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<br /> : � �:� � � ,
<br /> �' �.- ` - :� �hai�es�H;.:�p3 acnd 5w����Q, b�g�i���ct a�Y�fa.� - . ; ��-
<br /> . ; . � �' • � ... .. � rr^. . � - - � . � � - ..-.u:1�-.maav.a�oaa.a,� • � - � � -
<br /> ,��:' . . . . " , . :-, _� '. � . � .._ - � .
<br /> `:: � - .. C.: ` t_T.� .
<br /> �-` aa 3oan��uiia�$ Ri4h rl;bt o�.�voral�ip, aud n.uE es t�nsn�-in�eama�on, �a l�llowiag.�eia�b�d�"xeaD;t .� - _
<br /> - A�P� iri .........:...........�.�....:..�::..-r.-�.....:��CoIInty,Neb:sska: -
<br /> :=°�'. . - . �'�� �°�'pa� of tl�e East Ha1� oY the Soutbtrest�i,�y!artes �E�) a�. ;.�: � . .
<br />_ _ � . .Seation TKeaty Yaur (24).� iu To�naship.�Ievea.(ll} Nortb.::8�• . ,
<br />-= � �:' � - Te�n �10), T�eSt of t,ha 6�Eh P.�1., �n �1a7.� Co}wt8, NebrasTrsp �4ra ' .
<br />- . - • � ga�c�ticurar7y desori�ed as �olAox�a 8egia�n8 a� a pola� 61Q
<br /> - - - =fcvt-sout,�-�_t,2�KQ�rEhs��t coansa�of the Sout��rest. �r�_�8�i$1' --__—� - -
<br /> ::. c . of eeid.Section TvBrity four t2A), �vnnln8 duo So�rtlt 1�0.6 YOet,� .. `
<br /> - thease runriing �est for a distaace of 8�.4 fest� running thenoe.
<br />- � � North for a distanQe aY 14�}.�feet� tAenae turning a s�ight.an,gls. ,
<br />_ .�: au� runaing due.East•�ara�el to t�he North ltne af sa3a beotioa.:
<br />_ � Tire��ty foua (24). Yor a dist�nce o� 81.5 Yeet to t,�e �lae� oY•
<br />_- • � -�iF.i�9?�`.. � ' '..
<br /> _� . �
<br /> .a
<br />_^� ,
<br />-�.�'�_ .. ti Z4ith 8� tC1i8m8Lt8, he7P8��8T1t8
<br /> ��� ��: �►���and to I�,�3d the �ve desuri'De��remis�a:�es
<br />_�;::�Fa�'�:�:� sad eppu�rGananeea t�tereY��.��baging unto the gra�teee aad��•t#eir su�na.or t� the heita and sssigns
<br />=�. - of t&e s�uvivor o£ Wem P�-�ea� . -.. �..� ". : ==_-
<br />�� Aad grantor doea:�?szby� e�saen�at wT�i°;�.� grant,aes aad wIth,�oa saet6us aad.wlih:tle��heire . ---_-
<br /> t��` and a�iBne of the earvlvor c,�;EhOm 1�$ra��or ie la�*�seised of said prem�iaes;that theg ata�rae&om -------
<br /> �" @IIBnuDDt�nC9 � —
<br /> �- n .: n.�. " ' . w `?`;;:-°
<br /> ��.p�'_;.z-�7Y. , ' . �.;:.tJ�.,;�__
<br /> � %�1�.3�` � ,-.t- . ' �` . '�`' -
<br /> .w ti;
<br /> -°:. •�� . -''1;� ''. t4tg,t�grantor has good ri�h�.sad lawfal enthority�'s�yuveg the earae;and tLaE 6'i'aator warranta and will ��fiJ,`i:
<br /> �- .;�,. �],��
<br /> �' '�.'�"iY�{ � 1'� . YGaend the tifla.t��raid pisamisea agaiust tite lawft�.�e3�4�it��ersons whumsoever. i ;s� �
<br /> t�_ .,"_.., i -
<br /> � �'`a.� � It is�#$ �-�entioa o4 all pastiea Lereto t� i�t�#i Pv-�i:of the.c�eath of either o4 tha grauteeR '� ;, *�-�_,
<br /> , � .. :��:'�'� f a t�s tio the real eatate shall cr� 4{: 5;
<br /> • ��' + "3 the entire ee si�� ���the aiirciving�tee. � ., a —
<br /> , � ;� . �_
<br /> -��:-�:`" ' �.��,� ` !•- � ,} —
<br /> ..••: . ,ay�, Dated 19 .� `..' � -
<br /> _ _____��..�. �' ' �Q _�ti ��
<br /> �:�:;� � µ��, � '� .
<br /> .. _ . ','`'. ........ .......4�v....�.,,....I,��.�o............... ......�.�.�iU.d.q .�'�`.......Q..-...�-�-� �� ,�, ,�_.
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<br /> � - o ...., ••��o;.� .. ,
<br /> . ' - '��°'Tn„„�Y�ora me,'a notnry pnbli�qnali�ed far eatd coun.tY: Aersonally eame � � • .
<br />�'=��' .';:5` '�:` .. Wqyne li. Cimpel end Ilaxine k. �impel. Husbaad �,
<br />�.V`� ti ' . � . .
<br /> _~4 � ����',ti� _.�....__ . �1L1 ��A� each in his and her oxn right and `��� � � �.
<br /> �'�`,,�;w:� �,�� as spouse oY the othes, . .
<br /> . ., � _
<br /> :,y�;:
<br /> ',:+.=::'�-- - . - �ozvn to me to be the identical Qerson or persons wHo eigned the 4oregoing instrament and ackaowledged
<br /> - •i.°�� , the�eeution thereo!to be 1�3�,her or Eheir volnntary �and deea.
<br /> ` � _`� ' .
<br /> �. ,°' Wit�ne�my�ad and aotarlul eeai on.....m`��....»..... ....�....�., 19 y�.
<br /> ��`' { �-:.. � �� . ..............��...�.».. ...r...Notarg Pnb13e ..
<br /> ::. � ,.
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<br /> -�. °'7�' _ � . . . _. 1�; $ammiss[oa saD�r�...�%Q�..+�......,m.,,„,,, 19«i ........ t�_.-_ --
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