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<br /> �. n
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<br /> _- ° , ?an�s�t;•�u. . ar n �wtt�eny��c�ss _.`tse$otrav�er�Inahe:event,Af a�pard�al. g t�e. �n �
<br /> , . `' �`w+I�sSg 6tx.f a h t�a r'ket v a It+e a f t 8�Pcopanjt I m r n�t�Iy t�c fauu�t�a t�idag.i��eq t�n!w�r 8nea s�r t b,�n t b e a�r c a u d�t�s�i�s �.
<br /> . �.6 e c u c e�3 by.�Saeunt y`t a s D n i m e m I m m e d latc I y b e f d i t r�t�{n g.. 8�smwee s a d L�eade�Wheewlsc��nrwit t i a 8► � �
<br /> � � . lhesutrs aeaircd by 8�is�e�curity tnsuument.saall De ts�Oed Dy t�ate�un��ot.t�e pcac�,�•mutdp2k4:. �a;�olto�ving� ..
<br /> t
<br /> � � �c t�{a 2 t l�tatat�ovat of t�sus�s�t A itnmcdlate l y fittbte t�t a i c i n$.divide�b y(!�tA�tait�t va�tut uf 8is ' .
<br /> - . � Pc�p�ity lmmcdinte�y 6efare th�takin� �A�y balnnce sDa!I be patd to Bosmwer. In thc�e�ie.of a g�..tukt�g of tt�° � ..
<br /> ° Fta ° Property.i�sediatety before the takin ° -
<br /> , �rtyr iu wiiich the fqii m�rlcet vsh�o�tfte g ls tess:du�the,e�:r�i;;Qf 3�seu�s
<br /> _,�.---_�:�ntt�i r�Mfoie Me t�irt�_urel�,ag��utpwc�c__e�ls�der othetwLss_s�Cee.Ia wri�,a_ur��s,._, .I-i�c-ab�e law T=--- ': `
<br />_ _ otttarvise paovides.the pmceeds.shall be uppl�ed oo thesums secu�Dq this S�curiry InanuasQUt wiie�et orliiQ.�sums aze -___�__ .. ..
<br /> dtea.�iue. . . � �. :. . . : . � —.
<br /> -- �t1te�io�lCrty is aaa�saed by 8mro�rer.or if.aftec nat�Ce by Lertder to Bormwer t�t.�oondepmor,effecs to�. .,.
<br /> �n-nv�i�d,�'•`seuIe a etaim fos darr:a,ges.BoireNer fa�s co resgond ao l.ender cvithi»30 days aftet tl�e date the notiQe is giy�sn;�.
<br /> �ti�Iar�S aut��m oollxt and.apglp it�e p=uoe�s,ac it�op�t.e�co mscoration er t��air of the Hogerty os ta tfie ' . �
<br /> s�m�. ��tiaSeciuitylnsaumea�v�rheuaecoraattneQdue. , '
<br /> �. ' �� UA1R�����. 'der aad Boimwer uther�vise ag�ee in�writbn�any apglication of pmceeds to princigaf sl�all aot extend or .
<br /> . :ppt�vRt�a:thttdne date of t�emon�.ly payments refemadto in paiagaphs 1 aad 2 or chan�e the amaunt ef such payments. , '
<br />- - . �T,;til�t9rawer Nai Reteased;Fb�t�Earnnce BY L4m�'.Na! a Waiver. ..Exteasiota;of N�e.time for paymeat.ar
<br /> m¢dii'''.'�a of amorti�adon of tlz�sums s�cnced.by th'ss Security.�nsuument granted br�l.eudet to sny successor in iruerest
<br /> of,Sra3i�at�er shsll not o�ernte td ret�tte�tiaAility.�of�tlm otiginal Bomower or Borrower�enc.oess�s in int+eiest-1�eeuder
<br />- � s6�1k:�+iG.bs r�ined to commence proce�iings again�st azsy sucoessor in inte�est or refuse to extend time.for paymeai or '
<br /> oth�ttirnise m,i�Qiijr amortization of the suu�s secureA by ttus Security in.suument by ceason of any demand�ade by We ongmal
<br />` Bohos�rer:�$utrower�s sua:essots in interest. Any forbearanse bg L.er+der.in exerclsing aoy nght or mmedy shall ntet 1ic a .
<br /> cvaiver.of�n�i+oclade the exercis�oFany�ght or nemedy. � . -::::: —
<br />- 11L.�.aa�Assf�s Soun+1;dolat sa�}Severe!Ltability:Ca�tgmer� 71:e corse�ants and agneementc�o�. .
<br />- - - � - S�ity�Jlisrtt;�h�11 bIad aad 6eaefit t8e successois and assigns of Lender and Bormwer,subject to the provisiot�:of � -
<br /> _ - para,�ra}�tt�1T.�a�gr�covennitts arid agreemeats shall be joint and several. Any Bom�wer who co-signs this Security
<br /> - - Ins�t buUdc�e�Yt�t execute the Not�: (a)is co-sigrting this Security Instrument onix to mort�ge.grant and convey that . - .
<br />; B��i�ip�mst tn t�e Roperty under the tem�s of this Secwity lnsuumen� (b)is not�aUy obEigated to pay the s�s =_
<br /> Y se�b�r.tiva Sec�.uity Ensuvmenx•and(c)agr�ees tftat L.endec aad any other Borrower ma�a�cee to extend,modify,fw�ar _- __
<br /> - -- or tr�a?any�acoommodations witli rega�d to die tem�s of this Seeuriry Inst�ument o�t� iVote witha�t that Borrower's
<br /> _" ��n� . . -
<br />° . 1�[�oA�,Q�arges. If the toan secured by ti�is Security Instrument is subject to a taw wtrich sets maximum taar+ _ -- __
<br />� ctuu�.am!tI1qL�a�u i's tinaliy inter�reted so that t�e inter�est or other Ioan charges coltect�or to be collocted in rnnnecdan _— _
<br />- ! w�#i;tHe Wart:exoeed�e pemutted hmits.then: (a)aay such toan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary ta�duca -
<br /> =� , the ;to�tlto pemiitted limi�and(b)any sums atzeady ooltazed from Borrower wUicttezceedeQ petmitted limi��Ril�be --- �
<br />� , ref��tin8otmwer. Lender may choose to make this refun�Dy�roducing the principal otiti�d under the Note or by a�te�a�� itR��d���..
<br /> « direct paymentt4 Bocrower. If n refund reduces principal,the raduzdon wi'll.b�ueated as a partiai prepayment with�t:aap� -;.�—�_-
<br />= � Qtepaymettt chtage ua�the Not� � :.�.:.�:� s,-��`
<br /> � t�F�ltutE�. A,��otice tp Sorrower provided for in this Security Iiutrument shall be givert by de�i��etjng`ii�or:�iy.; � ;�:
<br /> - �fsy first class mail untess. l�cabte law uires use of another metliod.'!'tte noric:e sliall be diraetc�i�n tt��'fr .� . � �`� �a
<br />-- � �PP n9 P�?YS� ,,,�.a.'.-�:
<br /> " ,, A�dn.�snr any other address Borrotiver designates by not�ce to Lender. Any notice tQ.Len�er skall be given by fiisc.c�ass_ ''''�r'R'�
<br />- 3 mai!ttr.:t�mdar's addre�s stated herelnos any other address l.ender designates by notic�to Bosrower. Any notice provided�or • �«�•�` _' "
<br /> in this SeCUri Inscument shal! be deemed to have been given to Borrawes or�ender when given s�c prpvided in tlris �"`.t�•`� . ,�
<br /> . ti�:..� �Y � . : ' ';��:�.
<br /> ',. • �: P�Ph%, '3�;'.:. ,:•,_,
<br />'�::; �`��'t' '' t�.Qoveraing La�v;Severa6Uity. TGis Security instrument shall�be�ovemeck by�federal Iaw�nc!the law af the • �`;�-°
<br /> � ,,
<br /> ..'� � ''"��' jurisdictian in which the Property is located. In the event that any provision or cIause af this Security Insbvment or the Note �°
<br /> :�''�.,.'.-_,.: - •` •��:
<br />- ,�.w;•,�_ cant3ieta with�applicable law.such confltct shaA nat affect other pmvisions of ttiis Securiry Instrument or the Note wh;ch�can �•';,',:.�.
<br /> '- ' be givetrefPaCi without the conflicting provislon. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument atid the 1Vo��am 'i �,
<br />� '� --a:..�• � ,�_.
<br /> . , �: --��,` declanedte�ba severaDte. ' �
<br /> �_� `��� -� ;�':-�=''�•'�� t6� Barrower�Copy. Borrower shail be given one conformed copy of ct�:Nate and of this Security�mtn�ment. { � ` ,j '=
<br /> • � �'-_�.__
<br />�`'�` ��ti� •�: : : � 17..'I�tnsfer¢f ei�e Propeety or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. Ir at1 or any pa»of the P�oAeny ur any inccrG,t.in =- � --f.
<br /> '.:-,�••; ' it is satd or•u�nsferred(or if a bernficial interest in Boaower is safd or transferred and Borrower is not a natural person? ��'�`.�" ,'
<br />;���i� '�:.. withnut�nder�i prior wrltten consent.l.ender may,at its option.reyuire immediate paym�nt in i'ull of all sums secured by '' . r...
<br />_��'• ,���_�;:�ti thia Security Instrument. However.this option shall not be exercised by l.ender if exercise is prohibited by fedeml law as of ?'� . '�
<br /> _" ,�.... �� .. thn dpto,of th�s Secudry Insuument. .." ' ,�
<br /> �, ,:.:•. � • IPLender exetrises this option,Lender shall give Homower notice oF arceleration. The natice shall pr�vide a period of ��r�' .�
<br /> �: � • nnt leusthan 30 days from the date the noticc is delivemd or mailed within whlch Bortower must pay al!sums secured by this �
<br /> _ �' '+��;�}�`.'',,�.-' Secutity Instrument. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period. Lender may invake any " .: ' •,
<br /> I- mrrtodies pertnitted by this Security Iastrumcnt without further noticc or demand on Borro�s�er. , •„ ,
<br /> ��r��::�.;� ;.
<br /> �� 4E-•:�. -�. l�Bnreower's RigUt to Reiagtate. If HoTrower meeu certain canditionw. Borratver shall have the dght to fiavo �. .,
<br /> ���� .Aa.�' . . .. . .
<br /> � ' � � enforcement of ttis Security Instrument disrontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (o)5 days(or such other period as . .;
<br /> :� � _
<br /> - '� �. : `. ,:� Singte Fsmity—funnte MaelFrcddie Mac l%'�IGOFi.�1 t�i5'IBZC�tE�T••Cnif'orm Covcnanc� 9.'4t? l�wge 4 njh�xr�rsl , ` . u ,
<br /> �:'.�"�a`/5 Y•1 ."' � . . ' , '
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