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<br /> " lfxtsua`aovr`ar fle�r��a�ftar � pm ot t�to ptagc�ty.�Ar�U,,,�.�}eplye�ce��cnt��aad ss�ddit�ias ai�3l ebo bc covercd by t2��S�euclCy.` ���:
<br /> --- ---�- , � ..
<br /> .�_ . . _ _.,�. '_., . ,_���/��as.�l�!t�np�p'�y".-=Ji !'_..lfl�f�s�f�jl1{�L�,��•.@_Q!+�rc� +�r+_�_u�pa,__�1+n.Y�'� _ '_ .r_ _—. —� — _�_ .— —.. .__
<br /> Y — . aWM�Yt�0i6 V�Y7Oi\A\�i17 Y��V�w��{�w���t Hi���Q iWiFYy���iW NY���'��� - � -
<br />— _ ' OQ�4'CY�P1�CASt�IIQ 4'�i th0 F[l�itjl��►.�'�e0�QG�tlIDtft�0�f�"CQLd. BOtt�WEl Wl2fi�U 11��,
<br />-_� � � defaa�aa�]ty the tttto ta ttte Fraperiy qgatase�ll ciaims c�Qa�ds,aphler�t w en�r�r�tca of reoord. - � �� -
<br />-�: 9'H�9�fl'9f INSTRtJMBNT com0iuts w�ifat�t�oveaeats for�attnnst uso afld uam-anlfa�oovcanat�with timite0 •. .
<br />���` variattoas by judadictt�a to ooastit�t�a w�rm cec�s�y�eait oovael�g real pc+opErty. . , � _
<br />- UNIFORM CdV8NAS3T3:Boimare and Y�ader ooveaaat ar�ag�se&�lioas: ..
<br /> - i � � �;F`'` 8.P�sa6 aF P�as���,pmmt�EAtn Qinxges.;8on+�wer s�ali�tly gay whea due tne
<br /> .__ . .
<br /> __ - --- - - - — -- __ --- — - -- _ . _
<br /> � ���� pzh�Igat oi eud int�st an t�e de�t evIdeaoed by fhe Noie endaqv p�3►ment aad tate�a�ges due uQder the Note:—
<br /> - -::���-�"- . 2.Fl�ude[or�aud�acr.�ject to�p1lcaDle taw or ad e wrltoen aaiver by�,Bnrmwer shalt pay ta
<br /> `' :`';� I�asler oa t�e da,1►mmnt�tY P�ymews ane dae�oder th��tote��ll ttte Note is paid ia full.a sum('Atada7 for(a)Yea�'�1►te�s.
<br />=_ - < and�cr�E��y ei�a prlorit��over.t�ia SecurIty Insuumeat an a lien on the Propett�+:(b1 Y�Y lrase�nId Pa�yme�s
<br />= or g�auad reais oa t�a ProgeKy.if anY:(r)Y�Y ba�ardor p�np��y Iasinauoe p�:(d�Y�iY ttuod insatance��tuiums. �
<br />�.::t; . , >,.r if aay;(03 yeaz�►mo�ge iasaisnce pi�ms,if aay;aad(fl aaY sa�Fayable hy Hou+ow�r to Irender,in ac�sdanae c�ith
<br /> 4 �``•..���� the pruvisians of P�fl 8,ia lieu n�r the paysneat of a�cgage insusaace p�s.These items ar�caited'F�w Itea�s.'
<br />,�F =_+ `n:�-;:�:'. Irender.•may,at s�r t'cm�.oo]Iect aad aoW 1�lmds ia an as�mt tmt m easeed dte�ama�t a leader fsr a.fcdetally
<br /> . �; -;'<'�� . .r.- zetated mortgag�ioaa maY re�luiie�or Bomower's e.sc�oW aaoaunt ander tIIe fede�al R�1 Fstate Seutemeat 1fiQOedat�s Act of
<br /> � �.z'�,�`* '�� l9rf4 as ameaded ffom tl�.°to ttme.IZ U.S C.Sactioa ?k41 d ser�.C�pA°?.tmless aaother taw tLat appIies Lu tYt��iatda . _
<br />-�;� ��=i'��1; � :�,: sets a Ies�er aaauvat. If s��Leu3er ma�,at any time,ooIIe�aad hoId I�auds m aaamauut not to exaeed tiie Iesser amounT.
<br />;:,c. �'�2��r•;;;��'H;. :.._-.
<br /> ;�z. {:���;�,s�;:.-4;: ,��, .� L�m�y�tlmaDe ELe a�nt af F�mds dae oa ti�e basis af c�xent data aad reasonabie estimates of�of fat�tte
<br /> ;s�� . � �cnoar Ite�s ar otnetw3se in amo�anoe with applic�ble Ia�. �
<br />�;�' � _ : 7he Fnads shall be held in an insti�on wIIaae deposits ace r�sured by $faderal agmcy, iasor�,�:.�'�'�•::
<br />� -'' . -.-:'�-�j�,' �Ie�dcr,if Lender is sach sa ir�s�4adon)os 1n a�r FedeiaR�ame Loan Bank.I�cuder sba]I apply the F�.t�mg�sTs�. -� - ---
<br /> ✓� -�:4F�°.:... . . 4 � -: .
<br /> ;`� :�. Kf��;,:.:`'��`~ _`'�'�'s �,9 IffiIDS.LCIIdC[n18�F IIOt CZ18f�0 gOIIflWC�f0!�dIIf�8IId 8�I�3D$thC Flli�9,2�IIS1Iji Sfl81�i�C�'BCDOIIIIC�O'1.t' . --
<br /> ..',. ,,�;.:.,......,�.,;,�z_
<br /> '''. � ;:., °- .,<;�-' v�y�the Escmw Bems�anless l�der pays Boaaar�i�C.�est on the F�ds aa�a,�tcable 2aw pe�ic��a�r matoe suc� -_—
<br />;,., �,,
<br /> . � `' , ` ° `F: a cnarge.�owever Leuder may ieqni�Boaawer m�m a�sl�azge Yor a�i�d�ad�t�1�te i,�finS —
<br /> R4. ;,�p, c� ,.�:..; � taa sen►ise
<br /> :r= - >,�� '`°'a"�w�: ' ased by 1L�es En oo�on with this Iman, uatess�IiraJ�Ye�ar prctivid�ss�:caa��rtvJse. UnIesS an agt�eet�t is made;�r�
<br />��'� � f `� �.�'.�•`£ app]icable law m�ruires iniecest t�be paid,F�tder sLall m►t 6e ieqn�t�PaY Bomp�vEt an3►intetest or eaznings pn the_F�.:`;� � --
<br /> �3:�.,,�`� :,'�;�_� �'�'� Bono�ret and�det may�gtee ia wtiting.however,tflat inLer�st shall be paid�n t�e Fuads.Leada sLall gar�o.��. =-- _
<br />;�'s '�"` '{_Ss witlto�rt chacg�.aa anaaal��ng of the Fuads,showing ctedits aad debits to�the FUnds and tbe pmipesa��i'*� a e�i;: _-
<br />—'�: ��'' debit to Bte Fim.d�was made.7he Fuads ate pI�ged as addi�onal sewrlty for all eams se�ared dy this S�urity 3�-' �
<br />-::x•; _ ,:f��� ,
<br />=;°`` .' , . If the Faads Leld by Le�der exa¢ed the amaunts pem0itted w be held by applicable law,I.eader shall acaount to Bornda�¢r
<br /> �,; � � for the exoess Funda in a000zrtaace adth the requtiemente of appllcable taw.If the amrnmt of the Funds hetd by Lender at aay '
<br /> -- . , time is not safficieat to pay the F.scmw Items when due.Lender mqy co nofif�r Borrower in writtng.and.in snch case 8oaower --
<br /> '.`� "� ',.�?.�:� _: shnll pay to Le�der the amuunt ae�ssat�►to maYe�p tha deficiency. Bonoaer sball maYe up the dsfidency ia m more tban _
<br /> . _ - tarelve mo�nthlY Paymeats,at l.endec's sote discredoa.
<br /> °� ; UPon PaYm�t in fiill of a11 sums secured by tdis SecvrIty Insuument. Lauder sLall pmmptly reflmd m�orrower euy ���•
<br /> : .�,...
<br /> k.� � • 4 Fuads he18 by ixnder.If,under paragraph 21,Leuder shall acqulre or seU the Property.Lender.prior to the aoquisidon or sale � ;,:.�,_ —
<br /> � of the Pro�eity,sba11 apply any Funds held by lender�t the tlme of aoquisttion or sate aa a ccedit agaWst the sums secured by �'-'��?_�_
<br /> :� " ; .;. ' . . . t�ls Secutiry IasWmen� '°;`•
<br /> . ; . '. - � 3.AppUcattoa o!P�aymeata Unless appHcable law pmvides othetarise.a11 paymenta rc�eived by LRnder�er paragraphs � ��. _
<br /> . ��4' [`,��'. ' ` . �"�
<br /> � � � 1 and 2 shall ba applied: 6tat,to aay prcpayment charges due uader the Note;seaond.to amounts payable under paragzapb 2; .,.
<br /> ; . : � : Wrd,to interest due;fourth,to piiacipal due;and last.m aay lato charges due nnder the Note. � . '�.- �.���';_
<br /> _� � . : � 4.Cl�nrgev;Idea9. Borrower shaU p�y all taxes►assessments.cBarges.fines and impositions anributeble to tbe Property - �"�
<br /> ,. ,. , e prty : � �.�. _
<br /> ` ' ` � which may aitain priorlty over this Seoniiry Insaument�and leasel�old payments or gc�ound cents. if any. Bonower shaU pay �� � — =�
<br /> . ��._.�,
<br /> � ' . �e oDtigations in tlte manner pmvidod in paragiaph 2,or if not paid in that mawner,8osower shall pay them oa time directly - T� �� ���-F
<br /> :'j;` :: ~�':� to the pelson awed payment. Borrowet shatl pmmptly li�mish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under this para�grapD. . ::.�:,;��`:;-
<br /> s:Y:� . ' : :,;�; if[�ornowerwases these payments direcrly,�oaawer shatl promptiy fiunish to I.ender receipts evtdenciag the payments. � �; � ,', ` `..
<br /> 0
<br />>��:� • � , Bomnwer shall pmmpdy discharge any liea which has priority over tLis Seautry Insm�meat uWess Bomower.(a)agrees in ; .; ` : ,, ;
<br /> "�... "� � � . �iting to the payment of We obligation securod by the lien in a wanner asoeptable to l.ender;(b)contesta in gaad faith the l�en r.' . .. .
<br />_ � s�:' .`.�; by, or defends A$�t e�forrement of the lien Ia, legal proceedings w5ich in the Lender's opinioa operate ta prevent tho •-�
<br />- } � � eaforccment ef tha lien;or(c)secure�s from the holder ot We llen�ag�eement sadsfactory to Leader subordiaating the lien to '� �
<br />��';t; i`' . .. '..;:C'-. this Secutity�sument. Ii L�ender determines Waz any part of the Property ls subject to a lien atuch may aaain priorlty over . ,
<br />-'�;a :�_i�;`;��� thls Sec�utry Las�tn�ment, Len�er may give Eurrower a notice idendfying the li�t.Eo:rower shall satisfy the ii�ar take o or . .
<br /> _ ; .
<br /> �� t.� ���R:; ;�'� ffivae of the a�tions set fmta a�ove within 10 days of the giving of notIce.
<br /> a;��.:`�`'*y'\�`j. ' . . .
<br /> '� 1.;;,• .. Farm30 9I80
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