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<br /> tacated Nereon wIM or wlthaut teWrt�pasaesston o!tha property aitected Aere�y. Lender,ho�tevar,heroby canaenta.t.o:
<br />_ 8omawei'e eottecttonandretenttcn ot aucfi reMs,fssuesaridprofits agthsy accnieand becamoRsyaats.estonp e�Bomower
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<br /> — asreement hereunde� � '
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<br /> .�;ci. . � S. flf t to,� on.lo case of dafautt tn the payment ot the eaid p8nctpal Note or tntenest.or eny part tAer�t,as it
<br />�'�:�''`�, i� � shatl mature.or ta t�te case ot taUure to keep or pertarrn any ot the cavenants or agreements eontatned In the Securitylnstru�
<br />�' �=�• rt►et�t.titen the lender. Ite succeasors cr asalpns.shatl0e and!s hereby authorized and empowered to teke immediate .
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<br /> ..�F, ,;��,, :�.,. .. 1 4._.�faali �ion ot Renta.tsaues and Profits.l�lt rents ca#tect�d by lgnder ot•the receivet shatl ba app11e0 firat to payment
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<br /> t,�_ :i ��••r; ••:: '• •
<br /> �: �•�-;;,:�.� ..�, receiver'g DQnds and reasonaDta attomey a te�s.e�id tRen to the sums secured by the Secur(ty InstrumenL�ender and tfie
<br />-� y`�J `�`� ', , reCeiver stlati be Ilable.=o accouM onty tor those r&nts actualty reeetved.
<br /> �� ��..,.... ,.
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<br /> •., ,# ,�. - ment shatl,untesa othen�ulse specifically required,be construed in accardance witA Nebraska Iaw,and In tha event any _ --
<br /> °�J�,_ ,.: ,V�,;�` provistcn�tereln or t�erein contalned sha110e determined�y a couR of competent jurisdfction to be unenforceabt�ttaasame ---
<br /> ,,,��, { ` ;�`_S� s h a 0�e c c n s t r u e d a s th o u gh aucA unenforceabta provislon were not a part hereof or thereof, - �
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