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<br /> _— - . _L�. __�t. _ __-.-1?__ _ _ _ _ . _.._._-
<br /> ..-z--� --�.s�- _ _ .,-_
<br /> `' 'c`� _- a� - � - - -' - ' .'�`:i•k_—� -- ' �•'m' �a � :� —-��F���3, ar ,�, - _-�._� -- - -
<br /> �,� nrc -� . _.-_��'``"'_ .. ....... .-_c:= - ;--- " - ,�V' ���� �-�'��r
<br /> —�f.._.- � : . � . c c . . •Z_ �.!^c � a C��� � � \. —_
<br /> , yfi�ti�y i��UA$F•T�01YQLt����a0�i11i'-�l���i, i�I�tO��kiSllldgC@!6lOY�'d$S('t�F t�ilT� ��dS'!�li�` � ��
<br /> --- � . � tha��tei•_c�r,iir�►��rovE�s:d by a}��m�rrr�=���ex��baoscurs aria�ai}k.ss�i��i�is9��+arh�vvee�i p�l;� - - -
<br /> . ,� tho pt�i�iregal�cl ta mtinEsut awstgs���a�fc'cs�t.�as=t�t�lvFcla a Iq�Eds re�eiva.u��tt�a t�i�f4x ta�y�i�
<br /> - - � . . . _ � .
<br /> ._ � . .
<br />� --- _ ---�� ,� .-°�°��.u�ant��r`�`�. . �L�s�-�R�. ._:Y._�_.__�_� .�. ._ --__ — -
<br /> � �
<br /> , 9.tm�a.`I,en�er�r ita�mt�aa��eatsi�s-upoa a�d�nsgealosm oE t�a�rt�► Lrender ebsi�.g�v��• -
<br /> , �om�ar aatioastt�etime`aforprlarto an�3►�����res�o�ble caase fa=ti�iuspo�on �' .�: . ..<
<br /> _ I�:Oe�ttob.'#he pmoeoda of�s,�vi��qfii�;�Qi sle�sSts►dtn+ed ar conr�qae�tat:i��o��itb�auqc�':;
<br /> ooride�nadua or askar_taTdng of sny part�oY,ttiA�Ft+u��;�ft�s�,aav�sYsn�s ia i�eu oF oo�damnati�n,are henea�=essigae�snd.. �
<br /> - �bail6ep�n[d to Leader. � � . ..,'`:;: . .� '
<br /> — tn t�avr.nt of�wia�taki�t$of th9 Ptng�ty��tlta�roc!�3���aii bo appllod t�t�e wms secund by tLia Sec,vritY 1�. � � ' _
<br /> �- ---_- -- --- ------whetl�r or aat.ti�a due,w��h,.€ta�(_�ss,P��tQ�Bm�itn�,. tae evt�tt of s part1��tg of tha�ocpetqr�n wHicb tlto feir _
<br /> . _ :. .._ .. �Y
<br /> a,arbo�t vafite of tt�e Pr`uperty immodi�tut�.be.fur�a tlta����jnal te u:ge�ater thua t�a a�ut►�A�is�wna s��y�- - ' - - ----_ _.__ _
<br /> S�erity Iasttau�t.ima¢edIately bPfom tha t�fig,tmtt���+�ucr�r artd Leuder othetwise qgreo ui tv�iiu8:the snma�o�vtned by;
<br /> - tisia�Savrity Iasnu�ment s�all be rednmd:by�tha.amsaiwt:of the pmoeada IImtfig�l�d hy tIle foltowin$fsa�tua: (a)tAa tota}�
<br /> � emanat oY t�smns seavred�iinmedi�tety;D�a ibei:t�tt�,divtded by(b�tha fair�va�'ue of,tl's�.Pmpstty�tntme�e2q .
<br /> . 6efors t�midng.Any balt�tti�:sh�U:bs,psid�t+a:Bm�mm�:tn tbe event of a pFUtiat:takiifg of the Pmperty in�which the fair
<br /> -- .marfo��valna of the�t+opertyt�imm�rli�te3y.�l��farelha.�3s less tha�n the.annooat of the sume soa�rod immediately befo:a tba -
<br /> t�Yiqg.unless Bairawer an�L'�nder•o�is�ar�,aoa,ui�aitit[ng or�mtess applicabte taw otherwiss ptuvid'es,ttte Pmoeeds s�alt�
<br /> . � be appH�to We sums 6eaa+�d by this�eamrity.bu�is�s�w�ether or not the sums are thaa due. . . _ .
<br /> -- , IFthe Pmpeatyis ab�r3tm�by Bmimt�m�if.`attfx IIotice by Leuder to Sormwer tLat tIIe condemnor offezs w make sa
<br /> � a�va�d or sottle a cisim fm�d�ia3grs,Hvsna�srar ftttt3.ta�r�spond to Lender within 30 days af�CZ the date tha�tia is given,
<br /> - . ` lender is aut�ori�ed o0 oolla��i►s��8ppzys�tb�P��'��81�!�aP�,either w resto�n ar cepair of the Prnptrty or ta tQe sums
<br /> secuc�e�d pY thts S�cnrity Itrst�o-�u.w�h�ornot:t[�due.
<br /> =_: _ - --,__ Un2ess I,emder and Honiativ�s otto�wisc a�in writ�ng. enY +aPpiication of proceeds w princlpal shatl�t ex0ead or
<br /> ---�---_- -- - g�thc dae&Le af_t��Y�ts�d to ia paragrapLs 1 and 2 or c6ange the aemuai of such gay�ts.' _ _ �- --
<br /> - —= 11.Bormwee No!R�:P��et��F�Lead�Not e Waiver.Extension of the time far pay�t or modi8cation
<br /> --_ of emortiz�on of the snms se��+cl E�yn32tir.S�1y���ted by I.ender w anp s�ooe�sor in intere.st of Boaower sQall
<br /> --__ - _ = nat operate m release the ilabiiity.ot�thr� '��Ronower or Eomnva's snocessora in interest.teander shai!r�nt be requireQ to
<br />�T--�-�'� cotpmence pmcaedings agaiast anyr,su�aq�air iii interest or refuse to eatead time for payment or atLctwise modify amottiradan
<br />__�'�": of_tlte saBav secured b th�s Sec�i �
<br /> y ty�Iri�p�ment by �eason of eay demand made by the original Borrower or Borrowe�s
<br /> �roaessors in iarecest.Any forbearanee by'Leader ia exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or pmclude tha
<br />" �= �• ea�cise of any rignt or rea�iy-. : . .
<br /> ,-,�_f,' la. SQOOd�01'B 8II1�1�.9 BOi��.d0�1 8IId`��Sb�lltyf�$�EiS. T�16 MVEASAIS aDd S�C�tB pf t�138
<br /> �: �� '� Soauity Iasusm�t shall biad and i�efit ti�e suooessois and assigss of Leader and Bosrower,subject to t�e pmvisions of
<br />=> ���,. patagraph 17_ Saaawer's covenants and agreemeats shaU be joiuE�ar,d.several. Any Eorrower who oo-signs tl�is Sewri3y
<br />`"�` x� = iastcament.but daes uot e�aeame the Note:(a)is casignin$this Secar•"c3+�uxnent anly to mortgage.graat and oonvey that
<br /> �`�� a:,>a�t��i;�,:.::`��`. Bflnower's uuerest in ttte Froperty uader the teraos of tht{s S�cvrity Instrument;(b)is ant pecsonally o6ligated tn pay the sums '�»:>4.�=_._-
<br /> r �i:,�a'� " . -- _.
<br /> �!�`��`�''�., n� se�vtied by ttis Secvriry�ent:aad(c)agrees that Ce�der and any ot�ter Homower may agree w extend,madifY.forbear or -°---
<br /> �`�Y^�.� ;`T``�����` a�a&e any aocommodat�ons wIW regard w the terms of this S�curity I�eat or tha Note without thai Boirower's ooasent. �"-"'"""'- ---
<br /> :��`�''I:�•�y r;�� t - 13.Luan Chargca If the loan se�vied by�this Secw�ity Iastrum,.°�¢is subject to a taw whlch sets ma�dmum laaa chazges, -�..���--
<br />- �-ac��',� . • �t,� ec i r���:���.�.
<br /> � , aad that!aw is finally intetptetod so that the intes+est ar a�er loamc�es collected or to be ooUocted in ooaaection wlth the �-,Y,�,,.�;`�_
<br /> ` ' ' ta�rexceed the permitted 13mits,then:(a)any such Ioan cti:�:rge shall be reduced by ttte a�nouat necessary to red�ce the ctiarge `"'°�-
<br /> � �:r�t . to tAe permittod timit:and(b)any sums alieady oollected from Borrower which exc�ded pemiittod limits wjll be refunded to ,'` ��.��
<br /> , f..�
<br /> - Borrower. Lea�er may choose to matce this refund by reducing th� �ccipal owed under the Nate or by making a dire,ct ' '"��; '`'"�-
<br />- �� �:. payment tQ gisn�tsswer. If a refund �daces principal. the reductio� will be treated as a partial prepayment without ac�r -�'?•�,
<br /> ; w
<br /> `�3�)` ' P�Ymenl ci4a.�e under the Note.
<br /> �; ���°`? .` 14.Na�.t�ny motioeto 8oirower provided for in thls Security Inshumeat shail be given by delivering it or by mailing ' •�� '; _
<br />_ - � "�,�, it 6y first c1as3 s�il untess a�sE�c.�hte law requires use of another method. The notim shall be di:ecced to tho Prope�ty Addr+�ss �-- � ':` _.. .�.
<br /> �.. . � ��:.;,; . �:
<br /> � ' • �..,��tik��„ or any other ��sess Bormwer desigaaces by notice to Lender. Any natice to Lender shall be given by first ctas4 mail to � _ . r.� �..�:
<br />- � � �_`• Lender's address s�tatod herein or any ather address Lender deslgnates by nodce to Borrower. Auy►sotice provided for in ttds •� , � `;��5��';s:-;`
<br /> t�...., �: . :;:�.�t._ ...�;���;t
<br />� � '.:�"` S e c u rity I n s t r u m e n t s h a l l b e d e e m e d t o h a v e 6 e e n g i v e n t o B o r r o w e r o r L e n d e r w h e n g i v e n a s p r o v i d�i n t h i s p a r a g r a p h. . .. "�:Z,?,�,,.
<br /> - , ��'' � � .; . 1S.Cover�fng 1.ew; 5everabWty. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by federal law and the law of the . � . �. '
<br /> ,.'�k�Y.,.' ::l. jurisdiction In which the Property is located.In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Insttument or the Note . ',:1 f� `
<br /> . . conflicts wIth applicable law.such conflict shall not af'fect uther prov�sions of thls Secvrity Instrument or the Note which ran be - .. , .
<br /> i.: :.:'�; given effect without the conflicting pmvlsion.To this end the pmvisiaas of this Secuaty Instrument and the Note are declamd ;,;.,, ;
<br /> r�s - : . to 6e severable. � , °.. ,
<br /> "`'�"�'�`'' ' �' � '. 16.Bon+ower's Copy.Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. �
<br /> :; ; �:�:,. .
<br /> ;���'��"�, �
<br /> �: .
<br /> �} .,,,f,;;L�, . ro�aoze 8I9C �.: ` .
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