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<br /> -- tRSC�o��atci�9d�tqaa�sh�i3l�dee.m��oama�Md.d�AtemAnteF�aM��narfds�defT�uit;h�reiii�ttar,r�fes�bd:tvaa�iha� .�;,
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<br /> i�� '-� ffo�r"+pi�sfedndebt�daaa-s, teratRaftern�erredEoasi6is" ts:t�t�l�,t�E(i��i�i►�(i�IQ�/tN�Lt9Ai��iB�lA1�QN�:�`m— —
<br />- � �RAtiVDiS�.AND,hecein�ttbicetertedtoiatha"L�ent3er'��cititea�msdat�indceve�tnptt�eprap�rtyd�ao�lRadinthisS��a�1y��° •�,
<br /> _ tnetwment aad lo�te,d�� . • : , t .
<br />�y � • . ` 'l44S U1E5T DIVISIO(Y; .GRRND ISLANO �lE 68�tN , �, ..
<br /> ._ :K .
<br />� . . '..(FroyaRf►•Add►ess) � ,'
<br /> WlTi�1E88�►Pi: . . . . . .�,; .
<br /> �_ �.s. . � � . • --
<br /> ,. -� . . ,_ . �
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<br />- ' addttia��t ss�rityr to tAe Len�e►to�tAe paymant ot the Not� _ , .
<br /> = NOW.TI#REF�RE.tt ts ag�eed t�t4hsSecuriry lns'trarrne�►t eha110s amanded.hereby artd deemet!toirtctudet�te icltbwtisg
<br />- ptovlsimt� ` � ° -
<br /> �`� �: s�, a f Rentaae0l�n ntet GoiteaHon Rtahfe.6o�rOwerAere ahsatute and unLOaditiotlal asll aii
<br />�;S � M 4 �fiR�� bl► h� �1► �► . -
<br />- mnts;,IBau�&and proftis ot the pr�arty to Beneftctary. �en�&; shatl have the HgAt� powar aled authortty d�Nrt�,tha_ ,
<br /> ` � K. �ciillhtt�f�ot tRe SeCurity Inatrurttent to coitect tha rents,tss�and proHts a�tha proper9y and af any pers�nal Rroparty.
<br /> �n � �" , ;:tG�l��i�teon witA e�wtthout taldag possess[on of tha D�p��1►atfected l�arsby.Leader.howaver.Ae»Dy�naonte to
<br />_ t��_�� . S .
<br /> �' G_V;..�,�, .,' t� • :$ti��.colleotionandratsnticnofsucArentt�i�sussartdprofiisastheyaccrueandbecomopsyaDte;eoton�ea6orrowst
<br /> � � ""���� � �'t�ri�:�:�ttnee,ln�iBtauN with respsct to psy�srsnt ot any tndebtedness secnred hereDy,or in tRa pertormaace ot any
<br /> - r ,.:k,..��
<br /> t<<.�:�h:��":s�.. �:�31�tE¢itfit��ft�9urtd8t� � ' . t ' • _ :
<br /> ?• < . •.� «ti:<��j..
<br /> - � � � ,:. _2`@�ij iai�3imant�ot,Recetve�N�any:eveni o4 defauit In rssp�ct to Ma Security inst�ument e�gtl Qave accurred and.b�
<br /> �� �`�'��~`'''` � i�3ltder.&s�tnatter ot�riai�E��nd with0ut aottce to�+�sa�var or anyorte ciatming u�Qer 8ortowet,and wltttout
<br /> �z.:�i.�::�C��.;'- �; . :?:t�h0i1Z11��1�A ,-
<br /> �'�hF ` _ � �gard tb the vatuo of th�ltustestat�arttr�iM�isst o�the Bor�wer tAeretRt sitell have the�Ight to appfy to e�t c�tEl��ng �---
<br /> :��. :,
<br /> �'=`-�''.`_ � �
<br /> � ,�.; .: :�':_' '`;��tr.�isdlotion to appolM�a re�etver otth�p�+o�ar�y,:":: ..� � ...
<br /> r;ro� �_. . � �
<br /> �,: ':,, .` 3; �glti t Possesston.In c�so BE.�tti���p�syment ot t�9ald pdr��.Note oc inter+ee�ox 8ny Pait thet9ot,88 it
<br /> ��`�``� " <' shall mann�.vr tn tha case of isiture ta.�.,p or perfb`rm any o#t[cc�C�en�trtsa��greemenffieo�tafned Irt MeSecu�tty tnafia
<br /> ``�,L��.',:•. ;i�,_`, ment,-tt�eit ltia tender�ite saccea�n�c�assi�ris. shail be air���;�+er+eby:�utho�and empowered to take Immedlute
<br />- � � posses8lciaofMesatdpiemisesther�.�describedandtocoitecttPt�rentslh�E�m.ar�dtoaDptytheprocsedsthere�fto4he �
<br />--t' �,�t� , . � , �ayment af tRa Note. . `- .:. . ... .
<br /> ,` '':�y:.;':�.,;l:.`,',"'.:'•�� ` ��A. Aa��cqtbrt of R��asuas aseat�r�fits.Aii�ents coliected Ay Lertdet onthe�ece(vet ShaI10e appltedfirst to D�ymertt
<br /> ' 5���.'�;'� � :.:�.,�.z�. � •�` a#thecosts��#management of tAepr��rand coltectton of rents,inotudtng,�ut nat Ilmited to.receivePetees,premtw�s3on �
<br /> � ;{.y,. .. .
<br /> ;. r..,: ,�y �.�;� ,
<br /> ;::.�,�. , ��,:�-a,�;.�:,;1.,;.. = �'�. �iteceivePS{icnda end�asonabte attor�s tese,and tnen to the sums secunaA Dy the Security Instrumen�Lender s�ihe
<br /> ::�.;;_. 's :.,z`�:'��r�� : _ ,.. r�Cgiver 8hatl be Uahte to account onty tor those renta actualty recetved.
<br /> ,,.;::c��. :
<br /> .,����y�j . ' `�� � ; . 5. �nshuottan o!Provlslona Each of the provlaZans Contained in thts Aasignment of Rente Rider and the Security IAStru�
<br /> - �`i;l�,: - � ' ment shatt,untess otAerwise specificaily requlred�8e construed in ac�ordanca with Nebraska taw.arcdin the event ar►y
<br /> � �°;�=_' - � provtafon heretn or therein contalned shail ba determined by e court of competent Jurisdtation to be uneMac�¢eabte.the�ame �
<br /> � ' � °`-� �� � shatl be constn�ed as though sucf�uneniorceabte provtaton were not e part hereof or thereot.
<br /> I . . . . .. ,
<br /> . • ;�,;;,.,� ., :�-�. . 6. ���ct ot Rtder.Except ae spectiicalty moditfed by or Inconslatent with thla Aaslgnment of Rents Rlderor by any other
<br /> �� i:;��, .. , ::s.. �`. :, appilCabte�ide►,8110!the term9 8nd provistons COntaineddn the Security Instrumant ehatl continue In tuii to�e en�etteCt .
<br />- �`��.i:`� � .
<br /> 'F�;;. _ • IN WfTNESS WQiEREOf,8onower has executed this Ass nment of nt�Eder o the date first noted abovA. �
<br /> �.- � . �-
<br /> � ,, . KENNE E. KROEGEFi G�ccro er
<br />- .;,--. .
<br /> ; � . .. � -=_- -
<br /> 4 � '�ti•.`�:�;,�'�' �crrav�er �`--
<br /> ,� , :�i�; �_�-�° -
<br /> _ � . ' . STATE OF NEBRASKA) �'':_-�--
<br /> ;.. ,:,,;,; :_ • . (ss �_=-
<br /> �;tr�' � � � COUNTY OF HALL } � , �����';:
<br /> �' �:� ..'�
<br /> � ���� � ' � 47H OCTOBER 93 ': �i
<br /> ;r '� On thls day of ,t9 .betore me.the urtders4flrted a Notay PubUa duty commisstrsn�and � '
<br /> . • -� �
<br /> .� f�;.; . . . quatffled tor said caumy,personally came f�ENNETH E. KRO�GER, A SINGL� PER50N �� ,�,;�:,.
<br /> •�: . '��:`
<br /> ''�• .to be the Id�:t�:al persortts)whose rt2�33 talare sc+bscribed �' •=:`.
<br /> . `.;�;.. ` :; .
<br /> ' i.;.f: • . • to the fotegoing instrument,end helshelthey ackno�vlBdge the execution thare�i to be histherltheir valurstery aC18nd deed. .
<br /> , �:�.�_:• . . .- . , �
<br /> ",�'' ..:,.:.�,;.; , Witness my hand and Notarial Seal at GfiANO ISLANp, GEBRASKA
<br /> �. _. . "sti�;���: in said co date afo id. �. ''`�
<br /> :4:• `'. . li�l�fAlY.mll If�sb ` �
<br /> �
<br /> � ����� ���I997 Nots bliC
<br /> t�;• .
<br /> ` ' My Commisston expi�es:
<br /> � i�� , ' NRt030fr�811 . ,-
<br /> r �� . ' ' . . .
<br /> C j.� ,. . . - .
<br /> j��� : .. i
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