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<br /> r . � .. � `��.�.-. - __y su �s.? ":. - �, , ... . . c c 'a. �k ' R .��,.ai.-- -----
<br /> _'' _ �1'.--'� - ,:('`���+."-�..-"�' .. �. �_u— Y' � .a;d�i.�--.�._ —
<br /> _
<br /> _:•r .�`L`� • •`_ ''•.TZ � 3.3..:.►Y[� _ '_ - _ _ —
<br /> . ;\ �i �___,yT_:�r�__—` . — — _ ` —_ - _.. _ -- .._. .
<br /> � . '. `:.a. - — _ ._..,�...a:' ri� S�. _ — _ _
<br /> ..t . .i_._.., :. V - _ — _
<br /> .r,�- -�-' � . . . 't'— y� _ —_'
<br /> C�rf`T_
<br /> i..i a�,� �c,�� c� , .� . ' � . ` �. ' . - �. � ., . Wl ' � : ' � . ` ����`' c� '� cx �.��
<br /> — � . - �c �t ` . � F� ` . . � . _ . � < �.R\. . . �—
<br /> - _ "�= —_� ;` ` �, applicxhid t�w m�y sp�ji for�r3ns�(xfa�e�ate of ttiq.P�opee�y►m�tsuant to enx paar���pf sota `omi��..t�is ,�,.,. .-
<br /> -- -= —_- Seet�ii���or(lt����'!��?'�t"���A�jE.Ia,mu�eat.=�caaQhiams_aa�t�8�nwer {�� __- - -
<br /> (
<br /> — '. .�, .paYs�Lendmri sll s�w�ich d�eu wa�tld Oe du�u�sGer dda Se�tulty�nstn+m�n�anit tha Note as If nQ r�3� ,e�d - .
<br />_ - __— oacu�tet4:@)cuces a�St def�uYt of a�,y other cavensats ac�ree��;tc)�oya a31 e��sES{ncii�ed ia�fon9ng this Secwlty�, _.
<br /> — -- - Instcnm+eaR instudtu�g,bin aaa ltmited to.nea�baWe s�tomeya'fees:;aa4(b)�t�ss sech actia�n��may tieazana�ly, . .
<br /> __—_ . „ = t�uira t�essute Wa4 the tiea of Wis Seeu�y IEtatruma��Leac��rtgdts in d�FEop�at�a aadSotm�ae:�obligition W��y Q� '
<br /> nm
<br /> -�°`° --- � � 5nms se�tad'iiy th�s Secueiry I�osau�E,sIlaII condaue uact�sage0. .i#p�c�ata�atemeait by Bomu�m�..�-Securtt� .
<br />_ — - � iastivatealan�3 tha,o�liga�i8ns se�re4�enby shalt�emain R�lty sffecdvc ag if no smcete�atl�n ha�l acs�ured Hosirevt.r.tt�s�.
<br /> - - . right W reiastata sAal1�3tappIy In the case of ac�teiati�uuda�paca�raph 17. . . ° �
<br /> �` I9 S�k a�Nots.��. -Servit+er. Zhe Note.ot a�srtta2 interest in t�e Nota(tc+ �vith this Seauitq ` .
<br /> �
<br /> __ _ • �_ __._. __ _..
<br /> :�_ -:-----u►s�m�nt)maY be��td � �n"'a�b�r�iar�oitee to'�aisow�:-A 3ate�nay -a e�g�#a_ ----
<br /> �n
<br /> ` (kr�wn as the°i.oatt S� coUe�ei�'9�ibijr�#yments due�nder dte Note ani!t�is Se�utitY�4stnttaen�"The�+e.alsa =
<br /> �t may De ae�e as mon f..,",�S�v`Ica'�iai�tate8 fo a sate o�the Not� If d�e is a change-of tRe Loan:Seavicer, _
<br />=�-�? 8oimn�es w71 be g'�ven arritLen aotice ofiDe cfisn�e in aocard�ce with garagaph 2d abm►e aild agplIc�Dle laar. 'I�aotiae
<br />_��. w11t stata tIla name and addcess of ttae new Loaa Seivic�and the addre.�s to whkL paymc�ats s6outd be m�d� 7ae aaticce w�E
<br /> :w:.. ats�o oontatu aay at6er infaimation Rquired by appl�abte Iaw
<br /> �,,� 20: HA�ardous Su�smnoe� Harrnwer shalt not ca�ise.�petmit the preseace,use.d�OSaE+storage,or aeIeas�of any
<br /> AL
<br />=� Hazatdons Substaaees on ar ia t�e t§vperty. Banowes s�all aot da.uor aitow anyone else to do.eaytlJng affecting ttie .
<br /> t ie
<br /> ° Pmpeny tbat is in violation of any F�vimnmentat iaw. 'Itte preoeding two s�teaces sball not apply ou t�a ptes�c�us�or= � .
<br />- st�azage on ftte�perty of smatl tNaatities oFHa�rdflus Sd6staaaes Wat ac�e geaeratlY reca@pized w be appsop�iate�to nonnal
<br /> rESidential uses and toamiaoenanoe af the Ptop�ty:
<br /> � Bmmwer sIIall Qromptiy give Len¢er w�itt�aarice of any inv�rigatina,claim�demand.lawsnit or otDer aci�n hy smy •
<br /> �ove�amental ar regWawtY��Y�Pm'�P�Y�svaIvie�the Pi�operty and any Hazandous Substaace or Favlmnmental
<br /> �:::`; .- ;Y,�._�, � Law of whic6 Boaawer Uas ac[ual�owIedge. If Bmrower tearas.or is not[fied by any govemm�lal os ze�utaiosy .
<br /> - ��:�°,,r...�� - autIIarity,,that aay nmovai ar other reme�atiaa o�suy Ha�dous Suastaace affe�ng�e Pcaperty is a�ss�+,Bo�ow�
<br />_�. °_'"��:';:��„„�:�,` shalI ptawptiy taite all a�ssary rEme�al actians iaa�nndanae wiYL Bavironmental Iaw. — --
<br /> • }.R s.-�. "Hazardous Subsh�oes�at�those sobs�suees d�ffmaed a9[oxie aT h�dous sub�a�esiry- - --
<br /> ��x c�,�•,•h As used'ut thIs p�dgraph 20. d
<br /> .� Enviroameatal Law and the followi�g substanoe� gasolia�.fi�nsene,other fla�ttmable vr Oo�dc peoroi�m prad�cta,toaic
<br /> v_L��, a",i:.:�.,s1.
<br /> a•_�.;�;:;����;;"�,: , pestiades and hecbicides.volatile sohrents.mate�ials conm�wag asbestos or fom�aldebyde:atW ra�oaclive mateiists. As
<br /> �` '. �•�'-- used in dus patag�aph 20."F�vironmaital Law"msans federal taws aad laws of t6e juris�ctiaa�vhe�the Ymp�ty is IaraLed
<br /> � ...�.��K��;,�`:�."'
<br /> •��;a��:'�*,.°':i'.� ttrat�laietoheaIt6,eafetYorenvironmeatalp�on
<br />_, '�0'4 i:, ,,,.�.'3"`' .. .
<br /> ,.��y.=��k�'.:``"� NOIV-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bmmwer and Leuder furtlter covenant and ag�+ee as follows: -
<br /> .. `:''''::`:`�G1..° Zl. Aace[erattoa;Remed[es l.eader shall gWe aaYi�z to Bo�rower pdor to Aoo�eratt�following 8orrow�'s '
<br /> •r:• � .?�.,��::,.. y
<br /> �'`'~::�`y�,��'`a'_"'''�.," breac6 ot�ny ooveaan!or ag�+e�nent ia t6is Se�rity Y�tment(bnt aot prFar to aeeeteratton tmder parAgraph 17
<br /> ' . K.� l,�Y.`',
<br /> \�; �'.'��..:.., <,��°''�'�:>;=: nales�app11ca0te law provtdes�erwise). The atottce sLa"i apecifg: (a)t�e detaWh,(b)tHe adton r�Q n t r e d to p�refhx
<br /> "{.. :, defautt;(e)a date,aat t�s tAan 30 days flram�t�e date tke itotFce ts g[ven to Bonnwer,Dy whklh mL$.defaWt mngt be
<br /> ..�:��_>,:o-.,;:::,L:."��o:.. -..
<br /> �F.:-�".::"'':,',;��:'. cwred:itnd(4)t6s�t failar�to carie W�defanit ea or 6eFore ttte date sp�ed in We noHce mag res�CE in�ooe�eradaa o!
<br /> ,i�" `�"�. '. : ... the�ms secn�ed by thts Securtty Instrameut aad sate�C�e PruPe*ty. '�de natice sl�alt PortRer infarm Borrawer ot
<br />- . �:,, ''. ', r'�:�.::.;� • --
<br /> . "��: a��.` " the r�tat to retnstate after aooa'tee�at�on and the rig6t to�a caart act�on to assert tl4r noa�existeace of a d�tE or
<br /> •' `' .:r .�;;;•.�?��;;;. anq oc�kher defense of Barrower t�ra�eretton�W sal�:�£tf�detault fs not cnred att ms before t�e dnte�:in
<br /> °� `�:, ' I.;,.r<: . the nottoe,Leader aNta optioa mr�g�reqntre�ate .�t fn fi�U of all sums se�ed by tNs Sectulty I�ent
<br /> �� � �:'�`.����.� wltdout tlut6eP demand aad u�y invoke#.I�power ot sale and any other remedies permItted bq appW�Dte taw.
<br /> - � �:���:`:=�` l.ender s6�i1 �e eutit[ed to wlQ�ert all espemses tncurred in pursoiag the remedtes provIded tn thls paragrap�2Y.
<br /> :�.� �:, ,;;�;;, .4:-. ::� inctuding,6nt aot Umited to,re��,ua6te attorneys'Pees and c�ts o!titte evldeace. __
<br /> ;, v,,' �''. : , If t8e power ot sale Ls iavo�Ced,lleustee s6al1 record a aotFce o!detault in eac6 rnunty in whicb aoy part of tae
<br /> �. ' `-�:`".�:: . Property ts tacated and shap maii oopies of auch notdce in ttee mtmner prescribed by appticabte Iaw to Bomower and W
<br /> -• '=.!�`"' '� the other persoas prescrlbed by applicaDle Iaw. Atter the t�me eequired by applicabte Iaw,llrustee sLall give pu6lic , ---
<br />-_ ' ?'��;�`'' � � �� aodce of sate tu ttie grsrsons and in the mannee presc�ibed 6y appitcabie taw 7Maste�without demand oa Borrawe�,
<br /> { = '���"•��'` � ' s6ap sell the Pro�at puDlic suction to the�ighest bIdder at tlte time and place and uader the ter�s destgnated[n =__
<br /> �• � '����k�``�' • j r�- tQe aoE1ce of saEe fia�ne or more parcets and ia any orde�'�'rustee determfnes. 7Fustee maq postpone sa�e of all nr any ---
<br /> -:'+�sl-`:��4'=�'}` . - � p��di ehe Properiy b9 PubiEc announcement at the ti;a�arstt piace of aay previonslg schedu�ed sa[e. Len�des a�its --�
<br /> ,; ,. ;..:q i, ..,:: q(
<br /> . ,. ,,` :`;�,ti�'� � d�maY Durchase tge Property at any saie.
<br /> ; ; -
<br />