „ � .e —r , '���� - (- �ixa.-u�_t-SG�`.+.."W8M�l2t''3N. - ' � ..aY � ._T_��„��_---.- �._ _"_-_.
<br /> . .:r' ♦ .
<br /> .. . .�_
<br /> . . � . . -.nti �.,_^ _ T�3U.`.r^ __�� , . .
<br /> . ��
<br /> . . • :' ` -i,.. ..._ . .a __ _ — — - . __
<br /> . .r
<br /> - .�
<br /> :
<br />� _` _ _ . _ • ./��-_ _. __ . _'_ _____ _... _ '• _ - _ _ -
<br /> � .��..._... ...{-.:L.at\ ^G�' � . . . . �::
<br /> i �� �` � ��� ���'�•!d9 :�:,,
<br /> .: a . - . . . . .
<br /> -� .,�Y � ��� . . �- . ° .
<br /> ,Y, �#';, ` � , �8 H��ras�ver's Copy►.Bornosx�r: i�given one wnform�copy of ttir�,Noteand oi thia Secur�ty Iiists�mestt.. � , — —
<br /> � e 1'!�'�"raasht o�;tbQ Firr� o���a�ta�e1 tate��t ta Honower.i9 aiII.or any psrt of tiie Yraperqr or ai�r . _
<br /> �: �,� � ' :i�: ` inter�t tn tt is eold os�uc�nsi��- ttn�if�.b��:l in�in�orro�var is sald or transferrF,d aad Borrower is aot a - _ -
<br /> �— - . naturat�aI R�it�out t:ead��s��:,� �.Leadet may.at ieso�ja�n,s+�4ujra tm�ri.�ta±a.�.�nn�n�tt�tull nt ._ �
<br /> �-' _ � alt suma.sectu+ed 6y ti�s 3xqrity�Iqssr�n{�ts' Io�vevar.t11�8 OQ`il0tf 8h8If not be�effiarcised by Lender it e�ercdse ie � ° �'� —"°�
<br /> > . _ .� proh3bited by Qederal law esof thed�taog�this��cwlt�r Insstrument. , -
<br /> � Jf I.euder oxarcIses this op�. an,Le�td�'sl►�lt giva$oirower notice o!acaetera�on.The nottca st�atl provlde e periad ,z�- _
<br /> ` � Y� � ;;. ot not te�than 30 deya teom ttte d�tptt��qtio�� delivPred or ntaileQ witttin whiah Borrower mt�t psy all eums secured '
<br /> ' ° � ' bythisSocuritylnst�vmem.IfBvrra�vsrfa,it�tq��thesaeumapr'�ortathaeapirationofttiaperlod,Leadermayinvoke �''�" �� -�" ---
<br /> ° ,�•.,[:Y,r < . _ �: anyremediespermitted�ythisSecurity. n►�t�ithoutfurthBfflOtlO@Qldfl9lAR+dOABOfMAlB! ir,� �
<br /> 4 ` �' - 1�.Borrower's fiight to R�iqpttq�o. f Bottq�ae me�fle certain cor�ditioris,Botcower aha11 have the sigAt to hava " ,`�; ,�z -
<br /> er�foroement of thia Sr�cush�.Instrumenrdison�tint�d at a lime ptiot to tlie earlier of:�a)S days{os such othbr�riod �ti� - __
<br /> _ � -�.—� es.sppttcab2e iscv maY specify`foare9�rient�:k:��e of tAe Praperty pur�vmtt to any powes of saie contarae�in � •
<br /> .. r tWs Sacurity Insa�umen�or(b?enri7r ot,�jus�t�ut enforcing this SecurIF,�t.Iuat�umen*..•rnose waditions�re that � r:•�� `� �
<br /> : � BorroHer: `a)npga ys Lender all suma whiab ti�,n:�rqutd be due undar this Security.Instrument and tlta Note as ii no �'- �}u;:£ '=
<br /> , � . aoceleration hed oocuned:ib?cttres anR detault oi�MY.other covenants or agre�smente;(�?FaYs a!1 eapensrs incumed in .�:��;�.� .� --��� -
<br /> • :�i- :... �: �i-�
<br /> r . _ enforcing this Security Instrummrt:andudin�but;apt�limited to.reasonable.atmrnaYs fe�and id)takea such ection as -.r, � ��� �-- -
<br />- :.: :.��,-__.u.; � ...Y.� Q,:'..�;'i',-,��.�:�5..
<br /> Lender may reasonably require ta a�un�tb&t.ths�tiep ot�thia Seourity Instrument, Lendats righte in tha P�vperty and ��; � -�;- �
<br /> ,°; f, � Bon+ower'sobli�a�ion topay thasumseecumd bp.�t�ius8ecurity Insttumentshali continus unchan�ed.Upon re►nstatement ::} � :,
<br /> j. � />T:�,:.�:�. by Borrower,ttusSacuri Isstr�mant aad th�nbligatianssecur�ed hereby shall remain fulTy ef�ective ss if ao acceleration -- �+-�-�a ,� d��
<br /> � � S� PP P��Ph.17. �" �
<br /> � ; �� ; f � had aocurred.However,t 's ri t to r�insiptasl��llnota ly in t1tB case of acaleratican under � ;� I� :
<br /> ° .�;� !9.Sa1e o!Note:Change of i.oa�Sas�v�iaes�TQa Nnte ar a partial iaterestin the Note(tapether with this 3ecushy - v r ,d;r�s;.;�
<br /> _ ,� .. .. ; . . . �.. Y: .�. � ��_.
<br /> -�Y:: ��� IusEtivmant)m�Be sold oae dr more ti�ia�s ar�t�tlut�pEior anttce tn Borrower.A sale may result in a change in tRe entity ..��>� <,1� ;.��
<br /> : ,� "` . `_:��- (knawn as the" an Sorvioer")that ooll�mantt�Y peYments dua under the Note end thia Secudty Instr�men�There �e � ._._
<br /> ;•: s<< � also may ba one os mare chaag�ss.of�tt�t L'os�,Servioer unrelated to 8 sale of tha IJote.IF there ia a change of the i.oan �k -'�-
<br /> �.. t F - Servicer�BorroHer wiU be given;atit�a�tttio.e,at�the change in acoordance with parsgraph� 24 atwve and appiicable taw. � �,�.�;,__
<br /> - The Aotioa will stnte the aama ansl addres�.Q4,tha naN i.oan Servicer andthe addcess to which payments shoutd be mada. � � �. z,�''`�
<br /> ' '•� TDeaotioewillalsownt�inan�otte�infmmatiQnrequiredbyapplicableta�. . a..',-Y".
<br /> --_�_� �Y:,::, �. �. . 20.�Htewrdous.Subb�acoes.:$tni��ehall not cause or t� _ =� `., :�,"_`��=_
<br /> t Penui �senc�,use.disposal,storege,or alease of ..�,;��-.� -
<br /> t.. -:.•.. . ' ..:s;* ° ,
<br /> .K.. : any Ha7atdaus Su�tsnces+on or=ifi:tl� Ptttpesty.Borrower sbali aotc�o,.II�,railo�anyone else w do.anythingaffecting `: �.';�,_,,�•, , r
<br /> ? � `�:. -. tha Property ihat is in viQtation ot•any�mronmental Law.The p�edi¢��ao sentences sAall not apply to tl►e presence, �-.•%s, �`. ,s;':
<br /> n, �;.
<br /> �� t��� • u s e. o r s t a r a g e�o n t t�a k c o p e s�p�a fi�m a l l q u a n t i t i e s o Y H a i a r d o u s.S�t s s t a a ce s t h a t a r e g e n e r a l l y r e�g n i z e d m 6 e � "�;t��:��`;::
<br /> � z �+ aPFro riate+m narmel�ce�sid�ntia!�and m maintenance of the Fmpest3r.st a _ 1:;;�c
<br /> �� � �prtoNer shall;�omptly giva Lertder written notice of any investiga�Qn.claim,deinand.tawsuit os other action by
<br /> • . �: ' � � � :`:'% anY go�ernmeittal ar,�;+egulatary ag�noy or private party involving the Property and Hazardous Substance or �
<br /> '� � G Eat i�onmental�I.a�e.of Htuch BosrQNer has actuallcnoatedge If Borroaer learns,or is noti ied by any govemmental or " ,�i:
<br /> ; � .. `,� �-:,,,; r e g u lai t p r y�autt�ori t y, that an y removal or other eemediation af an y Hazardo� Substance affectin g the Pro pestyr is �:
<br /> n�ssary,$ortacYp-s�t$U prom p t t take all necessary temediat act�ons�n av�oordance with Environmantal Law. �' - �s<.
<br /> �� ` .- 3 ... As u�d in this pr�ir�raph ttt, Y�� ' . ,,', _
<br /> ` �:;.`:':�,s4�'"�,<`i=°;` �Ha�asdous Sui�stances"are thase subssas�ces detined as toxic or hazardous substancc.s '. :<, "#�
<br /> by�Bnvironmeatal Laiesssd the following aubstaace�gasoline,kerosane,o�cer flatnmable or toaic petsaleum products. ` ' � ,� ; '�� �, Y
<br /> ��P�£�`.' �„F:_:f tosic. c�des and �terbicides, volatile solvents, mateciala containing asxsestos or fotmatdeh de, and radieactive � ;��c �:;. �r._-
<br />_ , ° ���� `:, r�a�,�::'' matena��is.�As used in this paragraph 24."Environmental Law"nseans.federai taas and taas of the jurisdiction wkerE t3�e F . " ���{t.� �, :
<br />_ ..� ,� �• Y.,.���� Ptoperty is tocated that relate to heaitir.safety or environmental�tection. •_>,. ..t,��. �„_ '
<br /> :_ � u . '3��;` , : �,:,
<br /> NON�TNtFORM COVENAl4'I`S.Barrower and I.ender€urd'�er covenaa►iand agree as�ollowe � ;
<br /> ' ' � ,. *� 21. Aaaeleration; Remedtes. �e�rder s�aa11 give notice to �msrawet pnos to acceleratioa faltowin� �' � . � �.
<br /> ? ' , ,, ' , Bonower's bresoL of aay covenant or a�+eearsent in thia Security t�strumeat(6ut aot prior to scceleratioA '
<br /> � uader paragrapb 1T unless applicable lacv provides otIIerwise).The notice shall s�oecify:(a)the default;(b3 tha , � • `�=�4.��
<br /> � ' actiou c�uired to cure the defaut� (c) a date.not leas than 30 days iroaR tfiee date the notice is given to • ;��`
<br /> ' ' Borrower.by which the default must Oe cured;end(d}.tIn�t failure to cute the+�effault an os before ttte date � �'��
<br /> s K.
<br /> . . ' • specified ia the notica may result in acceteration ot the suac�s secured by this Secusity Inatrument and sale o� • ��� �
<br /> ° � • ' the Property.Tne notice shall further iniorm Bonower ot tha rigl�t to reiastate aiter acceleretion and the � � � �. . t'.
<br /> ` � .. • ' . , dgbt to brtng a court action to assert the non-existence of a dafault or amy other detense of Bonower to . �
<br /> ' . acceleratQoa end sale.If the dafault is not cured oa os beiare the dAte specitied ia tha notice.Lender.at its � � '
<br /> - optioa.may re9uire immediate payment in tu110!at�s�ms secused by t�is�ecurity Instrument aithout
<br /> � further deanand and may iovotce tbe po�ver af sale aad eAy ather remedIIes�rmitted by epplIcabte law. . ;;�;: .���_�
<br /> �� �-' "�� � - � I.endec s�a=i be eniitted to collcei att oipcnscs iacurn�:��ursuing the sertaedi;,s�srovided iu lhis par�raph --- -
<br /> - - ..._._�,.....�._�_. . ..
<br /> • 21.including,but not limitedto.reasonabteattorneys'fees aad costs ot tatle�vidence. s'� .
<br /> , � lf ffie power of sale is invoked,Trustee ahall tecord a notice of�efaelt ia eaoh county ia whic6 auy part o! � . ,:
<br /> . the Praperty is lucated aud shall mail copiea of such notnce in the ao�anner psescribed Ay ag�plicsbta law to ' . . , .
<br /> � � Bonower and to the other persons prescribed by applica4�te law.After tta time required by applicaDl�law. �
<br /> Trustee ahall give public notice of sale to the persans and in tha manner prescribed by ap�lica,ble law.Tre�stee. ,
<br /> � ; ... , without demand o»Barrower.shall sell the Property at publie auction to the bigbeat bidde�at the time end i _
<br /> • place aad under tbe Eerms desigaated ia t�e aatice of sale iu oae�s more parcets aad i�an�order Tsustee � � . �
<br /> ' . determines.Truste�may postpone sale of all or any patce!ot the iProperty by public aamm�cc�cemeat at the
<br /> � ' tima aad place o!aa�q�rreviously scheduled sale. Leader or its desa'�ee m�y parchase t�te�QOperty et any i' '
<br /> �' . ..; sale. �
<br /> . � . ��,,�
<br /> :� .; . � '.
<br /> i;; : Form 3028 9/9Q ,
<br /> �,�,r' ��68(NEI��+osio� oaa•9 e�e IMtlals: ; .
<br /> +.�� . i
<br /> ;i, �. .'.. •�': •Q a �• i, •� • ' .
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