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r- <br /> dl�' ��� �r • . _ <br /> .. . :�- -4 .�� . � <br /> ��� _-?i � - ' _ -- - , _. . -- ..-_-�-...`_a c . ;-_.� . . <br /> ����, `' . �� -- � � •` • - , . ` �: . `/� /� , . <br /> . �. . ` ` � �. �. . �� , ` ... . . ' .. ���+�{���Vi .. . . ( <br /> — . . .. - . . - . ,�. . <br /> �f.M�Cb�e RklfOd b itl P� 2.0� d1e�fO1d10�EnCh pRyRIC1�. My exCCS�plDOOEds oYer al► . <br /> ���ri�wA���'�jp�l�'`i�lbC N0�'�l��S Si6C�Iffi[m1ll�SII1�I DC�10 tI1G C�i�► <br /> Ieja11 �eqt1t10d <br /> ��Ses. l.eodec rosy.oofkct fas�d cfiorEes w�oeined by t�e Sa�et�l►. ` . <br /> !C��w�i�fr Aecderalio�t dDebt. in tbe case of t defauits. .` <br /> (s)l�ellwk. lreeaer msy.acoept as limited by rcgui�tieas issuod by t6e Secretaryr P�Y� <br /> , cequue nnme�utep�y�oeot io fo11 of�il awns secuKd by this Secariry tasttwnmt if: . . <br /> (i)Bat�wer'default�bY��&�P�Y ia fnit anY�Y WY��luin�b9 this 5�c�i�tY�,P� <br /> ' i�a an tLe due d�tc ef the txxt,manthIY W9�a . . <br /> Gi)�� 03+failing.for a period of'lbutyt days,tn pafam any other obligatians contwied in tdis <br /> (b)Sr�1VIIi�e�t Cra�dit Appra�sl.irender s�11.if pamiaed by applicablo!aw�d witb tLe priar approvai of ftje ' <br /> � �y.ro4����P�9�'in fWl of ali tbe s�ms s�eeu�d by this Scc�uiry Insuument if: <br /> - (i)All or put of the a beae6ciai inteRSt in a ttast owning ail o�put af tbe sold or <br /> _ aherwise tr]nsfened(ahr thm by devisc ord�cent}by tbe Bonawer,ac�d <br /> (ii)7'he Ptopefty is not aavpied6y tbe put�c�aset a g�i�x as hi&ar her principal.trsideacG or tbe p�uchasec <br />- - or gnntce does so aocupy the ptvpectg buf t�ts oc Ler-cRdR tns aot hem.appiovtd in acco�da�oe <br /> _- �qaue�emsof tirc <br /> `-; - witht6e �>� - <br /> ___ (t3'_V�Wiirieir. If ci�oors wa�ld ppmit 1.endCr w trqqine imme�te�in�,� <br /> does t�at Rquire sach l.endes does not waive its rights with respat pa si�bsoR�. -'�"'' � .<; , <br /> td)�d��.��Y��€����S�e Sa^�a�tg�?��� � ` � � . <br /> rigjrts, m the awt bf p:tymeet d�Ii;.�;�a:no,'�.��t i4:�a�€�e�'s�c.�i�.:�r�••" � �,,� <br /> ' �iiy.Iat�tmteatdoeatat�'�:.�.�±?Ff����:��f�,'�,��ae�i+d�°�. , <br /> �,/; ''�c;h'�4a�e31bt Ia�� B�`t,ii��r.�.'roesff.r�'�.�f��"ss�5a�:..�.���.�s�-.�"`'�r����oe ' ' �. <br /> •; :,� '�c'��►fa�a��'�tSc�mT�gActd�r:;�,:r•` 8.�dti�hs , .�. .:L'�ut�i <br /> . . .��1�ia.��et.��cs op�it�a�d iwtwid�staad'wg an�t�.�n Paragraph 9.teqnue°''�iate'P1Ymen�in `-_ <br /> �?... - <br /> ,_:.,:• fr1��;��secaie�'bY ti�Sac�a?cY km►��menc A writtrn staunxnt of any aathorizod sgent of the Secretu'f ' _ �_ <br /> .. dated strbsecryent to � n�ont hs isom tbe dau Ucneof.decliaing to insure this Security ��.�- <br /> `-{s �,.���:. <br /> � � taspnura,ent and We note socund the�hy.shall be deemed conc2usive praof of such ineligibility. Notwithstanding �r•° <br /> _ _ the fc+[�ing:this option,may not be eaercised Ay Leader wt�e�tde m�ava�ab�iry of insutance is sokly dae to ���`-- <br /> Lsnder+s:�'�ilute to mnit a mongage insurance jscemiam to the Seecetary. � ��-��: <br /> lQl,�,ReI�9�e�nmR �Wer i�as a sight to be reingtated if I.eMitt.has req�►fred immediate payptent in full because �.. ,•' <br /> i '�w=�. <br /> of Bartawerk'�I(ure an amount due under Ux�IYae ar this Security tnstrumen� 71►is agbt applies even afur �.��� <br /> faecksur�p�aw�eedings arv i�.stituted. To reinstate the Security tastmment� Borrower shall tender in a tump sum all ,f„;, �� <br /> � a�riouncs�+er{v�r,tid to bring Boirawer:r account cunent including.ta tAe extent they are obligatians af Ba�rawer under this �_'-_:_Y--- <br /> �� Security Inatnvwrnt.foreclocute cas�c and reasana61e and eusumtary att41neys fees�d espenses prapetty assoriated with �.�� _ <br /> the forcciasanr:�noceeding. Upan rcinstatem�mt by.Bartawee.this Stcurity lnctrument and the oblig�ia�s that it secares —��,k..-_� <br /> 4�� slwll nrt�air�ir�effect ac if Lender had rwt t�uind unmed�atc payment in fuU. Hnwever.Le�det is not rcquind ta permit ��y�s�_� <br /> � � reinstatemenE-it��ti)Lender has acceptod r�nstatemrnt after the commenrement af faeclos�ue proceedings with�n twa �� <br /> z-�.;,� <br /> ytats ims�ed�Gt�ly prccediag the camrnencement of a current fareclasuro praceeding. tii)reinstatmxnt will preclude �,�.t,�:,� <br /> � __ faeclosurt oacd3�fecent grounds in the future.or(iii)reinstatement will adverseiy affect tbe prioriry ot the lien cneated by .:�r:•:� — <br /> °�,'.�, ! ' thi�Security ttu►Wmen� ;''` � '� <br /> 11. Bosrower Not.Rekaseds Fa'beasance bZ Ltnde� No! a Kaiver. Extension of the dme of inent ar ''�` ' �`=� <br /> - PaY . <br /> modification d•a�rsortizaGon ai the sums secvred by tMs Secunty lnswmenl ganted by Lender to any snccessor m tnterest • -��r <br /> �'' ' of Borrawer shul{nat aperate ta tefease ihe liability of the arismal Bosrower or Horrowerk successor in intemst. Lender � ��i� <br /> �-�: shall na ba requiled to commatce proceedings s►ga�nst any suocessor in interest or refuse ta extend time for payment or ' _�°'�v <br /> T; • aherwise mndlSy amonixation at'the sums secured by tlus Security Instrument bY mason of any demand made by iix � <br /> original Bats��er or Horrower's successors in interes� Any farhearanae by Lender�n exercising any rigbt or remedy shall ,,._��- <br /> "^ swt be a wuives�for preclude the exercise of any right ar cemedy. _ �� <br /> �., •`�;.;s -: 12. �s�nd Assi�ns Bound:loint s�nd Several Liab�itgo CaStgners. The coven�cus and ageernents of • :'.��,- <br /> ' �:��•�� .� this Securn� �csuument shatl bind and benefit the successors and assig►�r��l.ender and Barroa�er,sz��ct to the provisions �. . • ,=---_—. <br /> ,.,�, - .. . , ,,.; . �- <br /> �' of Pgragrl�sh.9.b. Hortowec's covenan�a anQ agreementv shali 6e ioint and seve�l. �ny�c�cs�a� who co-sign.�this '�, :;.,. :i'. �`,"`;- <br /> �t'��j Security Ir�strument but does not execute the Note: 1a)is co-signing t.tiia Security i�:c`1tU:tsE71i tsJ'-Iy 2�lsi0itg8ge.gtant and �>, :�' a.,�` <br /> � convey th�tt ffiex�rower's interest in the Propeny under the terms of th3�5�.�arity Instrument:(by is aaa�ssa�lty o6ligated io ��=; <br /> ''' �d���:�;:, ; pay the aums serured by this Secuaty lnstr,lr�,;n�;and(c)agreec thac�er and any oiher Borrow�:r.say agree to extend "''�'�' <br /> . -��,.'�'; <br /> ��4:i�,; ,' modtfy.f.crk�a�or makc any accammodaticn�u3th regar�t co the te:�•�E ihis Securlty Instrument ai ihe Note w�thaut that , � <br /> � � . Sarmwcr'r.consent. , . <br /> � . •� ; � �: 13.•Not9oes. Aay no�tce to Barrawer pravided fcr n�thic Security instntment shall be given by deliveri:.�.s�ar by ��►�• <br /> ""�,;Y�b . maiiing ii�by first class mail unless applicabte law r�.u:-�.c u�e of Another method. The rtotice shall be diirct2d to�he : <br /> '"'�i•;;,� - Ptcperty Addrass or any olher addresc Borrower desigrsates by notice tn l.ender. Any nolice to l.ender ahull be given by . - <br /> ' ;'i. n tini ctass�muil to Lender�addresv stated hercin ur any addresv t.ender designates by noticc to Borrowcr. Any nolice � <br /> ,'�"�:�.'� �rovidad for in this Security Instrument sha;l be deemed to have been given tn 8��nower ar Lender whcn given as provideA . <br /> �n thi�pnragraph. - <br /> �:.-_.�� : • 14,.Governing Law;SeYera6ility. 7fii�5ecurity Instrumern!�hall bc gavemrd by Fedcral law und Ihe law of tha <br />' .. Z�„�TS_ �, jurisdiotian ln which the 1'taperty is lucatcd. ln the cvent that t�ny pruvi,ian c�r ciau.e of ihls Security lnstrument ar the <br />- ;r;.�. Noto canftiet�wlth a �lieub(e I�H•,such remflict shall no1 uf(ec<<�her pravisic,nx nf thi�Serurity ln.9trumem ar tho Nate <br /> ' ;y;.;�. � whicb cnn bo givcn eficct withou�thc canAictin�;provi�:iun..'�ii thi.cnd thu pcuvi,iont of this Sccurity lnstrumcm und tha <br /> • •� Notn arc declured ta be�evcrablc. <br />� � � 1S. Borrower's l.•opy. Nurtuwcr�hutl be given une confi+nned c�spy��f ihis 5ecuriry la�trumcnt. <br /> � �� Ib� A!�aignment of RenR9. R�+mswcr uncandu�unaliy vysi�nr imd tram�fcn�v LcnJer ull�hr rent�:+ad revenue�of the <br />.� � prupctty. HUrrnwcr au�h��ri�.cr I.cndcr nr I.cndcr�ugcut�tu a�l�cr�ihc rcntr nnd mvcnucr;md hcreby dircrtv carh tcnant of <br /> tha FM�Qetfy ts�pay thc rrnt!�tt�L.crtdcr ur Lcndc►ti agrnt�. N��wrvcr,priat t�►l.rndrr.nnticc tu Barruwrr c�f 8nrrower� <br /> brct�h of uny cnvrnant�rr ugrccmcnt in thc Srcurity In�trumrnt.Hasu�w�r�hall cultcct and reccivc vp rcntw�nd rrvcnucs c�s <br /> �• � tho f'1'aperiy us trustrc f�ir thc f+cnc�t uf'LcnJrr and Hunnwcr. �'hdv ur.ignmcnt c►f rrnt.r cuntililutcv un:ihs��tutc a"ignmcnt � <br />; . , and nn�an u�signmcnt fui uddlti�nal cccurity�anly. <br />, . If l.cndcr gives na�ice nf hreach u.N��rrowcr: I;n atl rrnt�n rcivcit h�•Hunuwcr�hall hc hcld My Hurrowcr uy trustrc <br /> �- - � ` for benefit of Lcndcr be�ppiicd tu thr xum.�ccurr�!h� the Secarity tnrtrument:lb►l.rnder�hal1 t+c enti�led h� <br /> _.._ _ . _ _ cnilart aad rercivc all��F the rrntr��•f thc{'ru�n:rty:and(c)c:�ch tenant uf the 1'ropei�y shall p•ry all rruis dtcr and unpaid_ta � <br /> .. Lendcr nr Lcnderb ugent on Lender y written dc:mto�d tu thc hnunt: � <br /> �•�� - f3ort�wct has not cxecuU�Q:�ny prinr a��i�nmcnt of thc rcnG:und ha�ttc�t u»c�urill nut perfum�:u�y uct that�voutd . <br /> '- ' ::r, . .. <br />'. ;:�;=: � _ --. �Sravcns Lender from extrri�in•i1�.right4 under i i�1'arazrtph t6. ; <br /> �~��"�:_ �:.'�} Lender shall not bc teyu�red t�rmer up�n.tsike c-:r�:oi of or�r:a.+;�;ain the W.a;�rty befnn ur aftet givin€ttatice of <br />• ��;:;', : <br /> i�-':: ,,`.,:��;: ;s limzch ta$arc�er, Ftmvever.txndec or u judloivlty:r�Pcsinted rece;�er may �>sh at any timc thetc is a bre�sh: �ny i �:-, :, . . <br /> ` •' ' � ` � ° � �tcatiae a�����s*�11 not cure or waivr an defauU ot in4u1►ct�te� atl"�er ri �+<�r:emed nf Len�ler. 'i'his assi nmrnt •' <br /> : , ,. '� �?p'' Y k , � �- �' . � <br /> ` ; ,, �� _. _.. e,��t;ts a€��i.t�rty sh�f)terminuta whec�th�dert securrd by ttse Sz�.n'r:*�ay�rr.3tzur:�:r�t is pa�d�n f.�J. . <br /> � <br /> . .— - --�_�—---- --_..._.___. ..._..._ ...___- •- - � -�- - -- - - --- -- -.. __ __ _ . . . - --_ .. . _. . .. .- �• -- _._.__-._ _ __ <br /> ,. ,;.•'. , . . , <br /> `.'I�ti f,rF';•��' ��f.•,, - . .. _ � . . . . '1.+; . <br /> �;�a�:...', ''� . . . �yr`2'3ojdpa�esj. <br /> . .; .'.,•.. <br />_ .: •�;,�:,.,. �, " - -- - - - . . - _ _ _ - . . _ . .._ ._.- - . _ . . . .. _ . �,-- <br /> '... �:j - . . . . _� ._ . ..�-- _ t. . . . . .. � . �. . . - _ ' . . � _ . - ._.._ . <br />