�-h. t^, . _ a.'Y°T . , , . , . ' ' --
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<br /> _. _ "� ', f"' : J , ___
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<br /> .��,r�` . . .r . . . _ .��� ���r Y' " ... . ... `- `_ _ �._.. ._ ' -..
<br /> ���: • _ . ' ( ' . � . _ . �
<br /> ='�` - �� � . � � : " � � Sj-=- �0743g
<br /> a � � . � � � � �
<br /> � :.TOfsEFHQt W1TH all ttx im�ovements now or Ixrafter erocted fln tbe property.attd all eav:ments.a�purtert�n�s.
<br /> `'_ i:� �xtures now Qr haeafter a of the All cepiacemcats and additfons shnil alsa be cavered 6y this Sec�m.y
<br /> ; �*.r
<br /> P�
<br /> = Ir��runenr. All of the faregoing is iefemed m in this Security�nsbvment as tAe"Ptopetty_,• -
<br /> _ : .B4RItOWER COVENAl�i1'S t1�at�osrower is tawfWly seised of the estate i�by ronvcyed and has the right to grant
<br /> = as�jx�mrcy the Praperiy atid ttrat the Ptupeny is naeacumlxt�ed:except for encumbra�xes vf recacd. Barrower wartnnis att�--
<br /> -- - ' w��ye{md generally the title to Me FroPerty against ari claims and demaads.subject to any encum6r.uices vf record. -
<br /> .—_ _�___.____.__.. _ ..__
<br /> -� , - ;�'FEi15 5EC[TRI�'y INsi'RUMENT combu�es uaifotm covenants for natiana3 nse at�d na�unifor�t coveQants wi ' �-p
<br /> _ tiq�jl2'�d v�iations by jurisdiction to cons6mEe a uniform security instrum�nt coveiing mat propeRy. -- - -
<br /> _ - -- :.�1�V�:pRly CpVENpN'i'S. goirovirer and Lender covenant aad agree as follows: when due ihe =-
<br /> �= . , l. Payme�t of Priaciptl and Intertsh Preps]ment aed Late Chuge.c Barrowu s6a1!pe{amptiY RaY ---_-
<br /> -ry4.� tpal of aad'mterest on tt�e deM evidecxxd by the Note�nd any prePaYment and tat�charges due nnder the Nate. �
<br />->�: - �Z.' �a�ds far�'a�tes s�d iASUrance. Snbject to applicable law or co a a+ritten waive�by l.ender,Bo�rower sirsil Pay to
<br /> a__
<br /> t,t��Cier on the day montldY.PaYments are due andet the Note.uritii the Note u paid in fuII.a sum C'F�nds"}far.(a)yeariY �_-��_
<br /> `_`�� �� t�gs,and assessments wbich may attain priority over tLis Secarity Insuumcnt as a tien on the Aoperty:!b)Yearly leaseho2d __ ;.:
<br /> - �`_- - pa�ents°r g�ovnd reqts on the Ptopercy. if any: (e) YeazIY I�aiatd os property insurance pn�nttuns: (d) yearly flood vY_ °���
<br /> ,. g�o � _.�.._.�:.:.•
<br /> u4�r�Ce Premicims,if any;(e)YearlY mangage ins�cran�e Premiums. if any:and(t?any sums payable by Bar�uwer to w:
<br />;,� ��' 1;�,�der.in accordance with the provisians of paiagaph 8,in tieu of the pay�nt of mortgage insurance premiums. These ;�:=•-_.
<br />:.;':�`';# it�(ns are calted"£scmw items�." Lender may,at any time.collect and hold Funds in an amouttt not to exceed the maximum - ;�: _- -
<br />'``='�� asryount a lender for a federalty related mrntgage loan may re4uire for Borrow�r's escrou account u�}der the federal Real K'"-• _ ' ��_.
<br /> ,::;•�.�:.:�--.-�--
<br /> �te Settlement Procedures Act of 19')4 as amended from Ume w time.12 U.S.C.§2601 et seq.("RFSPA'�,unless another F :-�.�i�:! '�-- _
<br /> - _ iriW thal applies w the I'vnds sets a lessdr amoun� If so.Lender may,at an}r time,coltect azid hold Fund£in an.�nouat not to -� '�`�
<br /> ; � ,�;�,•.. -
<br />_��,� ; ��_;� ... • ejt�eed•the tesser amuu�. E.�n r i e r.may esrimate t he amoun t o f F u n d s d u e o n t h e b a s i s o f a�n e n t d a t��a.�d r e�s onable ,_
<br /> _ e�tisnaus of oapenditu;es�f.�ue�w Items or otherwise in aceurdance with applicab2e law. ' � �:.,�r-
<br />� < .�' " :.- 71�e Fvnds shall.be.i�'�t+f a�'�n�su�on whose deposits aze insured b a federdl a en ,insaumental' or endt . ;=�-
<br /> Y S cY rtY, Y ..ii:s=
<br /> ' � r. PP Y Da3` :�``:-
<br /> �� , � 4utctuding Lender,,if L�is�2ss institu6onl.,F�n anY�deral Home Loan Bank.�Lender shal!a i the F u n d s to
<br /> - �yY� h tlje Escrow ttems. i�'+�er a�ay nbt charge Botrnwrr�for holding and apPlYing the Funds.annually analyzing tTie escrow .1"': . -�
<br /> .�,,.>,. ; �i ,�-
<br /> . "=f:;�: ; aF�ount,or verifyin�tfx�:,crow Items.anless L�der pays Bo:rower interest on the Fands and applicable law petmiu �
<br /> . . - �; t.�nder ta make suc#�as.aige. �FIaa+ever.Lende[:maY reqt,;*A.@cimwer to pay a one-time charge for an iadependent neal . y:_ ^
<br /> °''`'�, �,: �j e�tate tax reporting serv'_�ased try Lender in connection with tiris Ioan.unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless ar� _ r;, -. _
<br /> � { �'��°`�_•° �. ag�eemont is made ur a�'acable law requires inteiest to 6e paid.[xnder sha11 nat be required to pay Boaower any interest or ;-: : -
<br /> . _�;`�-•!" �� eatn"sngs on the Funds.�arrowcr and Lender may agree in writing.however,that interest sliall Ue paid on the Furtds. Lender .f: •.;
<br /> " shall give to Borrower wiihout charge.an annual accourting of the Funds.shawing cmdiu and debits ta Hte Funds and tl�e . " k:�
<br /> '� - � � purpose for which each debit ta the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as addirional securiry f�r aff�rns secwed by S.� % .�
<br /> � f'' :; ,�, t1�is Secuairy Jnswment. �''' '� . '- : '
<br /> Yi ,�; ' � a.,�. ,: e;.. , : ..
<br /> , ��:+��: If tis�Funds held by Lend�r ea�ed the amounts permirt�to be held by app1ic26I��-�+, Lender shall account ta .ti ,� .
<br /> � +. �,.:•_.,... ' �,.
<br /> ' .:� :::'T'a'� �'.�:' Horr+owar far the excess Funds irE�.u�ance with the requ�s of applicabte law. If tt�e�ount o€slie Funds hetd by ��'
<br /> . .�.... , ' �i %;3;r«.
<br /> `x�' �{ Fxnder at any time is rtat suKcie�t�n pay t6e E�crw Items when due,Lender may so nodfy Borrow�er in c�r�ting,and,in :•�; . s; ���,_�
<br /> " -' '�. ''� `' such case Borrower sEcat� pay to L.eader the au-,�ar_t rtecessary ta.make up the deficiency. Borrowef si��IF inake up the ,:., i.. .:--:_
<br /> ' • _ : �'S"i`it: � =
<br /> - - '� °•��'��.:i defeieney in no more than tweiCe cr.e-�thiy paymeats,at Lender:s sole discretion. �``-� - --�; _��.��. '
<br /> -��'.�----,:;�, .: -
<br /> _.�, .,s... ., .
<br /> � ,,,,, �• . Upen payment in fuli of aIt s�-�s secured by this Securh}Tr,strumen�LCnder shail prompdy refund to Borrower any
<br /> � •� �'� '�"'t� Funds h�Cd by Lender. If,under pa��aph 21,Lender shall acqufre or sell the PropeRy.Lender,prior to the acquisitiaa EI � :: - . _..
<br /> ',`f*;' ' '�' -p` sale af the Property,sh:.tt appSy any Funds held by Lender at che Gme of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums _ :�• • : .�_
<br /> „ $ecured by this Security(r.swment. f
<br /> '� 3. Applicatk►n of Payments. Unless applicable law pravides otherwise, aU payments received hg t.ender under � ' 'L� ''
<br /> � hs 1 and 2 shall be a hed:first,to an a ment chxr es due under ihe Note:second.to amaur:s�ayable undet ; ^ . ��:: ��
<br /> �,��.� ,'S, :''; QaraSraP PP� Y PreP Y S . - -
<br /> �:'
<br /> - - '.�'" .�i'..'.iFi��:y�f paragraph 2:third,to intere5t due:faarth,to principal due;and i��to any laie charges due ut►der ihe Note. E� .. -�,'c`:, .�., . --
<br /> -• = -�:�;e-�: 4. Chatges; Liens. Bonaa�shall pay ali[axes.asses.�r:ents, charges.fines asid inepositions attributable to the , -:
<br /> ;.�:;�.'.�� . �'�" '`
<br /> �'-����. ..., l;�:. Propercy which may attain priority over this Sec4rity Insuumecs�,an d lease ho l d paymenu or�ound rents,if an y. 8orrower , _
<br /> � ` ����• :, �,"; shalt pay thesc obli�ations in the manner provided in.�aragraph 2,ar if not paid in that man�er.Borrouet�all pay them on ,�: _
<br /> - � '" time directly to the perron owed paymen� Borrowcrsi1a11 pro.^.:ptly fumish tal..�eder all not:ces of arnu�ts cv be paid under ,
<br /> . ��JA" this paragraph. li Hoaower makes these payments dire�.Kly.6crrower shall premptty fumish to l.ender receipts evidencing �' � .
<br /> -€•.'• ', ` '" the pa}m�nu. � ' •
<br /> ,;a,_.; . :';�;
<br /> Ha;rowcr shali ptompHy discharge any lien wbich has priartty over ihis Security Instrurn�:t.-�t unless Hotrawer:(a)agrees �>��
<br /> ;� in writing ta the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Ler.�er.(b)contests in good faith the . . : .
<br /> ' -, : : lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien i�,legal praceedin�s which in the Lendcr t apinion opesate to prevent the
<br /> •� �; enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subardinating the lien
<br /> to this Securiry Instrumen� If l.ernfcr determines that any part�f thc Property is subject to a Iien which may attain priodty j,'
<br /> ^�� . {� over this Security lnstrument,Lertder may givc Hnrrawer a aotice identifying the lien. Borrov.er shall satisfy the lien or take ; . • ,
<br /> '�?° ;�. one ormore of the actions set fonh above.within 10 days of the�iving ef notice. �
<br /> • '� '� 5. Hazard or Propertq Insurance. 8orrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the i
<br /> •- ��. � �� - Praperty insured against loss by•fire,hazards included within the term"extcnded coverage"and any other hazatds,including � .
<br /> , ;�: tloods or llaoding,for which l.ertder requires insurance. This insurance tihall be maintair.ed in the atr�vunts and for the � .
<br /> �;�� f ,
<br /> ' . ' Fomt 302g 9l90 fpa.Ge 2 of b ps�e.tl i
<br /> < .•� .
<br />� �� � , • . .
<br /> _ �� - . � ' . ' ..
<br /> . . . 4" � � . . _ . .
<br /> �� . � � . � , .. . . .
<br /> ` ,
<br /> _ — ._— --___ _" ' � ' .__. .. . __ . — . . .
<br />. _" _ — _ ___ _ _ _ _ '_. —__'_"""__''_. _. .
<br /> . ..��... .._'_'— . . .. .. . . ' . �. .
<br /> ,' . ; .. .
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<br /> '� -- .– � -- � ' ' � .� , ' , ' ' . . .._..__. — � _ —_ __i— __ .
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