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<br /> ', , �t'1!E�o�t�l.et� � '°� . = -�� ��� � ,.`°. , � . _ , . .: �t• z ,
<br /> — --� �---- . -I�th��ov�_�f a to�at talntng_of tbp PY+c►geity_.t�►p._f�roet�.shall,bo.ap��i�il_m:ti��rria s�cusied.��r thie Se�tt�r _ q -
<br /> � �:das�euauen-i,w� �or ao!lhh�n dub:wtt1l��SreRCts��BTtiT�Ha�n��:iir.tf[�p . - -- �� � �'_
<br /> � �vhbch tHe E1►ir m�st v,atue Qf t�a Piopesiy imtn�din�ejy 6cfoce tha takirl$,fs�eQua!to ar�i�ter tfia��ia am�unt af, �.;. �..• .
<br /> � " � secuc'�Q by th{s;Saa�ritq Lrswnient imm b�foie the u�3dng.w�esa Hormwer ead Lwcder mtiami�egc�e In wrtdng,�.`� . -
<br /> � " tae sums secui�d 6y t�tia�xciuity IASts�mG�l Eie tedtioed by.the:amount of ttie pmcxeQs atultIpllciS"Dy'�e fAllaRit�� ' ;�;. .
<br /> fraedori: ta)ttte toti�amaun�pf Ne s�ms se�iatm 6efo�tita taking;Qivis�ad Dy @?tho fsir mazk+etua3luc Ys�t6e •�
<br /> �a�y 1
<br /> ` .Ptaperty imm�liately before the mklag. Aay bala�oe shall be paiG.to Homawer. In tfle cvem of a g�tiul t�i�ig of tEro � � . -
<br /> �.:_.
<br />---. ---- : ptoPertY in wt�.dc8 tt�e fa'v mactcet value of the Pbperty Immediately!befora tha uckin8 is tess than 4he act�otint a�r tT�e sttais ` _
<br /> - .- -- ---.�iscm�.tiaisly��f�_tli�_ta�ing._unkss BomQ�ve��_R,e_ad?�_flthe�rLse_agree in v_r.ritll�or utl�ass aPP�icabYe taw ''
<br /> _ �_--- --------- �
<br /> _ �thera►ise provides.tite Qiaceeds shali be applled m the swns sesur�Dy this 8ecurtty Insuuuieat�whetfier or aat the s�ttm�are -` �-_ ___. _ _.__
<br /> — If tQte Pcogerty is ebaadoned hy Hoaower.ar if,eRer notioe.�y Leader to Bomrner that th�oQndemnnr offcta to.mu�se . . _
<br /> - — ' an aa+ar+d or seute a cl�im for damages.Borrawer fa�s to�sgoad ta tander within 34 daya eRer the date the notice ia g�ven,
<br /> Lx.a�sr is airtR�eud ta oaltece aad aAP1Y�PI'aceeds.�its apuon,eithe�r to restmgtioa or�epai�af the Pcopeny�r to the '.
<br /> — sums sesuied�y t�iis-S�cu�t Ins�nuueut,whether or aot thea due.. - . , ,
<br />- : .UoI�Leader sn3 Batrowa otkerwise agiee in wr�iqg,aaY$PP��en of praceeds tQ princip�l st�sll aot extend or
<br /> — p�xa'i_t�edue date af tke montLly payment4�ferred w in paragrap�s 1 aad 2 or chauge the aaiount of sasl�payrAents. � � `
<br /> �- .€�.:��iony3w�t'..AIat Reteased; For6esre�aee-� Leader:NaL a Ws�veri F�ctensioa of the time far payanent or
<br /> . mo '�'a,eaito�of amart�ian of d►e sums secuce��y�•�Yais 3ecuaty►Instrument graated by Lender W any suceessor in uttesest
<br />- oT Bra�ti�ver shaU'nat ope�ate m tetesse the liab�ity'of ttte original Bon»wer or Bamower&s�ooessms in intecrsl.Lender _
<br /> - -- . shall��r'be requiced m commenve�rooeed�n8s eg�se any sneoessor in intec+est or cefuse to excend time for pay�nent or
<br /> --`_'� otherwise modify aa�an o��sums seceu�d by this Securicy Incr.��,�nt by reason of any dera3rtd made by the original
<br /> —�-'_'•_�S�Zt�I �
<br />���—�-- Bomower or Borrocc�successots,�intete� A�y forbeatanoe by l.en@er in�xercising aay righc ar�dy shall not be a
<br />�a;y°=_- ._r N. :�:. ` :. waiver of or precI����xenise��any right as re�acdy. .
<br /> -:--_--.�.� 1L �uace�s�A�$buuts,doit��aii Several LiabUIty;Cn�fgne�s. 7i�e covenants en�f ag�emeats af�is . . �
<br /> =�A-� ••^��: �� , `� 5ectaiqt Ins�:�bind andd�ec►efit the�snucesso�s and a�of Lender and Boimwer.subjecx�tu�ef�prov3sfo�of � - - ---T
<br /> €-�}• l9, Bo. Wet�covena�'•and erits sbaU 6�"m►nt and several.An Bomower who casf thls Secur+ty
<br /> t� N�k"�x< ... mP ... � ! Y ��• —
<br /> �:�;.� In�.t�doesvmt e�ecute the Note: (a)is cw�sig�ng tPiEs�urity Instrument onty to mortgdg�grani attd convey daai . .
<br /> Bo��s i�-��c�ca 3he Aroperty under the tezsias of dus Spxt�iiy Insaumeu� (b)is not persoaally oblig�ted noc pay d�e sams �
<br /> ` -, . seciue��}e.'i�S�L�swment;and(c)a�es�eat t�enQet and any other Borrower may agree to e�tenQ:mnd3fY.f�� __
<br /> or ma!��.a-�y'�ans wt�� to�e:tetals,o�'this Security Insttument or the Note widaa^ue�thDEiBo�ower's . — - -
<br /> :, ...''•�:';�''s,i; , cons�� ' ._ :. .,. , . .,. . . .�. - . , _ __-- .�:
<br /> - � bec�i�:�.,��� '-: �..���If tEce[v�secured by this 5:.���nswment is subject to a taw which sets m�xhnum iaan . . _
<br /> �+ �.�wr��;!`3�},;t eharges.aud�x fi.a�;��aalty intt�preted so that tE�e irwteresc oc other toan charges collected ar to be coltectec3 rmcarucecaon
<br /> .�� ,.,�L:.<_ �� with the Ioan exa�i�e pem�itted limits,then: Ea}any sucli ioan chazge shall be redaced by the amount necessar�*.W i+educe
<br /> � +���:'-?`-"•':� the chazge to the p�xsittedlimit;and(b)any sums aheady collecred fmm Bonower whlch exeeeded permtu�d 9idr}t3 wi11 be
<br /> y��'��* � � t�efunded to Banowec Lender may choose to mtilce this cefund by reducing the prineipa!owed under the Note oa bgnmaldng a
<br /> � :.�•;`�';� i:?�t��
<br /> • �. '��-..' dimct payment to Bormwer. If a tefiutd teduces principal.tho reductton will be treated es a Qarttal prepaymeict.v+it�out any
<br /> ' ,�-+�.`y� �-"�i � pnepayment charge under the Note. �
<br /> �` .-`-���"'�-`"� 14. IVottres. Any nottce to 8orrower provided for in this Security Insdument sh�ll be givert br deli�reri��it or by
<br /> - -`'^-.��-r,''�'��.' maUing ie by first class m�il untess appiicable!aw requires use of nnather method.7he notice shalt�e directed ta dh�Property
<br /> y;�`*`;`�'�'' Add�ss or an otAer addness Borrower desi tes b not��+e to Lender. M not(ce to L.endet shal!ba ��e� first ctass
<br /> � �` , � mail to Leadei�address stated herein or any oh er nddress Lender designutes by noNce to Bormwc�. Any nadi+:provided for
<br /> ' in thts Security Instrument shall be deemed to Aave been given to 8o�rowet or L.ender whon given aa pr�nvtded in thls -i'•.'_'�-- '
<br /> �•�� ' : , D�&�P� � �;_ �.
<br /> a
<br /> : 1S. Goveraing Lew;Severabfltty. This Security Instrumem sfiall be guvemcA by federal law a��the law of the '� �`=
<br /> � � . jurisdictton in whtch the Property is lacated. In the evertt that nny provision or cinuse of thio Secuttty t�.4trwnem or the Note .`��'''""? _-
<br /> • �� � conilicts with applleable law,such conflict shnll not affect other provisions of this Sctiurity Instnimeat or tt.k:Note which c�n '�r;��
<br /> ' _ .. . be given effect withovt the conflicting provision. 'Ib this end the provisions of this Security Instrument�end the Note are �. • ��.�'�'
<br /> � � ,. ,. declared to 6e severable. 1 ,. 3� _
<br /> ��' �" " ' 16. Boreowe�'s Copy.Borrower shall6e given one conformed copy of the Note and af this Security Instrume��
<br /> ��
<br /> ' - !?. 3k�nsfe�af tAe Prop=rty or a Beaeltcial lnteresl in RorMtiver. If all or nny pan�f�he Prt�rerty or any interest in —_� ==
<br />--� -- .—-- -- ;;.;-_.,.:
<br /> � �y ~ it is sold or transferned(or if a beneficial Interest in Hormwer is sotd or erun.r•fcrrcd and Horrowcr�s not a natural person) � • ,.
<br /> `�r�� - � • � without i.ender's prior written consent.L.ender may,at its optiort,reyuim immediate Pa}rment in ful�of aA sums secured by �'; :.s;:
<br /> �r . . � �
<br /> - , this Security Inswment. However.this option shall not beexercised by L.ender if exercise iw prohibited by federal law as of . , U . .�„�','.��'}�' .'
<br /> , t ' r'� the date of this Security Insm�ment. ,
<br /> ; .�.� • � `; ` If Lender exercises this option.Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. 1'h�notice shall provide a period of � ' i, :
<br /> ' ;, ;, �- � � not less Wan 30 days from the date t he rtotice is delivered or mailed within whicb Borrower must pay all sums secvred by this •. . . .
<br /> S- ,� � � . '' • Security Instrumen� If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior ro the eapiration of thiw periud. Lender may invoke any . .
<br /> � t+emedies pem�itted 2��r this Securiry lnstrument w+iihout further notice or demand on Borrower. •
<br /> �� � � � Ils� Borrawer's Right to Reinstate. Sf IIorrower meets certuin conditions, Borruwrr shall have the right to have . . �
<br /> �,� ' � . � - efiar�aer�n.nt of this Securiry Instrument disco�eunued ut any time prior to the earlier of: Ia)5 days lor such other period av �.
<br /> �:,.: . : �
<br /> }'t+� 5ingle Famiiy-•Fannta 44:sflydd[e 11tae I;NIFUR:�1 I1tiTRl:�lEtiT•-L'nifarm Co��rnanu 9l90 I/wXe 4 njApoReel
<br /> �..,
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