� ; c =�.�.a_Y�� �?�g�-/,sr-r--r�` A4,•-�ry-� • . o .—
<br /> !� . ,�ic � '. �.r� - .�ft�; �:iA .7 in �'i [ti�
<br /> �``. }b�s.i.,.. ' lF. ;.�, �:1.��_��`Y���i'x.>N� tV �G ..'� . . .L" _ � .1 S ��."k�,�i'� _ .— .
<br /> .T.. — _
<br /> ��c`" �. .�.0 p '"':ry; .,_,_ �.�.�_-y� - .,,�'`C — . .` .. . _` .� . . _' _ ._.��-.��._._�__
<br />� '-` . . :- ,. •.—: -:--- - . , a]1Ljt$180 .. � . , . .
<br /> --- _--- `: .,,y ..p . , � � .. •_ � -��,�;�e� � 9�� .�t�3t� : --
<br />_ -_--_--_ �. . � �� �4��. . �
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<br /> _ _ .. - � �� . 1�D� �
<br /> v - ==-�== ---_ _ _. . _
<br /> - , . . ����I� , ` � -
<br /> _____ _ . _�_ �
<br />-- --- _ ^. -- �-- ccaxa�mrrN.�c�r�ot�Axc� � � -- -
<br />��--- _ THI,S HALtAON RIDBR is m�s tti2a 09= . deY of AIlC�ST .
<br /> 1493 and 1s�ini4 an�sball be de�ed to amead a�supplemmt tAe Mortgaga.Dra�,of'M�st --
<br /> or Deed to Seoure Debt(�e "5auti Insm�t")of the same date ghrm by tIla undersigaod i�••��•+f _—
<br /> � �
<br /> . �,° ' ``. � on ser�tae Homawer's Nate to NO �dORTGAGE,� INC. , (�°�°f ��
<br /> ,. , _
<br /> �—
<br /> � �, �___ � � - - - — ---
<br /> --- - - _ _ -- - � _ -
<br /> , - -- - - - - -
<br />- ����._ of the sams date aod ooveriug the pmpetty de.scd6ed in the S�ucity tasteument and Iac�ted at:. _ _:- --.-- -- - -- ��� _
<br /> iU � c z... .,— —
<br /> �� ���s_. 1413 STAL�COACH RO�ID �E 68�01 . -=;:-�-_ —
<br /> - �:� �,..��_,•.:' � GRAl�D ISLA�!D . � ;`�.�`
<br /> - ��� �."Nate �
<br />� �=�K 'ibe.int�est rate stamd cm the Note is caIIed the"Note Rare."The date of tbe Notc.is�` - ---`�.-_-
<br /> t';�,.2.���-------
<br /> t:�
<br /> :^�, .�.��." •, t�e Lender maY uansfer 6�e Note,Secuia.�jt�sorame�andthis Ris]er.The L��rms�;�,. ---_ -_____=_-__
<br /> ,�:_�,>,�,, Date. �tmde�staAd sud who is eatitted.ta�i�,� � ,,,a��� _
<br /> �� ;F r '4 � ,• �II�Oc�3�.l�mw"",tt18�Y ��'��5�1.��►� h =
<br /> ��. : � . �1'�`S`����_—
<br /> �. f 2 ,� ': . . uadeca��"fmt�as+�i.7esSthe••Nate Rolder." .. . � . �4�' �-� <•�-
<br /> z,���< _'a � '' �2��'���a���'ca��na3ts�.a�.�in tIle 3�caa�Iusnument, �.��.��.
<br />� �� �,.. t�;-� �3D3B� ���n ����
<br /> ���t the t� ooa�iaed in the h ,,:
<br /> � s- { � 'i�ea�a�tia�"t_a�;ag��s ����. �`� . �,�
<br /> .n�.rec�. _ . . -
<br /> Y�.��� ` �'<«.��,�ti ' �i�r:tIl�NoDe):� ' . • t..
<br /> �i'+� , r . �L� i.COIVD�I'IUNAt&RIQ�TO REFINAN�E � �,
<br /> '"`�" {. .°� At t�e mawmY date of the Note and Seauity imguument tthe"M�cy Date"),I wlll be able to abta�t a i `
<br /> _ .: - u and qtNb !
<br /> --- ,t ;. , new Iomi("New Loaa")wtth a new Maturlty Date of SEPTEMBER 1ST 2023 . _-_ _
<br /> : F aa in�t rate eq�ai W the"New Note Rete"dete�mmed ia eccordance with Sec#on 3 below lP all ttta oondidoa9 �+�—
<br /> � ' -�.�. � . • -� pmvided ia Se�toas 2 anA 5 below are met (the"Conditional Refiaaaciag QpHon").1f thase ocndidons are nut i;� ;���
<br /> � .,�,:_, . . . �:,
<br />� '�,':<- M�atusIty p�e��aad tAat I wlltthave tu�tepay the Note fmm�u►Y owu re.sou�s�r cr find�s der wI11WB w�� . �'
<br /> �,;
<br />- ', `>`.� ` -
<br />� ,;�•� :.. , ': themoaey torepay the Note. �� �.��_-
<br /> . ;. :..
<br /> � � .. . . '�]1�;' �Y��—_
<br /> .,.'`;�.'t..`�.'. � . . Z.CONDYI'I0�18TQOPl'ION - �i�`��-
<br /> It 1 araat tn eaerctse dte Coadittoaal Re�inaaclng��Ptian at maturity.cectain oon�itions must b���e.t�to t�he 1 �'��-��-
<br /> .�:`' ' Date. Th�se condittons ere:(1)1 must at�11 ba the owaer aad aauDant of the pmpeit�r � -
<br /> �• t 8IIdC8aAUth9V8 �� �. `.
<br /> � '' �� ;::
<br /> �SW1nCat(tQ0"P[O�rty•�)t 2,I mvst De cuercnt in my monthl paymenm . ��3=-
<br /> ;`- .. � : ts 9mmediate�}r Ptecediag tIle N[at�u�Date:(3�ao ,.� .:: -
<br /> , �`� �. tbaa 3 day$lase on mry of the" 1�scheduled montLtS►Faymen ,,--
<br /> ���'. � , . lieu the Property(except for taxes aad assessmenis not yet due and paY�le1 ottter tIIat o the ,��:� -
<br /> ' . • S�e�u�Insuumentmey exiss:(4)the New No�Rate caanot be more than 5 percent�e�poiats ahove dte Note � ' .`:�,
<br /> � ��,..., �f s
<br /> - Rate;and(S?I naust make a written nequest m the Note Holder as pmvlded in Sec4ion 5 6eloa. ;, ��;l��. "
<br /> � , ' rT� i; =
<br /> 1'.-` a:: �� The New Note Rate wi11 be a fued rate of 9aterest eq�al to the Federal Nationa]Mortgage As�ociadoa'e � . t,�` � �
<br /> � ':.,,�`; :�` • r e q n i r e d n e t y i e l d f o r 3 0 year fixed rate mort ga�es snbiect to a 60daY mandaiory delivery committ�aent plus .;�;••,,':._-�
<br /> , ono-Half of one peceentage point(O.S%),mun d e d Z o t he n e a r e s c o n e�e i g h t h o f o n e�pe r c e n m g e po i n t(0.1 2 5�)(�h e .:1,; : .. �
<br />- ; ;:;;�;:�. N e w Note Rate").'i�e r e Q u i�net yneld shaU be the applicabte net yieZd in e ffect on the d a ta and time of� ;�;_
<br /> � •r,.;_ .� that the Note Holder recerves aotice of�eledioa to e x e r c i s e t h e C o n d i d o a a l R e f i n m i c i n� �A t i o n. If t�s ;�r`�.:,• �' ,
<br /> � ',•�.�, � � net yi�C4 is not available, the No Holder will determine the New Note Rate by using comparabta .,. �.�`�
<br /> � .;:.��,., � �tioD. .. .
<br /> "�:?': ," • r
<br /> �,,��' : 4.CALCN.A'�TG THE NEW PAYNdiE�"'��.'�tOUNT � � .
<br /> Provided tne New Note Itate as calcn3ated in Sear�3 a6ove is not�c er than 5 percentagepoints ab�ve : , . `
<br /> - ;:� .� �a Secac+�2 above are sat�sSed.the 1�Iate Kolder w�1 detec�s�e ; -
<br /> b,.;. ..". '� We Note Rate and all other conditions requdred� in fiill{a)the unpaid prjaclPal, Ius ro? '� `� -
<br /> �. , . .. � � t th22 w�i be sts�CieIIt to repay+ _
<br /> .�__�_._�_..._'._.. tIIe amount of the monthly DaYm�n .�„� en on e ,
<br /> ';;:c-�-:_•:"T' . . aecrued bat d'utterest. Flus(c)aU a�.. svms I wlll owe under the Note atW Secuciry7n�um � th — —_ -
<br /> , �;k.,•. •.� • MatWi�Dat��sswninS mY monthlY Fayc��ts then are curren t, a s m�uired u n d e r S e c t i o n 2 a b u v e�,over�e
<br /> .� ��`•'�`; . term o the New Note at the New Note Rz^.�m equal moatWy paymenu.The res�ilt of tUis calcnlaaan will be the . 'y�•
<br /> ti.;,�,.., . . . ,. . .. .
<br /> ' .� �� �� amount of my new principal and interest payment every montD nndl the Near Note is fiilly pa1d.
<br /> ;�.
<br /> `:. ;} _ ,. •.�.,ti::'.,,;;:
<br /> ,y.,� , , ; - . _ 5.EI�RCLS1riG T�CONDITIONAL REFIIVANC�TG OPTION
<br /> -. � ;� .:���.' ,,,�,;� The Note Holder will noti�me at least 60 calendar days in advance of the Macua�i.y Date and advlse me at
<br /> - , .,, . . -'��..
<br /> t h e p r i n c ip a t,a c c r ued but ua p interest, and alt other sums I am e ected to owe on the Nlatu�iry Date. 'sho
<br /> � ��,�. � Note Hotder also w1U advise me that Imay�eaercise the Condirio�R e fi n a n c l ag Op t t o n i f t 6 e c o n d i t�o n s i n
<br /> ' • �� Section 2 above are met.The Note HoIder wlu�pmvide my payment record WormatioA,toges�er a�ith the name
<br /> ; �,S tide a a d a d d n s s o f t haperson rep r e s e n l i ng.t h e N o t e H ol d er i�at I must noti f�r in order to exercise the Condiflonal .
<br /> nons of Secdon 2 above,I may exercise the Oonditional Re�nancing
<br /> � ;:� . . ReSnaacin� Noa. If I meet t7ie condi" �
<br /> �1{. s pptton by no�d ng tha Note Holder no iater than 45 calendar daya pr�tor to the Maturity Oate.The Note Holder
<br /> w�U cal�ulate tfta tixed New Note Rate ba�ed upan the Federal Natlonal Mortgage Associatlon's ap�llcable i
<br /> -. {',� ublished requ�red net yield in effect oa the date and time of notification is received b!r tlie Note Hoider aad . .
<br /> j ` � as calculated in Section 3 above. 1 will then have 30 calendar s to prov�de ttte Note Holder withacceptable •
<br /> � ' � � lien�. Before the Matu:ity Date ttte Note Rolder .
<br /> � � pmof of my requiced owneiship.accuP��Y���PertY .
<br /> � w i l l a d v i s e m e o f t h e n e w i a t e r e s t r a t e(t h e N e w o t e R a t e).new monthl y pa yment amount and a date,time and
<br /> �.�,.:: , � . . place at which 1 must appear to slgn es dacuatents mquired to complete i he re q u i r e d re fl nan e�ng.I un de�s t a n d
<br /> ^ ihe Note Holder will cbarge me a$1S�pmcessing fee aad the costs ciated wittt upduting the dde insurauce
<br /> '. i:''' � , . . poliCy�if any. �
<br /> - �. � � SY SI(iNWO BELOW.Borrower acoepts and ag�es to te an enaate contalned!a this BalIoun � •
<br /> , Rider.
<br /> -', ;'�;' . ' (Seal) (Seal)
<br />-� ��: . �. .soROwer ROBERT A. MEY -�����
<br /> -� �;�;'• � (Seal) (Seal)
<br /> _`� '�� ' � -Hormaet t.
<br /> . ,�: . , -Borrower �; ,
<br /> i�;}� •,`''��� � �,.,. .�"`. (Srgn Orlgtnal OnlyJ
<br /> 'r= ;:�;•. . Fartn 81801Z/89 I
<br /> � ;Y 4,• „ � MULTISTA?E BAl�.L.00N A131BR�Singte Family-im+Ne Mae UNtortn tnstrumarn �
<br /> � 'e�� . , �•87'1(9SC51 VMP MOATOAGP WA2A9•13131293�81G0•18s0;iY1•729� �`
<br /> ,4.�_ ' ,`�i .� . l.
<br /> _�—_t��•t1!ic�:v �l
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<br /> �g�",,
<br /> - �' . •
<br />--.� yt• ;
<br /> • ..
<br /> , .
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<br />