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<br />- Botrow�r frrevccebty conveya to Yntstee.in Tnjst.wltA power o!�le..tt��talia�s�ng: ,
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<br />�: z,o� Fovor E4}�t�ste� 8ei�l�te� ssco�d,sm�asvs�soa fa ��e ��t�r o:6 . , .
<br />_- Gsaad IeL�ad� Ba�3 Cot�aty�. HebraaPts. . � .
<br /> ':: �Re c�saoa sf.relet address of eai� B�B�Y !s� 4?1t� Isslat �, , -
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<br />_ ,, :�,�.;; ,;,..: . .,�� - � .
<br /> � � . . . ap:ordtng to the tem�a lharaot.
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<br /> ?ryis Securiry(nshument seauias to Lender the De61 evldenced by satd rmte.lhe payment ot aq other sttms.wlttrlMeres�
<br /> advanced under the pravistona herealte�to protect the sscuriq+and the ger[artnancy ot BaRawers cavertan�ts and tfgtpeme�s.
<br /> '�'�'. `�",' .� Borrower coven�tide that BamKer is la+vfull�soFsed of sirch raal estateartd has tha�egal power end tawNl autharityr to ccmrey ' .
<br /> `�-� � - - � �'=� the same end�wa►remta snd w10 de(end Utlb tu tha rea!estate egafttstUte Iaw(uI ctaima ot ati p��uns.
<br /> �� '' �� �•� 80AROWER A{VD LEND&R At3REE AS FOLLOWS:
<br /> § � - >'='t��','•�..� 1.Bottower shall pay�wh6n due�tha P�ndpal and interast ea provMed in seld nole_
<br /> � , � ` �:;,�• - ---
<br /> - � ��`{�����'��� ' 2.All peymente received by�Lender sha0 be ttral epplted to advancea whlah may hava 6ean made by Lender gnd then b Y
<br /> . r�^." - �
<br /> � .• .:�,.��'+�'.-•". .� � Interest due and tast to P�nGipat�due. '
<br /> � � ' 3.Bonower shall pay�aQ generei�eal sst�ta taxea and apealai esseasmanta agalnst the praperty�betore tha same become =
<br /> i. e----�1' def:r�s�uenL � -
<br /> : '•. �,:,' , .. '
<br /> 'r ` 4.it�ender determines ihat�part ot ihe propedy I�sub{act�ro a Ile�.whtcH tg or may,attain priority avet,thf�secudty �
<br /> ' �` • tr�vmeM,Lender may glvo Barro�vsr e nat;..^s identil��tr�g the Ilgn.and 8ortotver shall sallstN the lien wlihin 10 days. o__
<br /> �•; T , � �•� � 6.Buyer sha11 keep the improvemants on s�td premtsea insuieQ again�t iass by Itre end hazards irnduded wtthia lhe ferm _
<br /> _";;. � "extended cove�ego°tor their insurabl�va[cte end polictes tor tha same�all incfude a 8tendard araregaga ctause shmving
<br /> -' � ` Lender heretn.in event of loss,lender may make praot ol foss il no1 promptty.made by Borrower.lrtsurance proceeds shail ��_.
<br /> . ,�.:. :;. , ,
<br /> � �•�,�.�' ;,`,"r• � • be applied ta restoralion or rep2.r oi lhe property damaged.unless botb pa�tiea olhenvE�o r�gree,excepl0 restaration or tepatr -
<br /> •''• �'��;`��';•>�'�r Is not economlcaliy teasibte cr lender's security Is�ot fessened,otherv+rise sald proc�ts shall be pald on the debl heretn. _
<br /> �� ..iV'i•�iy�,..,,�;� • � �
<br /> ...,,,.;!��f',. � .� whether or not then dua. _
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<br /> � �.;..,�.. .,:�, ., . ,;:�
<br /> , : , `�.�,.,�~ .� :� the due date ot the monthiy payments pro-�ided In said note,or chaage the amount ol ihe paym�ts. �-
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