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<br /> -� I�ll�tt BIIa�f1DI��QA9.SE�C(��C�3]{6It�lI[C�1�n�C�ENLYB SS I��O BCCGIEtA4�QQ�OCCnR�}.�HOWC�Ct�t�8 .
<br /> � � r�ghf ta�:elnstata saa21 a�t �y fn ttx case og�sacelaattan uudea p�17. � . ,
<br /> --------------_ . - -_= -��k at i�Ic�et��Losa.Strvi�ez 't�e Noie or a pati�a��t in t�e Nets(Wgct�ra wIth this.Se�iY. � - _
<br /> ,_ _z_�„
<br />_ - -- — � :In�nt}may be so�a�a�tnat�e-iii�es_c"vi�5ou��or notic�ta�as�v�.-Ea s�c may resuii in u auange @.aua�a.r�_
<br /> -= - ' (toaown aa t�•�q�p Sc�rioet"�t�at�dio�.ltlly payuteats du�uader t�Note e�ibis Secutity bqsaum�tt.'�CS+e alsa
<br />� � m�►De on�otmvr��oY�e LQ2a SetvIc7Cr um+elat$d to.a sel�of the Not� If tUete is e�Age of�e I.o3n S�€v�eeta
<br /> Baals�¢er w�i 6e giyen�aati�o�f�s�e ia aaoordazeae wed►parsg�upD 14 aEo�te.auQ agplicaDle L�w.'F�ua�
<br /> wiIt st�ts the oame a�oda3dltss o�ti�e aew Loaa Sravicea aa�the addness to wblcA Qaym�ent�shantd De made �e IIotFca wr�l _
<br /> atso�aay W�riafa�aoanonc+oquisd byappficab2elaw
<br /> Z0. Hs�rdaus Subsbnae� Bormwcr s6all not wusc or pecmit tLe p�aence.use.disposal,st�age.or retease of�
<br /> ' Haza�+dou4 SaDstat�an ai in dte Fcapetty.� Honawer stu�'uot do►nor altoa�atryaas else to do,saYthing affext�g �
<br /> - - . P�apmny tbat ia in violat�on of aay Env�nmental.Laat. Tke�S two seat�cea s1tuR notapply w tt��ct��ar
<br />-_ . ,soo�eoA i�x Pmperty�f saaall quaatiti.es of H�Qoug Su6ssauces�t are�etaUy t+eco�no be apgm�ate to aa�i2 .
<br /> -_ residenHal ases e�to m�ance of tLe Ficoperty. .. . ' :
<br />- Boaaaer shall PmmPW►give I,endrr v�im.c�not�ce af any mvesa�c2aim.demaad.lawsait or at�r aaion�y aay
<br /> � gover�ntal�s tegulatoiY�ncY�Ft►vat�.�m4p.involvlag the�o�sesty au�any Hazardous Substance or Bavitanmeatal
<br /> IAb11 Of W�L'Il BdII091�t �l93� �OSBIC�C, ff Boaower tearns. or �s uotifieA by�a�r gove,e�m�! or regulaLoiY
<br /> a,�thoaty.that any�val m other nemediatioa of any Hazacdnus Substaace affectiag t�Ptuge�tq is aeoessary.Boimwer
<br /> � shsli pmmptty take all ae�essary cemedial acduns In acoo�ance cvith FavIc�usmtentaI Ls�.
<br />= Aa used in t�is paiagmgb Z0.°Ha�ua Sahsm�ces"a:e thase subsmace�s defiued as toaic or haa�dovs�snbstaaces by . •
<br /> `• Favlmnmeatat Law mid ihe fo�tawiag su6s�ses: gasuline.kemsene.other IIammab2e ar tmdc pet�ieum q�md�nct�,Lm�icc
<br />- pes�ides sad he�bicides,volatile solvenis.matedaLs conmiain�agbesnos aa fo:ma2dehyde.aad radioacave mete�ials. As
<br /> used in t�is pazagr�p8 20."F�viranuaental Law"means federat laws and taws of dte jwisdiction where.the Ptvpett�t ia tacated
<br /> tLai:elao�m heaIt�,safety or envn+o�umentat pmteaion
<br /> - NON-UNIFORM C�VSNAIVIS. Bozmw�.aad F.eadec fiut�er aovenant end agree as folloars:
<br /> 2L AcoderaYlan,Reme�dIe� Lender�e�lI gi�c drsttme to Borrawer p�dos to aooeiesattoa toBo�vtng Bore+oWee's
<br />-"�a��.. - � Dre�ch��q wvenant or agre�n�t ia t6E�S�rlly t�euA(D�not prtor to ac+�+er�tion�mder paragep�17 �
<br /> y;,�`� ' '�•` �tes�appHrable Iaw pmvidesother�wtac3..'cQ2�ati�eeirai�Bpedty: (al t�deisul�(b)theactt�tPqntredta c�e tt�r
<br /> ":=: " �??� . _ '� defani�(c)a daL�nnt[ess tha»�€1 deys 6rom the da�tl�nottce b givea to B�ms�b3r wbich the d�inia�at 6e
<br /> =_ -'��-`' : ``s�=u cmc�:ond(d)t�at faiture to ai�We defaWt on or tietone the date speci8�in�e nat�ce m�►e+aWt tn�ooete�u�s�'
<br /> .C'��u'i.t f. `:
<br /> �� the sumv se�+ed Dy this Seaufig i��asbvment and sale oi the Ptope�s 7ite aottce s�D Port�er Gotom�Borra��aP
<br /> - �;, - . •? ' � t�e eight to retastate a�er sao�on�1 tt�clg�t to 6itag a oaurt adion to assest the n�dsd�e�a detant!or =__
<br /> - any other ddense oi Bom►wer t�aeoeler�frta 4�sat� U!he defent�i�ea!cared an or Defore t�date Bpedfied in
<br /> '' the notic�Lender at ftsoptton�my requirei�ate�yQa�t in faD u!'sU s�s se�ue�bgtGi�Secarity Iasd�ent _�..
<br /> �^' � r,,. ��,� w[tnoat fl�rtLer demand aad mny Invuke the power ot•�u2e and a�►oth¢r reatedtCa permE3tM�9 aDP��• --
<br /> �'��s"�-=�. Lender sLaU be entitted to ooit�tt4 all expeases tacam�d�r pnasaisg tt��emedic.s Pmvtded in th��21, _�..
<br /> .h;, ..-.. ;_ ,•, ; 4
<br /> { iactudtng,but aat luniteal ta4 eseasonable attorneys'fees ar��osts aPtltir evtd�enoe. v�_� _
<br /> :5".;�i�,`' �..��� ..:•�'� Yt We power o!�le is involced.7tustee shall reoord a aatite ot defaiata In eacb connty in wh6eb any pa�4 a�the =�, _
<br /> �` Pe+uFer�Y Lv locat�d aad shall mail copies of sucD aot�ce 1u t6e man�cer paRacrltaed by apQlicabte�aw ta�mn�ower aad 40 � �c`p� -
<br />-- ; the athes petsons prescrihed by apgficalite tawt Atter the Wne�eqa�aed Dy e�fficuMe taw,'Ih�tee s6aD gt�e publae
<br /> •'� ` , notIce af st�te to tite peisons and ta the manaer prescri�ed b�ep�lieabFe taw� 71uste�withaue demaz�oa Boeruwcr. � " __--
<br /> . � o`,, � s�U seU We Property a3 pub�sudton to tt�e Nghest bEdder at the ti�e aud pdace ead�der the terms dssignated i� �u R -
<br /> �(i��th�� •'_ .-. c ea�
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<br /> : ,�;; ,,_ � r� � ; y; deslgnee may Durcbase the Pro�erty at�eny s� , � �-
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