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<br />_` '� .;- of t�e st�me date and oavering the Propeny d�ibed ia the Secudry Ins�ument aud tocama at: � --- -
<br /> � 2413�STAt�C�ACH RDAtI, (�AhlD IStJ�ND, HE 68801 � —
<br />� � . .
<br />= � � �tr�na�ara�u� ,�,_-�---
<br /> - _ �-.�' _ '11�Pcupeny itacltid�s,bnt is aot 1Imited to,a pa�J of Ian�ic�uveri wIth a dwelling,together arith atHer�such ��?�`5�--
<br /> � pamet�aud c�ain ca�moa areas and fm�ides,gs+descrlbad xq . �''
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<br /> ������s:1 3, .�� - �y asunio,g or�g the commoa a�.aaa��s o�the�(�.`�ners Association"1 and the n�s, �s��'�}`�,M F�:�:
<br /> u
<br /> -���"�:t4�� ; �benefits aadprboe�dsof Bou+ower's interest. .. ��� `��' -�� -—
<br /> =��,,'?;°..,�-,4,�: , :� � PUD COV�IA�i'I�. In additioa to ti�e coveoants aad agceemEnts imade ia tIIe Soauity Instnmtent, s�N�,;.`'� y-_
<br /> ; t�ry�;{4 ; ;.,_ ., u�rl_. . . �-
<br /> •,,�,,:t: . ,�J Bomnarer aad Lendarfmther ooveaaat aad a�ee as foliocvs: �� .
<br /> . .,�, � A.PUD Obligatioas.Boirawer shall perform aU of Bouuwer's obligattons under the PUD's Oonstttaent . .r '�
<br /> �_�F.<.�:•:�.. � � � ,.
<br /> . ..�.?f- . Daaut�.e�tts.'I7ie"Constituent D�cumenta"aze the:(i)Declaratiun:C�ardcIes of incoipotatioa.hust insWment :;", .�. .°='•�d=�
<br /> ' '� or eay equivatent dacument wl�ich creates the Oavaera Assaciation; and (iii) a�r by-laws vr other :ales or ��, : ��—
<br /> �- - �: --
<br /> � regWattans of the Oa+nera Assoc�attun.Bormwer ahaU prompdy pay,when due�all dues and eascesmeate imposed . � __ —
<br /> � ���., .� pureuant w the Consdtitent Dacutaents. � . �,��
<br /> �. ..�- H.H�t�InsaHnca So tong as the Owneta Aasoctation matntains� wits a geaeraUy aocepted insuranoo '�` : ��1a�!;'_
<br /> . . cariier.a"master"or••blaaYet"policy insvrtng the Progeriy which is eat�factory to LEnder ead wt�pravIdes : � .
<br /> L nd
<br /> lasutanoe ooverage ia the amouats. for the perloQs.aad egainst the hazarda Lender req�s.inciuding ftc�aad ��E . ; .�•�� '_-
<br /> ;• . :�.:
<br /> . �. �.atds lacluds�arIthin tha tarm"extended covezage;'thea: ,y.� _
<br /> '�' (i) Leader waives�he provIsioa in Unifoim Covenaat 2 for tha monthly paymsnt to 1 ender of tha � � _
<br /> ii
<br /> � yeatiy premium instaUmeats for bazaz+d insuraaee on the Progerty;and �; �- `
<br /> � (ii) Bomower's obli on uader Unifora� Covenaat S to maintaiu haraid iaa�uanoe cov �� � �`'�
<br /> - � ga� �a8e on .. �. ,-
<br />-, the Properqr is deemed satts�ed to We extent that the required wverage i�pmvldod by the Oavnere Associai�on � •� `-
<br /> - . . � . � � ' . `��L,',li;�
<br /> ' i pp1�CSi. 1 .. . . t.��,>.::f,. .
<br /> `t�a� �::... I3 i�:;;c.`-
<br /> �� Borrower shall give Leader prompt notice of any lapse in requiird bazard insuraace coverage provided by � ��
<br /> ... ` We master or blaalcet policy. `;;.,' . ,r•,
<br /> .i::�
<br /> ti,:r ^, ,,
<br /> .� '�°.� In the event of a disvIbution of ha7ard insurance procceds ia lieu of rescontion or repair following a loss to `��'
<br /> ' `� �3>. • ,,.; .� i�,`.
<br /> � � ` �..;�`_ the Property. or to common areas and factlides of the PITD. a� Pro�ds PeYable to Borrawer ar@ heieby �i.'....._--.Ty�:-_;:_�:-'-_-
<br /> ' -��::` �`�'_-�� assigaed and sLall be paid W Lender. Lender shaU apply the pmceeds to the smns securcd by tho Secnrity �-,: -- :::7?�,�--�`;��;
<br /> �, . . ,� : �,�`",.-.
<br /> . i_ :.`,. �.,t :;��::'''.
<br /> �` L> IASwment,with any eaoess paid to Borrower. '>,.; r;:�
<br /> � � � '�-. � C. Fab91c L!albWty Iasurance. Borrower shaU take such aaions as may be reasonable to insure that the ,,y,;;;;=;:�'
<br /> -,.y �,:;�.:�;-. u". .
<br /> '�;�;;�,::.� i�`� . Owneis Aasaclation maintains a public liabilicy insurance policy acceptab2e in fotm, amount, aad extent of ;'�`;``
<br /> ,,,�`°.. � :` ooverage to Leader. . � .
<br /> ;�•. -;;,:.;-. . . .
<br /> 't,.;: ..,,.� �,
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