C .�1�� __ l �t ^-' ,l�,r+�a'�.f`S. . . - ._ . .. ..
<br /> _tl ����J. _— _ �...�ac��-"Sn"sc--.-tic -_ _ '_
<br /> . .
<br /> ..�v�� ` ' :4 ,i�� ""i---�4 4 ,yr°cr si u°�_ �'� ♦ �s_ ''°_`�, —_ __. __-
<br /> .�. �.v� '^`j� - �.. n.ei: .`( c` " , �� - _ _ - . .- =�C == _ _ - -
<br /> — � _t... .������ �Y ' ` � ..� t , � --
<br /> � . ' . • ,p, t . . „ .. . _ 0 r .� ` .��.ui•• ` `.C`O. . . Y �`2 . _.
<br /> — . `L,� { �t� ��ifs �5����1117�Ji.i-tW6Y►� `���.�Y�f__"�w�}[+4�����'�i�l� 611�M\���'�r!1 �l�/: .
<br /> '�t14�G4����E113EE�'�L�b��Il���5:�lCf13S�iC�tlV�t�11 t�1¢tC'!YY!°.EA��`C�ESl�`'�$�l.�' 11�,0�[��.+nM1i+�=� .
<br />— ��qoc�mr fS�ocli�;faE wl�Ai Lea�r za�ites insua�tx�e.'�.ita�ic�ab�t!3�e tn�iined`�Ct�e a��nd itx t�}.p�,= :� ',. ��:
<br /> — :���.;�e fn�itnan�e c�ttier gntitidits�the insut`eaee�nd�tE be`�e� Y : -- � - - - ---
<br /> s..� '
<br />= _ _ :�v�ic�,s�et�not ts���as�bty.ivitl�hel�: Ig Sarme�e��fi�is to ma�correr�ga dsscn'�ti��bpve, �r�asy,�t�'�," .
<br /> �iott;oD�in t�reiagsYu`p�otxt 1�r's e�gh4s in Hte�etsy f�t�oDerdst�oe witti g�?. � � � "� _�:� ,
<br />-- — ' : A�1��poi�cies aa�d`r�waEs shaIt�e�ecoegtahio t�I.ender an�:sLqli�inc�n�a s�tatc�tnottg�ge afau�..II,�iid��_�� _
<br /> � a�f�t Savc�e�igh�eo f�id r�e poti�ics snd ren�s.If t.eii�r rcq�res��ii+uwer sffi�[$p�y`�iva to[�xk!ptl�ipts�a�..;
<br />- _ �a[d��any4�re�ewal aotf�v.ia tha eveat of igss:�irow�e s�alt gipe prumpt not{oe to�e in�earrter aad t�tedec..
<br /> - --- -- .t�nd€�.�sat a�s t�'auf mf_toss if t�ut ma�€.ptpm�tty!�r Sonower.•--=-- ` - -- ' - � _ ._
<br /> s � � Unfess 1�ei�r and l6armHrtr otYserwisa a�ee in�writjng,ins�raxe pnooeeds sLalt 6o e$pl�to r�andoa or�{'r oY the .-
<br /> ;�tGpert�Q?�aiaSeQ.i�th�restbsatfod�or n�a�r is eeo�aluaally feasiDie as�i�c's sea�titg is aot les�ned.if t�e itsta�ar .
<br />-- `-c�pa�r Is mot�onom[p�y feasf�Ie or I�iPs seeurlty w�ul�f�tesseaed.dte tnsuta�F�occeds shatl tx+applitd�o tt�e�8
<br /> - . ='�ntt���Y this�Saxnit�lnstn�t. wh�ther or not tttsn due.wItlt any �tcss�paid to&tmawex.If Bonnwez a�anda�t�e
<br /> �,Fro�Ctyi.or dues�sot miswer within 34 c�j;s a�zeodor fraia Leader t6at tho insuraaee icaitiar�a.ffexad t�sdatr a�la�the�t•
<br />= - `Leddcr may wllECt tLe iusozanae pruceeds: i,eader may dse the pmcYads to m,pair or�estaie t�e Pmgerty ur to pay-stim�
<br /> �s�`ep mia se�urity:rn.u���.arh�thei o:Qot thsn Q�e.'Cae 3Q�Qay�Feriue will,aegtn wr�n rhe naac�is givt�.
<br /> : UNess Lsnder aud Bortu�et arti�etwlse agtee in wiiti�.an3+aP?�ian of proc+�ods to priudpat shall ieot extend ae ..
<br />= ,. .Pnst�oa�the due date of tit��atht3►T�Yp�s refcn+ei3 L�in paiagi�hs i and'2 or c�ange tl�.s�unt of die.g.�ymentsc if
<br /> _ ��tuder ps�tgca�h 2!the Property is r�quir�by�endgr.Botmwer's rlght to any insurarioa poliazs and pmce�eds trsWttng�&am
<br /> damage m the Praperiy giios t4 tt►e a�aqaisition shaU�ss to E.emder oo,tbe eatent of the sums seair�d 6y Uns Seetuity Iustrumant
<br /> '�Y Prcot to the aoquisition. -
<br /> ���`.�.. 6.Ekcupansy,l�e�va@on.Matnfeuaaoe Qad ProLectioa of t�e pt+operry;Bon+owe�'s Laaa A►ppti�tIon:Le�sehot�i.
<br />� Soir�uwei sbal!Qaupy.establW�.end nse tDe Pc�aty as Bormwei's prtnctpal c�esidenoe within sixty�days aRer the enecution of .
<br />�:-- --_-_-— tt�s�Crity InstmaQeat aad s�aU oo�tiaue tn accupy the Progerty as Borroa�r'��p:!r.�oa�o�atleasE ona.y�r.a�r._ . _— —
<br /> - ttle dase of oc�vpancy.unle�s I.erider othetwise ag�ee.a io wrifmg.arbich conscnt shall uot be unreawnabty withheld,or ttttless
<br /> eateemasing circumstanoes eaist �vhich ane 6Cyoad Boaower's ooauol. $ormwer shaft not destnoy, damaSe or impair me
<br /> - . L�m,vertY,allow tae Pm�ty to deterlorate.or aomadt waste oa tha Ihuperty.�Bormwer sliaall be in defauit if aay fotfeiwre
<br /> aclIdn or pmceeding.whether civU or rcimival.is begun that ia l.eader's g�d faith judgateat coutd resutt ia forfeitore�of 11t�
<br /> : Pco�t or otheiwise materially impair tl�e t�en�ceated 6y t�ia Security Instrument or Lende�'s sewrity interest.Bornavier may
<br /> ceue,3usL a defauit end ce::.�+P.�s pmvided in paiag�aph 18.�y cansing tbe astion or pmoeeding to 6e dismissed�k a=uling
<br /> � � r. ; � thac. �rr Lencier's good faith;�tion. Precludes forfeIture of dce Bormwer's iaterest in the Property or�aiater�al
<br /> , Y '.
<br /> iu�paimieat of t6e liea-�t�k�'�S�t�,[�strument or I.endePa secyritY intecest. Bormwer s6ati aLso be iir�defantt if
<br />- '" - Eomawer,during t�e ta�s�..�oapr�o�s,.�noaterially false or inacar�ate information or��to�(or failed�
<br /> ; to provida I cader w�r�y�fnformaBoa�i�connection wiW the laiu},evideaced by the Note;i�xinding.but�at limited
<br /> ��-` � . to.tepneseatatioa5 concerning�ver's oocupancy of the Penpeny as a priacipal resid�tce.If this Seauity Instruatent is o�a
<br /> ;- .�»��; leaseha2d. Borrower s6a11 comgly with all the provisions of the lease. If Bormwer aQquires fee titte to tha Property. the —
<br /> '���+�±+����=m taisehotd and tha fee dde shall not merge t�Wess Lendes agtees ta the merger in writing.
<br /> ,;_ ,
<br /> :��-":-, '�;.-," - 7.Pmtecttoa oiLender's ts iu t�e Pnn If Horrower fails to orm the oovenants and a
<br /> �PA i�Y• P� g�emems oonta�aed ia
<br /> - _ tAis.Secudty Inshument. or ther�e is a tegat proceeding that may significantiy af�'ea I.e�er's rlghts in the Prnperty(such as a
<br /> � ' pmoeeding In buakruptcy.pmbate,for coudemaation or forfeiture or to enforce laws ar i�uiations),then I.eader may do aad .,
<br /> �� •��:,:�, . pay for whatever is necessary tQ grotect the valae of the Property and Lender's hghts ia dte Prnperty. Leader's actions may ' �t�:�t=
<br /> t'��''� payiag any sums s�by a lien whlch has priority over this Sec�rity tit�t�turteal, a�pearing in aourt, payiag
<br /> �;,; �.��: �. ' include ��-__-.--
<br /> ; . ` , `� reasoaable attorneys'f�s au4eaxring on the Property to make repairs.Alt&a-�L.ender may takcectfea undcr thia parapapb �' � ."-=���=-___
<br />-, �,� "� ' � � 7.Lendet does aot F��e tc�da scs. �` _ -'�'.�-.�-
<br /> >1?:.:.:���`';:,:.�,, :.�� . .:�_a° _�_-
<br /> t`��.�4�,;}�t;, My amounu dis@�sjseii by Lender under [his paragraFP� 7 shalt beoo�.e additiarral debt of Borrower secured bp thia .?. - .�,�.
<br /> j3��` ,ah�°ti Securiry Instwaent. Unless Bo�rawer and Lender agc+ec to other[ern�s of payruent.these�►mounts shall bear intcrest from thB ��,���,
<br /> 'i ,�����-===_=� dat� of disburaement at the Note rate and shall be payable. with interest. i�pon riuii�irum Lcnder to Horrower teqttesting — �»r•�
<br /> �� �.:4�_:. �t;tie`1, .
<br /> -�'� Y�" a ment. � ' �
<br />__..: �h'<<i�la?��'��, P Y h ��=:
<br /> �.. �,,�`� . S.Mortgage Insurance.If l.ender requirod mortgage insurance as a cas,dition of making the loan secured by this Serurity � -�<
<br /> ��•
<br /> e. ���;+' �'•`JE.�:,t"s'.
<br /> g�;,,��. :� Instn�ment. Sorrower chall pay tlree premii�ms nequired to maintain the cr:cngage insurance in effe�t. If. for any rea5on, the ,�,;
<br /> �.:w�;�.•�,;�„. -
<br /> ��,�:�<� �nort$age insurance coverage requi�!by Lender lapses or ceases to bc in effect.Borrawer 5ha11 pay the premiums�eguired to �:� •
<br /> � �`� ^";'° oUtair�oove e substantiall un�w_nt to the mort a e insurance vsorts( �`'' `
<br /> rag y eq g g gre ' y in eft'ect.at a cost suDstantially equivalent to the ';:.rti:.��-, ;.,.y�,•,
<br /> ;_ � cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance�°e;iously in effect, frem an altemate martgage insurer appmved by Lender. lf "'�•� '`�°_"'
<br /> ,' •i. � ,i,. t .'v�:;�y'�'. .
<br /> � '. substantially equivalent mortgage insurance soverage is not available.Burmwer shali�y to Lender easfi month u sum equal to "t:..-; .
<br /> one�twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Baao�ver when the irrsurance wveroge lapsed or oeased to ;��i` '
<br /> �'��:�� be in effect.l.ender wip accept.a�e�..td retain these paymenu as a loss•reserve in ticu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve „.,
<br /> ,'.� �'�
<br /> t.. �;=���`y.:. , 'k;'.�;,,
<br /> E. , ',; � Fmm 3028 9190 `:', ,
<br /> • PapB 3 018 � - °'�i2L';_
<br /> i;T �' � ' , ��t��� ,�C.':.i�;��.
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