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<br /> � t� ;4L, _ �g . . �. . . , :a: i � ���.
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<br /> -�` ..• � � '. :'� "i. 3 �� , �c , : . ,-� . ` - •., ��'.. . .. - ... - .. . m .
<br /> — ` � 'te�k'�w Rusy.t�C3��`i� .�`` �baf�ta txY�e P�►�au�t to.s�rty�+618�` ' � '°' i�3M�- :
<br /> _ 4� :�� � �:'�t(b�atOrY'is€! fid�tafa�c�ttg!�?a 3ecu�t9 Hn��, �,c�a��� <�t c'�t �.`r
<br /> _ ` �a�+���,at�is wttirh t�tt�ti,�o-�ti�r t�r. �_Lir�.��2�iot��aiif n�. -- ha� - _
<br /> -_�..r. . �_ _ �,_�..�_. __ — expe � cp n s. ty; �
<br /> �� t�we�it�4�c#�edI�g��us�i�:&i�Qo�tw. .._ . �€tncs�qs.'�f��fQ�Ni�es�s�ch�as�E�detaasy.eraei�y`� .;�:
<br /> 4n
<br /> ` ,�e.q��+a�A.us��tt�c the�Si.of thi�lSeaui����fs t�tha�to�i3y ia!�ra�iva8�ti�tioupa t� i�e ;
<br /> � .ai�as`�'�► tbis Secsr4tY.��as�u�e��lt Font3tt�s.ivachingaA: :Ltpon�at`4►y.Htx�awr� ehS� • ,
<br /> � ' 7est�omae�.�uad't8e c►�tigut6as�t�1►eL�11�cmain�iiy eFf�re as i€na�pveler�al�al�voc�ired. �va+dvsr`, '�
<br /> • �t�iYttareiaaataeh9lTaotapptgrtn astef�ccela�atioattadet,�i7:. . � o . ; •- .; , .�:� �,�
<br /> � . .. �. , .
<br /> �at i�a�. �l�or� �t�t in tII�Ntste�
<br /> _ �.. iA 6�1e�of Note: . �w���►: �� , ,.
<br /> _ ��- ,_ �:-u"-����aY.t,e r,et���t��s_�t-t��—m�:_A`3s�tc t���ult�� �`tt�_:an�tY:�� .. _ .,;__ ..
<br /> - - - � (kav�wn as t�e°troaa Sesvi�r°3 that cutt�s�IY O�ts.�we under ti�e�Tox amdtWs Sxuotity.tnsu�-'t'Gera a�,so.: � . !-- -
<br /> :�,. uwy ba vmeor maxe ch��ss of rrr�E�Se�viotr�uicetau�W a�uic o4�s NotG'if tLei�a�s srt�ge+of tiis i.a�S�, �
<br /> � Ba�c+o�rer we11 be given w�€tteri aotica af t�cha�ge in gcco�ttca wItb para,�aph 14 abAVe t�rl applicabDe Iaw. The no��e� '�
<br /> - airisG�ts tbe aame ead address of the mw L�p zS,er!tat an�th�e addressto wRiieh payms�ts sDauId bemadQ'i�e cot�ce�wftl `_ .
<br /> — atsa onntaiu aay ot�r infc�atloa re�ire8 bY apDiicabia taw. .. :��.-
<br /> _ — • 20. Hat�udow SnDs�>BartoWer shaU not�ot petmit tLe presenc�use�,disposet.sto�,g0.or i+elea�e o�anj�' ��
<br /> - � � �azardotts Subsmnoes an or tn th�Stv�c�ty. �oaowtr shatl t[dt do. aor ellow anya�e2sa to da.anythul$effe�n8 the- �; :z:`.
<br /> Ropettsr that is in violaticQ of aay Fnviconmea�i Law 'ihe p=eceding two sentsnoes shsU ac�i a�3y to We p�esae�uset or .
<br /> _ sWrage aa�e Plropaty oY mmatl quaatides of Hazar�ans Subst9aoes tbat ate gene�lh►recagnizea ou br e�rmp�iate ta aoaimal ,
<br /> - �.sideuteal nses aad Lo maia�a�og the Fropertyr. � . ` .
<br />- Basmw�tahati Pmm�ty`�iye L,cnder tvtittqu aoticx mf auy invesdgati�r,claim.d�and,fawsuitor athst adbion by$ay
<br /> govemmae�iPAI-9��1��Y 88��Y�Pm�P�Y invoIving t�e Prapetty and an3r.}Iar�tdow Subsffiace or�tvaoameaml
<br /> ' Laar af.wk�ii�oaower t�as acwa! fcaow2edge. If Bomnwer leams,mr ia notifiod by any govemmeutal;.ot regulat�y � ..
<br /> ' awhatit)t:�t asS►�movnl or otII�r�eraediaHon oF any Ha�dous Substaaoe aff�ctIng th�e PropeKy is aecessary,Bam�erer ' � . .
<br /> �_ st�all pmm�dy.taYe aU neaes.aary temedial astions in ac�ardan.ce with F�vitonmental Iaw: •
<br />=3 M t�fit�2us garagrapb Z0.;�iazazdous Subsca�es°ace ttmse sub3tances defined as toxic arl�+dous subsmaces Dy, � �
<br /> = EnvImnmedtn�L�w�t-tue foltowjng su�anoes: gasol"ine.ic$msene::ot�r flammable or mxic pett�vleum producas.toxlc , .
<br />_= pestidd�and'tt�rbicides.volat�e solvenLa,materials coataimiag asbe.�`srr fo�dehyd�.end tadio�v�mBnerISls. AS • �
<br />- used la tbis pazagtaph 20."Fa►vitonmental Law"means fedezal laws and lativs of th��dipion where.ttte pio�ty.Is lacated
<br />_ � d�at telatw w�c,aid+.safciY otenvimmmeatal groteqion ' ,. •� _;, ' �, ' -
<br />--_ � NONdJ1V�ORM COVENANTS.Bomnwes aad l.ender fiutlter cawenaat ead agt��s follows: "� .
<br />� 2L Acaeteration.RemedIes LRader s0ap�ive nottoe to BorEUwer prEor c��ooeteration follo�vtn$8wre�awet's
<br />=n`. Dreac[t�!eny aavenant as eg�nt ia tf�i Seciuity tnstrumeat t6tct not prlo�to aaederati4�%t�dea P9ragrnPS 19
<br />--=;: pn/ess apyl�aDte tm�provldes otdernEse)7[hi e noitce ahaB��ecily: (a�lLe defautt;(b)the setf�R�l�tu enre tbe .
<br /> ddaull;(c)a dat�not tes�tbau 30 days fltim t6e date tlie nottoe Ls given to Borro�ver,Dy wfiliflr'L�e det�ntt awst�e
<br />- au�d;aad(d)tdat laitnre to cu�e the d�autt on or 6des+e tRe date speciftxrl tn the notise mAq resalt in a�cc��satlon oP
<br /> t�s secared by tlhis Se�rtty Iastrumeat aad sate cf the Propeity. TDe notiae sbaf!titet6er Inform�sar�wer of �
<br /> af!
<br /> yn� ����t to�einstate aiter aeceleratlon anQ tde dght to b�iug e canst adion to assert ttce aoa-ea�tence o�s�a�t or
<br />=_.;:�. �ay�n er def�m!Sosrower to accelerWfan sad sala It t6e d��tt b not avred on or Defort t�te date spe�fted tn .
<br />_`��:��' - ti�e�iut[oe,Len�r at hs option map requtre imaiediate payacea!in f�uil of all sumg secured Dy this�rity�rstr�!+++�++t .
<br />'���� �fi�ont tUrWer demand um!aeay tnvoice the power of sate and aqy uther remedi� permitte�ay apg�ft�ie Iaw
<br /> _ �der sdal!be entitted!a�i�st aU expenses incumed ta parsufng tIIe remedies pr+ovided tn tWs�S Zl,
<br /> - � E�tedtag,but not Itmtted ta�abie aimmeqs'fees and ca�ts of title evideace. �,- �
<br /> _ ' '' ' ' If the power of sale is invoked,71ra�c�st sAall record a notice ot default tn eac6 wunty iri��a��ast ot the —
<br />- �:� };; _ Property is Iocated and shall mai!coples c���h noHce in the marmer prescribed by appDicaDle[��8o Bais�wpr aad to �---
<br /> ���4�, �.��`•''`� — _
<br /> �:�;�:;,.:.�;,. ' : . td�e othe�persons prescribed by appUcabte ffaw ARer ttie time required DY sPPlicabte taw,71r�stee sf�g�ve puDfIc �__.�_-_—.
<br /> ,����+_�,`.., : Ra�se of eate to tde persons aad in t5e manner psescrIbed by applicabte Iaw 7�ustee,without demand oa I�aeower, ����_._
<br /> , �,�,x ; � ��et!the Pcoperty at publlc auctton to the b�g6est kr�'der at the time and place and unde�tde teRnv desF.�ied in 4•L,�
<br /> � t�r:�ce of sale in one or more parcets and in a+�y o►�ec-'l�ustee determtaea 71�ustee may postpoae sa[e oY�or any �K -�.-
<br /> `�'=. • ���� �n ep� u��h�asye the P�ro�p r t y at anceme1e at thg�ie sad p►ace�mt aay prevIously scheduted sak. iRndee ar its �; �_--
<br /> v�; -.`�+:�:' ,
<br /> �1' :_; •:�. � �� Upon rpceipt oi paymeat of the prfce btd,'i1�u�sda�l deliver t�the purc[taser 7FusteE's deed rnnvey[ng tQte :
<br /> . ''�=�' ff��peeiy. The recilaL,►ia t5s'�ustec'��Ieeil sLaii be p,-�a�acte ev@deare oY ttie tr�t�o�ibe DWi�ueais u�ad��herein. ,n tl �,�--
<br /> •'��-.��'•�:�E';;:� "���'� Ts►�tee ahall apply�the pra�aeds oY tQe sale in the foRowing order. (a)to all rnsts ace�expenses of exerctsing th�power :':.�4����ti��F -
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