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<br /> (c) All applicable laws and regulations, induding, without limitation, the Americans with Disabilities Aci, 42 U.S.C. Section 1210t et aeq. (and all
<br /> repulations prortulgeted thereunde►)and all zoning and building laws and regulations relating to the PropeAy by virtue of any federal,state or municipel
<br /> auihoriy wflh jurfadk,Mion over the Property, preserrtly are and shall be observed end compiied wtth in all materfal reapects,and all rights.licensea,
<br /> p�n�ts,and ceAi�iCatea of occupency pnduc�ng but not limited to zoning variances,spedal exceptbns for nonconfom�ing uses,and flnal inepsction
<br /> approerais), whether Nrr�porary or pem�enent,which are material to the use and oxupancy of the Property, preaeMly are and shaN bs obtained,
<br /> pretewed and,whsre necesaary,renewed;
<br /> (� Grentot haa the rigM and ia duly authorized to execute and perform its Obligations under this Deed of Trust and thees actions do not end�all not
<br /> conlliq with the proviaions of any atatute.regulation,or�nance,rule of Iaw.contrad or other agreemern which may be binc�ng on Orarrior at any time;
<br /> (e) No adion or proceedng is or shall be pending or threatened which might materially affect the Properry;and
<br /> (� (3rantor has not vidaled and shall not vialate any statute,regulation,ordnance,rule of law,corn►aa or other agreemem(h�dudinp,but not Nmited to,
<br /> thae goveming Hazardous AAateriats)whfch migM materially affect the Property or Lender's rigMs or imereat in the Property pusuarn to thia Osed of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> 9. PRIOR DEEDS OF TRUST. Grantor represerrts and warrants that there are no prior deeds of uust affeding any part of the Property exapt aB set forth
<br /> on Schedule B attadied to thia Deed of Trust,which Gramor agrees to pay and pertorm in a Umely menner. If there ars any prior deedt of truat then
<br /> t3►antor agreea to pay ell anaurns owed,and pertonn all obligatbns required under such deeds of trust and the indebtedness seaxed thereby and further
<br /> �rees that a default under any prfor deed of trust shall be a default under this Deed of Trust and shall er�tRle Lender to all rfgMs and rert�edss cornatnod
<br /> herein or In the Obligations to which Lsnder would be entitled in the everrt of any other defauR.
<br /> convact for deed or tranafer to any peraon oi all or eny part of the real property descxibed in Schedule A,or any imerest therein,or of ell or any benefldal
<br /> irnerest in 8orrower cr Grarnor(ff Borrower or Grarnor is not a natural person or persons but is a oorporation,Iimited liabiiriy oompany,partnerahip,truat,or
<br /> other legel entNy),Lender rt�ay,at fts optfon decla►e the outstanding prindpal balance of the Obligations plus aaxued irrterest thereon irtxnec�ately due and
<br /> peyable. At Lender's►equest,Granta or Bonower,as the case may be,shail tumish a compiete statemerrt seiting forth all of fts atodcholders,n�ernbars,a
<br /> pertners,as appropriate,and the extent of their respective owne►ship irnerests.
<br /> b. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS. In oonsideration of the Obiigations,which are secured by this Deed of Trust, Grantor abaolutely aaaigns to Lender all
<br /> Qrantor's estate, rigM title. �terest, deim and demand now owned or hereatter acquired in all exisUng and future leaaea oi 1he PropeAy (induding
<br /> extenaions,renewals and subleases),aN agreetnents for use and oxupancy of the Property(all sudi leases and a�eameMs whetF�er writt�n ar a�ai.aro
<br /> heresfter refeRed to aa the'Leaaes7,and allguararnies of lesaees'perfom�ance under the Leases,together wilh ihe imn�ate and oontinuinp rigM to
<br /> oollect and recelve aa of the rerns,income,race ptl s,revenues,issues,profits and other income of any nature now or hereaiter�e(indu�ng income of
<br /> �y nature coming due during any►edempifon period)under the Leases or trom or ariaing out of the Property induding Mnim�m rema, � al rsnts,
<br /> psroentage rerns. parlcf�or oo�m� area maimenance oont�ibutions, tax and insurance cont►ibutions. de8dency rents. liquidated �a�nage��owing
<br /> default In any Leaae.all proceeds payable u�der any policy of insurance cove►fng bss of rents resulUng from urnenarnabiliry causad �st lon or
<br /> de�repe to the Property, all proceeds payeWe as a resuh of a leasee's exe�cise of an op�ion to pun�ase the Property, all proceeds irom the
<br /> tertr�nation a►ejedion of any Lease in a bankruptcy or other insolvency proceeding,and all proceeds from any rigMs and daims of any kind which Grantor
<br /> may have ageinst any leaaee under the Leaaes or any oa��pants of the Propeily(all of the above are hereaher cdiectively mferred to as the`Rerrts"). Thia
<br /> assipnment ia wb�ect to the ripM power and authority given to the Lender to collect and apply the Rents. This assignment fs recorded in aao►dance with
<br /> applkable siate law:the tien cxeated by this essignmerrt is intended to be spedflc,perfected,and choate upon the recording of this Deed of Truat,all as
<br /> provided by applicable atate law as amended trom time to time. As long as there is no default under the Obliga�ons or thia Deed of Trust,Undsr granta
<br /> C�antor a revocable Ikenae to cdlect all Rerns from ihe l.eases when due and to use such proceeds in f3rantor'a busineas ope�ationa. However,Lender
<br /> may at any time requlre Grarnor to deposit all Rents imo an axouM meintained by Grantor or Lender at Lender's institution. U'on defauN b�the payrrient
<br /> of,or in the pertorrtiance of,arry of the Obligations,Lender may at its option take possession of the Property and have,hold,manage,I�e and operate the
<br /> P►opeAy on terms and for a period of time that Lender deems proper. Lender may proceed to c�llect and receive ali Rerrts from the property.and Lender
<br /> shap hava full power to rtreke alterations,rerwvations,repairs or repla�nts to the Property as Lender may deem proper. Lender may apply s�l Rerna in
<br /> lendet's aole discretion to payment of the Obligations or to the payment of the cost of such alterations,renovations, repairs and replacsrnents and any
<br /> expenaea Mdder�t to takfng and retaining posaession of the Property perio�caliy and the managemertt and operation of the Property. Lender may keap the
<br /> property pmperly insured and may cpscharge any taxes,charges,daims,assessments and other Ilens which mey aaxue. The expense and ooat of these
<br /> actions may be pafd irom the Rerits received,and any unpaid amourrts shall be added to the prindpal of the Obligations. These amourrta,together with
<br /> otF�er eosts,ahaN beoon�e pert of the Obligatlons secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> a. U8E AND AAAINTENANCE OF PROPERTY. Grantor shali take all actions and make any repeirs needed to meiMaln the Property in good condition.
<br /> Gramor shaN not cormit or pertnit any waste to be corrrnitted with respect to the Property. Orarnor ahail use the Property solely in complianoe with
<br /> appNcable law and insuranoe poHdea. Grantor shall not rtrake any alterations,additions or improvemems to the Property without Lend�'s prior written
<br /> consent. Wflhout lirt�tfng the foregoing,aN atterations,addilions and improvemerns rt�de to the Property shall be subject to the benefidal fMetest belonging
<br /> to Lende►,ahall not be renwved wflhout Lender's prior written consent,and shall be made at Granta's sole expenae.
<br /> 7. L03S OR DAMAGE. G►arnor shall bear the enttre risk of arry bss,theit,destrucUon or damage(cumulatively"Loaa or Damage")to the Property or eny
<br /> porllon thereof from any cause whataoever. In the everrt of any loss or Damape,Grarnor shall,at ihe opiion of Lender,repair the affected Propsrty to its
<br /> p►evious oondition a pay or cauae to be paid to Lender the decrease in the fair market value of the affected Property.
<br /> 8. INSURANCE. The P�ops�ty will be kept inwred fa its full inw►aWe value(replacemem oost)ageinst all hazerds including bsa or demage causad by
<br /> flood,earthquake,tomado-and Nre, theh a other casualty to the extem required by lender. G►antor may otNain insurance on ihe Property from wch
<br /> oortpenfes as are aooepteble to Lender in fis sole discxetbn. The insurance pofldes shall rec�ire the fnsurance company to praride Lendar wtth at kaat
<br /> 3 0 days'written notioe before such policies are attered or cancelled in any manner, The insuranoe policies ahall name Lender as a loss
<br /> payee an prov that no act or omiaaion of Gramor or any otherperson shall affect the►igM of Lender to be pafd the insurarxe prooeeda pertaininy to the
<br /> bss�damage of the Property. In the event Granta fails to ac�uire or mairnain insurance,Lender(atter providing notice as mey be rec�uired by law)rt�y
<br /> in its dscretion procureapprop�ate insurance coverage upon the Property and the insurance cost shall be an advance peyable and bearing hrterest as
<br /> deacribed in the "REIMBURSEMENT OF AMOUNTS EXPENDED �Y LENDER" paragraph and secured hereby. Grarnor shall fumiah Ler�dsr wNh
<br /> evidenoe of inaurarxe indicating the required coverage. Lender may ad as attomey-in-fact for Grantor in maldng and setding daims under tnaurarxe
<br /> poUdes,canoelling arry policy or endoraing Grantor's name on any draft or negotfable instn�merrt drawn by any inaurer. Ail sueh inwranoe polides:hall be
<br /> irm�ately asaigr�ed,pleclped and delhrered to Lender as further security for the Obligations. In the event of loss,Grantot ahaU imrnediately gfve Lsnder
<br /> written not(oe and Lender is authorized to make proof of loss. Each insurance company is directed to makepayments dir�y to Lsnder(nstead of to
<br /> Lender end Granlor. Lender shall have the rigM, at its sole option, to apply such monies toward the Obligations or toward tfie oost of rebuildfnp and
<br /> restoring ihe Properry. My amounts may at Lende�'s option be applied in the inverse order of the due dates thereof.
<br /> 9. ZOPIING AND PRIVATE COVENANTS. Grarrtor shall not initiate or oonsent to any change in the zoning prrnrisions or private covenanta affeGing ihe
<br /> use of the Property without Lender's prio►written consent. If Grarnor's use of the Property becomes a nonconforming uae under any zoninp provision,
<br /> Grarnor ahall nat cause or pem�it such use to be�scontfnued or abandoned without the prior wrhten conseM of Lender. Grantor will irm�edfately provfde
<br /> Lender with wrilten notice of arry propoaed changes to the zoning provisfons or private oovenarris affeqing the Propeny.
<br /> 10. CONDEMNATION. Grarnor shall irrmediately provide Lender with wrltten notice of any actual or threatened condermation or eminern dort�ein
<br /> proceeding pertalning to the Property. All monies payabie to Grantor from such condemnation or taldng are hereby assigned to Lender and ahaN be applied
<br /> first to the payment of Lender's attomeys'fees,legal expenses and other costs(induding appraisal fees)in connection with the oondermeUon or eminern
<br /> doitrain proceedings and then,at the option of Lender,to the payment of the Obligations or the restoration or repair of the Property.
<br /> �ooTa a«.ta�
<br />