��, M'.+�� ,`y�v;..;�� . � `� '�.�,'2 ., . <t- - `t�.c ._ ��< a r �2 �.
<br /> 'r ' '' _—
<br /> �'-. ¢�- t . • . �~ . a' ° c� Q'" ... . .........____.. ..
<br /> -�t^� U
<br /> i. ��� .:n '�- -
<br /> �-., ; ��,—�--`v �. —
<br /> -�--� .
<br /> o�
<br /> ....� °°_
<br /> '�1�a^O��� , t ` . �' . .. � `� '� l-`�'` .. '' ` . , ' ' h ' •—_ ' ___— ,_. __ ' _�'_'_`" . _— _ _ _ —__
<br /> - � ` ���RII� ' �������� � '.
<br /> _— _ '`. �'' . (•• ' . ` ` • . f ., � � � • ,�t��' <;� .
<br /> - �1t7.3���the P�+o� r a�ee�tctai iat�4��.� of tha . . � dr i -
<br />�'� ' � � is so!A nl�etr�d(u�r it e bea� � �rtY anY intcs�L i�t t .. .
<br />�- ----- � �it'laterest��os�awet�a eot�os�aaQ�uAaa{er!a aot a n�ural ge���; .
<br /> _----
<br /> - - .-.____��- _or,Weiutt�n anueqt���y:_citt�9ptiwl _�-��=�t_ +�1�ll_of all �tmaa_�.�t.tII�s- ��°Y. _
<br /> �� : �CUrtty IBStNmer�t.How�vver.tbls opttot�eha51 not 6e tu[era�sed�ry Idender iP exts�e is pro�ib3ted by't�:derat tew es o�t�d�ttc � �
<br />_= - ;..o�t�s�iqr taswmmt. � � " � , ,
<br />=:� ff Isadcs extrda�tt�a uption.I�sdsr sS�llp�ve$c npitoe of�coeIerattam.'[he not�ae sIm11p:+ovldcs a garlad of not,� ,� .
<br />=_� , ` Ips.than 3A d�yys ftom tha d�te the aotica i�dtl�vened ca��«mailaI wtWia which Botmwer mmss p�y+aU enm4 sa�t+ea by thia `, .
<br />_; ` Securtly Tasuum�i.If Boirower t�iIa to pay tic�se swns prior ro ibe expiraBaa of thla peetad:Le�der ma,y InvoYa sn4►nmedies . _ .
<br />�� getm,{upd b��t�s Soc�Ity ta9or¢meni witYeaat tbathsr�o3tcc or demand oa Bomotvar� '
<br /> �bimwer's w 8dnsmta If Bon�ams ffieets catain oandi�ans. Bormwer sba12 i�►ve the rlght to��ve�
<br /> 3�s,_ � enforxment of tius S�an�y instu��t discamtinaed at a�►dme prIur m the ea�er o� (a)S days(or such ather perted as .
<br /> -. ,� - - - --
<br /> _ Iic�Ble 1aw-- --
<br /> app �aY spec3fY fvr �}before saia of the e�y gu�"tv aqy-power of sale co�od-�e ft� -�—
<br /> � ��} Secadtyclnswznena;or(b)ea�►of a judgm�euforci�g this Securit��►�Inauumeat.TQose ooaditFons are tbat Bomower:(a)Fays
<br /> }° . ,-''.•~ I��r ell snmg wbich then would be da�u�er this Smcurlty instrumeat and the Nate a�if ao acoeIeratton t��:(b)
<br /> LL,_�,' t�any defamlt of�,y ot�+er oovenents or a�:(c)p�ys all exQ�s iacurred jn enfoning this Secn�ty I�spn�ment.
<br /> ,;�� . inslndin ,dut aot tlmited to.�easamab2e attomeys'feest e�d(d?tekes such asxion as Lender ma,yy:+easonaDly i+equi:+e to ass�e
<br /> - g m
<br /> - thai ttne l�ea of tbds S4auinr Instnm�eut.Lenda's in the Prapartyr end Bormwer's ob]i�aitaa ta Ins�meai aud �
<br /> J�'` �: • ;;� 4. . �>::� this Seautry Iasicument shall co�inue �g�Upoa teinstatenaent 1sy Bomnwa. tTus Se�an�
<br />=� r s;;,�:� �"� oDliga�tons s�Aeieby shall remam fulty e�'�tve as if no asce2erattan hasl aocutr�d.However,t�is r�ght��InstaLe sbalt.�:;
<br />�u�:��;:���..�<°�- aot apply fa tl�cas�of aoce2eratioa aader gaiagtaph 1�. -�., �
<br />_�.� �_�:�'��`�;r���.�� 19. Sale ot�1�Tote: Cbange of T.oan $erv[oer.'l�e Note or a partia] �nterest in tfie Nate{tog�h�r w1�h this Seta�aitq �
<br />�;�"� �•�" Inst�mn�t)maY{�sold oae or inoie ti�without prlor natice w Bormwer.A eale may xesutt ia a change fn tLe entity(ImnwA
<br /> �_Y . ,..•., �i„
<br /> h.�
<br />=����`N`°-'�; �.�:-y:. as the°Loaa Senricer•)tIIat colIects monthlY FaYmer►ffi due uader the Note aad`this Seauity tamum�a.lhere also mayr be one
<br /> - _ :r:. �.�. ��' or more c�auges of the Loan Se:vioer�nelated to'a eale of tRe Note.lf there is a c�eof the Loae�.Servioer.Boaower wIll be —
<br /> '�t�� ` ' � given wrltten noHoe of the c�aage Ia acoordance witII paragraph 14 alwve andappI�Cab�e law.lhe natioe wUl state the narize and ' �-,
<br /> � 4c�''�';� ��' ad�resa of the new Loan S�ber and the addc�ss to wh�paymeats ahonld be ma�,�e notIce will also coa�tatn any other ��� _-_
<br /> ,=.a����.. � .•_• �adr�azioA tequiied DY a�Iii�"D3813w. :.,:� ���r-� -
<br /> ,. ��. . � �. Ha�da�5bb�ces.Borrower sl�aii not c�or peimit the presen�e. use,disposat,storag�oa.���e�of �- - � ---- -
<br /> � ,'ri;:� f Ha�aidous Sl�sf�anes� az in the P�operty. Borrow�.r.s�all not d�, npr alIow aayone else to do, �y�,g���
<br /> F��,�;., . Prnperty that is ia violati�a of aAy BnvImnmental Iaw.1]�precedint,t�o se�uieace�shall noi appIy to t�e�. -�r+es�us�;:aer' � � -_- -_
<br />-_ �s,,��; � emiage on t5� of small quaatities of HaTandous 51�bstances 8rat are g�a�3,�recogni�m Ire appra�ate to nar�2.� , �
<br /> = i Fi��Sk{5 . a,c`- -. .
<br />=_� ,�,; `� �, �eaEial nses�� tp maintenaaxe of the Progerty. .. .. :;� -
<br /> - ��`����{�.; Borroaret sLallproarptiY give Lendez writrea aotiae of aay iavestigatian;ciaim;demaad,Iawsait or oFh�r ac�ou by au,y.. � �,--
<br /> _ �ry��z�n�� ,, govemmeniat oir�:g�alatory aB�cY or pzivate party ia�olving the Property aad aay Hazaxdaus Substaace or�v.i�nn¢�tal&a�v -
<br /> - ,��� �=4��. ., ; s=�,_ . of which Bazcaw�r has acxual knowledg�e.ff Somower teams or is not�ed b3+aaY g�v�en�eu regntazozy�o�y t�2 "'��..==--=-----
<br /> +. xo-� r s : -�-
<br /> `• �F���,'_;�'; ,.*� .. atry iemoval oa�h�r remedietiam of aay H�aardOns Substaace affecting the Pcapeity is n�oessary,�rrower shaU pro�ptly tats�:. r�„r•�'-�,c�� _
<br /> �. all nea�ssary�ial ac�ons ln�aocozdanae wIth Bnvlronmental Law. � .-,����,,
<br /> ' �:�a=..:�..' �- As used iuthis uara�h Z0. "Nazardous Substaaces° are those substances deEued as toxtc or�ardous snbstaaces by �r-.{-�.n-
<br /> ' ..ln���.. .-. . .
<br /> - �.�; '- . : Bnviranmema! law and t�te followiag subsmmo�: gasollne. kerasene. other Sammable or toxlc petroleum praducts, wxIc �,;�,;• --
<br /> . �� -,
<br /> � '• pes�des aad herbicIdes,volatile solvents,mater3als conmWng asbestos or formaldehyde.and radivactive materlals As used in �.:�.
<br /> ' .:4, tLis p 20. 'Bnvlronmental Laa• means federal Iaws aad lawa of the juiisdt�xion where the Property is located ihat '"`���"; `
<br />-�`: ';t,'. , . � 5•
<br /> - . IC18I8�,BSf�i OT CDV�tOIImCA�pi�OiCCuOA. ��;�,:s
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.8orrower and I.ender ti�rther wvenaat ead egtee ss follows: ''' �''���
<br /> .:::� �;
<br /> � f� ._ . 21.Aoceteeatton;R�nedtes.Lmder shal!gtve notice to Burmwer prtor to aooel�attoa topowtng Bornower's WracEi �'.�,.•. ,
<br /> ° . . o!aoy ooeeaant or egreemeat tn tWs 8ecur[ty Iashvment (6ut not prior to acceleratton urides pb 17 nates9 �'`„:�� � .. -:
<br /> � � nppltcabte Iaw pravtdes attierwtse).The aotice s�a11 epect�y: (a)the detautt;(b)the adlon u to cure the drtautt; ` , � �°:, }"�
<br /> . (e)a date,not tes�tLan 30 days firom the date tlte notioe ts given to Borrnwer,by wh[cL t4e defaWt mas!6e cure�;aad . ���. � .���`
<br /> , :" . � .. � (�tbat[aiture to care t�e deYsult oa or Detoss+the date sperifie�tn the uotice may resutt[a at�ceteratton of tQe sums � . �
<br />_ ; .>:� �� . s e c�e�by t h t 9 S e c u r ity I a s t n�e n t an d s a te o f t he P r ogeKy.'l�e ao t tce s d a l l i i u t her i a form Borrower o f t he H g h t to ���.�°
<br /> . ' i;�-� �� ' r e t n s t a te a f tes a o o e lera t ion au d t he r l g ht to b r i n g a com t a d ion to assest the non�d s tence o f a dePa u t t or any o ffies .
<br /> '� ,_ defe�e of B�trower to aoceierntion and saZe.If the detnntt ts not cured oa or before the date apectited in the not[ce, � � -
<br /> ' I.ender,at its optton,msy reQUUe immedlate�ymeut tn NU of aU sums secared by tdls Secur[ty Inshument wtthout � " � `
<br /> , � � '�'� ; : �r demand aud may invofce thepower of saIe and a�y other�+eeme�ies permitted by app8cable iaw.Leader shell 6e • . �
<br /> eattUed to coltect eU expens�w incurs+ed in pussning the e+�edies pmvtded In t6is !�Zl.inciu �;`'
<br /> paregrep dtog,but not limited
<br /> �' � �_ ; . : �. to.r�onabte atto�neys'fer�aa0 casis of titte evidence. � -.- .—_ -`--`
<br /> , .. . If tIIepower of sale is invoked,Trustee s1�aU reoord a nottce oY defaWt in eacb woaty W wWch say part of the
<br /> , >. � . _ � Properiy is located and sball meil copies of suc6 notice la the manner psescrWed by applicable law to Bunvwei an8 to �
<br /> _ ;�s ,. � ' We oWer pe�sone prescsi6ed by applicable Isw.A�itee the time requtred by appltcabte 1a�v.'l�ustee shaR give publlc notdae ,;.,. •-� • .
<br /> �. ,, of se[e to the ps�soa4 and in the manaer prescrlbed by eppftcable 1aw.Teu.�tee,wttiiout demand oa Bomower,sl�ll sr�J ' - i`�°:s. t
<br /> ' � the Ikopeety at pnblte eudioa to the Wghest bldder at We time and p2ace and under the terms destgnated in the notice of �� ``''����
<br /> `' s;.��:r ..... � saIe tu oae or more parceis ead ta any order Tnistee dete�mtnes.7leustee may�stpone sale of aU or any parcel of the :;:,:'s. .. �' �
<br /> �� ��� � Propert�y by pnbflc annoaaati+ament at the time end place of suy previously sctiednled sale.Lender or its deslgnee may �
<br />_ , ?,; .
<br /> �; �:s�r'r� � �sazchese the PtopeKy at amy sale. , .
<br /> ,v� ,
<br /> � 4 ; �.
<br /> i,�� .. . ` . .
<br /> i �
<br /> � �, � .
<br /> ; . � � �ao s�90
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