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99 109936 <br /> 2Q 8ECURITY INTEREST UNDER THE UNIFORM COMIIAERCIAL CODE. This Deed of Trust shall be considered and be effeallve aa a flnandng <br /> staternent and s flnture tiUng pusuant to the provistons of the Unlfortn Commerc,ial Code (as adop�ed in the state where the real propsAy is located) <br /> �ve�1�Bxtures,d�atlels,and artidea ofpersonal properry now owned or hereafter attadied to or to be used in oonneqion with the Propsrty togsth�r with <br /> any and all replaoert�ents ihereof and additions thereto(the"Chattels"),end Grantor hereby granta Lender a secu►ity imereat in such ChatlNs. TtM d�blor b <br /> the G�aMor deacribed el�ve. This Deed of Trust witl be effective as a flnandng statement flied as a flxture filing with respec�to aq 8xtures incNxNd within <br /> aeid prsrt�iaea and ia to be flled for reoord in the real estate reoords of each courrty where any part of safd premises(induding seid flxt�es)is siluated. 7his <br /> Deed of Truat ahaM also be effect(ve as a flnancing statement oove�ing any other premises and may be Bled in any other appropriats 1Nh�g or reoobrq <br /> oHke. A carbon,photoprapMc or other reproduction of this Deed of Trust or of arry flnandng statement relating to thia Dead of trust stiep bs wffld�M as a <br /> Bnandng staten�ent(or any of the purposes referred to in this Paragraph. The secured party is the Lender deacribed above. Upon demand,CiraMOr ehaM <br /> rt�eke,exearte and deNver such security agreemer»s (as such term is defined in said Uniform Commeroial Code) as Lender atany time msy dNm <br /> neoessary a proper or required to gram to Lender a perfected security irnerest in the Chattels,and upon Grarrtor's tailure to do ao,Lender is aulhorized to <br /> aipn any auch as the agent of Grantor. Grarnor hereby authorizes Lender to file flnandng state�nents(as such term is deMed in sdd Uniform <br /> Conmercial�respect to the Chattels,at any time,without the signature of Grarnor. Grarnor will,however,atar�y Urt�e upon rsqwsl of L.Kids►. <br /> sign wch ftnar�g statemeMs. Q►antor witl pay all filing fees for the filing of such finanang statemerrts and for the reftAng d�ereof at ihs tim�s��ksd,tn <br /> the opkifon of Lender,by aaid Unifortn Comnerdal Code. If the lien of this Deed of Trust be subject to any security a�eement covering ths Chattels,thsn <br /> in the e�vent of any detault unde►this Deed of Trust,all the right,title and irrierest of Grarrtor in and to any and afl of the Chattels is heroby as:igned to <br /> Lender,topether wNh the beneflt of any deposits or payments now or hereatter made thereof by Gramor or the predeoes�ors or auoosseas in NtM of <br /> (3►amor In the Property. <br /> Z1. REIAA9UR8E�AENT OF AlIAOUNTS EXPENDED BY LENDER. Lender,at Lender's option,mey expend furxis((nduding attomeys'feas and kpal <br /> expemss)to perfam any ad requlred to be taken by Grantor or to exerdse any rigM or remedy o(Lender under thfa Deed of Trust. Upon derrrend,Qrantor <br /> sheN inrnedately reimburse Lender for all such arnourrts expended by Lender together with interest thereon at the lower o(the highest rate de:albed in any <br /> ObNpaHon or the highest rete allower�y Iaw trom the date of payme►d uMil the date of reimbursement. These sums shall be k�cluded�the deflnitfon of <br /> obNpe�ons herein and shaN be secured by ihe benefldal iMerest�rrt ed herein. If the Obligations are paid aiter the beginning of pudicatfon o(notice ot <br /> aale,as hereln ptovkied,or In the event Lender fts sole optlon,pemit Grarrior to PaY�Y P�of the Obt bns after the begirndng of publk,ation� <br /> ratke of sak.aa herein provided.then,Grantor shall pay on demand all e�cpenses incurred by the Trustee and in ooru�epion with ssid pu6lkstion. <br /> indudng reasonabls altomeya'(ees to the attomeys for the Trustee and for the Lender,and a reasonable fee to the Tn�stee,and this Deed of Tnut shaq be <br /> aeqxity for ap wd�expenses end fees. <br /> 2Z APPLICATION OF PAYMENTS. The Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the trustee's sale,Brst,to the costs and expenaes of exaroi the power of <br /> s�e and�1he eals,�ng the yment of the Trustee's fees actually incurred not to exceed the amouM which may be provided for in ths of Trust, <br /> seoond,to paymerri of the obli�secured by the Deed of Trust,third,to the payment of junior deeds of trust,mortg�es a other Nsnhold�n,and the <br /> �anoe,n�r,a�ne�rson a persons�y ernnied�nereto. <br /> 23. PO�WER OF ATTORNEY. Grantor herebyappoirrts Lender as its ariomey-in-fact to endorse Grantor's nert�e on aA inatn�ments and e�t�doauneMa <br /> �to the Oblfgallons or Deed of Trust. In ad�itlon, Lender shall be entitled, but notrequired,toperform arry acUon or execute doaunent <br /> o be taken or exeaited by(3rentor under this Deed of Trust. Lender'spertom�ence of such action or execution of wch doax aMS shaN not <br /> reNeve C3►antor Irom any Obligation or wre any defauft under this Deed of Trust. AIt pwe�s of attomey deaaibed in this Deed of Tn�st are ooupisd wflh an <br /> intereat and are krevocable. <br /> 24. SUBROGATION OF LENDER. Lender shall be subrogated to the �ights of the holder of any prevbua I(en, security imeresl a enaxnbrar�os <br /> dscharged wilh fiuide advanoed by Lender regardless of whether these liens,security irrterests or other encumbrances have been relsa�ed of rsoord. <br /> Z6. COLLECTION COSTS. To the ex1eMp��ed�y law,arantor agrees to pay Lender's reasonable fees and oosts,indudi�g,but r�l Nrtitsd to,fws <br /> and costs of attomeys and other�ents (fnduding whhout limitation paralegals, derks and consultants), whether or mt s�x;h attornsy ora�M is an <br /> e�m�t�ender,which are k�cuRed by Lender in colieding any arnourn due or enfordng any ris�M or remedy under this Deed of Trust,whet?�a not <br /> aW11s .induding,hut not Nmited to,all fees and costs incurred on appeai,in banlvuptcy.and ior post-judpment oollecUon actions. <br /> Z6. PARTIAL RELEA8E. Lender may release its irnerest in a portion of the Property by executing and recor�ng one or rtare Panld Oeeds of <br /> Recarveyancs wilhoul aHectMg fla kiterest in the rert�eining porlion of the Properly. Nothing herein shall be deemed to obli�ate Lsnder to rekaas arry of ita <br /> interest�the Prope�y(except aa required under Parapraph 38 or as may be othervvise required by law),nor shall LenderT�e ob�ated to release any part <br /> of the Property N G _raMa la in default urxier this Deed o-f 1'rust. The lien and security irnerest created by the Deed of Trust rert�ein in eifed with►e�et� <br /> that pqifon of the propsAy,as deflned in the Deed of Trust,that is not the subject of tFiis or any Partial Deed of Reoonveyance <br /> 27. MOOIFICATION AND WAIVER. The modiflcation or waiver of any of Grantors Obligations or Lenders ripMs under Ws Deed ot Truat mnt bs <br /> oorrteinsd in a writing alpned by Lender. Lender may perform any of BoROwer's or Grantor's Obligetions,delay or fail to exerdaea�►o�f fts rlpMs ot aoospl <br /> PaY�as trom GraMor or anyone other than Grantor without causing a walver of those Ob{igations ar�is7hts. A waiver on one occa:lon�hall not oonsHluts <br /> a waive�on amr other oocasion. Grarnor's Obligations under this Deed of Tnist shall not be affected iflender amenda, aes,ex �g�s teUs to <br /> exerdas,knpei►s or releaaes arry of the Obligations belonging to any Grarnor,Borrower or third party or any of iis rigMs a�any(3raM�i��Bonower ot <br /> tld►d party or eny of the Ptoperty. Lender's failure to insist upon strict perfortr�anoe of any of the Obbgations shall not be deerr�ed a waiver and Lend�►shaN <br /> have ths ripM at any dme thereatter to insist upon striq perfomienoe. <br /> 2d.. 8UB8T1ME TRUSTEE;TRUSTEE UABIUTY;COMPENSATION. In case of the death,inabilily,re(usal to act a absence of Uw Trushs(rom 1he <br /> stats wFis►e the real property is located or In caae the holder of the Obligatlons shall desire for any reason to rertqve the Trustee or arry eubqhute trustes as <br /> truatee hsreiu�der and to appoir�t a new trustee in his place and stead,the hoider of the Obflgations is hereby granted tuU power to appoiM in writirp a <br /> substilute tn�stee(or said Trustee,and the aubstitute trustee shall,when appoirned,beoome suocessor to all rigMs of Trustee heraunder and ths�ams:heU <br /> beooms vested in him for the purposes and objects of tMs Deed of Trust with all the power,duties and oblfgations herein oonferred on ihe Trustse. Trustee <br /> shaq not be bable for any error of or act done by Trustee, or be othe►wise responsible or aocouMable under any dreurtntanoes whattoever. <br /> Trustee shaN not be personally in case of errtry by ft or anyone acting by virtue of the p�wers hereingrarned h upo�the Deed of Tru:t for debts <br /> conhaqed or Ilabiliry ora�es incurred tn the managemeM or operatbn of said prerttises. Trustee shall have ther�p�t�� any instrument. <br /> docume�t or aignature ng or supportfng any action taken orpropo sed to be taken by N hereunder or believed byit fn faith to begsnuine. <br /> Trustee shap be entitled to reimbursemerrt fot expenses incuRed by it in ihe performence of fts duties hereunder and to reaao oompenaation for wch <br /> of its eervices hereunder as shall be rendered. �rantor will,from time to time,pay compensation due Trustee hereunder and reimburse Trustee for and <br /> save and hdd R hamiess hom and agalnst any and all loss,cost,liabiliry.damage and e�cpense whatsoever incumad by ft in ihe performance of its duties. <br /> AN rnone�rs►eoeived by Tnistee shall,urrtil used or applied as herein provided,be held in trust for thepurposes for wMch they were received,bul need not <br /> �sen�eget��M�y�from any other moneys(except to tfie extent required by law)and Trustee shall be under no liability for interest on eny <br /> it <br /> 29. SUCCESSOR8 AND ASSIGNS. This Deed of Trust shall be binding upon and fnure to the benefit of Grantor and Lender and thek reapedfve <br /> suooessors,assigns,Wstees,►eoeivers,administrators,personal represerrtatives,legatees and devisees. <br /> 90. NOTICES. Excepl as otherwise required by Iaw,any notice or other communicatio�to be provided under this Deed o(Trust shaN be in writinp and aenl <br /> to the perdea at tite addreases described in lhis Deed of Trust or such other address as the parties ma designate in writing irom time to tims. Any weh <br /> noUoe so given and sern by Nrst dass mail,postage prepaid,shall be deemed given the earlier of three r3)days atter such notice is aent a wNen raoahred <br /> by ihe peraon to whom auch notice is being given. <br /> 91. SEVERABIUTY. Whenever possible,each provision of this Deed of Trust shall be interpreted so as to be effedive and vaUd under appicabie state <br /> law. If any proviaion of ihis Deed of Trust violates the law or is unenforceable,ihe rest of the Deed of Trust shall oontinue to be valid and enforceable. <br /> 92 APPLICABLE LAW. This Deed of Trust shall be govemed by the laws of the state where the real property is located. UMeaa applicabls law providss <br /> oAF�erwiss,C�rentor aoneents to the ju�isdictfot�and venue of any court selected by Lender,in fts sole discretion,bcated in ihat state. <br /> 33. I�SCELLANEOU8. Ciramor and Lender agree that time is of the essence. Grantor waives preserrtment,demend for paymem,notice of dshonor and <br /> protest exc�asr�quired by law. All references to Grantor in this Deed of Trust shall indude allpersons signing below. If there fs rnore than ane(3rar►tor, <br /> their Obligat(o�s sheA be p' �end several. This Deed of Trust represents the complete irrtegrated understand�ng between Grantor and Lender pertaining to <br /> the tem�s and conditiona i�ereof. <br /> 34. NO THIRO PARTY RIGHTS. No person is or shall be a third party beneficiary of anypro vision of this Deed of Trust. All provisions of thi:Deed of <br /> Trust in favor of Lender are intended solely for the beneflt of Lender,and no thirdparty shall be ernitled to assume or exped that Lender wUl not waive or <br /> oonsent to the modiflcalion of any provision of this Deed of Trust,in Lender's sole dfscretfon. <br /> 96. PRESERVATION OF UABILITY AND PRIORITY. Without affecting the liability of Borrower,GraMor,or any guarantor of the Obligations,or eny othar <br /> peraon(excspl a person expressly released in writing)for the payment and�om�ance of the Obligations,and without atfectln�the�IgMs of L�ndar whh <br /> resped to arry P �e�i not e�ressl released In writ(ng,and without impe�iring in an_y way ihe prio�ity of ihis Deed of Trust over the kiterost of psreon <br /> a�quired o►fl�at e dui enced by�ng subsequeM to the reca�ng of this Deed of Trust,Lender may,eilher before or after the mariuily of ths Ob�erions, <br /> and wilhoul nolloa or co�sent:release any person IiaWe forpeyment or perfomrenoe of all or any pert of the ObUgations:meke any apnsnrnt a8aring� <br /> terms of pe��t orp�(�of all or eny parl of the Obligations;exerdse or re(rain from exerdsing or walve any or rernsdy thet Ur�may ha <br /> under the Desd of rul" st;acoept additional security of any Idnd for any of the Obligations;or release or othervviae�wflhar�y rod o�r <br /> sepuN�p the ObNpations. My person acqui�ing or recording evidenoe of any iMerest of arry nature in the Praperty shell be deart�ed,�� <br /> k�tereat or necadng any evidenoe thereof,to have conaerrted to all or any suc�adbns by Lender. <br />