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<br /> — _ --" e�qval-wt�ch aball'not De t�a�onaaly�vit9tietd•.U a7Hlivlr�����.+���V�!�S�����fSSif�l��y s.$Z!_'.!__ �
<br /> s�"�
<br /> - - -- - � '�l.°��v�r 2Gl''�'s�xt�CRSI��RB—�FI�(b�-. 11lii000I1a8ACG �VVIt t��818$[flQ�'--�--- ,..;' ,
<br /> ,. . >�Aii eusutanre policIea_ '�enewats shait�e'acaptab2e tcrt�tder�td�alt'incl�dc s�ndu�d mostgt►g�c�au�a. �' ,• � . -
<br /> - ••- � shall aava the rig8t to ho�l tRe pqltctes andnne�nls: it L.�nder i+equires�Ba�wer s�all promptiy pdv�W Lep�er a1t r�oei�s . ' _
<br /> = -� .�`� of pa{d pt+cm[wns aad n��wa1 natzoes..In Me ev�nt of la�.Smrower shult give prompt nottce to the Ias�runse camie�aiid `
<br /> __ 1",�ceder.�.endeA m$y tna�tke prEiof of ioss if 4nt ffiade P;'amptIY W►Basrower.' . . ; � : ._ .. . _
<br /> - ..Unless I.ender�sl Bonower otRetwfse.agtee itt w��ang,iusaranoe pmceeds s6a1l�6a agptie�to testaratl'on oi.�p� ,mfi� : '. ,,
<br /> - the damaged�.if th�nestalation os zegair ls e�ttomlceily fi�asibte ead Lender�s�cwtty is aat iessenod. If�te. . �
<br />�� _ ' t��ro�or�repair is not ecaaumicalty feasibie or Leu derg securiry arauld be tessenbd._the ins�aante g:ooeeds stialt��e �
<br /> �.,.------ - - _ ---_ =`---=--3pgiiedta�titesuuts-secnrec�.P�y�Se�rity=�t,-w�-arttat then�iae.witha�sy oxcess-gaidto-8aauwer.---�t'�- �- -� -- - _
<br />�z`'� Bamot�r�r absndons the Ptapeity,or daes�¢ot ausarer wi�tQin 30 days a aatioe from Lsader that the iasuraace catrier ha�
<br /> - - �offaced to.settte a clai�►,then Leaciermay coltecc che insivanoe praceads.�'i.eader maY use.the preceeds m iepair or restan —
<br /> � , tha Pmpeaqr or on p��vms sectrnd.bp this Security instturaent,whetIter or nat tnen dae. 'i�e 30�day period will begi�a when
<br /> _ - -- `the�tariueiagiven.� . . .
<br />�c-- ' Unless Lenderand.Bomower othetwise agc�ee in �vrittng.any appHcation af pruceeds to_prinMpal shall aoi ezEend or �
<br /> postpano th�dae date of the monthly paymen�.c refemed to in pa�gm�s 1 and Z pr change.the amount of the payments. If
<br />�� un¢8t paiagtapb 21 the Ptuperty is aoquir�by l.eader, Bomnwer�dght to any instuance policies sud prnCeesis tesulting.
<br />_- - fivardam�ge w t@e Ptoperty priar m the aoquisidon sball pass.to Lender to the extent�of the sums secured by thia Settnity
<br /> tnstiumeat�uiiediately prior w thb aoqwsitiaa. .. .
<br />= 6.. �ccupancY. �eesesvatlo�► RtainteQSna2 aud ProteNtoa uf t�te Ptopertq; Sorrower� Laan_AppltcaHoa;
<br /> -- Le�sxIIaids� Hoaower shaU oocupy'.estaDfish,and use the Fcoperry as Bomowerl;principal resideace wirhin sixty days after
<br /> th�executian of this Sec�uity Instrmnent and sEs�i continue w occupy tice�COperty ac Bomower's p:i�pal�sidenoe for at
<br /> = lea�s.one year aRer the date of occupancy, untess l.ender othenvise agree.s in writing, wtuc6 consent shall not he
<br /> - � u�mabiy withQetd,or ualess extenuatIng circivnstances eaist which ate beyond Bormwer�s conmol. Bonower sl�all�t -�
<br /> �, destt�y.damage or impair the Ptop�rty�a12ow the Praperty ta deteriorate,or commit waste on the Prog�tty. Bomuw�d¢all
<br /> �, be in defautt i€any forfeiNra activa or pmceediFtg,whett�er iiv7 or criminal,is bzgun that ia l.eadCr�gaad faiih jic�' . _
<br /> coutd iest�it in fmfeitqre of ttte Property or othenvlse uiaterially impair the lien created by this Security Insuumemt ar
<br />-', Leaderk sacu�ty interes� Borrower a�sy cut+e such a default aad reinstate,as provided in paragcaph 18,by causing tbe action
<br /> ��' ar��oaeding to be dismissed wlth a n�ling thas.in Lender's good faith detem�inatiaa,piecludes forfeituie of dte Boann�er�s
<br /> in�nest in the Property or ottter material impairntent of the lien created by this Seccuitg instrument or Lemder�s�auity -
<br /> . . .
<br /> � :t.� •. inte�. Botrowet shaU also be in default if Bamower,dvrmg the Ioan appht�tton pracess, gave materialiy� ur _ _
<br />- inaaveate info�tatioa or statements ro Leader(or failed to pmvide Lender with aay mat+erial infomiation)in conu�tion with --
<br /> � ''' '``•�� the loan e+rideaced b ttie Aiote,inciudin but not limited to,tepmsentations concemin Bon+ower's axu ancy of the -
<br /> �:r� . •^ Y S+ 1� P
<br /> h -�;-�:�.• as a principal residence. If this Secutiey Instrument is on a leasef�otd,Bortuwer shall comply weth aU th$pmvisiuns _---
<br /> " �` �•'=R:�`''�` �eas� If Bomowrer acquires fee titte to the Ptaperty,the leasedold and the fee dde shall not merge unles�Leuderagiees -
<br />