^st _=_<-�1.�_ �'.1s_.::
<br /> . . __, r
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<br /> �:-___'._:_f:2���..��.� -' '" ' . ' �� - 4 1 -- - -..
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<br />�M �� �. _ff.__ > - �.I ' - ZG_'y���-��ow� w+a---•�_���. ,�,� '_.-� -- .
<br /> �`i`:"_�r��c._' - . . _c- c _, _ . ,4'� � c -' _'a " ••4' . � - �-.. �".`�-� 'c=-t. '.�'�c-."'`"" _-
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<br /> - c . � . . . � . C:. .� . ' ` t . � �. ' - - `(i � ����1��'c . .
<br /> ` ` . . ' ' � . . . � � ` - . • .
<br /> � � 'iY34��R t'Y[C�i�alt�lmprov�menta Etaw�t"hCRaft�r ercct�d`on t�Ds�1��•ii��t E��as�mea�[as ��.�-�-:�
<br /> � : � +wd t�xtu,c�s aow o�ttercafler g�ot thctOm . AI�!�],lI1S�R1�itt9 911A�Iflflli3 6'�tit�A��i1 I!C C�E1Ytid�pY,.t�hi���rttv, . � � °e.
<br /> -:. ` u' "3's� .�Z�i����1+�.������..!��_�.n,:�..v`�-taai�i°�Ih�ii{�"_=,---..-=. '� . �'-=� -- — -
<br /> _ ` .� B�t�fiWBR COYB�V�`S tllat Ba�rtt�wer!s i��rfblly�c�ses�ot thc�at�te hcreDy�i►eeyed ux�[a�s td��igAt tQ�nt "` .
<br /> and ca�vey No aad t�t�e i��ty!s uaes�cunlberc�.o�c�pt for�n�m�c�s of recoM. �amo►vxs wer�nt�#nct - ,� _
<br /> _ � � � �m_�c��e�y,�e a�e t��se 1Ropcny►*Ha�a�i au ci�as��,n�xts.au5kce�o any�acu�rbraaos�►ot,r�sor�, �
<br /> ' � � 'igiiS 3$CURYTY YIVSTRt1R�NT eombfnss unUas�oave�►cs Po�aationtJ usC anA.aon-unif�em.�avsnaasa..with�< ,
<br /> _ — ` Ilautt�v�riadane by Jusisdt�lcn to corstitute a unifam�secanrity instn�m�nt rov�rea]Dro�rtY• � . '
<br /> __ � .
<br /> � �� UNIFORM COV81VAI3�I'S. BaROwct aad�.etsd�r cOV�an4 and ag:ee as foIIOwu: �• , � .
<br /> ' �o! aas!Lt�E'���i-oed J�n£�-C�sg�$��!e�t�a!!p�11g-i�a^}�wHen d±m the. _------
<br /> --�--—__ _- ----- - --�-#.�=
<br /> -- _
<br />- _ prtn�loYand Intetestan e debtevldeaceQ 6y the Note aadaqY��PaY�ene and tate ct�aigesdus uAder th�Note. _
<br /> kl�nds[or'ILaes aad Iasnrano�Subject to applicabtp law or m a wriat�a waiverby Len�ler;Bmrow6r e9tilt paK to
<br /> — L.ender an tRe day mo»thiY Paymeat�are due undes the Idote.aatil th�Note is paid in fWl,a sum t°�nds")tbr.(a)Ysai49.
<br /> en r ,
<br /> _ taxes aad e�sessmeata which may atmiu�PrloritY over tbis�uri Iost�umettt as n tien oa t�e Property.@?.Yearty IeateBbUi
<br />- payments or gro�md cents an tha PmP�Y, ��Y: (c)Y�Y�or propeny �e ymminn�s: td? Y�Y����
<br /> insutauce pmmiums.if aay: (e)Year1S►mortsaSe tnsurance p�eatiums.if anx ead(t?a�y sum9 payable by Boa�awra Lo• �
<br /> - Leader.ia acoordaaoe with the pmvistons of pasqg�pB B,in Ileu of the�ytt�t of mortgage insurattoe ptemiwns. Tbese .
<br /> - ' � items�re called"�cow Iteans." Leuder may,�any t�ne.eollect aad hold R�ads in an amount•not to exc�ed tha mnximum --
<br /> — ameunt a teader for u federalty:etated-mrntgage toan u�y require:for Bonowet's escrow.account uader-the fede�l IteaL
<br /> �srate S�e�at�taoed�ues Ast of IY14 as amended 8mn time m time.l2 U.S.C.§2601 et seq:("RESPA"),unless anoihsr
<br /> — —_ � law that applies to the Fiuids sets ate�er amouat. If so.Lender may.at any dm�coitea and�o2d Fhads ia an amountnatto , -
<br /> —�--�-= exceed tRe te�ser amouat. Lender may esamaEe the annount of P�uids due on ttse 6asis of cunent data aad re�sonabie�
<br /> � e�maYes of expendiUmes af funae Fscmw Items or ntde�a�ise ia asrnsdance with agplicahIe iaw. .
<br />�,�§�'��� 1Y�e l�nds shall be heid in an ins6tution whose depasits are insured by a federal agency�inswaaentality.ur ent[ty�.
<br /> _--__.�:� (iacbedio,�1.eader.if�er is sach an institutionJ or in any Fed�ral Home Loan Bank. Leader shall apply the Ftmds to pay. _
<br /> .�...� _
<br /> ---=--� . . the�Items. Lendsr may a�:�arge Bosmwer for haI ' aad Jying the 1iuo��;.annually an�3Yzm8 the escnow`.
<br /> �___.��—:.�� � ePP � T—
<br /> 8o�,�S�t'verIfjtiutg the ESCSOw.�e�+:twless�t ender p3ys Bofiawei iatetest OII tkC N�d.4 eud flpplfC8bI6 ISW pe�1�.�e. .;..,:
<br /> �:_'�`�`�— 1�•tb'.matce such a charge. 'f�si�ve�.L'e�eg jmay require Bortower to a on�dme c e fur a.r�iade
<br /> �� _ PdY �& P��t�;. .
<br />�;. , estate tax reponing secvice used Dy L�der ia:c�naeFtion wiW this toan.uu2ess applicable law pmvedes�ris� UNes��:": -;;��� ---
<br />�. .. , ag�r��eat is made or ap lisable law reqvires lntea�est to be paid.Leader shall not be requued•W pay Bot��rer aay in��ir� .-_ .::.::;,',
<br />�r �:..,�:, .�� '. aa the�nds. �oirower a�1.18nder may agree in evnting.however,t�at interest s�l b e pa�d on t he R�nds. E,e�er
<br /> � �-��i` - • . s h a�I l�:t o B o r m w e r,w i t h o u t c t�e.a n a a n u a l a c rn u n t i n g o f t d e E�n d s.s h o w i n g e c e d�s�s d d e b i t s m W e�t d s a�E t R e � .
<br /> w
<br />�a, ;�;� �;�:. p u r p a s e f o r w$i c 3 s w.�d e b i t.t��e:�h n d s w a s m a d e. 'IAe I�ads are pl e d$e c!as addiues��wi ry for all sums seLV�l by
<br /> �..St , 1z�� .�, - tdis SecuritY�_•, . .`:� . . ' '. .
<br /> ,t�. � �R''*F�����;:'�. • � � ��p����.i�,r���xceed the amounts pem�itted��e�15:a'�.dby a,pplicabie taw,L�r,r�r shaU a000nnt�to � .
<br /> �;::x k�- �`' !r.
<br /> ; �� �,��,,?��`: ' Basrower for the e�lFia�s�s�noe•_i�it�the req��iret��a� n e tasK �i€�tte a�onntc�f i�te Funds held --
<br /> k � ,�„r;� . .
<br /> ��. :�`i��::�r����` I.eadeRat any time is not snffci�t.r�o pay tl�e Esccaw Iteaas ec�.�.�y�so aot�y Bomuwec in writing,and.ia
<br /> ♦�i`��-�� �
<br /> ;..�1 �a:�'°�'tit:�: .,;, suc6 case Bomower shall pay m Lender the a�mount aecessrsgrt�a�.ake.�pshe deficien..^y.� Bomnwer shall malce up.tlte�
<br />- :.�;, ••;'.�..-:..,�. defitiency in no more than tweive monthly payffients.ai Leader's sole discre�em =
<br /> ,���,;_:: . ;� UPon pa�t in full of all sums secvred 6y this Secudty Instr�ment.i.ender shall prompdy refund to Bo�rower ac►Y _ � �
<br /> ;r;�_-:;�:.���' •>•,� I�ads held Dy Lender. If,under paragraph 21,I.cnder shall acquu+e or sell the Property.Lender,ptior to the soquisidan ar ___
<br /> ��;=�:�s^:,"�.:�;; '�.�*' sale of the Propecty.shall apply any Funds held by Lenderat the time of acquisition or sate as a credit agatnst the sums �_
<br /> .-; ' '. '- � " ,';.` secured by this Securiry It�swment -- '"����
<br /> � . � � � � 3. Apppcattoa of P�qment� Ualess appllcabie law pmvides othen�ise, all payments received by Lender under ������:���
<br /> . .. para�graDhs 1 aztd 2 shaq 6e applied:firs�ta any prepayment charges due under the Note;second to amounis payabte under �'�;__
<br /> . � ` � paragraph Z:third.to interest due;fourth.to pdncipal due;and last,to any late charges due under the Note. . � � °_:,__
<br />- - Q. Ctiaarges;Llens. Bormwer shall pay all ta�ces. assessments,ctuirgea, fines and impositIons amibutable to_the
<br /> �g t r --
<br /> ` � ` ' Property which may uttain priority over this Securiry lnstrument.and le�sehold.payments or ground rents,if any. Borrnwer ` ' �"�--�
<br /> ; :,-. � .
<br /> • � shaU pay Wese obllgations In the manner provided in paragrapb 2,or if not paid in�hat manner.Bomnwer shall pay them on . • ::�.::�
<br /> , � „ dme directly to the person owed payment. Bomower shall promptly fumish to Lender all noGces of amounu m be paid under ';�A��s:^-
<br /> � � - ttds paiagtaph. If Borrower matces these payments directly.Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender ceceipts evidencing . �_.
<br /> . : v':' .., the payments. '
<br /> -��� • 6orrower shall d c�is�har e an lien which has Qriurity over this Sccurity Inst:um.nt unless Bostawer.(a)a�mees . --�-�-�-����-
<br /> � � , � tn writing to the paym�the abtigagtion s�ured by the lien in a manner acceptable to L en der,(b)wntests in goo d fui l h t he `��`� � �
<br /> - ,;.:�.'i<' ' IIen by.or defends against enforce�►ent of the tien in.tegat praca3edings which in the Lender's opinion operato to prevent the , '� ����•..���
<br /> - •' �4' � '','•.�. enforoement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the iiea en agreement saqsfactory to Lender subordinaung dte lien , ��' �� .�
<br /> �- �� to this Secucity Instrumen� If Lender detertnines that any pact of the PtoPerty is subject to a Iten which may attain priority • . ,t" � •.
<br /> '�' . � over thia Security lnstrument,I.ender may give Somower a notIce iden[ifying she tien. Horrower shall satisfy the lien or taka �����,.
<br />� �� �.. " . � one or mo:e of the actions set fonh above within 10 days of the&ivIng of aotise. . • •. ' �:
<br /> ,. . S. Ha�ard or Proper4y II�surano� Borsower shall keep the im.pru��ents now eaisting or hec�eafter erected on the ��`�>��
<br /> Progerty inswed against tass by fire.hazards incluQed within dce tereR"extersQed coverage"and any other hazards.including �: ,.;;., �
<br /> `�t ' floods or tlooding,for which Lender requires insurance. 7lteis�as.aance shail be maintained in the amonnts and for the ```; ` ' �,��;
<br /> ,:��� . • ,,;''
<br /> ,� ,. Form 3028 9t30 (paRe 2 of6 page.r) ` :
<br /> �_,�� ' � . � ':t.�'¢
<br /> , - • , � c'1•
<br /> �`�• , . .,
<br /> ,' .
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