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<br />�z.- . . . q�y/� .��y 4t� O�xo�ar� i9?�..-�.--.DY erni s►non�' � . -
<br /> ._'t' � Iti1�7��Y�sLV��U11� _ .. ����- R�"i�l' . .. . _ . . .
<br />_'
<br /> � r�ii'i'a'Yii�°.��mi' �`-'�1:�1 �IIO�KBl�-�$ b�' 3-- _=—_---- -_•___ _----'--_ _� ' _ .
<br /> ,�t�` i I � .� ' , _ •• � —
<br />�,., • �eret�"ihi��or"�andWi�lt�llt��flOtsm�3�ng��P.�BoxsBf.wooGR[v�:t�taDieska�&3,i�eU"t�ustee:"�nd"Bar�'ic�a�'�`
<br /> •�` - ' FOlt VAWABIF�1D8GTlON.Lacludin➢th�indeA4�itd�iiti�d hKSfi fxid the fint A1ran�wat�d.ttw eNuipt dt�3df is hu�liy, � —
<br />�,:
<br /> ���
<br /> � , - " �e4mawt�d�d.T��+eYpooDnr 4��trnr�t�rs.aomeyt,and assisns to Trustw.iH TRtSST.WITH PafRl�t 06 3AtE.4ar 4fw benefit cnd�
<br />_:s; - saurity of&r�ftclarY,us�r and sabl�t to tAe t�ms ocd ce�dttbns otthis tt�ad af Tnst.,the r�af Qrop�ety►d�sc�€t�d aD#aftoirs� � .
<br /> ���� ` �-"���`�' Part of Lots Ane (Z). Two (2) and Thr�e (3) in B�ock �r�°, Msc Cvll � Leglang•a .
<br /> • '� .�.���-� . - _..
<br /> --- --- - _ -secoaa �aitioas-to Woad-Rtv�r; . eud umse gsrt3es�la�lp .. - _ --
<br /> - x �: �al1 Conaty, iQebra�tca - -
<br /> ' �a�-�1�'� � • � described as folloarss : -
<br /> �� •�"r"'°�a ' Commeacin�:at tfle Nosthweat coraer of Lot Oae f 1)� aad running Santhe�tlg�along, ------ -
<br /> - �'-���;:;F��=.� -- _.
<br /> �• ,�_:. �` �`` the �iea't boundasq liae of Lote Oae(1), Two (2) and Three.(3)s a diataace of Oae �—__
<br /> ��--: =--
<br /> �~� ,`�'�`�-'.� Huadred Traent Feet (120�'); thance runniag Easte�2y and paiallel to the South ---_-----_
<br />- ... .�._..��;�_�-�-:C` Y , , -
<br /> ;�,. � .,: r.,£�. Doundary ].f.ae of Lot Z9�zee (3), a dietance of 83gbty Fee� tS0 �s ��TL'!iC@ nr�afag -- - --_-
<br /> � -: r �r,� NorLherlq and parallel to the Bast boundary Iiae of Lota �ae,(1}, ��{2) aaid��e � —
<br /> � '��'`�," ��° (3), a distaace o,f One Hundred �renty Feet (120•); tl�eace Aesterlg:�toag�€s.�;D'�3retc '�`
<br />_ i a ., boundarq Iine of Lot.One (1), a distaace of Bighty Feet [80') to place of�e�fsrsasiao�-, � ��.�"`.�`_-�
<br /> , ` �s- _ __-
<br /> ,,,,* ` ' -< ! ' ' • . p�,,;�
<br /> � �,.. . • C 1��'=r�a� --
<br /> ' �.-c� «r < _ -�..
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<br /> .:5�:� � J .._ � :•�4➢��Yii`-
<br /> _��. • ;•�.;i i���WITH,al#rents,profits,royalties,er�eme und other l�enefits derive�frnm the reol property:all leases or su6leoses covering tt� �:�� _— _
<br /> ...�,>
<br /> .�� : � ,', . real:property or acry�tion thereof,now or h�ea7mer existing or entered into,ac�f aU right,titte and iMerest of Trustar thereunder,s'�ia- ,� �
<br /> _�;� . ::i � f�ies�s,estete or cther c�aims.Aoth in!ew and in egu;ty,which Truster now hos i�r?ROy hereofter acquire in the real praperty;att�as. _
<br /> ; ?'; ; ri�ts��-xray,tenements,hereditpmeMS and appurtenantes thereof and ther,�to;all oit mid gas�ights end profits,water�a�d�rater • ��
<br /> i' ; ` � stattc;nfl right,title and interest of Ttustor,now oxmed or hereafter acquired,in ond to any land tying within the right-of•woy i�cs�y street or - ,
<br /> �',{; � �`�'I�'`�c�' hi w ad' ini the real praperty, any artd alE buitdin fixtures,improvem2nts,and appurtenontes rtow or hereafter erei�d thereon ar �� ` -
<br /> -„.: . 9A nl► �o n8 �' „ . ���'�
<br /> •�r '-�� •' �� . . . �.��F 6elonging tfiereto,(herein refened to os"ImprovarnenY or Improvements"):and any and all mvcrQs mada for the taking by emineM damain , .'•�. �,- N. _
<br /> {-� �`•' �;`����`;s or 6y arry praceed'sng or pvrchase in lieu thereof,ot the wfiole ar any part of the real property. - .��.�
<br /> " -' `;' � • � . All of M9 fur oin estate,property and interest hereby conveyed to Trostee Aerein tollectivety refened to as the"Praperty". ,:',j.;->F. 'u
<br /> �9 g .: o'.. � � : �
<br /> + � • • � TH{S OFFD OF TRUST SHAII SKURE:
<br /> � � � •� � a The ent of indebtedness evidenced by 7r�s tor's no te o f ev e n d a t e h e r e v r i t h i n t h e p ri n t i p e l s u m o f N i n e t e s n tho u san d J '-�. .�y�-
<br /> _t:,;� ; `. ` , . l ) DWm Ootlars tSa9,000.00 �, � .. -
<br /> ;K ; � . � .
<br /> �?: ; . ��:'��� togetlter with interest ut the rote ar rutes provi3�!Qherein,(herein,tagethe�witf�nnx and cll renewals,mod�ia�ans,ond e�tensions thereof, ;
<br />- `"-�:;--�.�:.�, ref�I to as the"Note")botb pri�ec+�at and ime�est on the Note being peyable in accordence with the terms ser forth titern�s;refereete to �' - .�;��.
<br /> ` '•� ..`�'<;_�''•���;'��;''�`y whic90 Ys 7+ereby made,the�nol paymett ot principol and interest,if not saoaer poid and if na rene�vols,madifi�ations or eatc�s:cc�a►e made, ' , • �
<br /> , ^ '�•�V •,-`""�';',::,,'�r• due ond payoble on October I 2003 • � '
<br /> - ��r--,-,---=�--�-T'. (b)Tbs performance of eaefi agrePment and cove��ant of Trustor herein contained;an0 � � ,' : -- - -
<br />�. �t 1 •;;,,�:,:.•, �-4 r (c)T h e p o y m e nt of e n y s um or su+�ot morte y witf�interest thereon whith may be he�eafter paid or advanted under the tertr,s cf t3ris QeeQ of • ;
<br /> ',,',t,.:: •. ,�.; Trusf. ' �
<br /> � `� '��±`\�`�.�' �.,�',� y future odv¢�ntes necessory to rotect the securif ar an tuture advance made at the aption of the�as:artd - ,' : .`
<br /> ' (d)�fie poymeM of an p y 9
<br /> ' `���'���`�� �� � (e)TNe per�ormar.ee of cn obfigution of any other person nomed in this Trust Deed to o bene�tiory. �
<br /> .,.���2;,�..�. . �.'�v�
<br /> '��::+, �''`� °�'�� -� ';'?� TO PiiOTECT T�E SettURITY OF TH{S DEED Oi TR�iSf,TEtUSTOR HfREBY COVENAHTS AND A6REE5 AS FOLlOWS: . _ ,
<br /> r; ,��,
<br /> �'�'r ;•:'•;� ;:�. ` `:''� 1,pepm�nt o�p�dpd a�td tetarest.Trustor s�lt promptly poy when due the principol of ond interest on tf�e c�3ectedrtess ev�ented 6y the . . ;
<br /> � {, ';;�;�`•z=;_.��'�' � � Note,and oll other eharges and fees as provided in the Note,and 4�he prineipal of and interest on any Future Advances secarefi�r this Oeed af .
<br /> .��z:.=;..�, � • • .
<br /> � �. i` •, ,• Ttust. •
<br /> � `�.`'`'` -i` � '�' 2.Warrmry►a!iNh.Trustor is lo�rl��1;y seized and possesseQ of gorJd and i�deieosible titte und estate to the�operry hereby canveyed�
<br /> `' _i.' ��•.'?,,:,�., . ,•.:;`��~
<br /> 3 ' s. ' � �� �•�`���°�• has the right to grent and convey tiea oropeRy;the Praperty is f�ee artd ctea of e8liens and encumbronces ettcept liens now of recard;asr�
<br /> . .�:...::r,'.;;'�*
<br /> � •;: ��,.���t�"�'=:�:,-�::� TNStor wi�l wmram and defertd the fiNe tatha Pr�pe�ry cgair�st ol!cloims cn�demands. '
<br /> ..,.r���,:•..,.-;.•:�-:
<br /> :�t� .;��'.;._�;,�;;:�,;.,,�, 3,N�tM�en�d Ca�ep(i�eea e�dr Cawro.Trustar shall keep ttre�raperty in goad eondition and repair and shalf not commit waste ar pe�mR •
<br /> 3;� `��'•'� •' °'�:,i' imppirmerd or deterioration of tha Pr�e�ty ond shall campty wi�M1 4he provisions of ony lease if this Oeed of Trost is on a leasehe'�.No imprau�- �,;: � �
<br /> � ' � meM novi or he�eafter erected uporr sl�a i�ra�ersy sho116e altered,rernoved or demolished withovt the prior written conser.t af BeReficieuyr. �,,\; .�
<br /> _ ;;, ';�, Trostor shall comp{y with alt laws,ordi�c:sces,rer�.t�ions,cevenants,caed�tiarts m�d restridions affecting the Property m�d na�c.mmit,:uffier. ! ,
<br /> �;;� ; or permit m�y act to be done in or uper tP�e Frc�rt�r in viotation o!any low,arCinanee,regutetion,covenant,c�rrlition or restriction.Trustar
<br />- > � shafl comp'ete or restore prompttyr d^rt o�goed warkmanlike manner ony improvement on Me Property whieh may 6e damog¢d ar Bestroyed and
<br /> ' " • pny,xfien dae,aIl ctcims for la6or p�rfarmed and materiats fumished theretore cnd tor cny alterations thereof.
<br /> ' ' , ' 4. tesunnet.Trustor,at its expense,will mnintain with insurors approwed�y Beneftetary,insurance with respeet to the ImpravomeMS and � .
<br /> '``' '.�; .; , " personel properfy,constituting the Property,against toss�y fire,liphtning,tarncdo,and other perils and hmards covered by standad exte� (
<br /> � '}'" . �. � eoverage endorsemeM, in an amaunt eQual to at least one hundred pereent of the fu�l replecement valus thereof end insurance against su:ts �
<br /> ;,. � other h�ards ond in sueh amauMs os is eustomarily cartied by owners mtd operators of simular properties or as Benefieiary mny require tor its i
<br /> � � :�� . � � proteetian.Trustar will eamply with suth other requirements as Bena�ciary may fram tlme to time�equest tor the protectlon by insuranee of the � . , � '
<br /> . � interests of the respeetive parties.AU insurm�ce pofieies maiMO i n e d purwont to t h is O e e d o f Trus t s ho l l name Trus tor a n d B e n e fi c i e ry a s i n• i �
<br /> ° � � . sueds,as their�e�pective iMerests may appear,and provide that there shall be no canceftation or madificatian without no less than 1 S days .
<br /> • . , • prior written noti�icatian to Benefieiary.tn the event eny poficy hereunder is not renewed an or 6etore 1S days prior to its e:piratian date. � .
<br /> ' �. .. • Bene�ieiary may proeure sueh insuranee in aecerdance with the provisians ot paragraph 7 hereot.Truster sholl detiver to Benefieiary the ariginol
<br /> _ ,•_�_��:°-__-_�____.. polidas of insurmue and renewets thereaf ar memo capies of suth potieies mtd renewals tAereof.Failure to tumish sutB insurance Dy Trustar,or
<br /> -- ' �- � ' — renewats as�equired hereunder shotl.at the aptfan of Beneficiary,conshtute o deMu(L ;--- -._"` - - -
<br /> �' s i�: . ,. � �
<br /> _. .
<br /> .. .
<br /> , , . .
<br /> - -
<br /> . ,_ _ — —
<br />