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<br />= - - - - F - E�at�d�tt�sf�+e4 fat'�f a�6e�tda!�tter�t B�reo��r.is sat�.or-tnut9f.,:i�affi n�t�t�iturt,l pexsua)wt�hvut�
<br />- - ° , =i,c�r's prisa wrIt�es��t�L�udrr y �: � 1�-�f ut���3ma... rsa��► thi���` _-
<br /> �a .•�t�im� �an. �tt�Iat p�qrme�t'Ec#.� s�
<br /> - -----c«�nrftu inc2nin�onh,�{�yy�stCl.�th33�bR1da11 slfill l.�il�t i€ACLTCfSii9'IS�`b_�1_'t�±�t�'by�'e3t#��W'at Q,�th�pi�� ' -- —
<br /> -- •4f thtS�ftzsWtneet�``!`- `�_ ^'�" F _ .:---_--- =-:,, - . - �; : . ....
<br /> _ "�. �. : I1'.E.endtr e�cr�4"s this apl�pa.i.t�t�t sl�all g,itc�atr`a��nattca af ecrelet�iion:`�a notta�prar3d�r�p�io�of,�aa���;,�..,�. .
<br /> - -- — �E53 tbeQ SID t�i}f8 fitdQi fI!!�tQ iI1@ tiOtli��S�l�1o:Ct!p(�QF I17A}I0�WIt��W�1�1�l9liLlWCr�lS1`�jt���dOpJT��l t�! :.. ' •
<br /> - . Sow�ity IasoRU t,t€�trower fails to pay t�i s�s�t�r to tH�ctcpir�ion o�ttil�Pe�d,�nder�uy fnvpfc�Wny s�e��, � �.=?�E,.
<br /> - _ _ . pcnnittea dy��Sacud '#nstcumcut wdthaut notioc or de�usd on Bcr�mwes. , :. � : ,.�. . , _ _
<br /> -� � 16.`�o�m�rrr'a ta �tc[d�e.���otver hu�ts.eecta��oondItloQS. �eribw�r s6�all trava ithe�tcti,is�pc�'� ,` •`
<br />- - enfor�oemen,t at this�er�ry Wt�umenR���� ti�p�ior ta.ttte eulier of:�a)5 days Enr s�cl�otLet pe��u�.�u�; .,
<br /> • . 'applic�ab2s luw sn�Ijs specifjr far.�+einssateabc4tj'Lefore��f i�-.Fro�fly pursuant ta any pt►�vcr.of.t�coaud�d f�n this;;
<br /> - _-- ---------- _- ---_� ' -'---����,+����if..y.e�n����.r1n.m.nt.n�i�fn�ti�ietloia�.jv�dtiaLn�fntts«t+t_'�'1!►SCe��'41t(�t�ORCi�tf'�4{1`#-��I►1Yt�::�4��YR' - --.-----------.-
<br /> � ..Fy......�.,.»...�'.,.�......�a....a.���_ Y
<br /> �- � Ledder ull s�s whlcb thea woutd be�ue tiuder,ihis�S�rity Insuum�i and ths Note as�if nu oAcetbredan.t�i��o�ure�d',(4} _
<br />�.� cures any defm�t o!a�y otEc�r ooveoanu`or agreemenis;tc�Pays ull e�g�es inaurad ia eafoi+cing thls S�ur3ty��t; . ,
<br /> m
<br /> i�asluding�6nt not{imitod to,m�sonable uttorue 'fea:e�d(d1 mt+es su�acHon as Le�sierm�y'.re�souably�S�uir�e tq aswne �� � .��
<br /> "" . tQat t112 ti¢At Of th�s Se�ttity inctn�ment_��g ri�g In t�e F[+0�aIId BOilOwet'8 obli�t[oD to�&y thE S�tD7S&E�u+Cd by , .� _
<br />_�': t0is S�urity 1ASCCUment�st�all oontiaue unahaz�god. lJpnn r+eln5ta�emeac Dy Bom►wer. tnia Sewnty Instaument�ap¢ the °
<br /> :�. '.obligutiosu sacu�!heteby shall temain.fliUy etie�xive�s if no uocete�ation had_aocumeG.Hawe�rer.this dght to reiastat�aball . �
<br /> nni apply in the case of eoodetation ondcr par�tgmpb 1T. �� �. . � .
<br /> 19.Sate of Not��an8e of I.aan Servteer.7!�Nate or a partial Interest in Yhe Note(mgcahec cvith tbis S�cx�rity c:
<br /> �as�u�)may be so3d one.or s�wne timES without prior notioe to Borrower.A s�ale ma,y msutt ia a��m• tha eantttY(iaiown ;
<br /> - as tT�e'Laan Se�vicer")that oo1loas mo�lY PaYm�nt&due under We Note and this Sec�ricy Inst�t�nt.ea� �era also may be and � .
<br /> - or mnre changes of the Lasa Sen+ioer�mrelated to e sa2e of the Note.ff thene js a c@aaga of the t oan Ser�Ieet.Boaower w111!�o
<br /> - giv�written aoiice of the c6auge in aocoidattoe witb parugrapb 14 above and appIicabie la�v_7he aotioe�l.afate the aame�
<br />_� address of the new Loan Senrlcer and the addre�s to wtich paymeats shou2d be made.'tlie aotiae will aiso oontain any other .. .
<br />= ,��-.,.,s. ::-:�..- infommtioa required by,applicable Law. , ' �
<br /> �'��:�•` � ` .. Z0.F��udous Substances.Bormwer shalt aot ca�se or pemiit the presence. use.dis�osal,sto�age.or.�feas�of eny
<br /> - '-�r���, :: pem t
<br /> Harat�Wbstanoe.s on or in the_Fta�Sarm�rer sbaU r�t do. aor allotv anryone etse to do,.�5�8 ��g� --- --- -
<br /> _ • prope�ty thaz is in violadon of m►y Envi�u�taw.'t`he�pi�eboding two seatences shali aotappTy-to.[tt�pies�ioe.-USe,or -
<br /> � ;_:. � ;`�, stoiage on the Pro�erty of smatl quaau'Res of Ha�*+�•m4 Substances that are generalty reoognized to he�a�riate to norma� ;
<br />_ - :�s �' •#`:�,t�,�< residentiai s�s and to mamteaance of t�[e Froperty: . .. .
<br /> � ;�~" -`'�=��c- Bormwer sLall pmmptly give L�d�writtea natioe of azry iavestigation.cl�im,demaed,.2anrsuit or other aaion by any
<br /> `. `��'`,�<4- ,_,. .-�'`' vemmentat or regulazu ot ri��ate inv_ ..
<br /> ' � ' -. #•....._r . � TY aB�Y P P�Y� oJvirtg the P�operty and azry Harandnus S'�stance or�vironmwtal l,aw
<br /> - • • .;; of which Bormwer has ectual imowtedge. If Borrower tearns,or is notified 6y any govema�fal or tegWatory authoriry,d�t
<br /> .t � .r>;�.�.�.'- °. . any remuval or other m,niediation of any Harazdous Substance affecting the Property is neoessaiy.Borinwer shal!pramptly take
<br /> � ' '' (,'. all necessary cemedia!ascsmis in s000rdaaee with Envimnmemal Law.
<br /> `l:`� "�`. •'_ ' -`- As used in this pac�graph Z0. 'Harardous Su6stanoes°are those substaaoes defined as tnxic or ha7ardous substanoes by
<br /> _ ;• �"t;',�.���..,, Envimnmental Isw and the foltowing substanoes: gasoline, tcemsene, other flammable or toxic p�ralwm�rodttcxs, toaFc
<br /> . � � � pesticides au�heibicides,volatile solvents,materials aomaining asbe��os or farmatdehyde.�d r.�oactive taatenats.As usod In
<br /> �'��•`� �'••"•� this parage�pH 2n, "Envimnmental taw" means fedetal laws and Iaws of the jurisd.itxion whe�the Ptupaty is topted that ,
<br /> a a:;�;.�:-�`':,�: relate ro health,safety or envimnmental pmtectIon.
<br /> 4``�' '- NON•[JNIFORM OQVBNANTS.8orrower a�l LenQer funher aovenaru aad ag�ee as follows:
<br /> ss°Y4r�,, .• .
<br /> ��.::. .. 2I.Aoceterati o n;�es.Leader shaII�e+�otioe to Borrower prlur to aoceteration[oflowing Bo�ower's breacb
<br /> - :��.;...
<br /> _ :,��:-,.,� ot any co�eaant or agreemeat in thls Seauity 8atitrum�t (Dut not p�or to soo�erstton amder para�reph IT�� �
<br />- ��.'°_;::,:.� aPplieaWe latr pmvtdes othee��ise).The notice shali specity (a)the defaWt:N}the actlo�r�We+ed to cure the default;
<br /> ���: : �� , (c)a date.�ot lesg tban 30 days feom t�e date the nottce ts given to Borrorrer.by wdicb the detault mast be cured;and _____--
<br />- '..��•; -�� �: •�,•;. ��. (d)t6at falfure to cure tde default on or befarr the date specified in the notice may result in aooeleration of t6e snms
<br /> ^��, . .-� r'_
<br /> • ti;� - se¢ured by t6(s Secudry Instrument and safe of the Propeety.The aonce shaU further inform Bosmwer a!the rigM to :�
<br /> r��]�....:_..":'..• r.-.,
<br /> - ` ��� �:.�..: : reinstate after acceteeallon and the rtg6!to bring a couit acttoa to as�ert ffie aon�existeace ot a default or any othe�r �-�r�___
<br /> �__�...
<br /> :"' � � � ' defease o!Borrower to aoceterallon and sale. If the detault is aot cured oa or before the date specified in the aotto�e, `'V`:'�'
<br /> ' �:,t.: :':._�.�.':;: ,•�� ` ',,,,,;�,�,,
<br /> �' ._ Lender, at its optton,may require tmmediate paymeat in fnU af ail sums secumd by this S:curity Lutrument wEthaut 'fir�=
<br /> � fnrther demand and may invoke the power o!sale and any otlse�remedIes pecrnitte�!da�appitra6le taw.Leader shuU he �.�•r'�-°-
<br /> .'.:., '�; '. . . entitted to collcct el!eapeascs fncurrrd in pwsuing the remcdtes�rnvided in thts paragrapb ZI.tndudtng.but not limtted ��'_ .;=:�:
<br />