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<br /> _:�,. c . , � . , . , —1 .. . v --=-s . ._ .- ---
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<br /> „ . t . [ , c , ' o . 1 . , � `���•f` � i- :
<br /> - --- -—_ , '` 'f�`tH`�$R.1�II�1 ii�-t�Itt�.�li'BYPdIi£IIf9�EDV'!OF�iCiCS�S'T CteCIC�QIT t�1B��1t3!.i1Jtd��8SC41�1).29. . �113t�i9i :``:_'` :.'
<br />— -- , at��s trowes hec�ter A p�ct�itt�a pra�ty� Al1 repla�nteNs.and.add�iOns�3ia!!alsa�'cov�ell�Y.t s.S��► . _ <, �, . .
<br /> - -- -= . ;.^'_ > r..��.��.-pUof,thQf�inQis.nefe�ee_rn,in!L�s��;����r�-E�-"F'ii�', '�'=:_r.,.-�_=;.�.-��.._:.--.__�_..: --
<br /> . . �BORAOWBR��BDTR1�PfS t�at B+nr►�wer i�IawfUl3y s�taed of t�e e�ate�e�tDy mnveyed ead isas t�s elg6�ta Sra�i:.
<br /> • ` V s�o�ve3►tIie frapetc�►mn�taat`ihe PbpeYty_is��+�!^�cc�axa�pt fot ericun�Man�es of re�4z�. Bor�ow�wa�tantg.and . .
<br /> — - = wiil d�feaa�geeeta�ty tt�e�id�to the HroPeny agatns:eU ciatmg ena d�msads.�uDje�w a�r ear.wm�oes vf re�:d. „ .: .
<br /> _ - _ -- _<� . � Y4�LS��CiTRYi'Y 1NS'['�tt1�t`�mDfacs anifmai oaver�for nadauai use.attd aoa�uaifoan cov�ant�'�aritfr , �
<br /> - ' timts�v+�ta�aus by ju�'sAtc�am co eonss�icuce a uni�m socurtty�nsuu�buvates rea�propa�,r• , " ; . `
<br /> ! COlI�iAK'�'S.Sarrowerat�d Lendec ecvenaat aad ag�as foltows: ; ° ,
<br /> - _-. . ---- _ - - -_- � -- - -�������dt��dr�+e�t����-Bo��sAall9zC'm�Y��-wptgs�th� _
<br /> ;j __ � _ . -
<br />_•� �cipat�artd i�ssest on t�debt evideaced by the Note attd any prepayment an0 iate cIla�es due under tBe Nais.
<br /> -- ---- �. �ha�sf�Tbute9�Insurent�Su�jeet to appticabte Iaw ortoa avn'tteu araiver�yr Lender.Boaowec sball pay to . -
<br /> — _=__ � Lendes oa tIIe daY��Y Paym�ss are due uuder the Not�unt�7 the Note ia Qaid ia tii11.a sum t'�uds'�for.(a)YeariJ► .
<br /> _ mxes a�ass�ss�mea�wLicd may ausia p�Iurity ovet tnts Sear�rity Luuumeat as a llea an tIIe Prop�ty:(b}Yearl�►lease�oId
<br />� pay�nts m gmuud ients oa the Ropaty. 3Y eny:(c)Y�Y b��N'oPertY insurance prem►umr(d)Yearty flaod
<br /> =� insutut�ce�temiums.if airy;(e)Yeul1y mortgaSe ia�n�oe P�emium�,if any;and(�any sum�Fayable Dy Baaower Lo
<br /> f' I�ender,in acoordanoe�anth the provisions of pazagtapA 8.in lieu of the payment of mangage insuraace pn�mitims. '[hese
<br /> = items are caltsd°Fsaaw Items.".I.�der may.ai aay hme,oollest amd hold Auids in an amount not ta exceed tI�maxirauom, . .
<br /> -` - amotini a len4er fa�a fedetalty reIaLOd�i�toan may tequire for Boa+owea B escmw aeoouat u n d�t t�f e d e r a l R e a l
<br />_ Fst�Seutement ptooedu�s Act of 1974 as amended fmm ame w time.l2 U.S.G�2601 er seq.("RFSPA°j,nntess eaother
<br /> taw thatapplies to tne Awds sets a le�er amowu. If so.l.enQer may.at sny time.collect and hold�ads in aa amount uot w � �
<br /> - exceed the[e�er amavmr. Leader may estimate the amannt of�uds due oa tIle basis of c�urent data and �easonabt� , .
<br /> - esamates oFeapenditu�s of futiue Bssm�r Items or uthetarise ia acootdance with applica02e taw. '
<br />- 'ihe PY�ads shall be he2d in an institudon whose deposits ar+e insm+ed by a federal agency,instr�meatality,�eatity.
<br /> (incWdiag l,ender.if I.ender is suc�A an instiduion)or w aay Federa'1 Home Loan Bank Iander.shall agpty the Fuudg tp PaY
<br /> tae Esc�aw I�em4. Lender may not c6atge Boaawer for hold�ag and applying tae�x1s:monualij'analYzm&tde es¢mw �
<br /> - - aocoisn�or verifying the Fssrow Items.uaTess Lender pays Boirower inte�at on�e Fqmds aad applicabte!aw pennits _�-
<br />= _ i.ead�to aoake such a charge However,Lend�may requi�Boirower to�ay a one�d�e c�arge for ea�ndependem ieal
<br /> esqte tax repo�ng service used by Lender in oonaection with this Ioan,unless applicaD2e taw piuvides othawise. UnGe,cs ati
<br /> '� ageement is made or applIrable law roqune.s interest ta De paid,Leader shal!not De zequi�d w pay Borrower auy inie�tor
<br />- .,;� eamings an the R�ads. Botmwer and Leader may agtee in wri6ug,Qowever,tLat intec�st shatt be paid on theRuids. I.es�ader
<br /> .�>;:
<br /> :t ,�._� • sba11 give to Bom�wex,without chargc.an aanual accowu�ng of t�e R�ads,shawicg ccediu and debiis to ti�e i�ads aud the
<br /> ,. �.�+w�. ::�. Pu�pase for whicU eaR,fi deDit to the Rmdc was m�dc. 'ihe Fhnds aze pledged as addidonal security for ali�ums secured by
<br /> .�, - s rt��:;'-
<br /> 'R��° �,�;. �, tHis Seauiry Ipstntment = �
<br /> "�`^���- :.` ,..: iftTs�l�nds hetd by Lender.exceed the�mounts pemriued to be Aeld�y applicabie faw.Le�adec�att accnims to
<br /> r-�:�a:r:
<br />_ t�:_ F.�;:"° Borraaves€nr dze exoess Fimds ttr a�tdance with the requirements of apglicabte law. If.t�e&�cu���f q�I�1tnd��#�jr
<br /> % �' �-�;:,.�; ,:., t„..
<br /> � � � � - � '• Leader.�t aay time is not sufficieaE(�pay the F.sccow Items when due.Lender may so aatity�a�ei ut writing,a3�.m
<br /> -_ � y _�..�.hb::�.
<br /> r�;: ;; �"--:;� .. such pse Boirower ahaU to Lender the amonnt aecessary w make the deficieacy. Haaawec�all make eip c� _
<br /> n
<br />_ ;.� '�ri�'. ..: ::�`.: .` deficieacy ia ao mat�t6an�elve montWY PaYmeuu,az Lender�s soIe dissreuaYr. • � - -
<br /> c'4t`._ --- - -
<br />°- `'. ;`'��f��-'-;`.-.°�.��.. .: Upon payment br fWl of aU sums secured by ttis Sec�uity Insuumedt.Leader shall pmmptIy refim�c�cr Bmsawex auy -
<br /> p,1)a-•tth. .,,.....r.... ----
<br /> � �'����z-�� . • �° fi�ads h�td.by I.eader. �f,under paragraph 21,Leader shaU acq�e or seU tt;e Propeny.Lender,Prior m t�e acquisit�ur -- ---
<br /> - �?t�'k�'� -' �- saIe c�f tise PropeKy.shall app�y any l�nds held by I.ender at the time af acquisition or sale as a credit against tIle sums - �_°
<br /> �'�;�'.•-,.•.<,. secut+edby Mis Security InsuumenL -_-.,�..-�-v--
<br /> .:...,'_ .:���., •.:,�..,'Rf'�.�.
<br /> . � � � 3. Appltcation uf Peyments. Unless applicabie!aw pmvides omerwise,all payments receiv e d by l.e n der u n der � _.,.�
<br /> � : ';;,„ paragraphs 1 aad 2 shaU be appGed:first,to any prepayment charges due aader the Note;secorcd.to amounts payable under ' ' ,,
<br /> ��'.: �� paragraph 2;third,to interest due;fowth.to principal due;and last.to any Iate charges due under the Note. � , :. '�� ".
<br />- ,� ° � . • �. C[targes; Lteas. Bomnwer shal!pay all taxes,assess�nenu. charges. fines and impositions attributable to the ``:� °:e�.�;�-�-
<br /> � Pmpecty which may attain priorlry over this Security Insuumen�an d tease ho l d payments or gnoua d rents.i f any. Boirower � -
<br /> t
<br /> � shall pay Nese obligations in the marmer provided in paregraph 2.or if no1 paid in that maaner.Borrower shaU pay them on • � ' x_
<br /> �,r,�� .-
<br /> —' , ` time directly to the person owed payment Homnwer shall pmmpdy fumish w Lender aU notic�s of amounts to be paid under ':
<br /> - � this D. If Harrower makes these a ents directly.Bormwer ahal!(mompdy fumish to Lender tecei ts evidencin � �'�� �����:�� '
<br /> ;�, . .'';..`;.,.:.' ParaBraP P!+m P � ;, :s:. .
<br /> � .�,1;:3�� the payments. �--�- �-- "=
<br /> - �'`"' �F��,�� Hmrrrwer saaJ prompUy discharge any tien which has priority over this Sec�rityr Insnument unless Bamower.(a)agcees ��-.-�
<br /> "• ,r.:: .'• '}��;:;;, .. � Y P tb)contests in ,.
<br /> �. �... . : ��.�,i�:, in writiq�w t�e payment of the obli adon secuied b the lien in a manner axe table to l.ender. gaod faith the ti �' � _�`: '.
<br /> � • + �:�:� tiea�[�gr,a�Cefends against enforcement of the lien in,tegal praceedings which in the Lender�s opinion operate to prevent the ;.?�': �.,:,. :
<br /> =�•={.-.. , ;, ,
<br /> `'` ' �`' '�. -�"_;•�. '' enforcei:zem of the lien;or(c)secures from the ko!der of the lien an agcemeat satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lten ���}: ,,'. .
<br /> �' ;�� `�.•�;.;• to tdis Security Instrament. If Lender detertniaes chat any part of the Praperty is suDject to a lien wluch may attain priority � � :
<br /> � �� `y�?,�::,`� , :• over thls Security Iasmvmep�I.ender may give Brs�rawer a nodce idendfyi�g ahe lien. Boaower shall sausfy the lien or take ' � ' '� �
<br />_. �. .... � • .. .• :::}�t�., - .
<br /> '°� �° ,��t;+,<< one or mos�of the actions set ford�above within t0 days of the giving of notice. • �� , .
<br />_ ' `,,���:�`l;`�:';'�'=�'-� �: 5. Hamrd or Peoperty L�.sa�ae� Borrower shall keep the improvements naw exiscing or heceafter erected on che .. ':�.
<br />_ :� � , ;,�t��:'i", � Pmperty insured against toss by fu+�g.az2rds included within the tenn'extended coveiage°acu!any other hazards.inci�ng � .
<br /> a u!
<br /> "��''�� � ttoods or floodin .for which Lec:�.°¢ wres insurance. 'ihis insurance�atl tre rnaa�.�:-s�3 in the amounts and for the • • • � � �
<br /> :, �`�'� � • ' 8 �q . . :: � .'.
<br /> `�L ;�:-. .. . . . . � . . �
<br /> .•;•..�: . Eotra 3d83 9.'�4 (/nge 2 oj6 paga) . .. ' .
<br /> . ; �.;,:� :.
<br /> � �,+' . ;,�\w's'' , ��, .
<br /> �•ti:.:
<br />_. J _ . . -a};:`•.
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