�c'�' .., �•"_'Sr�:'>',.tid : ' - ..-�_�� -_ -
<br /> . . ___� ^r—^ • �. ���-.
<br /> __ -��.�� . '��-�.' -I_ _ V. - __ .. _ -_ _ -_ --_-.
<br /> r. - ' . r,_ ..
<br /> ' �-t��`�.; ��i_� _- .. _ � :.5:- .�. '—_._' "_ _� � � t' F - — e - rc� s� F si _ _—�� ...__ .
<br /> �_. � _ c, . . ... _ _
<br /> —=�,i x�__ .y7s�.� _ r - . - � ' . . - � � � rt� . ♦ _ _` o ;"^ •�< f � F �,.
<br /> --- �`t - i .�� �� r� R� .
<br /> . � 4 C- `< .����� ' -
<br />- G �` .. i � .• �.. .. � + �' {
<br /> 't �t = '�_Qa,ymeam.,�s�a��uerrod`4o ist ��2:or a��nga 4Re aaiouac�of ew,�paymrtt�a. Any�cxcess°�iCOO�eda°p�ar��`� � `�,
<br /> . : :: '
<br /> - ----- --- - ��,,,•ti,*+raa�dcr.d m.nay�t.autat�ad�����-iBa�ot_a_�tbia _Srriwit�!I�euu�ca�sh�ba.�id t8�_eaeit�r_`.,..._
<br /> .T l � a�ftfedl�5rtto. . . , . - = - — . .
<br /> -srt , . �:
<br /> _ . , �.�:a� ��s►�,e��c�a,��a�►mvs�y . , '� ,�-� .
<br /> , � . 9.�Gtsain/IstoeAcx�eatt�ao[DebL� . . � � ,�� � � .� `
<br /> — � �(a}:,p�f�uit. t.e�et may.ear�Ft�s 3mit�bl'..regulst€o�issnr�by ttts Secretaty id�a cao�e�aYrn�4�ile�stit�. . ° .
<br /> V, . � t�eq,tura�edtaie ia ti�l�1'r alit�s stFaued By tt►Is Security�nstiutnent� t - .
<br /> — � . (�Boimwer����yr'ffallui$to�ay�t�il eny moathly►1P9Y���bY��Y�t�?� �.
<br /> - ` taaronthcdued�ofthea�xtcaom�YP��•� ' �' ~
<br /> . ,.. .
<br /> . ,., .
<br /> - -------------- -- -- =-.-�------_ �-Som►��,ver---�de- ---faut�-. by fa�ul�for a pet�ad of t�uty day_e.to pe_rfona sny otae�obSig�ans�ed in tNs. � _ _
<br /> -pet.
<br />-- (D)S�h Cr�di!App�+at�a1. t�endac sh�ll.if peratitted byagplk�ble taw and wtth ttie pmmr egpsa'+ra3 df88a. .,_ _
<br /> - �r�e imm�d;ate payqtent in ib11 of all tt�e sun►s socact!by tJ,Ea Ses�aaty Lasrtumeat iP. � . � . °, -
<br /> � �or part of tIIep�,�a bene�cial isteiest in�itmst owning e D or p a rt o f t he_P r o p e�t y,is s e l d a r �.� .
<br /> � �. �.othawis��ansfea�(otbet t�an Dy devise ordesaai�b3►@�c Hoaosver.�d � � � ` -` .
<br /> . (ii)'l�e Ptop�ty ia not oocu�ied by ihe pa�baser ar gtantee as h i s oi�e r princig a l i e s i d e n c a.�Q i c_p i u c�e s�s ` -
<br /> or gra�ttee does so ua�upy the Ptope�t�► 6ut tus ar•tter ccedii has not been�approved 'i�,eccoidan�- -
<br /> = arithiherequhements of theSeccetary. ' � '���. . .
<br /> � (e)No VPaWees iiF�mstaaoes oaan�that wnnld�'mic Le�der w�3�mmc�diate.paym�nt ia���SUt,I.ends� ,
<br />= does i�of s�t �y�ts.J.ender does aot araive its�gw��to su6�ue,nt events. �:�'>:: '
<br /> -- — . tl�j�tq��o�B�3p Se�+e�9• In manF ci��.t�.�aI�a�s`c�stzed bS►.tt��ryr will litnit I�udes�s .
<br />- riAhtg,ii�t�e case of paym�it defauits. co iet�au�irtt�ac�.ss paymeac in�Il���`r;�eclase:jf notp 'Iiits •
<br /> Se�irit}�tnsWa�at does rat a�horhe socelera{can or fo�cIas�ue if aot petm�ti�F$g cegutasiuns o�the S�ecr�e,tary.
<br /> , ;. ...:
<br /> - (e)Mortpg�Nat Insnresl. �omnwer ag�ees t�at shouid this Seatrity L^�t�i!the note sesaued thessby uot . _-
<br /> 6e ellg�'ble far iusiusuce nnder the Natianal Ho»sing Act withia ,:¢�.�$��,.: f�om thee:_, �'-
<br />- daLe hereof,Lender may,at its optioa end notwithsteadia��aYtWnS u►ParagtaPB'�t�.���i�PeY��;'�':`;� —
<br /> . ta�l'of all sums s�6i►.this Sec�uity Insuument A w�statement of any sa�d agent of d�Se�:>`:°. .- ---- - --
<br />_ dai�subs�tQ 8 Q:oIItA9 '•' from the daie hemof.d�s�mg W insure tbis Secu�ify
<br /> F Ynsaument mmis�e note secuned tttereby.sha21 be dcemed soaclusive praof of such ineligi'b�ity. Notwithsta�ing
<br /> the fa:egoia�this option may not he exe�ised by Lender when the o�vailatn'lity of insutaace is soIely dae w
<br /> _ Leader�fsiIure w remit a mortgage insuiance premiwn to the Seccetary. �
<br /> . +-` 10. Refnslntement Bormwer has e rigLt to be ieinstated if Lender has requued immer�at:e payiaent ia fnll besaase
<br /> • uf-Bp1rower�failu�to pay,an amount due nnder the•Note or this Security lnswmene. 'D'�•right ap�lIes even aRer
<br />- _"=.��'., ' faa�aciosme piocee�a�.a�instituted. 'Ib reinstsie the Sectuity Instnimet�.�8ormwer sha�,�nder u►.�Iump sum aU
<br />- ;`� saaounts�eqaired tabsi�BonPwer�s ac�unt cumeat fncluding,w the e�at�-aie obliga�a�s of��mdes tAis
<br /> s � � Svauity InstrumenR.faae�iastttn:costs aad t+easonable and customatyr suomeys'.£'�s,aad e��rol�it�m�cociated witb
<br /> - .� .�: ths forectosure pmceed�& ULwn.reinstatement b Bosrower,th�s�ec�uity Iasuumeat aa�i�a�bHgations tT�it sec�aes
<br /> r�b:-,�' sh�l��aaain ia effect as�f Lt�tder had aot�ui�e�immediate p��nt in fWl. However,L,e�r is not requised to t.
<br /> taro
<br />_ I. =�� • reinstazement iF (i)Leader has aocepted reuistateaaent after the uommencement of foreclo�u�e pmceedings�� �
<br /> ;�r• p , �,�. qeats immediately pr�g•the wmme�ement of a cument foreclosuie pmoeeding. (ii) r�einstatemeni,wIIl p�eclude
<br /> _ ..t�::,y. „ �� } ' fiss+eclosuie on diffe�+eat groutu�ia the fueue,or(iii)reinstatement will adveisely affect the priority of the lien cieated by
<br /> `YS����'�.� �,"A�' , . .
<br /> _ . ='�id�t .d'�'s`�.�"�i�-�- tb18SCCU1�ty tA9tfU1I1ClQ.
<br /> - �'�'��'�;='��`r`f;`�":-� 11. Han�ower 1Vot Relet�ed: ForDearaaoe bx l.ender Not a Watver. E�tension of the tJme vF paymaat us.
<br /> :f...;:+�:,. : -
<br /> - ` madificatiwn of amortizatfon nf the sums secumd by this Securiry Instrument g�anted by Lender to any successm in intes� ^-
<br /> . . g an
<br /> : � � � of•Borrower shal!not ogeraGe m release the Gability of the original Bmrower or Bormwer's�or In inte�est. l.eia&� :_:��_:
<br /> =t',� . -^`� shaB not be roc�uired tn camrrtance pmceedings against an�r sacoessor in interest or cefuse to eztend time for payment or'� I.x.• ::!°��'�`�-
<br /> ,�` , _ roc�
<br /> � ot�torwise m amatti.zaaaa of the sums secured by th�s Security Insaument by reason of any demaad made by the ,� M`
<br /> � ' ``t : o�p����gomow�ef or Bmmwer§successo�s in interesG Any forbea:ance by l.ender in exencising any right or�nedy shaU� 4�
<br /> �.r pt Rtl� ;: ' •"O""� _ � � ..:�
<br /> t • -.n�. naR be a waiver af or precluda tfla execcIse of any ri�t or remedy. .�:,� rt-
<br /> :-.r�, �: �:�.,;.. . .. .�:�
<br /> � ;�. 12. &aoee�ors ead Assigr�s Baund;Jotat and Several i.�bil�ty;Co,Sigaera 71ce c�-enants and agieements a�f
<br /> �+.- ' � �: :.'. � this Seauitq Iast�ument shaU.6ind artd benefit the successors and wsigns of Lender and Bomswer.subject to the pmvis�ac� ;i!,�. . '. �'��.`'�---
<br /> .i•.,`.',• .. � . '�s.:,.' ., nq. .
<br /> . � of P�h 9.b. Borrower's wveaants and agree:nents s6atl..�e joint and several. Any Barrower who co-sigas tfiis ���`'.°__
<br /> ...,,�:.. . • . - r,,;: -..� ,::. -
<br /> ���.•:,�� .. Secur�.cy fs�stn�ment�ui does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Secwiry lnsuument only to mom�a�. t and ,t... .�,:-_.�
<br /> n gran
<br /> - ,•,,; ,. •�'""�'-==--`" convey tYut 8orrowert�intcrest in the i'caperty vaderttte terms of this Security Inswmenr(b)ic not persoa�:oDli�ted tu -- _
<br /> �:�.i:.: �`, � � pay tf:e sums secured Gy this Securiry insuument:and(c)agrees that Lender and an�r ather Horrower may a;r�e to extend.�
<br /> _ - �� i• � modify,fafbear or make any accomtnodations with cegard to the terms of this Secunry Inswment or the Note without that .. .., • .• .
<br /> -.l :'�.�'�`'-:•� '" Bamnwerkconsent. `., r '
<br /> � ,;';,..:., • • . l�i Piot�ces. Any nouca to Boaower provided for in this Securiry inswment shall be given by deUvering it or by ,-� ' : : :*;
<br /> ''`�'��._,��, : mailin�it by fust class mail unless applicable law�eguires use of another method. 'flie notice shall be directed to the t�: . .
<br /> _°;:�-:`�` � - Ptopetty Addtpss or any othar address Barrower des�gnates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender s[rzil be given by '�„ •t. �'
<br /> � '<��''�• - first class mail to Lemder�s address stated herein or uny address L,cnder deslgnates by �osice to Borrower. My not�ce � •
<br /> `' ��':..< �= � - � prov�ded far in this Sectuiry Insvument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower ot L.ec�der when given av p�ovided ��`
<br /> `': ��,:_;` . - ° irt this parsgtaph. � � .
<br /> °��•` � • ld. iiovemie�Lew;SeveraDUity. 'Ihis Securiry lnstrument shall be govemed by Federal law cu►d the!aw of the .
<br /> .��� � junsdiction in which c�e Property is tocated. In the event that any provision os clause of this Security Ir�;uumettt or the
<br /> ��",'� ' �lote conflicts with ficabie law.such conflict st�t not affect other provesioa�of this Security Insu�a:�or ihe Note
<br /> . ��:i.;. . .
<br />- ' a�'�{:'�� � which can be given e��t without the contlicting pr�vision. Tb this end the��aci•�:�ns of this Security Pu.�.,*ument and the � '
<br /> _ `�� Note are declared to be severabte. .
<br /> �r"3��:�,� • •
<br /> `?' � � �'` ` , ��.� IS.Borro�ve�'s Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of this Securlty Instxv�rsent. '� ;
<br /> ��' �. �;���;' 16: As9ignment of Renis. Bamsa+er uncondidonally assig�s and uansfers to Lender alI r�a:rcnts and revenues of th+e . �
<br /> Property. Bomower authorizes Lender ar Lender�agents to coltect the rents and revenues and hereby directs each tenant of
<br /> ��. ' � � the Property to pay the rents to Lender or Lender's agents. Ho�vever,prior to l.ender�s notIce to Busmwer of Bmro�ver's �
<br /> ' � '� Areach of any covenant or ageement in the Seciuiry Instrument.BoROwer shaU coitect and receive all rents a�ravenues of .
<br /> _�,� � ' tlte Rvpc�ty as pustee far the ben�t of Lender and Borrower. 71tis assignmene of tents constitutes an absolute asslgnment
<br /> :y. � end not an assigmnent for additiostai securlty only. ,
<br /> .�r . � ; If Lender gives notice of b;exci�to Bonower. (a)all re::u received by Bairower shall Ae held by Borrower as uustee
<br /> for beaefit of Lender only.to be applied to the sums secured by the Security Instnunent;(b1 Lender ahall be endtle�i to
<br /> ' � colloct and receive aU of the rents of the Ptoperty.and(c)each tenant of the Property shap pay all rents dne and unpaid to .
<br /> � �; l.ender or Lender�agent on Lenderb written demand to the tennnt.
<br />- _ . .. Botrower has not eaecuted any prior assignment of the rents nnd has noe and will aot pedorm any act that woWd
<br /> � � prevent Lender from exercisin$its dghts under this Paragraph 16.
<br /> � � � " � Lender s6all nat be�eqnued to enter upon.take control of or maintain the Pt+npeny befare or after giving nodce of
<br /> , b�each to Bmrower. However�Leader or a judicially appointed receivee may,do so at ony time there is a breach. Any
<br /> . � , . applIcation of tents shall not cute or waive any defautt or invalidatc any other nght or remed�of Lcnder. This essigzment
<br /> of rents of the PMoptrty stiall tertninate when the debt secured by the Security insuument is pazd m full. �
<br /> , , ,� .
<br /> . �_;. _ t.._J�`_.'_ .
<br />—;�--_= �.��.��.� (puos3ojdprtgal —___•_=�_-_
<br /> -:� - ---
<br /> ' ,
<br /> ,��. .. . � �
<br /> �� _ . — ----- __ —
<br />