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'�� _ _ <br /> a•; <br /> ;� <br /> , <br /> . Ka^�? r'na.�nty, Piebra�ke <br /> T(��*�� �., ���,� ..m_.___ <br /> -- , --- -- -- <br /> ��:�e;�,��:�, <br /> �."�— '�1(�����at� p q <br /> i v r ` �"�NFt��r,��!�7 ��ri��hl�:�� . <br /> K�!0��1 AL.R.. MEI,V BY Tl-I�.exf:' PR�S�NTS: , <br /> . �hat D�vid ^. �lcr�,nan an� ,7�r���-� K. Wc�r�ma:n. ,husband and wife, <br /> af �ues�er l.ake, F;.F .r�. #3, Ha�.]. Cour��y, N�t�raska, Deb�ors, ,f.or �he purpose <br /> a r s�rurzng tho pary�i�r,t of $8 4,i C f� . 0 0, and in�er�st atu•��e� annum, cam- <br /> pui:ed apon �he un�aid prir�ripa]. �a3ar:c�, acc;ording ta � �date dQscribed �s <br /> �r�llah�: <br /> Dated th� �i��h �a�� c,f Oc�c��r , 19 93 , <br /> in 'th� ari��.r��l ��m6urt�.-::`_-S��, 7 Q��.___._.__._._�6TQe� n-�g in�erest <br /> �� 6,7 5 p�r �n,iu�r°�, rompute upon the u�npaid principal <br /> b�,�lence, �nd paya,ble in equal manthiy instel].ments nf $749. 52 <br /> Y�A ;�,��,�,;h� �h;�,n ��;1� Arn1; ;�r�t �,nnn intw�r�s� and ttis belance Yn <br /> r�duction of the Firincipal, tihe �zrs� �uch mon�hly inst�J.l.ment payT <br /> men� psy abJ.s an the _ f t� da�y vf ��cember _,19 93 � <br /> whzch n�ate was given Th��: Equite4l� Duilding ars�" Lasn Assaci�txon ot Grand <br /> Isl.�nd, PJebraska, rh+r d��Gaz�s �1� hereay gren�. morty�qe and <br /> ��s�gn un�o said �e�ured paxty i�he r�sidence ttia�,c, �,���g �n gmprovemen� upon <br /> a. :�paseh�ld and a7.1 �ppu,c*enanc�s Lher�to, sai.d residence hnuse si�ueted <br /> uaan: <br /> Lnt Sxx (6) having a l.ake �ront foatag� vf 88 f�et, si�.ua�ed �n <br /> the East s�.de of the W��st �ortion p£ Kuester Lake., and be�.ng on <br /> a �ax� ��f �he East Ha�..E Southeast '� (E�SE;) of Section Thir�e�n <br /> (13) `Sown�hip �leveri (11) ► Range Nine (9) , in Ha11: County, <br /> Nebraska, bounded on the �aster�y sid� by �h� commork road, sur.h <br /> )_ot is as shown on a p1�t ira p�ssassion of th� �es�v�• <br /> including any a�c�ssions, accessories, pax•Cs anc� equipment now or here�ft�r <br /> �ffi.xed �hereta. <br /> The r".ebtor s warrra;,'� thc a�ove dr:scri.hed pro�erty is free and clear of e11 <br /> 1�.rns and encumbr�nc�s; tha�: '�h�Y will �ay oll p�rsonal. taxes befare the <br /> sEam� becoi�ie dai�nc�usnt; that ���Y wrill maintaxn �nd pay �he premiums for <br /> fzz�� �nd �X�E'PId�C� Gf9°!r'I'8�G' insur�.n�;e on sa�c! �.rnp�rty a.n an amaun� nat less <br /> t�ha� the unp��d b��.�nce of' th� ,�.►�d^t��edness. Th��t if they faa.l ta pey �ny <br /> �:�.�r.h t.�xes ar premi�im.�, th�t �,i'�t, s�c;u�sd ps�ty m�y ps�y �he same end any such <br /> ���yr:r�ts by the se�:�z-ed �a�rty� sha3..� I�e a p�rt c�� �:his i.ndPh��ess, payment af <br /> sha11 be s�:r.uac�ad by thi-:-� x.a.n�nci.rig sta�em�n� ar�d a.r��;�l�st thorean shaal <br /> Hcr_.r.u�: �t th� rat� o* inte�resL �ruv�.d�d a.n �h;� r:,�� a� aven Ce�e here�, <br /> pu}�reier��� af which �Isa, �inartcing :;va�emen� ��r.t�r�s, <br /> ' Tr, :��, 17t�rek�y agre�d �.het if cir�Iau1L t�e: rnad� ir �:;��3 payment of seid noto or <br /> �r�y par� tiherenf when due, ar if �ubtcr s f�a l �o pay soi.d �axas befare <br /> �he s�ame 6ecome de7.inquent, �r �aid premxums wF�en du�, or if any ettempt be <br /> madp to dispose of a�� r�:Ir.UVP, seid praperty �x•c,�,� ilall Cour�y, We�raska, or <br />