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<br /> -� — ��, casidemn�t�ba or o�er m�ing og eay p�tuftho�cape�ty,or fe�convey€t��o ll�o�bf.candamnatIa�������y assi�S aa�l.. - --
<br /> � � �9a1! paid to teen_de� � p,,,��.�- . ' �. -}1}11fy'''' � � ,. , � ,-� . . . ,,.
<br />. — - - -r. �.���'ii'S d. �S'Si�"'��-�r;�� OtLi{U��"Y!'LLW����D����RlN�I�t : .`_'?_ . _ -._ .-. . ._. .
<br /> Gumt�en�.mrheth¢r or aot then i[ue.wi�any oacass pai td o Bm�sowar. E�thn cwent of a garuual ta�dng of tAo Ptope��y u� ��
<br /> r
<br /> _` wtdct�,the f�ir maik+eE K�4n�`o#th�Roperty imme�ateIy before t��ta�ing is'rqual to or�t�n sbe acnoua3 0�t&�sutns _
<br /> ' secured by this�ty inseiumtnt immedlsteyr befom the t�lcing,uft2ess Bomower nn�Lender otheict�se agce��a wicting; .
<br /> � � ttt�sums•seaire�by ttiiis S�ur�tj►fa�uu-°N shall be r�edt��d by t�e aiaovat of the�aiuttitpliiec�6y she following �
<br />-- � trastion (al tl�tbtal amcunt a�ths stuas secured immedtately before the takt�g,�tivlcfed hy(b)the fair aia�tce�.vatue o�tffd,�� -
<br /> -- - - � . Ptogetty imt�ety 6efn:e`ihe teIc�ng� Any balaaoe shatt be pai'd to�orrowee In the event of a parttaE mldng,of We _
<br />=- -- in wi�iCh the fa�r cna�dcee vatue of tAe Property immedlately before ds�t�king is less thun th0 amo�ms af t�e suats
<br /> =- �
<br /> -- _- -------- --=�----� -�atc�tctg�for�the�g,�rt'kss-8or�nt�res-eadl.es�deso�stiiss-a�-in-_Kriitiag-or-unl�ag�lis�b�-la�--=-- -, _ __
<br />-=: � utlsenvise psQvides.the pmce�ds shall be appiied ta the sums sacured 0y this 5ecu�i�Insuu�nt whether or not t�a sunas are -
<br /> - then due. .
<br /> • If the Propecty is abandone��y Bomower.or if.after notice by Lendep w 8o:rower that the condemaor offecs ta mak,e -.
<br /> an award�settte a cla�m for daa�age�Soiroiver faiLs co resgun3 m Leader witLin 30 days aRer the date the aatice�S given,:
<br /> Lender es authorized to oolte�t aad apply the pmoeeds.at its opdon,either m�estoiatioa or repair of the P[operty or w the
<br />�,= -- swns securea 6y tt�is Socurity Insorumeat.whedier or not then due.
<br /> Uttless Lender sud Bvtmwer athetwise agree in writing.enY aPPlication of proveeQs m principal shall nqt eue�d�
<br />� postpone Ste due date of the raoatWK payme�ts refemed to in hs 1 and 2 or d�ange the amount oi sucitpayme�ts.
<br />-� 11: Sorrawer Not Beieasetf; Forbcaraaa By Lea� a Wslve�. Bxtensiorr of the time for�PaY�eat or
<br /> . madifiwtion of amortization of ttce sums secured by this Securiry Inst�ument giant�by Lender to any suocessor in inte�est.
<br />_, of Barrnwer shall not operate ta rclease the IiaDility of the origina!Borrower or Bomnwer's suocessois in intecest I.ender
<br /> - shall aot 6�e�quiteA to cammeu�e pmceedings aga�nst any suocessor in iatenest or c�e#use to extettd mne for paymem m
<br /> =� othenvise mudify emoRization of the sums secured by this Security insdument by teason of any demand made by tIte originsl
<br /> Bomower or Botrower's succe�sors in interest Any fonc�a�artce by Leader in eaceceisin$any right or temedy shall uot be a
<br />_ waiver of orpreclude the ex�ise of any right or temedy.
<br /> - �a, su��ana��eouaa;JoSnt sud 5everel�.ia6iliiy;Casigaers The covenants aud agreements of dris
<br /> ,Sec�aity Inswmeat sit�ll bind and benefit the successors aa�assigas of Leader and Borrower,sub,�ect tn the pmrisions of
<br />- paragraph 17.Bormwer�s covenants and agtee�ents shall be joint and severat.Any Borrower who cp-s�s this Sacvrity .
<br /> �� instrument but daes uot execute the IYote: (a)�S ca�igaing this Security Insaument only to moctgagc.gi�at and convey that
<br /> s Bomowerls interest iu the Prope�ty under the terins of this Securiry Instrument; @)is naipersnaalty obrigated to pay tAe sums
<br /> _ ' zr secured�y this Securiry lnsprtutteu�and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Barower u�ay agcee to extend.modifj+,fo�ear _ ___
<br /> � or make any accommadations w�tt cegard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Bomnwerk _________
<br /> ,. -� ---
<br /> 5,�''`�-�=': oonsent. - --_
<br /> • L 13. Loan Ct�es. If the loan secureit by thi.s Security Instrument is subject to a!aw wt�ch sets maximum toan
<br /> `s"'?`��'.":. charges.ead d�at lasw bs fmally interpreted so that the interest or ather[oan charges coltected or to be coQectEd in connection
<br /> `4�f��°��'.�1.� —__
<br /> �sr r'��;';i:° wit6 the laaa eacaed tiie pemutted Ittnits,then: ta)any such loan charge shall be zeduced by the amount necessary to ceduce -_
<br /> , r#�•i =':. the cha�ge w d�pennitted limi�and(b)any sums afrieady coIIected from Bonower which exceeded pem�aed limits wiU be -__-_-
<br /> ".` ':�&}`'�•` ,`.�` refcutde�to Bmrnv��er. Lender ma chaose to make this refund b reducin the nnci owed under the Note or b malcin a - -=- -
<br /> : �r���`�i~,r,�;:.: Y Y 8 P� P� Y 8 _ ---
<br /> �' diiect paymenttn Bdrrower. If a refund redures principai.the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment wuhout any
<br /> "��" ;. � � .+�;� ent c under the Note.
<br />_' `f x,.t ��='�:a,;:; P�Y►n � - --- __
<br /> �: F,;y,,,+.,�-�;;,4•.. . 14. No!loes, Any nodce to Bormwer p�Yided for in this Securiry Inmument shall be giveis t�y e�e'.ivering it or by _ --
<br /> '� � ''�''S z ' �� mailing lt by fi�st ciass maii unless applicable Iaw nequires use of another rtiethod.'Rie notice shall�e dice�ted to the[>i+ape�ty Y- .
<br /> � J IFC�
<br /> , a�S��a�2 S, ��:Iw T�C t . —
<br /> - i��,,ss � .. � Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by f�t class .�
<br /> .a.. . . R�a .... .. ,t.l��.��,-.
<br /> : :.;�-�.;,�!��;��L;�:;, maii to Lender's address stated herein or any otaer address Lender designates by noace to Borrower. Any nodee provided for �:!T�<
<br /> q s:
<br /> �::�,y�F '
<br /> - ��t�t'`. in ihis Securiry lr�.4miment shall be deemed to have been given to Borroa•er os Lender when given as provided in this �, � _.':,, �� -
<br /> `�;;�r>�:... ; ..,._r:ti:: '• _ '�_:.
<br /> .. a ,.: _ paragraph.
<br /> �.'•- 15. GovernEag I.aw;Seveeabtlity. This Security Instrument shatl be govemed by federa! Iaw and the law of the
<br /> y ti� 't . `�S L� �l —
<br /> ' � .�.,,�#�-���";;.•: jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In tt►e event that any provision or clause of this Securiry Insuument or the Note � ' � �`-
<br /> - ' '�'2'"•'� conflicts with applicab2e law.such contlict shall not affece�dr�provisions of this Securiry Instrument or the Nate which can � _�' 'i� �_
<br />- �:��r`�°� : be given effec[without the conflicting pmvisian. To this er.�the pravisions of this Security lnstrument and the Note aze ` � �=�..;°=
<br /> ' ` , ;��•' declared ta be seve�-�le. ��'�*.r� �
<br /> ".���5, 16. Borrov�a"s�opy. Borrower shalf i�e pir�a one conformed copy of ihe Note:tnd of this Securitp Ensirument. _ � `''T2`.ri, _.,
<br /> -:� .• •,,;� :•. :,�. 17. 'llransfer�S tPie Property or a Becr�ffs�B ffnterest in Borrower. If all or any part of the P,rc��ee�v or any interest in - . --� °=�=:�°��
<br /> - .:,,-:� �
<br /> it is sold or uansfeaa�(or if a�mneficial interest in Borrower is sold or trnnsferred and Borrower is not a natural person) •,`"��� -'�;.; r,��
<br /> ��,� �`` `�_ .:�:' . without l.ender�s prior writte�cansent,Lender muy,at its optian.reyuire immediate payment in full of all sums secuced by • �;,� u:•=
<br />-;�a' >�.�'�._:�'.�`.'�:�'� this Secudty Instrutnent. !{a�v��,this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by fede�al law av of �`'•F"� '
<br /> --';y ':;•:�,-`;.,'•"�"'� the date of thIs Sec�rEt Insmrre��. • :;�-' � •
<br /> ;,�, eY7,':�� , Y
<br /> {;�'�' �• � •
<br /> ",��: ,��,.;_,4z:=�;� •, If Lender exercises ihis op�on,Lender shall give Borrower notice of::r.celeration. The notice shalt provide a period of ' • �� ,.: ;;�.. .
<br /> ''°�' , t�i- not less than 30 dzys from the C�.tp the natice is delivered or mailed withir�i;ich Borrower mu5t pay all sums secured by this ' �'��'s. •
<br /> 5'
<br /> �ti)' �t�i,•-:�•'Si��.S'r, ., • �.,;e:,t•_ '.
<br /> ���i�� 1. ...ki\a;�i-.` �.,�,. �.
<br /> ,,,, Setur�ty[nsttumenl. lf Horm��fails to pay these sums prior ta the expiration of this period. Lender may in��oke any �:'•�sst;t>'�-; , .. -,'�•
<br />__..� . 4.•.. �._. ,..�,;.�;;`• : :
<br /> .�s� ;��i.���•���±� •�� � remedies petmitted by this Security Instrument without funher notice or dernand on Borrower. ;``.;i•>;.;;,;;.�• �
<br /> ���'` ' `� • '� 18` Borrow¢r's Right to Reinstate. lf Borrower m�:cs cerrain c��ditions,Borrower shall hsve the rigFt to have � ' '�"`"i'� �
<br /> . �e ' � ::;�,��i�•� .
<br /> ;' ' ' ' enforcement of this Security lnstrument discontinsed ut:u►y tune�rior ta v6u;rarlier of: la)5 doys!or such other period as � -���� � �� ' .��
<br /> a '�� .�' . a� � '
<br /> -���i • . Sin e Famil Fiumle tlse'Freddle�lac l"ti1P ORN I\STRU:�IEAT••U n i f o rt n C o v e n a n t+ 91 9 0 ( �¢e 4 o b •,r���R'
<br /> 'E. ,u S� Y— lH I Fn�x t.rl �.��`t`�^st; ..
<br /> ��t ',• Y'�S� • � J`�.':i.�.,�: . .
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