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<br /> _ -- - — � � ` �.,��61'�Ki��FaTii`�+$'�1TOVld'8�j'�pt'�f�2'gY2�Cflt4 tKii�!-�5t�'3t!�' t�.C�"ttlh d.!fC.. '�p.` _---_-
<br /> �--� �, �l�CT�►$'15lit�d�,B�ASt lbSS�I�lI1�C.�S!tlC�lt��Plt�t4�R-tlil3f PC74t�Ca.-Cfl�`!!t� tJ�[ET�lLS 3AC�•<. "�
<br /> .,� ' i.
<br /> - � . �" . �`�'3�w.�.^tai°rW!''i'�'Yha�et;l1BN�-�e�ct�,e mreie�4i- �_'- — _
<br /> - — � thai�ender.�quires.'i�tc insvrausc�rri�pca3rictiqg the insur�x�shati�cAo�by�nIt+�er e�6ject tca,tna�r's rovni., ;
<br /> -- • wfdcY�sfiall`not•tis einaeaso�lly rvi`st�d. Eg Bc�riow�¢�a31s ui t�£cttai�aa�c�a d�splhc�.abope:'�ero3er m�ue�►,�fi'��� ;� `
<br /> — --- �ogtMn,oDteia so�e.tQ�ratec�Lender•s ii�ts iai tt�e ProP�Y�����'i��a�grrp�►�� � �V Y' •`: ?•T t t �-
<br /> - � plt tnn►m„�•.p�icies-�d reaawats sh�!Da�acoeptabte to L%nQst nnd sh�lt includea:sts�aden��snort�;ge d�se.l��Zr:
<br /> �a � s�eli save tna rigAt io flnid ttte twliass and c�enewais.iF'Lca�ier ro�,uite:v�Surrawer s�t p►an►PUY B�Ye ta�rshdsr a}}realpte of � :
<br />- . pa4d pmn�livins an�renewa�noSoes.tn tha�mt of toss.Bbrt+ower s�a�l�give�raropt notlae to tho insYUette��et an�d Leix�. : ' `� : :
<br /> � -. — "ti-- -- -- --� l.endecm..�!.m�pmefc+f lQ�s if nut�eP�►�Y by.�orcn��r.-------- --- - -
<br /> a , . _ -.,_ . _.
<br /> _ �; � lJNess Leud�e�W BoROwer othe�vise agree in�eidag.,intn�pmoeeds shal!�e appli�d to restor�tion Q=�iirmf ft�o
<br /> ';;Y'-• - peopertY dama8ec►,jf the restoration or�epair is eonnomic�ttg feasi6ie e�Le�x's soaceityt is aot Iessaa�d.If t�restomt4an mr
<br />_ �ir is ant eoonomtc�lly fea�ib2e os i.ender's sewrity wauid be t�d,ths ittsurtittce ptnoeeds shall�;�qsp�£a!to tEe sums sL
<br /> seaued by tbis Securicy Imguameat.i�her or nat tiaen dne,with auq► exoess Qaid m Bmmwer. If Bouavrex�a�Ons tka
<br /> �'� PtnF�Ry►.or daes not tms�r�_wit�tln 30 days a aotioe fr�m I.es�der thst the insutaaoe caxcler Las off�ed to s�tIe a eL�i� tt�
<br />_ '">:'j`�:` Lendat mag oQuect ths ensu�ance pmoaeds. Le4der ma�y usa tbe proc�aeds oo r�air os restore the:Property or to �ay:s�tus
<br /> . - .:�:..,..
<br />_=;. _ seattedby ttis Seauity Iasunment,ah�tter or aot thea�dne.lRe 3U�day pertad arii!begin wHea tAe nWice is givc�. �
<br />_ �'', `'' : . Unle�a Lender ahd-Barmwer ot�erwi�sgc�ee ia writing.anY�PPiicatioa o€prureeds eo p�ipal shall not.exte�d ur .
<br /> _ ' ''-t`�" ne the cbte date of the mo�thtY Pay�nents refema�to in paragrapbs 1 and 2 or c�age t�e�of the paymcats.If
<br />- - .. t.;, n
<br /> :.rs.'�r�;�- F�
<br /> < :���,.'.`'i`y ttnder paragraph 21 tiv�-Pmpeaty is arquired�y I ende�r.Bortawer's tigUt to eny instugttce goli�e4 aad prooeotts ttstittlAg fxam
<br /> < �:., �_.
<br />-= -�°'- �;��;:,.:.;. damage to the Property prior w the acquisitioa sLall pass w Leader to the extent of the sums s e c�u o d Dy t B is S e a�r i t y.Y a s u�m s e�t .
<br /> . ��..'���.':: . - `
<br /> �:x- • :.a�., immediately prior w the a�quisitIoa. . . �
<br /> _ ` .. ";� • � � 6�Qoa�aa�y,E3�ervatton,Mafat�ance and Fi+ot�ction oY the Prope�ty;Borrowe�s Loan Ap�.3tit�li�4.�olt9s.
<br /> ,.�, ,,.�
<br /> - �''r-':'; Bo�rtawer sUall axuPY.�+�tablish,sud nse the Property ss Barrower's piincipal residenoe aithin si�y dayu aRt�r tt�e�vtion oi � .
<br />���; '. ..������� this Sec�rity Inmument and shall oontuitte to oa�py the Pivperty as Bomuwet's Prim�pal r�sideu�efostu�tea�5!l;a�'year aftet :
<br /> _ .'�,�.;,.
<br /> °°f���- ;���z� the date of oocupancy,wites5 Leader atb�wise agre�s in writir�g, �vdi+�'oonsent shall ant be un�easoaab��tisviE��bi�df;;qr;�a[�
<br /> �_.a;�:.:
<br /> �:'����. -;°':,-�:tx='��:. extentiating citaia�stanoes exist whfcb.are heyon�Bomnwer's oontrol. Bormwer shall aot destroy,,datts+�or�sq�:�e
<br /> _,:x�,.���
<br />- .� `�.:`:;.�;�c�;.�..•.^ �Perty. allow the Pmptcty to d�Tata,or commit aaste on We Property. 8omnarer sbaU be in d�fs�l�lf ctt►y�•fmfeiw�e
<br /> ,. '•�:�'':;;';+r;-"_::, action or prooeading.wk�c dvii pr criminal.is begua t4at in I.eader's g�d fa3th jadgment oouLd msuli in fm�fe�t�of the_
<br /> ��'}�` , `� �s`,� .. PcoPenY or otherwise m�a]ty nm�rair the lien createA by th_is Security InsMi�eacor I.endes'.s sec�uiry int�st.Ho:mert�tmy
<br /> 'X�'�`. .--`����`it^'v''<f�. �u�wa �f
<br /> '�':-:�.�•'����t'�F�.L,t�'.�nL''` �.wY SYcd a default end r�mstate.as pra�v�ded in paragraph 18,by causing the actian or pra�di��to 6e dismisse�cl'cvtRfia su�iag,
<br /> ' . . �•�L.�C4.,y,.,,�r.�,�
<br /> :• .' ::�t?�.:��Na tLat. in Lender's good fait6 detemun�rsa. precludes forfeiwre of ttce Bampvie�s inte�i�a tt+e Ptoge�ty�os�ott�a�m�ial
<br /> ; ��;.�`�:"` :'k�}r�E�� impair�nent of the lien cr�tted by tLis Secvrity Insuument or laader's secutxIty�ir�est.Bbrmvre�sQ�1l aIsa b�.in defau(t if
<br /> - .v;:���.: � '���r��� ��-r
<br /> . ,,�t, �� ..
<br /> :,a„�<.. .'���<-;�. � . Borrower.durin$the luaa appltc�tion pmcess,gave asa3erially falsa or inaoauaf�fi�ara�ation or s�rnent.�ta Ii�der(or faileA
<br /> ' .';`i1°.•� to pmvide Lender with azry materiat infora�ation)ia oarmection with the loaa evtdenced by tt�e No�,inclt:�;.b��aot limitod
<br /> � ��. .. • '.. �
<br /> .� ''`��ii•:. : `;:1:�'+�:�?;'_
<br /> , . .. . to,cepms�inons oonceming Borrower's axupancy of tha Property as a prirteipal residenoe.If tms Sec¢rlty.ra.^qu�ttt is on a
<br /> ` • . '. � �'`•:�:A lrasehold, &sizower shall comply vu[th all the provisions of the lease. lf Bonower acquires fea titla ta�t�Prap�ttya thc _
<br /> ` :_. �� leasehold and the fee titte�ttall not me�e msless Le�der agrees to tha merger in writing. �----
<br /> -.,t ,±,. :;.. ,.�: . 7.Prote�ion of I.�sctrs's Iti ts in t8e P�+o If Borrower fails to rFGSm the covenauts and -��;�_--�
<br />- ;, . . P,� A�!'• Pe a�'t�nts cantaic�ed in
<br /> (-:� .;;' :�,,.,�:,�., this Secnriry Instrument.or there is a[egil proceeding that may sigaificandy affed l.ender's rights in tfa�Pm�g�rty(sucb as a r�:.�'- •�:..��'i "
<br /> �� 2 '•�`� rooeedin in bankru t robate.far oaridemaation or farfeitute or to enforce L�.-s or ),tAen Leieder ma do and �s
<br /> , : x,:. P S P�Y,p T �laxi°ns Y �
<br /> '• ' ' ��`��. pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Properry and Lender s t�g&cs in the t'�se�ty. Leader's act�oas mayr ;�ti_,
<br /> '' ' `,.` �`''��' include a n an sums iecurtd b a lien whiah has riori over this S Instca�t,E._ n in cuurt, n ' -
<br /> ' , � , :;'��F�'•:�� P Yi S Y Y P ry ��5: aAF� S PaY� � - m.
<br /> :, . .' ,• ; reasonabte attomeys'fe�s and entering on the Property to make repairs.Aldrau�L�rcder may tak�actton under this pacagraph � , ,�.�`=_—_
<br /> i � 7.teader does not have co do so. •
<br /> � As�� ar�ounts disbursed b Lender under this � � ���c
<br /> � , y g-:��h� shail beeame additional debt of Bortaw�er secvred by this ;���E�
<br /> - � --_ . . Secar�ty€n�.�ment. Unless Borrower and Lcnder agree to other terrr�sof pay-mea�t.these armvnts shal)t�r interesi tmra the ° , '�;�,>��z —
<br /> - '" � ' date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable. with irterest,u�on aotice from i,cnder ta B¢�rower reqi��g `�'.": ;'�:'i'-F.
<br /> ' ''�i;. . •� payment. .,�..: ;•ti::�:•.
<br /> _ . ����� 8.Mortgage Insmr�e.If Lender required mortgage iruumnce as a cmrditirsn of making the loan secured�y this Securiry �;�.��' - �� �'�<. '`
<br /> �;S` • � r:' . ;•' • ;-�;. 'r'�.
<br /> ` '"'� � ' ' instTUment. Borrower shall pay the pm�uiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If. far any reasoa. the • � •��
<br /> tu � •
<br /> �� I�•.• " � `'�``� mo» e insurnnce covera e r uirect b- Lender la ses or ceases to be in eFfect. Borrower�shrilf a the temiums ired to ''•-••�7'•��',�k�;��` '
<br /> S�8 � e9 i P P Y � � :��'�;+���,j
<br /> • �* �;t'::_�;. `:•::::;,,..��;� abtain caverage substant�ally equivalent ta the mortgage insurance previously in effect. at a w5t substantiaify equivalent to the ' ���:_��'� - �
<br /> � ,r t�,.,, . = '''��'� � cost to Horrower of the mortgage insurance previausly in efFect. from an altemate mortgage iruumr apgr���by Lender. if '. �. '
<br /> "����`. � substantially equivalem crortgage insurance mvernge is not available. Barrower shall pay to Lender eactr inor�th a sum equal to `• '� ,
<br /> `-� � � orte-twelRh of the yeazly mortgage insumnce premium being paid by Borro�ver when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to ' , • • •�
<br /> '• �z ; � be in effect.Lender will accept.use and netain these payments as a lass reserve in lieu of mortgase insurance. Loss reserve �
<br /> �.;:`•�
<br /> :� I Form 3028 9/90
<br /> '. �i(. '1 Paqo 3 0�6 . - ..
<br /> ; i .
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