Laserfiche WebLink
�:�3.� ... . . . . . . , . . . . . .. . � � • . <br /> .X.�.. ... _. <br /> � . ��3� �oes�� <br /> ����� �������;t��R.x� <br /> "L'1?.IS AGREEFfEN`� �.�t��s �^tween !�,±�!�:�'9:�1c LA.k�, l.N�. , 1.ESSOR, and <br /> Da�rid E� l9ortman and �Janet K. Woz�tm�.n, hueband and xife <br /> a5 �aint t�nants �iq1q,� A skr�,ke out w <br /> por�cxon nar applicable) whether one c�r more, L�;SSEE. <br /> Lc't �� h�.vix� a Ia:te front fao�a�� a�' �8 <br /> 1 . Des�cri�Cioci of Le�sed Prer�is�s : feet, �ituated on �hA East s3de af the <br /> _ i�est pvr� an a ues er e� an �-b��rig on a par� of �he E�SNI� af Sectian <br /> 13� �i�o�nsnip 13.� Raz�e 9, in hall. County, �iabraskao bo�an3ed on the Eaeterly' <br /> side by the cor.unon road� �uch 1,ot i� a� sha�en on a pla� 3n pagse�sion of the <br /> ����Q�'r <br /> 2 . 'Term of ?ease: <br /> �-�5 years , commencing Oct�ber 1.� 19y3 • � and terminating <br /> Sa t. 0 20?� �� <br /> 3 , Gp�a.on to Exten�d '�erm: � <br /> Lessee ha� the apt�an ta extend the term of �his L.ease far an <br /> additional 3� years by gzai.z�g Lessor natice thereof , in writing , <br /> b y J u J.y 1 y �,_...• <br /> 4 . IZiaht to tlssi nment of Lease : <br /> Lessee has tt�e rig t Co assign this Lease pXOVideci : . <br /> (a) Lesse� has �.�ompS.ied wi�; all terms o� �Fiis Lease . <br /> (b) Lessee Gransfers tu the new owner �11 intea��sC �nd <br /> ownership vt the Lessee in the cr,mmon stack vf <br /> Kuester Lake , Inc . <br /> (c) The new Le�aee sgrees , in w�i�ing , to by tlie <br /> ter�ns a£ the Lease so assign�d , �n}� new l�ease Cor <br /> these pr�mis�s , and to abide by the �greernent et�l- <br /> ered into by this L�ssee wiCh Kuester Lake , �nc . nc� <br /> or abauk Novemb�r �S, J.974 , the terms of ar� <br /> in��rQarated� hcrein by reference . <br /> (d) 1'he new d���see shall be entitled tv a new Lease for <br /> a 35-year term. 'The term may be longer i� co�sented <br /> to by the Les�or. � <br /> (e) Atly subleasing must have ttie Lessor' � appraval . <br /> ( f) The Lessee has the absaluL-e ri.ght �a c.onditionally <br /> this Leas� �o any mortgagee for rhe pur�:ose <br /> o� �urnishin¢ such :�orkgagee addiki�na,l sccuri.ty. <br /> 5 . Ket�L <br /> ..� 1'he Lessee shall pay tv Lessor , as annual. �ent , payabl� in ad-- <br /> � vanc� anu on or be£are July �irst each }�ear , such renk as may be <br /> ac�nualJ.y determined by th� Lessor uttder �he follqwing �ormula : <br /> 'The annual r�nt shall be an �mount, each ye�r, <br /> equal �a the result af dividin� r_he total num- <br /> ber af residentir�l lessee-stockholder l�ts into <br /> that �eax' s anCicipaCed net budgek needs of the <br /> LeB5oi' . <br /> 'I'i�e computation of the annual renC shal,l. be done by the l,�ssor , <br /> but ahalJ. be uniEorm among all lessee-stockholders oE Kues�er <br /> Lake , Ic�c . zri any event , the ann��al rent of the Lessee s�iall <br /> nat exceed Qne Hund_red Dol.lars ($10�. U0) unless a majariky <br /> o� �L1 lessee-stackt�nlders a; Kuesrer Lake � I.nco (one vale for <br /> each sf�are) , pr. esent and at � special meeting r_�ll,ed <br /> £or tt�at. purpose , shall apprave tkje sam�e , <br /> . llcc�ss : <br /> 'xl�e Le�see shall have 8CC�5S frvm the Ieased prernises onta the <br /> Lessor ' s roads and sttall also have the right ta use the l�ke <br /> ' �ar baating , swimmin� , and Eishing. These ar.cess righCs are in <br /> common with the ather leasehalders at Kuestex Lake. <br /> � a . �'r ior Leases • <br /> Q "1" s �.ease replaces and supersed�s any prior i.ease fvr sa id prem- <br /> i.��:�:. °ahich Che Lessee or his pr�decessprs in titl� may Fiave held. <br /> � _ <br /> ,, , - <br />