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<br /> .tT L� � M�- G -�.IL+�ws3VtRVjct °�+��CR����" i tV ..�� - ... -- .. ` _.-"'--� i!V � ---.—
<br /> �+-F tt� f-Z'CS�J t� rv_" - i3.'- ���"j'"l� �T— __ _-' ___..f..�.�..n�.w�,�t - _" "� "_ __ _—
<br /> C l'" R� ����`s h.. `.a T �._. �' ��` —_
<br /> .��` T ,' ;� ' - � ' � ` �
<br /> �
<br /> c�{� K-.f_a...P . . - . .
<br />--- ` . , . � � � , � � - . ;g�_ .���� _-
<br /> _ — ----- te�M1�4arYMa+l�PtO�iatAiu+,--.. � ,_:.,,:..:r;..�, ��e� — -_
<br /> (��btrea�r Nof R���E'�R�A�f��di�a�t'p�yment or mad�tcaUon of cmartisatlan ot tflo suma�oure4 by tAi�
<br />; owaolftun�ta�tbd by L�d�tCpi+l,�td+���:t��+ttt�re3tof Boirowar eh�l nof oper�teto ratQqt�tr►Anymanner,tAettaDtlf�r
<br /> �' ' oltA�or�in�lBatrpMraatd8o�rp�v�t:�. .,. .t�tr�tare�l.iendare�rta�tGsrequt�edtocan►maacapraeeedtn8ae�tnat
<br />- wahauactt�rornttaat�e�d�. _ - �w�at9�iY,�aN�onotthaeumasseu�td�ysltla0ee�ofTiust ----
<br /> " by.neaaon ot mny.da�euide maQa b�+r� � �i 1: ' en Ba�dwere au�oa�ora�in Intemat -_ -
<br /> - ,. .:.:,;�;.=::_ (D)I.a�e�'f i►at�e..Wl2noat sftacttng�qhtt it�t�7��pi�eny cther pereon tiabte for tfle Paf►�t of any obii�ad�n heretn =-_�
<br /> � --
<br /> ,�_r .;i•.� . mentlonoQ.endwiNrouta�o�in�jWatl�norcS�cltQ�MJ#t�Q�o!'R�usluponenypoMon�otthsProparcynatUonortheretofam -`�
<br /> - __ �s-l- � `
<br />- ,�:�` < <. reteaao��os�avdti►fa�rthatutlem�w�o4�Uun�nidc���.Eendarmaj►:iramtt+aataltmaandY�OUtn�SeWre3e�ssaay _ _._
<br />_ .�R�;=:,, �. _-'�� persansstl�bts�tipoMOndthem�tudtycrattur:r�hYattd���SrmaotanysuchopHgntlonap�0�t�tAestnduigencea.(Mro6easa 4—__-- -
<br /> , ��;��=�-.:�.-.':�, -;� Qr reconvay,or cauaa ta bci reta�ad�r reaam�5+�d gtt�tlma at LenQer'e oD�an anfE AArceb Portlon cr ali of t�a Ptaperiy. ��.'_._--
<br />- r; •-.�.:-,-=�. ��- (�tafca or cets�any.a2he►s or eddt�nnul s�uri�j6ip,a�eny o0ilgaUan heretn menUoned ar(ui}mNte compasltlona or aLtter �«=---
<br /> . -,,;.r . °-_
<br /> - � X, _"' .. " errengemsnta wiih dc►a��(n ratatlan thazatu: -----
<br />-_�,` �• ;�--
<br /> :;` ��Y.;Y ; . (a}�O�p�rana*d�L�nder tinta WaS�,My:4tl�Afrarence Dy Lender tn exereEafng.any dght o�remady hereunder.or = _=
<br /> otherwte9 eftdrded by.8ppitts�l�18w:e�Afl:nat�tfc q watver of ot Preciude the exerclae ot eny euCh dght or rem�dy.TAa _
<br /> �.J.�.'�' _... .�^...♦ i.i. ___
<br />_ ; �-k'�;:.`a:-.:��•. proptrempnt�ftnsur8nceorthQpayrn9M�ai�oiartherlienaorchargeabyLende�shelinatbea�vtilverotlsnder'e8ghtto �
<br /> ��,�i'�°'�:::' ` aceeta�tha maturKy,of tl�e IndaLiedn�s sa�used by thia Oeed of Twat —.
<br /> • u
<br /> �_:`.r:�,} ;:�cr:....'-�,
<br /> ��.,�"z`tcr.<_:-,�,'� (dJ 6tf��a and�Bounc�;dd�t and 6�r�rt!LlebUfty:Captton�.Ttie eovenama artd agreemente Aereln con- .�-�:�4—
<br /> � ,, , tained�8U btad,and tho dg�la hareurtdanel�att Inure to.the reapective successors and asstgns a!Lender end Tivator.A!t �
<br /> ` �` `` '�� ' covananb and�green►ants at�Tivato��silAtiR�n lotnt and saveael.The captlone artd headinga of tha paragraphs otthia Oead of = =
<br /> , �v�.�-s.�,r,•;-'�;r'Y�: .<<-•�� Tnist ere toeconvan68ace ant�.8nd ar�t�aY tn�e used to tnterpret or deftne the provislona hereot. ���r =-
<br /> 4 t'•'i•b4�i i.t;"�4.>:.a'a'� �E'�.r p...,--
<br /> t.. (q�R8qp�3tttrtiddCa.TI1RAa�htxebyrequest4Ratacopyotanynoticeoidetaulthereunderandaeopyofanyrtottce ,;.u,,,�_=
<br />--_ �`��•�'��4''�;..'-`'� ot tifate heceundar he m4i4ad tc a�c,h�pa�+to thts DeerJ of Trust at the a d dress se t ta�h a 6ove tn t he m a n n e r p re s c r i h e d b y ��: _�•:-__,--
<br /> f.. �i .. t
<br /> F<'';_ <`` eppitCabia lA�.FacCept for an}I�otf�ffr noflce required unds�appticaDte taw to be given in another manner.any noffce provided --
<br />_ � ����,' � ���• ior in this Qead otTiust�tl�q begtven by maiUng such notice by certNted matt BQdaesaed to tAa other parHeaat thesddress set � =-_
<br />-- ��:_;-;, :r•..r,•�-:� tAM above.qny,npt'+�e ArpY;ded tw in thts Daed af tn�st shell De eNect[va upon maiting tn tAe manner designa0ed heretn.H :- _
<br /> <:�'�:i;:`.'.:,`<.,',-`''• Tivatar ist mora tl�pn anp R��•.noUce sent to tRe sdd�oss set forth above shatl be no�ce ta eil sucb perso� ��;�c -
<br /> - - ��•.••.��•�.` .(fl:tt�t{��94.I�mtdbrmay make or cause t�be�ade reasonabte 6ntries upon and tnBpecUoae of the Property.provtded _ ' `,':,,_ �
<br /> . ��. ,:p�• - �
<br /> �°��:r,sy:,,;� t�p t.l q�d p n B 9 t 4�1�g i v p T r u a t or noUce pdor to an y such Ins peotlon s p e c i t yin g reasonabte cause therefor refated M Lender'e :;��.
<br /> � lt�6�eatiiti t��praperty. r --
<br /> } .1� � � (gp�t�c�Yana.UPonpaymentofallsumasecuredbythisDeadotTius�l.enderehaltrequeslTrusteetoreconveythe � u_
<br /> s���r, ' PrApBRy18nd8haDsurtendert�IsOeedofTruslendafinoteeavidenctngindebtednesssecuredbythlaDeadofYrustOOTrustee�
<br /> : $t � . � f
<br /> ; }j;�`;;�..„..;. ,:,,.::r• r TrN�pa s�w(1 reconvey the Property wiMout w8tranry a�d wHhout charge ta the person or persone legalty enUtled thereto. >� ���
<br /> �W
<br /> � }� ?;> � • < TiWC�pn�tl�pag ail oosts af reoordat�on.If any. .�'�' '��-
<br /> '��Y���:,�` �� ���''; (�i�net Pasaerty;S�eu�By/A�aesrt�OM.As addltlonal secudty tor fhe payment ot the Note.Trusbt hereby gremts .' rr ,i��� `
<br /> � ' ' �`��; LtvrtclorundertheNebraskeUnffartnG�armerciatCadeasecudtyinterestinall�xture�equipme�andotherpersonalproperty - �, ' __
<br /> xtu �
<br /> .' �4 ._ .,,: �r ,�,,�.` :� ' ' used En connectlon with the reat esta�c�improvements located thereon.and not othe+wlse dedared ar deemed to Qe a paR oE ` o� 7Y: �
<br /> . -� ; ''�,'.:. �. the rest esfate secwed he�,�.Yh[s inatrument shall tte construed ae e Secudty Agceement under 8atd Code.end the Lsnde� --�;:,.;�: �t_
<br /> �€_��: L
<br /> � `��'.� �,� �,; . . -� sAallhavealitherlghteartdra�t�sofasecuredp&rryu�dersaldCodeinadditiontothedghtsandremeQiescreatedunder �:;i, L: -•r,:; , �:
<br /> �::: �,:
<br /> ;.��. . • • • .:.,,r,, andaccordedtheLenderpursnas�t�othiaDeedofTn:stacovtdedthatlende�'e►tghbandremediesundertAisparagraphsAall :;,�t�.,•••..'�:r..; :>„�
<br /> �� �� ba cumulative with.and in no way a licnaation on.Lender's ri hts and remedies under an othes sesar(ry agreement st neQ Oy �� '�''�:�`'�-' �':-
<br /> . ' , . F'`
<br /> .r,,,, BcrrowerorTruetor. 8 P 9 ':" ;`;.••y , ��,,' _
<br /> ,� ', p)LNnt�rnd Encum6rancea.Trt�t�sr hereby warrants and represente that there Is no defau[t unde�the provistons of arty 4 ` "�
<br />_ � .• m o R g a g e�d a e d o i tr u s�[e�s o r p u r c h a s e c o n t r a c t d e s c�i b i n g a t i o r a n y p a n o f t h e P ro p e R y.o r o t h er c ontra c t instrument cr � �` , f
<br /> �, ...,,':;. .: '�` _ 8greement consUtuUng a itc�or enaumbrance against all or any pan of the PropeRy;coitecttvety,"Uena"►,exisdng a9 ot�e . �`':���'°`.
<br /> � '�s;;,,�����; � . data of thla Deed of TYus�ana that soy and all exiyting Uena remain unmodifie�euse�t as disctosed to Lender in Trusier's - ,__,���:���
<br />_ ;.>� .�. ,_. wrttten discbsura of Iiens and encumbrancea provided tor herein.Trustor shatE m�ely pe�tortn all of Trustor's obfigatia�ss, " ` •
<br /> . .. �.,._._
<br /> Y�� �: � covenante,representatlonsandwar�as�tiesunderanyendaliexistdngandtu4ure�+ec:s.shatlpromptryforwardtoLenderC�tes • • � � •' ,•-
<br /> ot atl noUces ot detautt sent in connecUOn witt�any end atl existlng or t�ntt�re 6ieres.an0 shail notwithout Lende�s p�or�� ''•' "��`f,'
<br /> � :.:' . �' <: .
<br /> , �, :, ��� ,,,,; consent in eny manner modlfy the provisions ot or atlow any future Sdyan�e9 Wnder eny existing or futute Liena ., �
<br /> ` :
<br /> ' (j�AppltqUonot Pe�snts.Unless otherwise requi�ed by(aw,suma patdto Ler�der hereunder,inctuding vrito::acct y"smit�� . . "�,,;
<br /> , � ..
<br /> ;•- . • ' paymente ot principat and intereaL Insurance praceeda condemnaUon proceeda and rents and protib.shsdE be applted by ,. ;;;�;:
<br /> �.�_:.._ LendertothaamuunfadueandowtngiromT�ustorandBonowerinsuchorderasLendarinitssotgdiscreUondeemsdesirsbte. �>_�_ .:w•z:..
<br /> i-.:.� ... , e... .�, � 31 t.
<br /> (W Seve�Wty.If 8ny provislon of this Oeed of Ttust confltcts witt►apD�i�bla law or is�bectared invaltd or otherwi� .� :;r�t4�;!:�.:
<br /> " � unentorceabte,saoh contlict or invalldity ahatl not aftect the other provisons of this Oeed of Trust or the Note whtch can ba ;:���,��.:
<br /> � '�' � ��..� • giveneftectwitAOUttheconflictlngprav�sion,andtolhlsendtheprovisionsofthls0eedofTrustandtheNotaaredeelaredtobe .. .. „ ;
<br /> '� '.,• . � severabi�. ,
<br /> � � , � � (I)Tilrtns.The torms°Trus:zsr"and"Borrower"shall incfude both singu►ar and plural,and when the Trustor and BoROwer .. . . .. .
<br /> " � are t�e s�ma person(s�,2��5eterms as used in this Deed o!Trust sha►1 be interchangeable. .
<br /> _ �" .'�•`_,;.:. .�., (m)Qa+a�minp Law.This Defld¢f Trust ehall Oe govern�d by the fawa oi the State of Nebraska. •�.._ � ' . • _
<br /> • ;:�` ,�',; `: Trustor has exacuted thts Deed ot Trust�s at the date written above. _. , � ,
<br /> $_ , . " . �l' 11„�t� ���?n-"' !�_�� ... .
<br /> ���. � . Hesth J Letmte�t Trustor .
<br /> : �:. . .
<br /> ''°� , .. . Rodney @L'(I1811 Trusfir '' .
<br /> t: . _
<br /> ,:� � �
<br /> .�
<br /> : � :;��,
<br /> � -.� ��,. �. •
<br /> :+.. ;:(4�� .
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